Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 22, 1886, Image 4

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Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, ) June loth, 1S8G. > Rkhular Meeting. I ’resent Aid. Wbilden, Mayor pro tew.. Aldermen Harris, Case, Carr, *uid Hendrix. Absent His Honor the Mayor and Aid. Bell. The minutes of the last meeting were read axul confirmed. . , The Lamp committee was granted further time to report on nppiieation fC Thepe!itionofMr hlattteMappin wK-S the Clerk directed to lK a V Mrs. Mappm three dollar.. following was read: To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of thecitv of Milledgeville: Gentlemen:—Wishing for the bene fit of myself tand perhaps for others) utilize the waste water from the -\iriiiit commonly known as Jarratt s J.ring ill this city, I make this my application to your Hon body for ,w’ of said spring, subject to the fol- Jowintr conditions: I promise to keep ‘ “ Dr ing in thorough repair and free of access at all times to the citizens of Milledgeville; I also promise to pay mto the treasury of said city, one dol- 1 ir in advance on the first day of duly year that I may use said 'he <-itv to afford me such- the' use of said spring as is property hold- do do do do do do do for every *>pring. protection in t is given to citizens el*- also for laying an underground idence. do do do do do 9, do do do do do do do do do do 10, do do do do do 11. G do do do do do do 12 Hansel Hunter, st. tax, 8 00 H. Adler, st. tax. 0 00 J. D. Minor, c., st. tax. 3 00 Peter Hammond, c, st tax, 3 00 Col. W. W. Lumpkin, st. tax, 3 00 Carl Robinson, e.. st. tax, 3 00 G. R. Kemp, lot in ceme tery, 10 00 S. Evans, st. tax, 3 00 W. H. Armstrong, st tax, 3 00 Julius Hill, c., bal. st tax, 1 00 W. H. Bass, st. tax, 3 00 A. A. Vaughan, st. tax, 3 00 Brad Armstead, c. st tax, 3 00 Sam Simmons, c., st. tax, 3 00 Warren Edwards, st. tax, 3 00 W. H. Hodges, st., tax, 3 00 J. A. Kemp, st. tax, 3 00 A. D. Nesbit, st. tax, 3 00 M. Hines, st. tax, 3 00 Albert Brown, c., st. tax, 3 00 Warren Bell, Jr, c. st tax, 3 00 W. H. Carr, st. tax, 3 00 F. B. Mapp, st. tax, 3 00 J. B. Harbuck, st. tax, 3 00 Jno. Vanghn, st. tax, 3 00 W. P. Williams, st. tax, 3 00 D. Case, st, tax, A Boycotted Alderman.—A Long Island City damsel has applied the boycott with good effect. She refu sed to marry her lover so long as he held the office of Alderman; so Mr. Gleason stepped up manfully to the scratch at the last meeting of the board, confessed the boycott and han ded in his resignation. How are the mighty fallen! There was a time when a city father, armed with his stave and majesty of his office, could take his matrimonial pick from the belles of the day. That the girls should go back upon the once proud position of the Alderman is the crown ing misery of all. _ Yet such is the meekness of mankind that whether the municipal election is held in the Spring or Fall, a band of chosen pa triots—hardened old married men, of course—will no doubt be ready to of fer themselves as a sacrifice to the voters as candidates for Aldermanic honors. The spirit of self-sacrifice is not dead vet. nine from spring to residence. Very Respectfully, T. L. McComb, June 15th, 1880. < > n motion the above was granted subject to the will of Council The death of Mr. R. M. \ aughan having caused a vacancy in the office of City Sexton, Mr. J. B. Fair, by bal- lot, whs duly elected to fill snid \h- ^The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: T. J. Fairfield, *04.80; E. Shaw, *18.33; S. B. Marshal, 8:3.00. Tin-* Clerk’s report was examined >rrect and on motion was and found cc >i and passed. m Council adjourned. G. W. C A raker, Clerk approved On mot i. \v. CiU'aker, Clerk, in account with the <jif,- Council <4 Milledgeville, receipts and disbursements from June 1st, to the 11th, inclusive. 1380. J line do <iO do ; do do do do : do Da. $895 44 lo 4. do do lo do do do do do do uo do do do <Jo do I< * do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ao do do do •do •do do dO do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do t do do Cash. To cash on hand from last report, Treanor A Cline, part on land, 205 52 Treanor A Cline, interest, 4 10 Fine in Mayor's court, 5 00 A. Joseph, Agt., tax, 20 00 A. Joseph and wife, tax, 18 00 A. Joseph, sales, S. Walker, for old lum ber, J. .J. Wootten, Jr., st. tax, ‘80, M. F. Davis, st. tax, H. Goodman, st. tax, Thos. McCrystal, st. tax, Mrs. E. E. Stanley, tax, T. E. White, st. tax, ’80, J. M. Wilks, st. tax, Bateman Chambers, st. tax, Terrence Treanor, st. A-. J. Carr, st. tax, <\ B. Hendrix, st. tax, B. T. Betliune, st. tax, J. R. Hines, st. tax, Alonzo Torance, c., st. tax, Fine in Mayor's court, Boling Moore st. tax, ’SO, Augustas Wright, e., st. rax, A. F. Skinner, st. tax, John Ursery, st. tax, A. L. Ellison, st. tax, W. R. Bivins, st. tax, W. A. Walker, st. tax, ro oo 35 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 tax, 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 300 do do do do do do do do do (lo do do do 3 00 Frank L. Lester, c., sttax, 3 00 H. L. Ball, st. tax, 3 00 Tilrnan Jones, st. tax. 3 00 D. H. Hill, Jr., st. tax, 3 00 W. Williford, st. tax, 3 Ob McMillan A Ailing, bal. contractors’ tax, 12 50 McMillan A Ailing, for 5 cords wood, 8 75 Foster A McMillan, brick yard. 50 00 Gus Ennis, c., pt. st. tax. 1 00 Felix Harrison, st. tax, 3 00 Dawson Romine, c, st. tax, 3 00 Nathan Morse, c., st. tax, 3 00 Joe Harbuck, st. tax, 3 00 Tom Barron, c, pt. st. tax, 3 00 Evins Creed, c, pt. st. tax, 3 00 Dick Rogers, c, bal st. tax, 50 J. Alexander, c, st. tax, 3 00 Jasper Scott, c., st.. tax, 3 00 Nelson Hibbon, c., st. tax, 3 00 I had to comb back the hair from my forehead and omit the parting to conceal mv baldness. Since then Parker's Hair Balsam has made my hair as glossy as ever. Ladies whose hair is getting thin will find the Bal sam just -splendid. Mary Swanson. Chicago. 47 lm, do 14, Alonzo Slater, c., st. tax, 3 00 S. Hickland, c., pt. st. tax, 1 75 Henry Warren, c., st. tax, 3 00 Edward Smith, c., st, tax, 3 00 Chris Thomas, c., st. tax, 3 00 Charlie Gipson, c., st. tax, 3 00 Eugene Lamort, c., st tax, 3 00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do (lo do do do do H. W. Thomas, st. tax, 3 00 Moses Blair, c., st. tax, 3 00 Wm. Moses, c., st. tax, 3 00 Lewis Daniel, c., st. tax, 3 00 K. G. Matheson, st. tax, 3 00 J. M. Edwards, st. tax, 3 00 Spencer Jenks, : c., st. tax, 3 00 John Gibson, c., st. tax, 3 00 C. L. Case, st. tax, 3 00 C. M. Wright, st. tax, 3 00 S. B. Marshal, st. tax, 3 00 Fort Lee, c., st. tax, 3 00 $1,704 91 Cr. Bell McAlister, c., st, tax, 3 00 F. A. Hall, st. tax 3 00 J. T. Temples, st. tax, 3 00 W. T. Leonard, st. tax, 3 00 John Gholston, st. tax, 3 00 F. C. Posey, st. tax, 3 00 G. T. Wiediman, st. tax, 3 00 S. Barrett, st. tax, 3 00 Jno. Farrar, c./st. tax, 3 00 Geo. Evins, c., part st. tax, 2 00 Julius Hill, c., part st. tax, 2 00 Fleming Mitcliel, c., st. tax, 3 00 Thos. Duvall, c., st. tax, 3 00 Gej. T. Chambers,'st. tix, 3 00 .Tas. Gumm, st. tax. 3 00 Butts Davis, c., st. tax, 3 00 Nathan Jenkins, c., st. tax, 3 00 B. T. Dumas, st. tax, . 3 00 N. Harris, st. tax, 3 00 .). S. Parker, st. tax, 3 00 H. W. Parker, st. tax, 3 00 W. T. Mappin, st. tax, 3 00 (H. Hunter, st. tax. 3 00 E. E. Bell, st. tax, 3 00 Jno. Conn. st. tax, 3 00 Alfred Screen, c., st. tax, 3 00 A. Joseph, st. tax, 3 00 H. W. Bass, st. tax. 3 00 Dick Rogers, c., part st. tax, 2 50 L. H Compton, st. tax, 3 00 Wesley Killings, c., st. tax, * 3 00 E. Bueb, st, tax, 3 00 H. V. Sanford, st. tax, 3 00 W. S. Vaughn, st. tax, 3 00 Madison Davis, c., st. tax, 3 00 S. N. Norwood, c M st. tax, 3 00 Lee Wall, st. tax, 3 00 Charlie Craw ford, st. tax, 3 00 Willis Denton, c., st. tax, 3 00 Aaron Martin, c., st. tax, 3 00 Judson, Ayers, c., st. tax, 3 00 Jas. Crittendon, c., pt. st. tax, 2 Oo Chs. Adler, st. tax, 3 00 Wash Philips, c., st. tax, 3 00 Nathan Fears, c., st tax, 3 00 Fine in Mayor's court, 1 00 M. H. McComb, st. tax, 3 00 J. F. Wilson, st. tax, 3 00 H. E. McComb, st. tax, 3 00 C. B. Broughton c., st. tax, 3 00 • Wm. St£el c., pt. st. tax, 2 50 W. Bennett, c., st.tax, 3 00 A. Brantly, c., st. tax, 3 00 E. P. Lane st. tax 3 00 Ambrose Mills, st. tax 3 00 Rebecca Bailey, tax, 2 50 W. A. Jarrett, Jr., st. tax, 3 00 W. G. Hawkins, st. tax, 3 00 Cash. June 1, By ain’t paid J. B. Fair, repairs at City Hall, Lamp chimney and muci lage. McMillan A Ailing, in part account passed, S. Hughes, ac't passed, A. Joseph, ac't passed, W. J. Owens, in full, Memorandum books, J. N. Moore, Tr. M. G. M. A A. College, G Key, work in cemetery, 4 00 E Shaw, pton well work, 18 75 A. Dunn, in full to 1st, 50 00 J. Edw in Davis, Tr. Bos ton Hose Co., draft, 17.0 20 Exchange, 65 McMillan A Ailing, in full ac’t passed. 209 80 G Key, w r ork in cemetery, 5 00 do 14, G. W. Caraker, account salary, do W. S. McComb, ac't ary. do do 2, do do do do 3. do do 5, do do do do do 12, do 1 00 20 200 00 75 14 75 50 00 10 500 00 ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at niglit and broken of your rest bv a sick child sintering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? if so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CBIUDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bow els, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINsLGWs SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States and is for sale by all druggists th roughout the world, price 25 cents a bottle. December, 22nd, 1885» 24 ly AURANTII Most of the diseases which afflict mankind are origin ally caused by a disordered condition of the LIVER. For all complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation, Flatu. Jency,' Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn), Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills and Fever, Breakbone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down 2M5£ STADIGEB’S AURANTH is Invaluable. It is not a panacea for all diseases, but 9 i E5 E* all diseases of the LIVER, will W1J Fif E; STOMACH and BOWELS. It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low, gloomy spirits. It is one of the BEST AL- 1 TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE SLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTIS For sola by all Druggists. Price SI .OO per bottle. nMumwnoB C. F.STADICER, Proprietor, <40 SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, April 20, 1S8G. 41 ly. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Uaclarb?, U^adar’ie, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises, etc., etc. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGEI.EK CO., BALTIMORE, 311). New UHE r.idousness; Sick Headache in Four hours. Cue dose reliavos Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach *> Bad ureath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and give Life Vigor to the system. Dose: ONE BEAN. Try thc-m once and you wili never be without them. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicino Dealers generally. Sent on receipt of price in stamps, postpaid, tc any address, J, If. SMITH Si CO., Maaufacbrf"- sal Sole Props.; ST. LOUIS. M0. February 22, 18SG. [33 ly Advertisements. D.J.RE1U_Y & Co. PRINTERS ROLLERS sal- 48 00 50 00 Cash on hand to balance, $1,318 80 380 11 $1,704 91 Approved June 15th, 1880. G. D. Case, Chui’n. Fin. Com. G. T. WHILDEN, Mayor pro tem. Absolutely Free front Opiates, Emetics and Poison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. At Druggists ant> Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER 10.. CALTHIOUE, 31D. Dec. 22, 18S5. 24 ly Northern parties hre negotiating for the purpose of opening up the mounds that are located on G. W. Tumlin's farm, near Cartersville. The work will probably be commenced in the early fall. Mr. Tumlin lias al ready been offered a handsome sum for his collection, which, though small is said to be one of the finest of the kind in the country. Men, sucli as U. S, Senator Voor- liees, of Indiana, are loud in their praise of St. Jacobs Oil as an instan taneous cure for rheumatism, neural gia, sciatica and other bodily pains. A stereotyped expression now in speaking of a political speecli is that it “fell fiat.” This simply means that the fellow' w r ho made it is on the other side. An 32nd to Bone Scrapiifc. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: “Having received %o much benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bit ters and seven boxes Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and well.” Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cts. a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25c, per box by C. L. Case. Dr. G-unn’s Diver Pills. WHITS LEAD! All Qualities. ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE, EASTERN, WESTERN or any other manufacture you want. Boiled Linseed Oil, Raw Linseed Oil. TURPENTINE. ALABASTINE, > KALSOMINE, $ All colors. Colors of All Kinds. PAINT AND KALSOMINE BRUSHES! Or any other article used in painting houses, kept constantly on hand and sold Very Cheap, . -BY- TOHN M. CLARK, Druggist and Pharmacist. March 30, 1880. 324and 326 Pearl St., New York. SsT SEND FOR CIRCULAR. its CAUSES and CUKE, by one who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted spec ialists of the day with no benefit. Cured himself in three months, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. A plain, sim ple and successful home treatment. Address T. 8. PAGE, 128 East 26th St., New York City. NO HISTORY vs. NO WAR wipes Satan (the first abolitionist, on record) from government, soeiaty and religion. The world needs one political organization anti one clsurcSi to ilank the old liar and murderer. Book sent by mail, immediately on receipt of orders. Si per copy. Postal order best. Write distinctly to E. It. McCall, Pub’r. 10 East 14t!i 8’reef, New York. DO NO MORE WHITEWASHING NOT WHEN PLASTIC PAINT Can be had so cheap. Send for pamphlet and color card, and learn its merits. MAXWELL, HAZLETT & CO. 109 McElderry’s Wharf, Baltimore, Md., and 606 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. ocr Milledgeville, Ga. Baldwin Sheriffs Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Mil ledgeville, during legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday in July, 1886, the following property, to-Avit : One house and lot containing one acre, more or less, the same lying in the 321st District, G. M., in Midway, bounded as follows : north by Allen Brogsdale, west by Sarah Battle,south by lands of college, east by C. R. R.; levied on, as the property of Ja,ck Brooks to satisfy o^ie Justice-Count fi fa in favor' of J. A. Kemp, agt. vs. Jack Brooks. Levy made by W. R. Durden, Constable, and returned to me, May 31st, 1880. 48 tds. C. W. ENNIS, Sh’ff. Parker’s Tonic A Pure Family Medicine !hat Never Intoxicates. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man exhausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use 1’ARkER’s Toxic. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork or a mother run down by family or household duties try Parker’s Toxic. CAUTION!—Refuse all substitutes. Parker's Tonic is composed of the best remedial agents in the world, and is entirely different from prepar ations of ginger alone. Send for circular. mscox & co., 163 William Street, New York. Sold by all Druggists in large bottles at One Dol lar. Mrs. W Gotten. THE FASHIONABLE of Would invite the attention of the ladies to the beautiful line Spring and Summer Millinery. doav being shown by her. Great care and attention have been gi Ven to the selection of this stock, and it is replete Avith the latest styles of the season. White and Figured Lawns, In endless variety and prices. Gloves, all kinds, Collars, Lace and Linen Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Veiling, Cashmere, Scarfs, Laces, £ c Corsets 35c., worth 50c. Come and see for yourselves. Polite and careful attention Avill be given the ladies by yrg Hattie Keel and Hiss Minnie Harrell. Mbs. S. D. WOOTTEN. Milledgeville, Ga., April 5th, 1880. S lv CUBES —Diphtheria, Hoarseness, Influensa, Hi Diarrhoea, Kidney Trophies, . v * PARSON S4SPILLS ► These plus were a wonderful discovery. No others like then in the world. WiDposltlvelv rare 0P relieve all manner of diseexo. The. information around each box is worth ten times the post of a box of pills. Find out about then and you will always he thankful. One pril a dose. Dlustrated pamphlet free. Sold everywhere, or Bent by mail forgBc. in stamps. Dr. I. 8. JOHNSON &CO., 32 C.K. St., Boston. Sheridan’B Condition. m m m m mmm ■■■■■■ /flEh ■ m « Powder is absolutelyH.B 2uS B fS H" R B ™ 11 SsCl M S m ?i ake &. an * pure and highly eon- oentrated. Oneounce^ is worth a pound of I any other kind. It is I Btrictly a medicine tol be given with food. 1 . Bold everywhere, or sent by mail for C5 cents in ctamps, cans by express, prepaid, for -$5.CO> Feb. 10, 1880. a 1-4 lb. air-t: Nothing will ma like It. It cures chicken cholera an J all diseases of hens. Is worth its weight in geld. Il’uetrateJ book by mail free ir-tight tin cans, S1; by mail, S1.3Q, a. K d. JOHNSON & CO.. Boston. New Drug Store If any one desires Call at KENAN’S DRUG STORE, And try one of those I have just received. I keep First Class Chewing Tobacco, CIGARETTES, ETC If the ladies will call at ’hey can get Xcav, Fresh, Soap, Baking Powders, Cream of Tarter. COLOGNE, "Of the best quality, and an\- other article usually kept in a DRUG STORE. T. H. KENAN. Milledge\ T ille, Ga., January 2Gtb, 1886. 29 3m Central City Health Home! A Private Sanitarium for Chronic Diseases. 152 and 148 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Under the Management of J. EMMETT BLACKSHEAR, M. D., —AXD— Bennette E. Fuller, M. D. S PECIAL inducements offered to those A\'ho have been long sick and are not likely to get Avell at home. No exclusive system recognized, all^reliable therapeutic agents of established merit being employed, including Electricity, Massage. Sivedish MoA'ements, Turkish, Russian, Electric, Thermo Electric, Medicated and other Baths. For particulars, see Circulars, sent Free on ap plication. [May 11, ’86. 44 lm. I Removes Constipation, prevents Ma laria, cures Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the system. Only one for a dose. Free Samples at T. H. Kenan's Druggist, Milledgeville, Ga., “Silver Lake” and other fine brands of Tobacco just arrived, at the neAv drug store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. A large! lot of Hats just received a Miss S. E. Bearden’s. 46 2t The best 5c., Cigar at the neAv drug store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. Calhoun and Gravely are the best brands of tobacco, and you can al ways find them at the new druer store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. pjg tf Furniture Repaired. HAVE returned to Milledgeville, after an absence of many years, and opened a shop under Mrs. Woot- ten’s store to carry on my trade, and am prepared to do upholstering, and repairing furniture. SsTAlso un dertaking. Give me a call. R. N. ADAMS.- MilledgeA’ille, Ga., Jan., 9th 1880. [27tf C. P. CRAWFORD, Attorney and Real Estate Apt M ONEY advanced to early callers, on farm securities. Superior ad vantages for putting your surplus lands on the market. There is no de mand here. Purchasers must be found abroad. Milledgeville, March 2, 1886. 34 tf Theo. Markin alter" 1 s STEAM MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, Broad Street, Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA,. ; GEORGIA. MARBLE WORK, Domestic and Imported, at low prices. Georgia and South Carolina Granite Monuments made a specialty. A large selection of MARBLE and GRANITE WORK always on hand, ready for LETTERING and DELIVERY. [Oct. 27th, 1885. 16 ly ZE5. IR,. SOHILfTESIIDEIR, —IMPORTER!— —V liolesale and Retail Dealer In— Fine Wines, Cigars, Brandies, Tobacco, Mineral Waters, Whiskies, Gin, Porter, Ale, Etc. G01 and 802 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Agent for Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Urbanai Wine Company. Also, sole Agent for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, St. Louis, Mo. Special Brewings Lager Beer kept in stock. Dec. 15th, 1885. # 23 ly. THE FARQUHAR COTTON PLANTER. EXCELS ALL OTHEBS. It is simple in construction and can be handled easily by ordinary farm hands. Drops the unrolled seed with perfect regularity and in any desired amount. Never skips. Opens, drops and covers. Send for price. A. B. FARQUHAR & CO., Manufacturers of Machinery and Wholesale Hardware Merchants, Macon. : : : : : February 19th, 1836. 36 ly Georgia.