Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 03, 1886, Image 4

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PATENTS GRANTED. Mill- Ky., W. Va. Atlanta, Ga., Fer- Patents granted to citizens of the 'Southern States during the past week, •and reported expressly for the UNION & Recorder by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American tfnd Foreign Patents, Opp. tJ', ' S. . Patent Office# Washington, D. C. Henry Abbett, Carrollton, Ky., Pad lock. * __ D. T. Atkins, Wordham, \ a stone dre^s. N. W. Austin, Newport, Weighing and price scale. E. D. Beales, Guyandotte, Combination tool. ... a ~ P. E. Campbell, Dovesvide, b. C., Remedy for dropsy H. H. Colquitt, tillizer. C. C. Cook, Baltimore. Md., Cigar. W. M. Fischer, Alexandria, Va., Cork fastener. M. N. Gaines, Dunedin, Fla., Fruit conveyer. . E. P. Gilman, , Jacksonville, Fla., Wire binder for boxes. F. B. Jonas, New Orleans, La., Swinging gate. S. V. Kelly, Tazewell Court House, Va., Wagon box, (i. R. Lips, Louisville, Ky., Gig . saddle. H. B. McGloflin, Swan Jjake, Miss., Swinging crib and bed. • Jules Morein, Norfolk, Va., Fence, j ailing or balcony. J. A. and M. T. Murphy, New Or- i ans, La., Oil cake mat. L. Nottingham, Norfolk, Va., Let ter file. * J. D. O'Brien, Pembroke, Ky., Ex ercising machine. A. Parks, Jr., Martinsburg, W. Va., Utilizing tliewa^tepf breweries, etc. A. W. Potts, Apple Valley, Ga., Mold board for cultivators. * J. C. Powell, Macon, Ga., Hand stamp, T. D. Reaves, Farmington, Ky., Animal poke. Paul Hayne. C. A. Yaile, Baltimore,^ Md. Sky light. E. B. Webber, Colliersville, Term., Muzzle. J. R. Winston, -Hycotte, N. C., Ve hicle wheel. ! ♦ ♦ Vail of a Meteor. Milwaukee, Wis., July 22.—Peo ple in the vicinity of Grafton, Ozankee county, are excited over the fall of a meteor near that place. While har vesters were at work one afternoon in a barley field on the farm of Henry Diederick, a mile and a half south of the village, they were startled bv a loud and strange sounding noise not unlike the roar of a long train of cars. The noise increased in volume to such a degree during the space of only a few seconds as to become almost deaf enings The unusual sound seemed to come from the heavens, and gazing upward, the spectators saw what ap peared to be a huge ball of smoke rapidly descending to the earth. What they took to be a strange visi tor from some other world was a me teor. It struck the earth within a few rods of where, they were standing and buried itself deep in the ground. The news spread rapidly throughout Hie township and county, and sinee 1 he descent of the meteor Mr. Died- erick s barley field has been visited by hundreds of people, including ma ny scientific men. The hole in the ground U threeor four feet in circum ference- Its depth is unknown, all attempts to find bottom by inserting long poles having, it is said, proved futile. Mr. Deiderick is now engaged in excavating the earth around the spot where the meteor lies imbedded, and he intends to bring the latter to the surface, if it takes all summer. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Presbyterian Observer, July 15. Baltimore, Paul H. Hayne is dead, but his life and works live. The Vanderbilt man sion in New York is a palatial struc ture, erected and furnished regardless of expense, but it holds a lower place in the hearts of cultured, intelligent Americans than does the simple, yine- covered cottage in ‘Georgia, whose owner has just left it for an eternal home. One was the home of genius, pure, refined, delicate, sensitive to the slightest breath of calumny, but with a true, heroic nature, that bare all the ills of life like a Christian and a philosopher; the other the creation of a man who had the ability to heap together enormous t wealth, and through its aid hire the genius of oth ers, erect a palatial pile, and fill it with the works of art and of beauty, as one would purchase his dry goods or groceries, at so much a yard or pound—the nabob furnishing the money; the sjull and taste of others selecting the articles. Some time since we saw the statement that in lieu of the designs of tne paper hanger, the walls of his humble cottage were tastefully ornamented by clippings from illustrated newspapers, and that the income of the poet was from his pen, yet today this lowly cottage is a Mecca, a pilgrim shrine to thousands of true-born Americans, to 'whom the trappings and adornments of the Fifth avenue palace would only be vulgar display. Worth-united to ge nius makes a kingly man, and such was Paul H. Hayne, the poet-laureate of the South, and one of the sweet singers of America. Now has Faith. I had been troubled all winter With cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended by Druggists and Physicians. At the same time I was advertising Dr. Bo- sanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup. I had little faith but thought to'try it as a last resort, now I believe even more than they tell me of its. curative qhal- ities. [From The News, Elizabeth town, Ky.] Sold by T. H. Kenan, Druggist, Milledgeville, Ga. The President’s Magnetism. From tlie Brooklyn Eagle fDem.j , • Grover Cleveland is the President of the plain people. His honesty and simplicity' are ties that bind him strongly to them, They approach him without fear or restraint, and address him in those unconventional phrases which are the natural lan guage of affection. The greeting of the Jersey City gamin on the occasion of his last visit to New York, “How are you, Grover?” is matched by the hearty salutation of the old Delaware county farmer in Albany. “Well, this is Grover, is it?” When you kick against a President who inspires this cordial feeling in the bosoms of the plain people, you kick against the pricks. German r For Pain Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bacl;arhp, llcadarhc, TootBadie, Siirnins, Brulsri, etr., ete. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, THE CHARLES A. TOGXLEK CO.,BALTIMORE. MD. Free from SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. olutely Opiates, Emetics and Poison. The quickest time on record! Neural gia of tne worst type, cured by one dose of SMITH’S BILE BEANS in from t>ne to four hours, as many who have tried it can testify. It does seem strange that sensible people will suffer with this terrible disease when speedy relief can surely be found in this simple safe and nsive remedy. 25 cents. For sale in stamps. An find to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: “Having received so much benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have had a running isore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instea’d, three bottles of Electric Bit ters and seven boxes Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and well.” Electrife Bitters are sold at fifty cts. a bottle, and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve at 25c, per box by C. L. Case. For some time past the question ol purity in baking powders has formed -quite a feature of newspaper discus sions, and eminent doctors of philoso phy have given opinions as to the in gredients which compose many of the articles sold under that name. The investigations have narrowed down to the limit which awards the Royal Baking Powder the palm of purity, and several of the most distinguished •scientists have testified to their con viction that no extraneous or delete rious matter (inters into its composi tion. The Royal Baking Powder Company have achiev#d a world-wide reputation for the success which has marked their preparation of cream of tartar for baking purposes. It is indisputably shown that they have eliminated all elements of tartra,te of lime, alum or other impurities,*' and present to the public a healthful and* chemically pure article. Such wjdely known chemists as Henry Morton, E. G. Love, H. A. Mott, Win. iftcMurtrie and others have verified its superiority over other manufactures, and testi fied, through practical experience, to Ms excellence. It is well for families to observe the fact that it costs more tol manufacture the Royal Baking Pow der than any other, but it is, as shown by chemical analysis, the one “abso lutely pure" baking powder made. 5 TOM WAGON SCALES, Iron Lever*, Bieei Bearingf, braji Tare Beam »n«J Beam Box, AT Dri'ogirts and Dkaidrs. THE CHARLES A. YOGELER CO.. BALTIMORE, HD. Dec. 22, 18S5. 24 ly New Advertisements. nATURE 5 f> C’JRE FOR CONSTIPATION PERFECT HEALTH Is impossible if the Digestion is impair ed, the Liver inac- 9 tive, or the Bowels Constipated. Tarrant’sEflervcsccnl Seltzer Aperient. will cure Constipation, Sick Heailache and Dys pepsia. It regulates the Bowels and enables those of feeble digestion to en joy their food. It reduces o;ah UoariaMia , Fever - Cools tl,e Bl00( C is 01 blvllwClUCiullCi invaluable in Piles and , ivn 'Inflammatory Diseases, and is a justly esteemed nVCDCDCIl Aperient for Children. U VOrCrOIA.Ecofcomical,Reliable.Ele gant. It should be found in every household. Sold by druggists every where. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., New York. PRICE OF BURNHAM’S IMPROVED STANDARD TURBINE! Is Cost of Manufacturing & Advertising, Pamphlet with New Price Idstjsent free by BURNHAM BROS,, York, Pa. and J0NSS be pay* tfeafralght—for free Price Lift mention tki. paper end •dCresi JONES OF BIJUHAIfTM, Biaghaaitve, N. T. August 3rd, 1886. [4 3ms FIRE! FIREIFTRE1 The TAYLOR & COX Steam Fire Extin guisher for Cotton Gins is the best protec tion against loss by lire! Beat3 insurance. Cheap Instantaneous, effectual and relia ble. Send for circulars and full particulars. agents Wanted- Good pay given. J. N. SUTHERLAND, Helton, S. C. GIN SAW FILING MACHINE. The TAYLOR GIN SAW FILER is one of the best made. Anybody can file Gin Saws with it. Requires no practice, Does its work as it should be done and ten times faster than by li^iul. Every machine warranted. Price $12. Payrf for itseZf every season. Order from J. N. SUTHERLAND, Belton, S. C. r F YOU WANT TO BUY ing Machinery of any kind: Sail ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturifcd at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at once aud get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers there $ no mistake about it. it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bow- els, cures wind colic, sofLens the gums, reduces Iuiianimation,and gives tone and energy to tlie whole system. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription-of one of the (.'.dest and best female nurses and physicians in t lie United States and is for sale by all druggists 1 roughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. December, 22nd, 1885. 24 ly Parkerts Tobic kept in a home is a sentinel to keep sickness out. Used discreetly, it keeps the blood pure and the stomach, liver and kidneys in working order. Coughs and colds vanish before it. It builds up* the health. Vo wipe mother will do with out it. 4 im. an Engine Boil er, Wood TFork- - pSaw Mill, Machine | Tools or Machinery of any kind for wood or iron working, do not fail to consult the under signed, who has for sale ali kinds of Engines and Imilers and Wood and Iron Working Machinery, both ne>o and secondhand, at prices that simply defy competition. Let me know your wahts and prices will be named. If you waet- to sell Engine, Boiler or Machinery of any kind, describe it and address J. N. SUTHERLAND, Belton,S. C. July 26th, 1886. 3 4 m DICKEY’S PAINLESS EYEWATER! RELIEVES AT ONCE. Cures inflamed and weak Eyes in a few hours. Gives NO PAIN. Tlie Best Remedy in the world for granulated lids. Price 35 cents a bottle. Ask for it. Have no other. DICKEY & ANDERSON, Proprietors. Use “Seven Springs Mass.”) BRISTOL, TF-NY. WOMB1TI It is not necessary for you to suffer any longer with those troubles peculiar to your sex when Simpson’s Ulterine Suppositories will cure you in a few days. All female diseases yield readily to the mild powers of Simpson’s Ul- terinc Suppositories. Price 50c. a box. Bvron D. Ross, M. D., Sole Manufacturer. Send 10c. in stamps for trial package and cir cular to Hobbs & Shobtt, Agents, Louisville, Ky. D YSPEPSIA. My Remedy sent free to any address, being the result ol actual experi ence with Dyspepsia. JOHN II. MeALVIN, Lowell Mass. July 6th, 1886. 52 lm, UJMBEE! LUMBER! 100,000 Feet of Lumber for sale I HAVE just put up a new saw mill on my j$ace 6^- miles from Mil- ledgeville. I am prepared to deliver lumber anywhere cheaper than the cheapest, or I Will sell it so CriSAJ 3 at tlio IVXIX.jTi: That it will be next to giving it away The lumber is of the finest quality, being sawed from original pine tim ber. Before purchasing call on Mr. J. Rogers and leave your orders with him, or at the Store of Kinney A Whelan, and they will secure prompt attention. J. H. HALL. Milledgeville, May 18th, 1886. 45 3m ng Harrison’s Combined Writing and Copy g Fluid for sale at this office. • For Sale.—Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs for sale from select hens. $1.50 per setting of 13 eggs. Apply to 35 tl] ' “ W. A. Cook. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line ol advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Page Pamphlet March 23, ,1886. 37 ly Legalcap, foolscap, letter and note paper —pens, pencils and ink, for sale at cheap the Union & Recorder office. AURANTII Moet of the diseases which afflict mankind are origin ally caused by a disordered condition of the LIVER. For aU complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, indiges tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation, Flatu. lencyfl Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn), Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills and Fever, Breakbone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhea, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down 5St STiDIGER’S flURflHTII is invaluable. It is nota panacea for all diseases, but IDE? all diseases of tho LIVER. STOMACH and BOWELS. It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low, gloomy spirits. *It is one of the BEST AL* TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTIi For sale by all Druggists. Price $ | ,00 per bottle. C. F. STADiCER, Proprietor, *40 SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia,?* April 20, 1886. /'N’URE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hours. \6) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and giva Lite Vigor to the system. Dose: ONE BEAN. Try the* once and you will never be without them. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt of price in stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH & CO., Mnaufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, M0. February 22, 1886. [33 ly I Furniture Repaired., HAVE returned to Milledgeville, _( after an absence of many years, and opened a shop under Mrs. Woot- ten’s store to carry on my trade, and am prepared to do upholstering, and repairing furniture. StFAlso un dertaking. Give me a call. R. N. ADAMS. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan., 9th 1886. [27tf 500 AGENTS WANTED throughout the. South and California, to sell Gorman’s New Book of Travels Around the World, in 1884. Full of curious things, sight seeing, adventures, fun, and incident. Thirteen Countries described,— including Egypt and Palestine. 621 pages, very cheap and profusely Illustrated. Immensely popu lar. $10. to $20. per day, easily made by good Agents For Terms andGerritory, apply to J, B. GORMAN, Talbotton, Ga. BALDWIN COUNTY.. To all Vliom it may Concern. GEORGIA, f3aldwin County. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1886 W HEREAS, L. N. Callaway, admin istrator upon the estate of W. M. Sawyer, deceased, has filed his pe tition in said court for letters of dis mission from his trust as such admin istrator. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all parties interested, heirs or creditors, to show cause on or by the October term next, of said court, to be held cm the first Monday in Octo ber, 188o, why letters of dismission from said administration should not be granted to said petitioner as pray ed for. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this July 5tb, 1886. 52 3m.] I). B. SANFORD, Ordinary. HAGAN’S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Baldwin Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Mil ledgeville, during legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday in August, 1886, the following property, to-wit: One house and lot in the city of Milledgeville, containing (4) one-half acre, more or less, known as a part of the Rockwell lot, adjoining lot of Warren Bell; levied on as the proper ty of Wesley Killings, to satisfy one County Court fi fa in favor of W. H. H. Barnes vs. Wesley Killings. DefendJ ant notified in person. Levy made July the 1st, 1886. Also at the same time and place: One house and lot on the north com mons of the city of Milledgeville, con taining one acre, more or less, bound ed on the north by Macon road/ on the east by Kerr Boyce land, on the west by city lands. Levied on as the property of Green Sanford, by virtue of one Justice Court fi fa in favor of M. L. Byington vs. Green Sanford. Levy made by T. S. Bagiev, Consta ble, and returned to me, this July the 5th, 1886. 52 tds. C. W. ENNIS, Sh’ff. S. D. the Fashionable Would invite the attention of tlie ladies to the beautiful line of Spring and Summer Millinery, now being shown by her. Great care and attention have been given to the selection of this stock, and it is replete with the latest styles of the season. • White and Figured Lawns, In endless variety and ©prices. Gloves, all kinds, Collars, Lace and Linen Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Veiling, Cashmere, Scarfs, Laces, Ac. Corsets 35c., worth 50c. Come and see for j r ourselves. Polite and careful attention will be given the ladies by Hiss Mattie Iveel and Miss Minnie Harrell. Mbs. S. D. WOOTTEN. • Milledgeville, Ga., April 5th, 1886. . . 8 ly. JOMPANODYNE LINIMENT CORES- Hoarseness Diarrhoea, kV Rheumatism, Bleeding- at the Lungs, — ‘ ~~ itery, Chroma Boston, Mass. PARSONS 1 = PILLS ■ ™ ™ ^ it WitT nofiltivelv cure or l» These Dills were o wonderful discovery. No others Uke them in the world. WiH positively cure or nil Is ^Fin dTcm? ab out*tfSn°an d^you^Krfl^alway i^bQ 1 1 hanfefu?. 1 Ku ^ dosr^usfrmldptmphle" free.' Dr. 1.3. JOHNSON&CO-, 23 C.H. 8t., Bo S ^n Sheridan’s Conditior Powder is absolutely! pure and highly con-1 eentrated. One ounce! is worth a pound of! any other Bind. It is! strictly a medicine to J be given with food. » . . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25 cents in stamps, nans by express, prepaid, for'$5.00. Feb. 16, 1886. air-tight tin cans, $1; by m D£L 1. 8. JOHNSON & CO.. -boston. 32 ly New Drug Store. If any one desires ' JL GrOOID CIGAR, Farming Lands and Timbered Tracts FOB SALE CHEAP; Call at KENAN’S DRUG STORE, And try one of those I have just received. I keep * First Class Chewing Tobacco, CIGARETTES, ETC. ^ If the ladies will call at THE NEW DRUG STOKE, They can get New, Fresh, Baking Powders, Cream of Tarter, Soap, COLOGNE,. s Of the best quality, and any other article usually ker>t in a DRUG STORE- T. H. KENAN. Milledgeville, Ga., January 26th, 1886. 29 3m A. B. FARQUHAR. ROB’T H. SMITH. A. B. FAQUHAR & CO, ; MACON, GA., • Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, | Grist Mills, Brown’s Cotton Gins, « and Miscellaneous Machinery, Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, Gins, Belting Iron Pipe, Brass and Iron Steam Fittings, Hancock Inspirators &c. June 23d, 1886. 36 ly EL. —IMPORTER!— —Wholesale and Retail Dealer In— Fine Wines, Cigars, Brandies, Tobacco, Mineral Waters, Whiskies, Gin, Porter, Ale, Etc. G01 and 802 Broad Street,. -AUGUSTA, GA. #3“Agent for Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Urbana; Wine Company. for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Lager Beer kept in stock. Doc. 15th, 1SS5. Association, St. Louis, Mo. Also, sole Agen Special Brewing. 23 ly. Many a lady owes Tier fresh- j j " L> ° I1 ' OIES F0R THK H0MELES ness to it, who would father not tell, andjy£& cant tell June 1st 1886. lm ESS than a week’s wages will se- cure one. Many valuable lots giv- FN AWAY. ^Agents Wanted: liberal induce ments offered. For full information address E. BAUDER, Bhentsviile, Va. June 8th, 1S86. 48 6m. Theo. Markwalter’s STEAM MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, Brcud Street, Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. MARBLE WORK, Domestic and Imported, at low prices. Georgia and South Carolina Granite Monuments made a specialty. A laq selection of MARBLE and GRANT IL WORK always on hand, rea^q *' LETTERING and DELIVERY. [Oct. 27th, 1885. 10 ly ,Nothing on earth will make hens lay like it. It cures chicken cholera and ell diseases of hens. Is worth its weight in (gold. Illustrated book by mail free.