Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 01, 1886, Image 3

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r T CONN <fc CO.. 1 • ' Groceries,FrniM, i" * r°' j 0| ,crv' ('nn fioodn,«*c., c “ ( 'a?“hbaj* kok cash. C6m - K<1 wards House, i v,pct accommodations and Regular Board- 'rausient < . (Jolleare ial inducements ior W YRRRN EDWARDS. j^a-Jan-l.^- 2« ly cal Orloaiiiuss- siir T bnsiiT engage 11 cho P‘ “how lovely and joyous thou uowerlias been completed hing of beauty. , t f just received at lot of Rap JU 46 2t Beardens. , , at 25c each, at azen Haw. 46 2t. . Bearden 8. •ture at Amusement Hall this ! ”t 5 o’clock. See advertise- t peaches of the season were (Gordon last Wednesday by Smith. . oj crv of ‘ hard times ’ is 1 PS peeially when bills are r of considerable sickness. . W ell, thank God, and quit Mill«*r savs the crops in I113 ,ood are looking well. His j< better than last year. ,ug ladies literary society of had a pleasant pic nic on ient Hill, "last Saturday, .molds, the well-known col- ksniith, has a Sunday coat s owned for the past forty am Walker will begin the tu artesian well at his resi- p.ffarson Street as soon as which he has ordered ar- MARRIAGE. Presiding Elder.— p r jesse Boring has been ' take charge of the Au to till the place of Dr. Evans deceased. Ibt. Whitfield, a member of nitic State Executive Com- (ivs the committee was not their choice for Governor, l in many of the papers. reek Lodge. F. A. M., will ie Festival of St. John the >n the 24tli inst. Mr. W. W. of this city has accepted ion to deliver the address. as a game of base ball on je campus last Saturday ilted as follows: Bacons, villes, 11. The above named re composed of youths, ir the “Bacons’’. re no trains on the Eaton- rdon railroad from Friday Monday morning. The theguage of tiie road has . and the regular schedule limed after to-day. ington will sell you lum- inoney than anybody. Just lill and see him make it, il say 1 do not wonder at me 1 would give it away ;lie mill run. 4512ts. Callaway assisted by Dr. 1 took a gravel from a lit- rold son of Mr. Felix Wood- two weeks ago and the ow doing well. The little ed untold misery before it from. him. •rusta District Conference arrenton on Wednesday, The delegates from the conference of the M. E. [this city are Messrs. T. F. W. T. Conn. From Bald- Messrs. C. R. Harper, Dr. Jas. Myrick, T. S. Ander lomas Hall. J<j Cc B.l iirij un| ust ura sitl dsj F y< apl pspl e I L SI wh t =e, P rl urn 11 id uni al su| ry ns o sh| .ns; es efil ipt ha cei’ 'St y on tin »ssi leg' pori tiot sail iti th ICO! n e san rde< von Tli: ), SE 4G f| icon Holsey of Hancock typed in to see us last Sat- \- says the crops are small king well. He requests us (the didn't vote for prolii- lancock, and he is sorry he rase he already sees the good jkt- law. He also thinks the pa great benefit to his Conn ie & Co., had a busy time p ek selling oft their dam- Their store has been Fa morning until night, so Kir goods were damaged Rake sometime to dispose |uiey sold bills last week to Pa Hancock, Wilkinson, and Putnam counties, r a big rush this week as Fan one third of the dam- [aave been disposed of. F-Ual pic-nic at McCombs ■afflast Thursday. While was not as large as on N'ons, those who were so [Do be present never en dives better. Dancing hng enjoyment. Sparta i-^sented, and several per- Tacon were also present. /-'■ Bryan returned, last the Missionary Baptist lotion, which was held in We learn the attend ee and the meeting har- 5«v. J. C. Bryan was elect ed the Convention and .Houston, of Savannah, dee President. The next -be held at Brunswick. Moves are now prowling p Tuesday night Mr. Cf. ;."’as robbed of ten fine •oiks—frying s ^ ze * Cn the ■jYoel Joel lost eight Hr. Adler a number also, night Mrs. Brantley's was robbed. An un- ,r for • Sicken leads to b-certain and sure, soon- d •'- fiossypium for female ‘dimes to grow in fav- • ^uggists. Married at the residence of the bride’s father in this county on Wed nesday, 26th ult., Dr. H. D. Allen and Miss Sallie C., youngest daughter of Mr. Sam'1 E. Whitaker. The ceremo ny took place at 4 o’clock p. m . and was performed in an impressive man ner by Rev. W. R. Foote, Jr. The happy occasion brought together many friends of the bride and groom. Among those from a distance were Dr. and Mrs. Hardeman, Mr. and Mrs. Finney, Mr. Coleman, Mrs. Woolfork’ Miss Sallie Fannie Woolfork, all of Jones county", Dr. Jim Whitaker and family of Midway", Mr. Adams and family of Washington county, Col. O. H. Rogers, of Sandersville, Miss Lura Caraker, Miss Hattie Hendrix, Col. J. T. Allen, Dr. John Callaway, ’Mr. Cf. D. Case from Milledgeville and Mr. J. J. Moore and Miss Latimer, Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Gibson from Baldwin coun ty- The bride received many handsome presents, among them a beautiful gold watch, The Union-Recorder joins the many friends of the happy pair in extending congratulations and good wishes. TO THE LADIES. The Proprietors of the Dry Goods stores of the city have kindly con sented to close at the hour of six in the afternoon, .on and from the 1st of June until the 1st of September. We, their employees, feel grateful for the favor, and take this method of re questing the Ladies and every one else, to call before the hour appoint ed and make their purchases, as it is desired by-all to close promptly at that hour. Milledgeville, Ga., May 28th, 1880. Milledgeville, Ga., May 31, 1886. We the undersigned merchants, agree to close our stores at seven (7) o’clock, p. in., from June 1st to Sep tember 1st,-1886, Saturdays excepted. White & Treanor. W. H. Armstrong, L. H. Wood & Co., W. H. Roberts & Co., F. A. Hall. The Contested Election. The Justices completed the count in Cooper's Precinct last Tuesday. The result stood: For the sale, not con tested, 132; against the sale, not con tested 26; for the sale, contested 110; against the sale, contested 10; blank 2. By" these figures it will be seen that the antis got a majority* of 106 of the uncontested votes, and the proliibs 100 of the contested votes. Brown’s was then taken up. Almost every vote was challenged by one side or the other, the alleged cause, in most cases, being insufficiency* of Tax returns. At the present rate of prog ress it will require several months to get through the investigation, and then it seems to us, the whole matter will still be in a muddle. On yesterday", on account of the sickness of Judge L. H. Thomas, the court adjourned over till Thursday next. _ Maj. Thos. M. Bradford died at the residence of liis son-in-law, Rev. E. D. Stone, in Athens, on the evening of the 24ili ult. He was 88 years of age, and his disease was cancer, from which he had suffered for several years. He was a citizen of this place for many years, and moved from here to Habersham county* about twenty- years ago. He was Post Master at Clarksville for a number of years. His remains were taken there for burial. He was an honest man, genial and social in disposition and esteemed by all who knew him. On last Sunday there was preaching in only one church in this city—St. Stephen’s, Episcopal—the pastors of all the other churches being absent. Such an occurrence is, we are glad to say-, very rare. Ice Tea.—The greatest luxury of the Summer. Go to L. H. Wood & Co’s., and buy some of their fine Gun powder and Oolong Tea that they re ceived last week. 47 2t Base Ball, Thursday*, June 4th, 1886, between city and college nines, at 34 o'clock, p. m., on the college campus. Ladies are delighted with the prompt relief obtained by* Dr. Bella my’s Gossypium. Headquarters —FOR— Millinery Goods! W. H. CARR, 28 WAYNE STREET. It goes without saying that we carry the largest line of Millinery to be found in Milledgeville. We have everything that is new* and will be constantly adding all the novelties as they appear. Our Prices are always the Lowest. Beautiful line of Gloves in all the new shades, from 10c to $1.00 per pair Come and sec us. W. H. CARR, MISS FANNIE PRICE. MRS. ANNIE KIDD, MISS STELLA HAAS. Milledgeville, Ga., May 4,1S8G. 41 tl Great Loss by Water! - — - . . — — wmm* —OF— DR7 GOODS* IS.) Being Wet! —AT— P. J. CLINE & CO’S. We have again had the misfortune to have a large portion of our stock of Dry Goods and Notions, damaged by water during the rain last Tuesday afternoon, caused by the roof leaking* We have had all the Damaged Goods separated from the others and we are ^now ready to dispose of them. The damaged goods consist in the following lines of Dry Goods and they will all be Sold at the Price Marked on Them: Dress Goods, Colored Silks, White and Colored Lawns, Calico, Pique, Check Muslin, Curtain Lace, White Spreads, Linen Crash, 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, White Irish Linen, all kinds of white goods, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Lawn Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Hose, Gloves, Lace, Lace Col lars, Linen Collars, Cuffs, Ruffling, and many articles too numerous to mention. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF And we will show you some of the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in •Milledgeville. From Day to Day All of the Damaged Goods will be placed on the middle counters, Marked in Plain Figures, Until they are all Disposed of,\ And we will mark them at such prices that you will be obliged to buy. A great many of these goods will be sold at One-Fourth and others at One-Half the Cost of Them ^-Remember these Damaged Goods must be disposed of at once and for the CASH'. . We must make room, and they must be sold and will only be sold for the CASH DOWN.- Come at once. The middle counters will be replenish every day until they are all disposed.’ of. Everything Marked in Plain Figures. PETER J. CUKE k C0. T Milledgeville, Macon and Griffin. Milledgeville, Ga., May 2otli, 1S8G. ^