Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 22, 1887, Image 4

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Council Proceedings, COUNCIL CllAAIHKR, > .Inn. 4tli, 1887. > liKOULAIl MKKTINU. Present Hi* Honor, S. AValkor, May- or, AU1. Hendrix, Bell, Case, Wliildeii. Wines and Carr. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The petition of A. L. Ellison refer red to the Finance Committee was granted, provided the money is paid xn accordance with said petition. The following was read: To The Hou. Mayor and Aldermen: GKNTLKMKN:—I respectfully peti tion your honorable body to give me m road-way 80 feet wide from Mont gomery street through Lincoln street to the place 1 purchased of the City. Your prompt attention will oblige, Respectfu'ly, C. L. Cask. On motion, ordered, That Lincoln «treet be opened from Montgomery street to C. L. Case's field. The ayes «xul nays being called on the above, -those voting aye—Aid. Hendrix, Case -and Bell. Nay—Aid. Wliilden, Carr -and Hines. There being a tie, the Mayor voted aye, so the order was passed. The application of Messrs. B. AV. Wcott, T. L. McComb and E. E. Bell, asking for a lamp to be placed at the corner of the old McComb Hotel, was read and the following adopted: On motion, Resolved, That if the parties in the above petition will place the lamp and post at said car rier, the city will have the same light ed. Resolved, That the lamp destroyed opposite the old Washington Hall lot be replaced. (Adopted.) Resolved, That the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to purchase for the use of the Fire De partment, 200 feet of linen hose. (Adopted.) The application of Anthony Butler for lana was referred to the Land Committee. Tne following accounts were passed and ordered paid : AV. S. McComb, $f>0.00 A Dunn, 50.00 W. J. Owens, 50.00 Whitfield & Allen 70.25 J. Staley, 52.11 E. Shaw, 18.83 S. Hughes, 15 The Clerk's report was examined and found correct and on motion was approved and passed. The following license and tax ordi nance, was passed for the year 1887: License and Tax Ordinances. Be ft ordained by the Mayor and Alder men ot tlic City ol Milledgeville, Tliut the following License nml Tax Ordinance lie established Tor the year 1887. Sec. 1 A tax of one half of one per cent ipon all real and personal property owned within the corporate limits of the City of VI i I ledge vi lie, whether hold by Adminis trator, Executor, Guardian, Trustee, A- geutsor otherwise, on the 1st April, 18B7. Sec. 2 A tax of one third of one per cent ipon all gross sales of goods, wares and. nerchandise, made on unit after Feb. 1st, of 1*87 n nil the returns and payments thero- lorlobe made under oath at tlm end of every three months, to tfro Clerk and Id ensure!* of said city. Any person liable t o this tax tuny discharge the same upon : ii ynmiit of I be su m of one hundred and -event v-live dollars, on or before the 1st i.iy of Feb. 1887. Se,-:). A tax of twenty-live dollars upon each person or firm dealing in horses or mule-, or both, where the transaction ir sales exceed twenty-five in nmu- ber of said animals, nml where such transaction* or sales shall not exceed twenty-live animals in number, and where -aid transaction or sale, shall not exceed twenty-live in number ot said ani mals, a tax of one per cent, on the gross amount of the same shall bu due aud pay able and ttie said tax shall be collected by the Marshals or Clerk. fSee. 4 A tax of two and a lmR per cent upon premiums of local Agents of Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Returns and payments quarterly. And a tax of *50.00 upon each non-resident agent of u Fire or Life Insurance Company. See. 5 A tax of three dollars upon each male Inhabitant of the city, between the ages of 10 and 50 years, as commutation for stfeet service, provided such person may be relieved from said Lux by laboring ten days upon tiie public streets, or less at tiie discretion of Council. Said tux must be paid by April 1st each year. See. o A tax of twenty-live dollars upon keeper ot a skating rink. Sec. 7 A lax of twenty-live dollars upon every keeper of a Warehouse used lor storing cotton, alone. lie it ordained, d c., tie', any person paling a tax of one hun dred lioliars will he allowed to takeout a license to do a warehouse business includ ing such as storing cotton, buying andsell- ? eg cotton seed, seed cotton, junk business, guano, coal, Ac., combined. On the pay ment of said amount, a license will ho is- -ued to said person to do a general ware- >ou*e business. No license will be'Issued for less than $100 to any one to buy and sell seed cotton or cottonseed. ,Shc. s a tax of thirty dollars upon every 1’rlnting Ollice. Sec.!) A tux of twenty-live dollars upon every resident Agent of a Sewing Machine Company, and upon every non-resident agent, a tux ot $50.00 payable before begin ning to canvass. See. iu A tax of twenty-five dollars up on every vendor of Latent Medicines, or Fads, Lung, Liver, or any other kinds, or any seller of roots, herbs or compounds of any description, other than resident ven dors. See. 11 A tax of twenty dollars upon eaeh Pool or Hilliard Table. Sec. 12 A tax of ten dollars upon each Bagatelle Table. Sec. 13 A tax of ten dollars upon each keeper of a Ten Pin Alley. See. 14 A tax of ten dollars upon every other table of games not prohibited bylaw. Sec. 15 A tax of one hundred aud fifty dollars per day upon each circus See. 10 A tax of twenty-live dollars upon each Side Show, and a tax at the discretion of the Mayor, upon every other show not specially taxed by this Ordi nance. Sec. 17 A tax of fifty dollars upon each Telegraph Company. Sec. 18 A tax of fifty dollars upon each Express Company. Sec. lit A tax of .twenty-five dollars up- n eaeh Bank or agency thereof or upon each person or firm doing a general bank ing business such as buying and selling exchange, receiving deposits and making loans and collections. Sec. 20 A tax of ono hundred dollars up- -A each keeper of a Livery Stable. See. 21 A tax of forty dollars upon every two horse Hack, Carriage or other vohi- :le, and a tax of twenty- live dollars upon every one-horse Hack, Carriage or other vehicle used for hiro aud not connected with a livery stable. Hoc. 22 A tax of thirty dollars upon ev- try keeper of a Hotel. See. 23 A tax of fifteen dollars upon ev ery keeper of a Boarding house, taking transient boarders. See. 24 A tax of ten dollars upon every keeper of a Boarding House not taking transient boarders, except such us take college students only. See. 25 A tax of forty dollars upon each keeper of a Restaurant m Lilting House, payable in advance. See. 20 A tax of ten dollars upon each Bakery;. Sec. 27 A tax of ton dollars upon each and every! person selling Cakes, Pies, or other cooked provisions on the streets, payable in advance. Sec. 28 A tax of twenty live dollars upon each Butcher Pen, and tux of ten dol lars upon each retulier of Fresh Meats, except such us are brought in and sold by the producer; each butcher or firm can on ly sell nt one stand under one license, and for every additional stand shall pay ten dollars. 8ec. 29 A tax of one hundred dollars upon each candy stand connected with circuses or other shoWH. 8eo. 30 A tax of two dq$lars per week upon all Shooting Galleries. Bee. 31 A tax of ten dollars upon all contractors. Bee. 32 A tax of twenty-five dollars up on each person selling or dealing in Guano, Cotton Seed Meal, Phosphates or Manipu lated Fertilizers either for himself or as agent for any person or firm. Bee. 33 A tax ol fifty dollars upon every vondor of Goods, Wares or Merchandise, who sells the same by sample or otherwise by retail and not toguerchants by whole sale. Bee. 34 A tnx of twenty-five dollars or less at the discretion of the Mayor up on each and every itinerant vendor of any specific article to others than merchants. Ben. 35 A tax upon all sales of resident Auctioneers of 2% per cent, aud a tax of one hundred dollars upon all non-resident Auctioneers, and 2 1 /, tier cent on sales. Sec. 30 A tax of ten dollars upon every Bat her Shop and a tax of five dollars upon each Barber practicing his professionjout of a shop. Bee. 37 A tax of five dollars upon each Blacksmith Forge. Sec. 38 A License tax upon eaoh agent for the sale of any article whatever, or any per son visiting the city as an itinerant Physi cian or professor, or vendor of any pro prietary article, canvasser selling books maps, pictures of all kinds by subscription or otherwise at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 39 A tax of ten dollars upon each persou or firm, selling or deuliug ln’coal or receiving orders for consignment or delivery of tiie same. Bee. 4b A tax of fifty dollars upon each pei son or firm operating a corn or Flour Mill. . Bee. 41 A tax of ten dollars upon each teacher of a Dancing School. Bee. 42 A tax of fifty dollars upon each person exercising the vocation of a Street Drummer employed by any person within the corporate limits of the city. See. 43. A tax of five dollars upon eaeh contractoi |for House or Sign Painting. Sec.44 A tax of five dollars upon each manufuctutor or repairer of Harness. Sec. 45 A tax of ten dollars upon each Wheelrlght Shop. Bee.40 A tax of twenty-five dollars up on each Planing Mill. Bee. 47 Each person who shall own or keep a dog in the city and allow him or her to run at large shall buy n badge at tho cost of two dollars Irorn the city. Any dog or dogs caught upon the streets with out a badge shall be shot by the marshals or police. Sec. 48 A tax of twenty-five dollars up on each buyer of or dealer in rags, scrap Iron, hides, wool, beeswax, tallow and other like articles, whether such business be conducted at a fixed place or upon the streets, except such us take out the gener al warehouse license. Sec. 49 A tax of live dollars upon each dealer or peddler in Ice Cream upon the streets, and who Is not in the employment of* a keeper of a Restaurant or Eating House. Bee. 50 A tax of ten dollars be and the same is hereby assessed as a business tax on each and every cotton buyer other than resident merchants. See. 51 A tax of twenty-five dollars upon every Broker. Bee. 52. A tax of twenty-live dollars up on each person or firm collecting accounts, notes, acceptances, drafts or other evi dences of indebtedness, for Banks, Firms, or Individuals, aud remitting by exchange or otherwise therefor. Sec. 53 A tax of twenty-live dollars upon every public Gin. Sec. 54 A tax of ten dollars upon each person or firm keeping an Opera House or Amusement Hull. Bee. 55 A tax of five dollars upon each Tailor Shop. See. 06 A fax of ten dollars upon each Photograph Gallery. Bee. 57 A tax of ten dollars upon each person or firm dealing In lumber, or sell ing the same by agents, and collecting therefor, or having yards for the delivery of the samo, or by commission or other wise. Bee. 58 A tax of flvo dollars upon each person or firm dealing In Ice. Sec. 69 A tax of fifty dollars upon each Brick Yard. Bee. 00 Be It further ordained Ac., That whenever any person or persons having no fixed place of business within the city nevertheless exercise within the city any business of any nature whatever, such person or persons, shall be required to register their names and business ami bo subject to the same or like taxation on their business as is levied by the Mayor and Council upon persons following a like business and having a fixed place oi busi ness. See. 61 All licenses shall be taken out be fore commencing ousiness. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aider- men of the city of Milledgeville, that any person or persons violating any or either section of tho License Ordinance of tlds city, shall be subjected to a fine at the discretion of tho mayor. In default of the payment of tiie lino imposed, the offender or offenders shall be confined at hard labor on the public streets, in the City Chain Gang, for a ttmo not less than ten or more than sixty days, at tho discretion of the Mayor. On motion Council adjourned. G. W. Cahaker, Clerk. G. AV. Caraker, Clerk, in acc’t with the City Council, of Milledgeville, receipts and disbursements from Dec. 21,. 1880, to Jan. 3, 1887, inclu sive. 1886. Cash. Dr. Dec. 21, To cash on hand from last report, $596 58 do Rec’d of Fuller & Ghols- ton, in part on sale of fruits and lisli on streets, 5 00 do Miss E. Trail, tax, 1 75 do Fine in Mayor's Court, 5 00 do O. H. Fox, tax, 16 00 do Mary Bell, tax, 1 00 do A. L. Ellison, tax, 7 20 do A. L. Ellison, ag’t wife, 11 00 do A. B. Brooks, tax, 5 00 do 22, Augustus Wright, tax, 70 do Adieus Brantley, tax, 05 do 23, Capt. Crawford, tax, 2 00 do Mrs. C. 1*. Crawford, tax, 1 25 do 24, Katie Raiford, tax, 1 00 do H. H. Harrison, tax, 2 50 do Lewis Randal, tax, 3 00 do 25, L. Carrington, Ins. tax, 30 do 27, J. J. Gumm, tax, 1 00 do 28, Fine iu Mayor’s Court, 1 00 * do R. Meminger, Jr. pt tax, 3 00 do Betsy Meminger, tax, 50 do L. If. Thomas, agt. tax, 4 85 do L. 11. Thomas, tax, 2 42 do 20, Mrs. IS. C. Jones, pt lax, 10 (10 do 60, (J. \V\ Ennis, Mill tax, 50 00 do *• “ “ Gin tax, 25 00 do “ “ “ Coal tax, 10 00 do “ “ “ tax, 5 00 do U. W. Brown, tax, 10 10 do Fernley Hightower, tax, 25 do 1*. M. Compton iV Sou., Ins. tax, 18 00 do 31, 8. Walker, tax. 46 50 do 8. Walker, lot of second hand iron pine. 55 90 do G. T. Wledenman, tax. 23 00 do Mrs. I. Flemister, tax, 19 50 do do Milledgeville B’k. Co. Mrs. E. J. White, tax, 25 00 4 25 do A. Brantley, tax, 1 00 1887. Jan. 1, Nancy Mansell, tax, 45 do Zed Butler, 8r., tax. 1 00 do Miss M. Keel, tax, 1 10 do R. James, tax, 40 do 3, G. T. Chambers, tax. 1 00 do Mary Meminger, tax. 50 do H. H. Harrison, tax on 1 one-horse hack. 25 00 do Felix Harrison, tax, 75 do Miss B. Lend rum, tax, 12 50 do Jas. Gibson, tax, 85 do Ella Gibson, tax, 50 do M. A. Fowler, tax, 8 50 $1,018.55 1886. Cash. Cn. Doc. 21 By ain’t pd. J. M. Clark 1 blank book. 1 50 do 22, T. J. Fairfield in full for lighting lamps, to 14th, 65 70 do 23, For splinters, 25 do 27, For tacks, 10 do 31, S. Walker, Mayor, in full to Dec. 8, 90 00 1837. Jan. 1, J. L. Ivey, in full as St. Contractor, to date, .75 00 do G. Key, work in cemetery , 500 $337,55 Cash on hand to balance, 681 00 $1,018.55 Approved Jan. 4th, 1887. Geo. D. Cask, Ctatn’n. Fin. Com. S. WALKER, Mayor. Council Cham nun, ) Jam, 10th, 1887.^ Postponed Regular Meeting. Present, His Honor, S. Walker, Mayor, Aldermen Case, Hendrix, Wliilden, Hell, and Carr. Absent, Alderman Hines. Tho minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Alderman Hines came in and took his seat. On motion, Resolved, That the city priutiug be referrefi to the Finance Committee to ilo tiie host they can, but not to pay exceeding thirtr-suveii dollars and fifty cents per annum. Adopted. The petition of Julia Hall, (c) in regard to the land surveyed east of J. M. Edward's gin house lot was re- fered to tho city attorneys. The Land Committee was granted further time to report on Anthony Butler's application. On motion the land on (lie west common formerly leased by Mr. IT. Temples was re- ferod to tho Finance Committee with power to sell. Resolved That tltu rliainuan of tlm street Cunnnjttcc! lie nidhoii/.ed to renew the street eonti-iu-l Willi Mr. Ivey for another venr. Ad opted. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid. T. J. Fairfield $67 50 T. L. McComb & Co., 79 50 J. M. Clark IS 15 The Clerk’s report was examined and found correct, and on motion was approved and passed. On mo tion council adjourned. G. W. Caraker, Clerk. G. W-Caraker, Clerk, in account with the City Council of Milledgeville. Receipts aDd disbursements from Jan. 4th to the 17th, inclusive. 1887. Cash. Dr. Jan. 4. To cash on hand from Inst leport, $681. 00 do Chas. Brogsdale, tax. 7 00 do F. 0. l’osey, tax 3 00 do T. G. Burge, salo of bed springs 0 moil tlis 5 00 do Fine in Mayot's court. 1 00 do Jeff Rivers, tax 25 do II. Brown, Sr., tax. .. G 10 do II. Brown, guardian. . 4 00 do a. Mrs-J. II. Holder,tax 1 GO do Wesley Harper, tax. . 40 do 6 T. L. McComb A Co., sales 58 G9 do T. L. McComb, tax.. 17 25 do “ “ “ agt wifel5 00 do 7. A L. Ellison, interest.45 28 do “ “ “ in full for land 1,618 15 do 8. Fine in Mayor’s court 5 00 do J. Davis butcher tax. 25 00 do J. .Davis, tax 4 50 do Emily"Smith, tax.... 1 25 do Est. J. Mitchell, pt tax 2 00 do 10 “ Mrs. S. Irving, “ 1 00 do 11 E. S. Lamar,pool tablo 20 00 do F. Haug, sales 44 75 do F. llaug, tax 7 50 do Mrs. 1’. Haug, tax... G 25 do A. Eastern, tax, 75 do Mrs J.H. Stembridge, tax 5 35 do Mrs. M. L. Drake, tax 2 50 do 12. F. Lewis, pt. tax 1 25 do Fine in Mayor's court 1 00 do 14. J. T. Temples, tax... 7 80 do “ “ “ encroach ment for 1877 2 00 do Fine in Mayor’s court. 1 00 do Kinney «k Whelan,sales 38 10 do 15. T. H. & C. L. Morris, tax on printing 30 00 do Maria Wilson, tax.... 100 do 17. C. W. Ennis auction do L. Carrington, Co. 8. C. B. 0 . - r i III! .)U 00 do W. T. Conn, tax .... 81 52 do “ “ ng’t Mr*. nu Brantley do AV. T. Conn, ag't Mrs Carr 19 25 do AV. T. Conn, ag’t fie- torv 2 00 do AV. T. Coun ifc Co..tax 3 00 do do 8 14 Mrs F. AVaitzfelder.. 31 00 $3,322 24 Cash. Cr. Jan. 4. By ain’t paid E. Shaw * on wells 13 75 do Stevens Bros. & Co., acc’t passed 18 50 do 6. Oil for engine 10 do 8. Hughes, acc’t passed 15 do T. L. McComb, for 3 police uniforms W. J- Owens in full to 79 50 do oo do AVliitfield it Allen in I'u 11 to Jan. Gth 76 25 do 8. (li o Kev work in cem- etery 00 do 11. A. Dunum full to 1st 50 00 do 15. G. Key, work ineem- r 00 do 17. M. D. Phillips in full school teacher for 1886 175 00 do F. F. Ford in fud school teacher for 1886....100 00 do James Cooper in full school teacher for 1886. 45 00 $ 618 25 Cash on hand to balance... 2,703 99 $3,322 24 Approved Jan 19, 1887, Geo. 1). Case, Chairman FinanceCommittee. S. Walker, Mayor. Council Chamber, Feb. 1, 1887. Regular Meeting. Present His Honor, S Waiker, Mayor, Alderman Case, Hines, Hen drix, Carr and Whilden. Absent, Alderman Bell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and continued. The following was read: To tho Honorable Mayor and Aldermen: Gents—I apply to purchase half acre of land lying between ncy loi and tiie half acre recent ly sold to Georgia Morse. Respectfully. ANTHONY BUTLER. January 4th, 1SS7. The above having been referred to the land committee, they report as follow*. We, !tbo IjAiuI Committee, receomnicml that tho half aero of land bo sold to tho applicant for thirty dollars cash, purchaser to pay for surveying. M. HIKES, Chairman. On motion the report, was received and adopted. On motion Resolved. That the Clerk be authorized to pay tho touchers of the Eddy School for ISSli tin: surplus of tlic school fund left over in the Treasury, to each teacher so inm-li each day theytaught tho per diem tobceijual. The Finance Committee was grant ed further time to report ou the city printing. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: W S McComb $50 00 A Dunn 50 00 W J Owens 50 00 W & J. Caraker 25 75 Whilden <fe Wilson 21 73 J M Clark’s estate 5 00 D Mitchell 46 50 The Clerk’s report was examined and found correct and on motion was approved and passed. Ou motion Council adjourned. G. W. Caraker, Clerk, G W Caraker, Clerk, in account with the City Council of Milledgeville. Receipts and disbursements from January 18th to February 1st, 1887, inclusive, 1887. Cash. Dr. Jan. 18. To cash on hand from last report $2,703 99 do O L Chatters, tax.. 4 25 do It Meminger, Jr., bal ance tax 1 00 do 19. S G White, tax 7 00 do Central Railroad,.... 30 00 do Dr I L Harris tax, . . 13 75 do Estate Judgo I L Har ris, tax 12 75 do 20 T J Fairfield, tax.... 7 00 do “ “ photographer 10 00 do Asa Wilson, tax 50 do Augusta Foard, tax. .. 3 50 do L H Wood, tax 4 50 do 21 Mrs M Ostendorf, tax. 1 00 do 22 Millie Ann Flurey.... 2 50 do Mrs S C Jones,balance tax 15 00 do 2-1 T T Windsor, insu ranee tax 2 50 do 2G F Minor, tax 4 25 do Mrs T Smith, tax.... 1 00 do 27 J A Green, ag’t, tax.. 2 87 do Rebecca Eastern, tax. 50 do 29 Dr W A Moore, private boarding houso .... 10 00 do E S Vinson, part on land 150 u0 do Rebecca Irwin, tax. . 1 75 do Cathrine llivers, tax. . 50 do Andrew Jenkins, agt tax 75 do 31 W H Bass, tax 24 25 do Mrs G W Holder, tax 3 00 $3,018 11 Ca&h. C Jan. I*. By ain’t paid O L Chatters, as school teacher, 1886 10.i do 20 T J Fairfield in full to the 13ill 67 do G I) Case, ag t estate J M Clark 18 do Anna 8 Haskell in full teacher in 1886 90 do 22 G Key,work incem’t’ry 5 do 27 For splinters do G D Case, ag’t, ink and stand 1 do 29 G Key, work in cem’e’try 5 o0 $ 292 Cash on hand to balance.. .2,726 $3,018 11 Approved Feb., 1st- 1887. Geo. D. Case. Chairman Finance Committee. S. Walker, Mayor. Council Chamber, Feb. 15, 1887 Regular Meeting. l’rosent, His Honor 8 Walker, Mayor, Aldermen Case, ( art. Hines, Whilden and Hendrix. Absent, AldAman Bell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The resignation of J Staley, chief of fire department, was laid on the table for the present. The petition of Cox <& Gardner was refered to the Finance Committee with power to act- Tha petition of E S Vinson in re gard to land was refered to the Fi nance committee with power to rent for this year. The petition of Litha Gorley was refered to the street committee. On motion the bid of the two pa pers to do the city printing for 1887 for $30 each was accepted. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: J Staley $52 GO T J Fairfield G8 40 E Shaw 18 33 S Hughes 30 The clerk's report was examined and found correct, aud on motion was approved and passed- Ou motion Council adjourned. G- W. Caraker, Clerk. G. W. with ville. from 1887. Feb. 1 Caraker, Clerk, in account tho City Council of Milleilge- lieceipts and disbursements Feb, 1st to tho 14tli, inclusive. Cash. Dr. . To cash on hand from last report, $2 72(1 01 do T. T. Windsor.ins. lax, 12 13 do “ “ “ 2 92 do 2, A. O. Jeffers, sales, 35 do AV. Barnett, tax, 1 75 do Mrs. Frankinstein, <> 00 do W. It. Morris, lot in cemetery, 10 00 do 5. 1). B. Santord, lux, :>:> 50 do 4. AV. & J. Caraker, tax, 30 ■Hi do J. Caraker, tax, s 37 do AV. Caraker, tax, 1 !■) do 5. D. Mitchcl, lax, 1 50 do Airs. 1 Iighlamlcr, tax 1 5n do 7. Dora Railoml. tax, 50 do Martha Franklin, tax, 50 do Eliza Reaves, lax, 75 do 8. Emerlinc Sanford, tax, 1 00 do J. M. Edwards, Tor 51-100 ceres of land, 12 75 do 9. E. T. Ailing, lot iu cem etery, 10 00 do Martha Spark/, tax, 75 do Fine hi Mayor’s court, 1 00 do 10 F. Lewis, tax, 1 00 do L. Carringtou, ins. tax, 4 80 do 12. A. laud, 30 00 $2,903 54 Feb. 1. l>y am’l paid J. L. Ivey in full, 5175 00 do 2. AV. J. Owens in full, 50 00 do 4. A. Dunn, “ 50 00 do E. Shaw, in part 13 73 do W. & J. Caraker acc’t passed 25 73 do •>. D. Mitchell aec't pass- cd 46 50 do M. I). I’liillips school teacher in full 1886, 59 40 do F. F. Foard school teacher iu full 1886, 46 20 do J. T. Cooper school teacher in full ISSO, 9 90 do G. lv-v work in cent- dory, 3 00 do O. L. Chatters school teacher in full 1886, 19 50 do 7. G. I). Case agt, for estate of J. M. Clark, 3 00 do 12. McMillan & Ailing account passed, u 03 do G. Key work in cent- etery, 5 00 •$ 552 05 Cash on hand and to bah, 2.351 49 $2,903.54 Approved Feb. 15th., 1887. Geo. D. Case, Chm’n. Fin. Com. S. WALKER, Mayor. PATENTS Obtained and all PATENT BUSINESS at tended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite tho U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in loss time than those remote from VVASIIINO- TON. Send MODEL 01t DRAWING. We ad- vlso as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. We reror, here, to tiie Postmaster, tho Supt. of Money Order Div,, and to officials of the Ik 8. Patent Office. For circular, ad vice, terms and references to actual clients In your own State of County, write to C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C, Nov. 18th, 1884. 19 tf. GEORGIA CLIMATIC Traie Blood Purifil mills IS PI IIF.LY ,Y VEGKT»„J I POUND, hii.I in highly en.l, ?"i dreilH of the bc-t citizen* <.r 1 states for tile following disease! RHEUMATISM, INDIOKSTIojI SUMPTION, HEADACHE, DyJ CATARRH, and ULCKRs. , OK LONG STANDING, SCR,,, SALT RHEUM, KIDNEY J LIVER COMPLAINT? And all silectlons caused i I IMPURE BLoJ Or low conditions of the sv. This Medicine only needs n trial i value of it. No cert ideates will tc papers imt if any one wishes them sent, mi application. This Medichii. tiie Marshallville Med For line dollar per bottle. If not Keep it, .-end direct to tin cine | yom Marshallville Medicjxi I Marshallville, Un. sept, es, isso. The Cosmopolii The handsomest, most entertiinins Illustrated family magazine in Vl ($9.50 per year, with a lit J free.) Siaty-four beautifully pSnted? each number, filled with abort stories i travels, adrentures, bright and brief and literary articles, by distinguiihed aJ and foreign writers, such as Julian Hi. Harriet Prescott Spofiord, Georre : t I,!,—, r r'v, I1-. W ! - ! Lathrop, Louise Chandler Moulton 1 donald 6aley. Ella Wheeler W.wJ uuuam j, oua nnecicr Wilcot i Boyeten, Catherine Owen, Res b’ Newton, Alphonse Daudet, Paul Herii J Tolstoi, Th. Dostoirsky, William Waul many others. Also entertaining jnvBi and invaluably HOUSE HOLD dtp ' One or more illustrated articles and kvtrj page engravings in every number. q A Shannon Utter) Bill File or oShij) Sheet-Music B.i Free to Subscriber,'! These premium! everywhere (or |J each. The File is liJ perfect device ever inT ed for the preservatid classification (alphiL ally and according-el of all letters, wil to, taken out and pel without disturi>aj| others. With the B one can insert oru. any piece of muiitv disturbing any otirj ---'.wssu.i Get SAMPLE COPY at NE\ send 20 Cents to publishers. A9INT0 WANTED. BIO CCJIEI&snffJ Schlicht & Field Co., Rochester,I SIBLEY 1 A*TESTED* oEED SEND for our IR now Hi vegetable, Flower, Field gs g Plants, i iulbs, int piem'ts. F R E E ' Jy mal1 ou appUva Don’t neglect writit HIRAM SIBLEY & ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO. 322-326 Z. Main St. 12-li H, Dec. 14, 1886. Spectacles and Eye-G OLD EYES MADE ^N astonishing nnnotmceni will pleas* the poo) in, is th JOSEPH MIL has the largest, and one of the ed stocks of "King’s Coinhinatl elesaml Lye Glasses, in the htn gin. We Imve studied to sup| l of every eve requiring assit-tari our large slock and long exp guarantee to lit the eye.. Ot them in prices ranging from ?•' JOSEPH MIL] The Jeweler ami Milledgeville, Ua„ Jan. 5, lbi-i Wool Carding T AM prepared to do Wool-'ij latiuy place, at Scottsboro. sent to my address at MilLtlp Ga., will be promptly carded Mil turned. All persona shipping ' u ' me should, also, mark plainly " own name and address on the pth' tl so that no mistake can be made u turning carded wool. I am ah° pared to card batting for m |lttri and comforts. A. CORMAM Milledgeville, Ga., March2. 1 Machine Shop T HAVE REMOVED my ^ 1 Shop from Milledgeville to ■ ’ boro, where I am prepared to m and all kinds of work in > r ° n . metal. Any person having intr or particular work in repairing ' do well to call on me. My 1 • dress is Milledgeville, Ga. ..-j A. CORMA»J March 2d, 1886. , YOD can live at home, and niak®^ money at work for us, than -‘‘j; tiling else in this world. v“i'| needed; you are started ay ’y sexes; all ages. Any one can do the wot_., (j earnings sure from first, start. ( oa , UJ « terms free. Better not delay. L°»ts . ]( mg to send us your address and find ou l, are wise you will do so at once. Portland, Maine. February 15th, 2887. II. Hail: ,ktD