Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 11, 1887, Image 3

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Official Orgaa of City aid Connty. U. L. Hunter, Local Editor. W 1 W. T. CONN A CO., r HOLES ALE DEALERS in Stn- v v p io ami Fancy Groceries, Tobac- tVl-. 20th, 1809. 5 flm The Edwards House, O FFERS the best accommodations for Transient and Regular Board- >r9 special inducements for College itudeuts. warren edwARDS. Hilledgeville, Ga., Jan. 1, ’80. 26 ly HES.TEELlNO'SBAK'EilY. p r , 8 Ii nr*mrt and Cake Daily. , feast an<\ yeast-cakes can l>e found A ,^r alio at tha .tore ol Kinney A imlan»W» Mr. Char Hoaner.li2«ra the city. It is feared the oats are killed. Several new subscribers were added o our list last week. The weather has been very disagree able every day this year. Mr King Champion has a fine lot of miles. He is selling for Col. Johnson. Vocal Lessons.—For terms etc., L pp]v to Miss Bellamy at the^Man- The rain Sunday night failed to lissolve all the snow. It is still seen tbout in spots. The Superior Court of Baldwin ■minty will convene on Monday next, luclgo Jeukins presiding. Lumber — Mr. W. H. H. Barnes is ireuared to fill orders for lumber on bort notice. See advertisement. FOR Rent.—A 6 room dwelling muse corner Clark and Green St’s, ^pply to Mrs. C. Phillips. Mr H. E. Kreutz has moved his amilv grocery to the store recently jccupied by Mr. Bueb, on Hanoock itreet. There will be a dance at the Oco- iee House on Friday the 14th, inst., mder the auspices of the young nen’sclub. An old man of large reading and a ose observer said the other day, mt next to the Jews the Scotch were it- smartest race of people on Earth. Mr. J. B. Pound’s new meat store attracting attention and praise on 11 side. All kinds of fresh meat of le best quality and in any quantity [ways oil hand. Pen Cogburn, the colored man who cc.idcntaily fell in the tire and was ita.ilv burned about a week ago, ied last Sunday. He was about 1)0 ears of age. Mr. M. Hines has associated with im in business, his brother, Mr. J. Hines, under the firm name of M. ,1. R. Hines. It is a clever and re- ihle firm and we wish it success. Judge G. T. Wiedeuman lias open- u Merchandize Broker's office in .. Bank building in this city. He ill give prompt, personal attention nil business entrusted to him. Bee card. Milledgeville begins the new year ispiciously. Let everybody who vesthe old town unite to keep up id enlarge tile boom. We did well st year and will do still better this ■ar. Let "r roll. The Depository of the American ible Society in this city is at Mr. W. Carr’s, where Bibles and Testa- snts can be found at original cost, .lose who wish to make presents at will endure can find there Bibles und in Turkey morocco, pliable icks, with references and maps, at to |l.r>0. We learn that the appeal from the cision of Judge Lawson on the pro- bition question which decided that liter in favor of the prohibitionists, II come up in the Supreme Court •day. Capt. C. P. Crawford and dge D. B. Sanford left for Atlanta sterday, to represent the prohibi- n party in that matter. Married on the 23rd ult., at the lidence of the bride’s father, R. B. Jrroneo, by W. R. Fenn, Esq., Mr. W. Gibson and Miss Clara Tor- <’e, all of Baldwin county. Hand le George and his loving bride ear- witli them the best wishes of nv friends. Old friend Bob and amiable wife know exactly how to pare for such occasions. F. In another column will be found the In-annual rej*rt of the Milledge- le Banking Company. We are glad Know that this institution, which |o useful to the citizens of our city Y county in conductiug their busi- is operations, is in a good condition ■ noing well for its stockholders.— Bethune, who is the active busi- otlicer of the bank, is, in our rj uen t> Hie right man in the right | I i, ri *rJu nnl8 went t0 Greenville, lil \ . . lurS( ^ a y, after a negro con- 1,.., 11 -A ai ] there and supposed to be Id l c h ar ged with the I °i Robinson (col.) in . . . lnt y* Capt. Ennis returned lrovf.,P+ 18 ? ner Frida V night, but I ^ A? k, e not the man wanted 1 *as discharged. Our efficient | fl * laa worked faithfully to se- s arr , est . of Putnam, and has Iso f n e - ra ! trl,1s in Pursuit of him, Is on h, ' 6 - \ ltt8 failetl to Bet his I s ° n the nght man. L A T aa i whose intention to es- |,i | na rble yard here was men- Iflll"* a funner issue, has arrived Ir,>,i ready to do any work Irnisb 1118 lme - Be will be able L,(i , l1n ,!l 0 , Im ! uen f' s ' toombstones, I of 1,o i r f0r U8e 'u the better lows A^n ng ? about doors and |i do nrvt-’ an< * for °f' ier purposes ipriseesL^uHf to USi Kv(M ' v new In wlm/r b lshed llere iB a benefit >ngaire in ^‘"'nunity an 1 those ous thl! 'u Should have i he wllV’^imge of ah of our iiti- nf i'‘ in quir '‘ anything in their businesH. We welcome Mr. [success Ulty aud wi8h Him | d lu)ve rtisement in another col- CLERK SUFKRIOR COUR1 Walter Paine, Milledgeville,. ...56 “ Cooper’s, 7 ' * i* County Eleotion, Wednesday Jan. 5th, 1887. FOR clerk SUPKRIOR COURT. .560 77 Pugh's, 70 FOR SHERIFF. Ennis, Milledgeville, 476 u “ Cooper’s, 34 “ Pugh’s, 65 F, ,W. Butts, Milledgeville, ... 107 “ Cooper’s, 88 “ Pugh’B, 14 FOR TAX RECEIVER. J. H. McCoiub, Milledgeville,...293 “ Cooper’s, RQ Pugh’s,. 716 159 P. T. Ennis, Milledgeville, 248 ’* “ Cooper’s 25 ‘‘ Pugh’s, 848 77 Wm. Williford, Miiledgevllle,... 41 Cooper’s, 0 Pugh's, 1 345 FOR TAX COLLECTOR. T. W. Turk, Milledgeville, 398 “ “ Cooper’s, 67 " *’ Pugh’s, 13 J. W. Butts, Milledgeville, 190 “ “ Cooper’s, 10 “ “ Pugh's, 65 FOR COUNTY TREASURER. J. M. Edwards, Milledgeville,. .258 “ Cooper’s, 56 “ Pugh’s, 17 A. I. Butts, Milledgeville, 234 “ “ Cooper’s 18 ** *’ Pugh’s, 60 T. E. White, Milledgeville 88 “ “ Cooper’s, 4 “ “ Pugh’s, 0 FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. R. L. Hunter, Milledgeville, ....680 “ Cooper’s, 68 “ “ Pugh’s, 7» 736 FOR CORONER. W. S. Scott, Milledgeville, 331 “ Cooper’s, 19 “ Pugh’s, 35 885 A. Caraker, Milledgeville,...251 “ Cooper’s, 57 “ Pugh’g, 43 850 42 473 265 330 307 92 Messrs. H. E. Hendrix Sc Son. Mr. H. E. Hendrix has associated with him in the grocery and provision business, his son, Mr. C. B. Hendrix. We like to see young men following in the footsteps of their fathers, when a good example o f thrift and industry has been set them. With such exam ples before them, they should easily continue and improve an establish ed business, in which they have been trained from their youth up. Just here let us remark that Agricul ture in this country is a business up on which all other business is largely dependent, and as it is commendable for young men to follow in the road opened by their fathers, we would say to young farmers, stick to the old homestead—improve and beauti fy it, for after all there is no nobler, happier, easier or more independent life than tilling the soil. But to re turn, we congratulate our young friend Mr. C. B. Hendrix upon his promotion, and believe that his youth, energy and capacity will give new life to the old business. He has a fine business education, attractive manners, energy and push, and the old man will find in him a secure prop for the old house. Go right ahead Charlie, and don’t forget that Judi cious advertising is one of the helps to keep up a live business. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT —OF THE CONDITION OF— Milledgeville Banking Company OF MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., At close of Business Dec. 31st, 1886. RESOURCES. Debts due within the State, $58, Debts due without the State, 4, Furniture and Fixtures, 1 Expenses, Taxes & Salaries, 1 Currency in Vault, 15, Gold “ “ 3, Silver “ “ 1, Remittances in Transit, Overdrafts, 63.87 08.91 303.90 295.26 506.00 021.25 384.82 565.25 97.63 $82,246.39 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, $20,050.00 Surplus & Undivided Profits, 2,857.19 Due Banks, 1,039.05 Due Depositors, 67.700.15 Highest ain’t due, $6,952.63. $82,246.39 Debts in Suit, (none.) Debts not in Suit, $58,472.78 Debts Doubtful, (none.) Debts Bad, (none.) Debts Good, 58,472.78 Debts Lost, (none.) PRESIDENT: G. T. W1EDENMAN. DIRECTORS: W. T. Conn, G. T. Wiedbnman, T. L. McCokb, B. T. Bethune, H. E. Hendrix, D. B. Sanford. Static of Georgia, Baldwin County. T HE subscribers, personally before me, E. K. Champion, J. P., for said county, make oath, that the fore going is a just and true statement of the condition of the Milledgeville BankiugCompany, Milledgeville, G i., at the close of business, December 31, 1880. And moreover, that since the last return of this Bank, to the be t of affiants’ knowledge and belief, it lias not violated or evaded any obligation imposed by law, either itself, its offi cers, or agents, unless it may have done so in the purchase of commer cial paper. G. T. WI EDEN MAN, PresT. B. T. Bethune, Cash’r. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this tenth day of January, 1887. E. K. Champion, J. P. Ms? i'll & Ml -AT- P. J. CLIME & CO’S. Water, Water! Water! We have again been subjected to another FLOOD OF WATER in our store. We havo used every offort, night and day, to kcop thing* dry. Wo have not been able to display our handsome stock of DRESS GOODS for over a week, having to stack them up in the rear of the store, on account of the water, and as the month of December is the time to sell these goods, they must be sold at SOME PRICE* and for the We will sell our ENTIRE STOCK of Ladies’ Box Combination Suits with Trimmings to match every dress, At Exactly 50 cents on the Dollar, one-half of our Regular Price! We mean exactly what we say, and pledge our word to sell them at that prico, as wo are compelled to have money. Of course yo® will be subjected to some inconvenience, but you can stand that for a little while to get these goods at EXACTLY HALF their value, and we cannot, and will not sell them except for the CASH. CLOAKS! OXiOJLKSI CLOAKS! Wo will sell our entire stock of Ladies’, Misses’ aud Children’s Cloaks, including all the new styles, both long and short, at EXACTLY WHAT THEY COST US. We cannot afford to carry them over, and from past experience, we canit tell what minute they may all be mined. We invite you especially to come, and COME AT ONCE. Many of you have priced those goods before, and you will know yoursolf whether what wo say is true or not. I Ve are Going Through all Classes of Goods, And we are determined to sell at SOME PRICE. While it may not be very pleasant for you, if it should be raining, we will pledge our selves to make it up in PRICES. Bring the cash and don’t dolay. Mihedgeville, Ga., Dec. 14, 1886. PETER J, CLINE & CO., Milledgeville, Macon and Griffin. 11 ly Unparalleled Stock, Unprecedented Sales! Fall Goods arriving daily, and our immense storeroom put to its hardest test. The building is filled from cellar to garret. We have in stock and on road: 1.000 Barrels Flour. 150 Barrels Sugar. 200 Boxes Tobacco. 225 Cases Sardines, bought before the advance. 200 Boxes Soaps. 200 Cases Potash. 50 Sacks Peanuts. 100 Sacks Coffee. 50.000 lbs. Red Rust Proof Seed Oats. 230 Boxes Crackers. 75.000 Cigars. 200 Cases assorted Can Goods. 1 car load Lard. 100 Boxes Cheese. 600 Pails, 80 half barrels, and 25 barrels broakfast Mackerel. And an enormous lot of other goods too numerous to mention. With better facilities than we ever had before, we aro prepared to dupli cate the prices of any house in Georgia. We do not ask you to buy of us, but just let us price you our goods and we will surely put you on our long list of customers. W. T. CONN & CO., Wholesale Grocers. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. o .1 Grand Opportunity! Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars —Worth Of— CLOAKS, WRAPS and DOLMANS for Ladies, OVERCOATS, in endless variety, and BLANKETS, of all kinds and prices, to be disposed of Inside of 60 Days, at prices which will astonish everybody. Don’t delay in selecting what you want in that lino, as you nevor will have the chance again to get such bargains, as are offered to you now. I have a large stock, and if low prices will soil them, You Surely will Get Bargains. So call at once and see for yourself. Respectfully, H. .AJDIjEjIR,. No. 18, Wayne Street Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 16th, 1886. 52 tf. BL IR- SOHlsrBJXIDBJR., —IMPORTER!— —Wholesale and Retail Dealer In— Fine Wines, Cigars, Brandies, Tobacco, Mineral Waters, Whiskies, Gin, Porter, Ale, Etc. 601 and 802 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. 40*Agent for Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Urbona Wino Company. Also, sole Agent for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, 8t. Louis, Mo. Special Brewings Lager Beer kept in stock. Dec. 15th, 1886. 38 ly. 22 & 24 S. Wayne Street,, Sept. 21st, 1886. .Milledgeville, Ga. 29 ly Notice. r .Md drug business of the late John M. Clark, will lie conducted by the undersigned as agent for his estate. GEO. D. CASE. Milledgeville, Dec. 28, ’86, 25 3fc. Beef Cattle. BEEF CATTLE wanted at the highest market price. Ad- J. P. SWEANEY, Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 27, ’80. 27 3m 500 , New Firm. M. & J. R. HINES. y TAKE this method of informing 1 my customers and friends that I have associated with iue* J. R. Hines and will continue business at my old Btand under the firm name and style of M. & J. R. HINES. Thanking you for your past patron age and respectfully soliciting a contin uance of the same for the new firm. I remain, yours very respectfully, M. HINES. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 1st, ’87. 27 3t M 1 Boarding House. RS. ANNA BROOKS has opened a Boarding House at Mrs. Casey’s residence on Wayne Street, and will be prepared to take pupils • at the opening of the college in January. Terms reasonable. MUledgovillo, Dec. 20th, ’86. 24 tf Stock Must bo Reduced. GOODS— At Your Own Price! We make it a rule to carry no Millinory from one season to an other, and in order to do this, wo will have to mako big sales in the next thirty days. New lot just in, but they all go in At and Below Cost! FOR THE CASH. If yon are needing a Hat, don’t fail to call on W. H. CARR. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 7, ’87. 11 3m