Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 22, 1887, Image 5

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WHATKILLS AMERICANS. f U i J,|vln«—nrcblrM Entlug-llard Drink* lng-Poor Sleeping—Social Jnalouiy— Political Ambition—Violent Putlons I The Mace for Muncy. •i The alarming disease of this country is nervous debility and prostration. It goes under many names but it is essen* tially the same complaint. Hospitals and private institu* tious for nervous patients are crowded. The average of life in the United States is de creasing every year. Sudden deaths from nervous collapse among our business, profess- ional and public men are so frequent as scarcely to excite remark. The majority of sui cides, committed without ap parent reason, or under so-called “depression of spirits,” are really prompted by nervous prostration, which is a fruitful source of insanity and crime with all their grief and horror. These facts are startling. They threaten the very life of the nation. They assail the springs of its pow r er and pros perity. They wreck manhood’s strength and woman’s useful ness and beauty. Every one should know the causes. What are they ? The answer is easy and terribly plain: Our vicious personal habits; our careless ana lawless eating and drinking; the in tense mental and physical strain arising from our mad race after money, position and influence; the fears and struggles of pov erty; the use of narcotics aud stimulants; our fashion of turning day into night and night into day; and, briefly, our , desperate willingness to pay any price for an hour’s pleasure or success. So we bum life’s candle at both ends and fill the lunatic asylums and the graveyards. The disease from which we suffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, Nervous Dyspepsia, as it is seated in the Nerves and in the organs of Digestion, Assim ilation and Nutrition. Healthy digestion being imped d or des troyed, the whole body, nerves included, is Utcralhj starved; even when there i3 no emaci ation to tell the sad story. Nervous prostration sends out its warnings:—headache in the morning; a persistent dull heaviness or aching at the base of the brain; wakefulness; loss of appetite and disgust with food; loss of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without any assignable reason; eructations; bad breath; foul mucous on the teeth; ocea'ional giddiness; palpitation of the heart; sal- lowness of the skin; coated tongue and strength aud The ivim*. domnenf of 1 toms which in each ind.v use of S!,-.v (Seigcl’s 7m mischief a. < I v An Alphabet From Whittier. AllllArniED uy B. J. ]). Alas for him who never sees ihe stuis shine through Ills cypress Trees! nphimi the clouil the starlight links, 1 hrough showers the sunbeams fall; Creed anil rito perchance may differ, let our faith and hope be one. Deep below, as high above. Sweeps the circle of God's love. Evil can but serve the right, Over all shall love endure. Forever from the Hand thnt tubes One blessing (torn us, others fall; God’s ways seem dark, but. soon or late, they touch the shining hills of day; His light shines on mo from above. His low voice speaks within— I only ask a will resigned, O Father, tothlne own! Joyful I shall wake to eeo Those I lovo who rest In Thee, Knowing God’s own time is best, In a patient hopo I rest. Life’s chances vex, its discords stun, Its glaring sunshine blindoth. May God forgive the Child of dust, Who seeks to know where Faith should trust. No wrong by wrong Is righted, No pain is oured by pain; O, for that hidden strength that can Nerve unto death the Inner man! Press bravely onward !—not in vain, Your generous trust in human-kind. Quench not the dim but living ray* My biother man, Beware! Rest for the weary hands Is good, And love tor hearts that pine. Search thine own heart. What paineth thee In others In thyself may be; Take the good man’s book aud ponder What its pages say to thee— Unheard no burdened heart’s appeal . Moans up to God's Inclining ear; Vain the psnance strange and long, Abd hard for flesh to bear; We grasp the weapons He has given— Tho Light and Truth, and love (of Honv- en. Xample of him whoso holy work was "do ing good” Follow with reverent steps. Yet do thy work; it shall succeed In thine or in another's day; Zeal for the Christian’s better part, (Strength for the Christians light. THE MINSTREL'S SONG. Death of Mrs. Ringland. iveral weeks ago, Mrs. Susan K'nnil, while nt her home at tho res- 1 lee of Mr. Howell Rose in this 11 ty. had tho misfortune to fall FROM * the'steps of tho porch to the nui ami to break ono of her lower THE WORLD'S BEST MAKERS. *ng to restore tho broken limb to fln PfloiOdt r ? vious condition of health and Uli Muluul illness aud on Friday last, after 1 suffering, she was released from »in and affliction by death. This has lived for many years and ably much the greater portion r life, in this community, where ias ever had a large eirole of at- >d friends and acquaintances, was married about forty yearn ; °Mr. George M. Ringland, (who some years since,) and left one Oswald E., a resident of Atlanta, one daughter, Mrs. Howell Rose t Factory Prices. Terms of Payment. SPECIAL BARGAINS. ROSEWOOD PIANO $210 ml failure of ition. a total aban- •ibits and cus- the disease ••is'.*, and the :ract of Hoots to cure the done. This great remedy, prepared by the Shaker ('omiiiunuy of Mt. Leb anon, N. V., is especially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys pepsia. To do this it acts directly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex pelling waste matters from the system,and purifying the blood. 1 'Upon the nervous system Sha ker j&tfrac^Seigel’s Syrup) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone and strength through its wonderful influence upon the function of nutrition. It is safe to say more nerv ous dyspeptics have been re- stored by it front the depths of misery to a fresh enjoyment of life and labor than by any or all other forms of treatment combined. "How comes It sad minstrel, Thy harp’s gentle tono Is waken'd hy sorrow. And sorrow alone? “Alasl noble Btrangcr, My harp can but speak Of the woes that have stolen The bloom from my cheek.” "Dost thou think, pensive Minstrel. Thy wo-breathing strain. Will at yonder proud castle A welcome obtain?" “And knowest thou young stranger, So hallowed a spot, That the voice of affliction Can enter it not?" "But will It poor Minstrel, Be heard with delight; By jewel deck’d lady, or laurel-crowed knight:" "Ycstthe stern hearts of warriors Will melt at my lays, And ladies wifi mingle A slgli with their praise." “The Minstrel’s song ever In sadness must llow, For music Is passion And passion Is woe Their Business Booming 1 . Frobably no one thing has caused such a revival of trade at John M. Clark’s Drug Store as their giving away to their cus tomers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. Kind’s New Discovery for Consump tion. Their trade Is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that It always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test It before buying by f ettlng a trial bottle free, large size tl. ivery bottle warranted. Prohibition in Atlanta. From time to time we have given the re cord of prohibition in Atlanta as gathered from the journals and polite docket of that town. Now the Rev. Dr. Hawthorn writes to tho religious Herald, of Texas as follows: ”1 suppose Hint sensible men are now sat- Islled that the people of tho city made no mistake when they exterminated thedogge- ry curse. The paid liars who have publisher false reports of our condition have been ex posed at last. The effect ot prohibition up on the morals df our people exceeds any thing we lmd prophesied or hoped lor.— Think of a city of more than 00,000 souls passing a whole day, and sometimes two days without one arrest for drunkenness, or any other offence against the law. The business of Atlanta is 25 per cent, better than it has ever been before, and is rapid ly increasing every day. The best class of people are coming to us from every quar ter. Tho hotels and boarding houses are i crowded, and it is almost impossible to find a building of any sort for rent. Vast amounts of money have been sent here for investments In rohl estate and manufacto ries. Charters have just been granted to three new railroads, which will be com pleted within the next two years. Veiily, it pays to do right." With such conclusive testimony from a source so high tho prohibitionists will bo untrue to themselves and their cause If they do not make it permanent In Atlanta. When they do that their success elsewhere is already achieved. The tent should be raised again, the brass band brought out and the Reverends Small and Jones recall ed to meet the threatened attack. Colquitt uiid tho prohibition orators should bo pul on active duty. ; The Blood Is the source of health; therefore, to keep well, purify the blood by tak ing Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This medi cine is peculiarly designed to act up on the blood, and through that upon all the organs and tissues of tho body. It has a specific action, also, upon the secretions and excretions, and assists nature to expel from the system scrof ula, humors, impure particles, and effete matter through the lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys, and skin. It effect 5 ually aids weak, impaired, and debili tated organs. A trial will convince you that it does possess peculiar cura tive powers. [81 lm Full Size; All improvements; Sweet Tone; Ringland lias for manv vears Guaranteed a Superior and Reliable Instrument. . . ... ^ years Heat Sold in Amenoa/or the money. Thousand* sold. . _ Complete Ontdt—line Plash Top Stool, Km- hroidered Cover, Instructor and Music Book. Alt freight paid to nearest Depot. PARLOR ORGANS, $65. Large Size; Solid Walnut Case; Extended Top; Rich Design; 4 Sets Reeds; 10 Genuine stops. Greatest Bargain ever offered. Same style Case, with 2Sets Reeds, only $65. Complete Outlli—line Stool, Instructor and Music Hook. All freight paid. Easy Terms. PIANOS.—*10 Monthly until paid for, or a small cash payment and balance quarterly, or semi annually. Ten different plans of payment, Responsible parties accommodated with almost any tepns desired. ORGANS.—*5 Monthly, or Rented until paid for. Easiest Terms ever heard of. OUTFITS FREE. Fine Plush Stool, Embroidered Cover, Instruc tor and Music Book with Pianos. Fine Stool. Instructor aud Music Book with Oigans. ALL FREIGHT PAID. We assume all freight to purchaser’s nearest R- R. Depot or landing. EIGHT GRAND MAKERS AND OVER THREE HUNDRED STYLES TO SELECT FROM. THE LEADING INSTRUMENTS OF THE WORLD. Dl AIlflO CniCKERINO. MASON Si HAMLIN rlANUo. MATHUSHEK. BENT, AND AR10.N. MASON A HAMLIN, PACKARD flDOAUO ORCHESTRAL AND BAY SI’AI'K UnuAflO. ENDORSED AND RECOMMENDED IN HIGHEST TERMS IIV NEA HL V ALE THE WORLD'S (IRKA TEST MUSICIANS, PIANOS iu Squares, Square Grands, Uprights and Concert Grands nt $210, *23'. $276, $:too, $325, $360, to $1,ooo. ORGANS for Churches, lodges, Schools and Parlors at $24, $30, $50, $60, $75, $90, $100, $125, $150 to $750. PIANOS AND ORGANS DELIVERED FREIGHT PAID, TO ANY RAIL ROAD POINT SOUTH. For Illustrated Catalogues, Price Lists, Circu lars and full information address THE CEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE E. D. IRVINE, Manager, Macon Ga., Or J. S. STEMBIIIDGE, Agt., Millkdgkville, Ga. 36 ly. A“ prof PATENTS GRANTED . To citizens of thn Southern States during Dil t ho past week, and reported expressly for is <le Die Union it Recorder by (’. A. Snow ,t Co. Patent lawyers, Opp. U. S. Patent, Olllee Washington, D. C. .. , J. C. Albrecht, Columbus, Ga. Spark men arrester. J. W. Allon, Lenior, N. C. Plow. V. T. Barnwell, Atlanta, Ga., Musi cal instrument. S ]y L. Bonham, Mariana, Ark,, Account ( register, knot Bl best soilii by 11 Sei best and Mi T ’faithful member of the'Presby- _Q_ ’e^and was much attached -«a.dy- + o (lo.whatev” Ears and Scalp Covered With Ecze matous Scabs and Sores Cured by Cuticura. M Y little son, aged eight, years, lias been ulllloted with Eczema or tho scalp, and at times a great portion of the body, over since he ran two years old. It, began In his cars, and ex tended to lus scalp, which became covered with libs aud sores, and from which a sticky lluld poured out, causing intense itching and distress, and leaving Ills hair matted aud lifeless. Un derneath these scabs the skin was raw, like a piece of boefsteak. Gradually the hair came out and was destroyed, until hut a small patch was left at the hack of the head. My friends In Peabody know how my Utile hoy has suffered. At night ho would scratch Ids head until his pillow was covered with blood. I used to tie his hands behind him, niul lu many ways tried to prevent Ills scratching; but It was no use, ho would scratch. 1 took him to Ihe hospital ami to the best phvslclans iu Peabody without suc cess. About this time, some friends, who had •men cured by the Outicura Rkukuiks, prevailed upon mo to try them. 1 began 1.o use them on the 16th or January last, lu seven months every particle of the disease was removed. Not a spot or acah remains on Ills scalp to toll the story of his suffering. His hair has returned, and Is thick and strong, and Ii h scalp its sweet and clean us any child's In the world. 1 cannot say enough to express my gratitude for this wonder ful euro by the Cl’TICCRA Rkmkuik-, and wish all similarly afflicted to know that my statement Is true and without exaggeration. CHARLES McKAY, Oct. 6, 1665. Peabody, Muss. 1 have seen Mr. McKay's hov when badly affected with the Eczema. 11c was u pitiful sight to look at. 1 know Mint he has tiled our best physicians, aud did ail a father could do for a suffering child, but availed nothing. 1 know that the sinteinents he has made you ns regards the curing of Ids hoy by your Ct'TicuitA REMEDIES are true iu every particular. william j. McCarthy, 33 Foster St., Peabody, Mass. Sold everywhere. Price: CUTICUKA, uil cents; Citiccra soap, 26 cents; Clticcua IIesoia knt, $l.oo. Prepared by Forrmt Ducii and Chemicai. Co , Boston. .Vend for "How to Cure Skin Discuses.' p| JlilPI'ES, Blackheads, ,skin Blemishes, and t I III Baby Humors, use Cuticuka Soap, September 14th, 1666. namaaaaEsmmm, MACHINERY. ENGINES iMKKIOKiti'. V— BOILERS •-vrow ) Sieam&Wafsr \ Pipa & Fitting " 'ntamHUMna— SAW MILLS Brass Valves GRIST MILS saws (iotton Presses FILES SHAFTING INJECTORS PULLEYS PUMPS HANGERS Water Wheels COTTON GINS CASTINGS rearing j Brass and Iren A full stock of Supplies* cheap & good. BELTING, PACKING and OIL at BOTTOM PRICES AND IN STOCK FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. CfT" Repairs Promptly Done.. flEfl GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO. Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works, AUGUSTA, GA. ABOVE PASSENGER DEPOT. vu2zvio!xi-jmxj£3jmmnuvrmrwuamB June 8, 1880. 37 ly IN ONE MINUTE, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, sudden Sharp and Nervous l'alns and Weak' nesses relieved iu one minute by Cuticura AnM-Paln I’luster. At Irngglsts, 23 cents. Potter Drug Co., Boston. 1st, 1S87. . 30 1m. A Definition. A. Bryan, Prescott, Ark., Window screen. T. J. Erwin, Union Church, Miss., Plow. T. W. Gentry, Atlanta Ga., Setting tires. G. W. Giles, Buffalo, W. Va., Car ooupling. W. B. Harvey, Memphis, Tenn., Electrical distribution. C. A. Hamilton, Meridian,'Miss., Hay press. J. B. Holton, Washington Ky., Gate J. E. James, Mossy Creek Va., Hame. J. Johnson, Baton Rouge, La., Watch. C. A. Keysor, Aiken, S. C., Car riage top. C. H. Loper, Hickory N. C. Faucet. J. \V. McCall, Huntingdon, Tenn., Speculum. S. T. McCandless, Cartersville,{Ga., Baling press. E, A. Nelms, Atlanta, Ga., Flatiroi heater. W. C.'Newton, Batesvillo, Ark. Measuring rack. J. C. Oliver, Louisville, Ky., Thill coupling. G. R. Ott, Baltimore, Md., Stock car. W. A. Rife, Waynesboro, Va., Hy draulic ram. W. E. Roberts. Hartford, Ky., Car coupling. W. R., J. T. & G. R. Rogers, Mem phis, Tenn., Pocking attachment for cotton and other presses. J. J. Saldner, Baltimore, Cap. J. A. Stabler, Sandy Spring, Md., Steam pressure regulator. W. H. Talley, Buchanan,Va..Churn. W. M. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., Weigh ing scale. W. L. Todd, Somerville, S. C., En gine. H. It, Wolfe, Louisville, Ky., Brake. Loss of Flesh and Strength. with poor appetite, and perhaps slight cough in morning, or on first lying down at night, should be looked to in time. Persons afflicted with consump tion are proverbially unconscious of their real state. Most cases commence with disordered liver leading to bad digestion and imnerfect assimilation of food—hence the emaciation, wasting of the flesh. It is a form of scrofulous disease, and is curable bj the use of that greatest of all blood cleansing, anti-billions uutl invigo rating compounds, known as Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery.’ \t the lato election in Boston an Irishman and e friend were overheard discussing the rcandidates and who would vote for them at the polls. “Mr. Thomas won’t vote for one man,” saiil Mike. “How do you make that?” says Pat. “Sure lie’s, true to the steady ticket.” “Indade, not a bit,” says Mike, “he’s a mugwump.” “Do ye woind telling me, Michael, phwat Is yer notion of a mugwump?” Mike looked serious as he replied slowly; “I’m not sure that I’ve the rights of of it meself, Pat, but I have it In me molnd that a mugwump is a Republi can that votes tne Democratic tick et.” Fortune Favors Faith in a St. Louis Kan. Many persons are made happy by The Louisiana State Lottery Compa ny. Last drawing Fortune smiled upon Mr. Cornelius Becannon, a prominent and esteemed citizen of St. Louis, Mo., who has great faith in this Company. For years he has in vested in every drawing, and nine times out of ten lie lias drawn a prize. Last month lie “went it alone,” and came within one number of the capi tal. He this month purchased anoth er ticket, and happily got one-tenth of No. 1)1,900, which drew $150,000, and at the office of the Company, was given a check on the New Orleans Nt | ‘ “ ROSADALIS THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY For tho enro of Scrofula, Syphlll*. Scrofulous Taint, Rheumatism, While Swelling, limit. Goitre, Consumm lion. Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, Malaria, ami all diseases arising’ from an impure condition of tho Blood, Skin or Scalp. ROSADALIS Cures 8crofula. ROSADALIS Cures Rheumatism ROSADALIS Cures Syphilis. ROSADALIS Cures Malaria. ROSADALIS Cures Nervousness. ROSADALIS Cures Debility. ROSADALIS Cures Consumption ROSADALIS !» eompowd of tho otron«o«tal toraUvooiKtouniuid U an excellent Bbooo Buainxm. 19-FOB 8ALB BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JOHN F. HENRY & CO. 24 COLLEGE PLAOE, NEW YORK. F kv; ■i afflict ITS* I I W ISTOPPED FREE Marvelous success. , Insane Persons Restored i Dr.KLINE S GREAT _ NerveRestorer all Brain & Nrrvb DisraSKS. Only sure cure for Nerve Sections. Fits, F.pilrpsy, etc. I Infallible if taken as directed. No Fits after ^/irst day's use. Treatise and trial bottle free to '’’t patients, they paying express charges on Imjx when reived. Send names, P. O. and express address of J afflicted to Dr.KLINH.oii Arch St..Philadelphia.Pa. $ Druggists. BEWAkH OF IMITATING FRAUDS, Dec. 14, 1886. 23 ly WORKING CLAm»TJ0N! pared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5.oo per evening, and a proportional sum hy devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as nu*n. That all who see this may send their nddrsss. and test the business, wp make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied ive will send one dollar to pay for trouble of writing. Full particulars and outilt free. Address Geokiie Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. February 16th, 1867. 32 ly. Dorn Pedro’s venerable aunt, the esteemed and beautiful Princess Isa bella Maria Concepcion Jane Char- utional Bank, yune, Jan. 23. -New Orleans Pica- It ia a Curious Fact, That the body is now more suscepti ble to benefit from medicine than at any other season. Hence the impor tance of taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla now, when it will do you the most good. It is really wonderful for pu rifying and enrioning the blood, cre ating an appetite, and giving a healthful tone to the whole system. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to itself. The Second Georgia Battalion, Col. C. M. Wiley commanding, is arranging for a competitive drill to come off May 1. The three Mason companies, the Southern Cadets, Floyd Rifles and Ma con Volunteers will enter the drill, and will also aot as hosts of the visiting companies. Invitations are being sent out alt over the State, and it is expected that, a large number of com panies will be in attendance. Special excursion rates will be obtained over the railroads, and reduced fare at the hotels. —.—... A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years ought to know salt from sugar; read what lie says; Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney&Co.— Gentle men;— I have been In the general practice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say in all my practice and experience, have never seen ft prepar- lotte Gualberta Anna Francis of As- aticm tha t I could prescribe with as sissi Xaviera 1 aula d.Alcanteray An- moch confidence of success as 1 can New Advertisements. TO ADVERTISERS! For ;i check for $20 we will pjint a ten-line ari- ertlsement in one Million issues of leading American Newspapers. This is at the rate of only one-iuth of a cent a line, for l.ooo Circula tion! The advertisement will be placed before One Million different newspaper purchasers:—or Fivk Million Ukadjsks. Ten lines will accom modate about 75 words. Address with copy of Adv. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 170 pages. CEO. P. KO WELL & CO., 10 SPRUCE St., New York. Feb. lot, 1887. 31 lm. n ro quickly than any other known rem- cay: llhcumatiam, NeuralRfla, Bwoilings, Bttlf Neck, Bruises, , Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbar Ago, Pleurisy, Sores, Frost-bites, l| Backache, Quinsy, Sore Throut, | Sciatica. Wounds, Headache, f Toothache. Sprains, etc. Price £25cts. a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Caution.—The p^en ■MOc lr|t l» t T,T-M XIWUP UJSU uur ffMVsimllo^sigTi&tnre. X C. Meyer &. £o., Sole Proprietors, Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. April 20, 1880. 41 cw ly y toinetta Kaplun la Michaela Gabriel la Jonchiua Gouzaga—eh!—where were we?—what was it?—Oh, yes—is dead.—[Washington Post. If the Sufferers from Consumption, Scrofula, and General Debility, will try Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liv er Oil with Hypophosphites, they will find immediate relief and a perma nent benefit. Dr, B. H. Brodnax, Brodnox, La., says: “I gave Scott’s Kmulsion to Mrs. O., troubled with a very severe Bronchial affection. Add ed to this the birth of a child and subsequent illness, she was in a very bud condition. I ordered Scott’s Emulsion, which she commenced tak ing, giving at the same time some to the baby, which was very poor (weight three and one-half pounds.) Since taking the Emulsion, cough is gone, looks fresh, full in the face, flesh firm, good color; baby same, fat and iu fine condition. 30 lm The greut thing in this world is to have ideas. Ideas are the vital force. This world is ready to pay its homage to the man of ideas; fortune waits on him. The trouble with most persons is not, that they have not thecnpabili- t ies, but that they do not know how to put what they have to the best use. Strength, time, ingenuity, are all so much capital, but without the ability to see just how best to put these forces in motion, success is not possible. Bet ter is itto have a little strength and a fertile brain than the power of a Her cules and a stagnant intellect. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your nppo- litis poor, you are bothered with He.ul- nclie, you are lldgetty, nervous, and gen erally out of sorts, uml want to brace* up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for tlioir basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you lu a. worse condition than before. What, you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. I Such a medicine you will find In Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at John M. Clark’s Drug Store. C00KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY ALL PURCHASERS CAM BE SUITED MANUFACTURED BY Isaac A.Sheppard A Co.,Baltimore,Md AND FOB HALF BV T. T. WINDSOR, Milledgeville, Ga. Aug 10, 1880. 5 ly. Judge Hansell, of Thomasville, is now serving on the superior bencli under his ninth commission. He has been continuously in office since 184!), with the exception of three years. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It is the duty of every person who has used Dosc.hee’s German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Group, Asthma, Pneumonia, and In fact all throat and lung diseases No person Canute it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any cn.se, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consump tive, at least to try one bottle, us 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no ono case where it failed was reported, Such u medlciuo aa the Gorman ISyrup cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Hold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United Htates and Canada. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonder ful, and would say in conclusion that i have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if- they would take it according to directions. Yours trulv, L. L. GORSUCH, M. D. Office, 21o Summit St. We will give $100 for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken inter nally. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop’s. Toledo, O. ‘Ti'Sold by Druggists, 75 cts. A Great Secret Out. Omaha World. Pretty girl—“An old woman told me today that I ought to get some love powder, and she said she guessed you kept it.” Druggist—“You can make it your self by mixing half a teaspoonful of sugar with a minute quantity of pow dered starch.” “Yes, and how will I give it to him?” “Yon must invite him to supper which you prepare, and Slip it into his coffee.” “And will it make him want to mar ry me?” “It will if the coffee is good and everything else well cooked.” How to Save Money And we might also say—time and pain as well, in our advice to good housekeepers and ladies generally. The great necessity existing always to have a perfectly safe remedy con venient for tiie relief and prompt cure of the ailments peculiar to woman— functional irregularity, constant pains and all the symptoms attendant upon uterine disorders—induces us to rec ommend strongly and unqualifiedly Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription,” —woman’s best friend. It will save money. Thk Salvation Army.—Lieuten ant Moore, of the Salvation Army, in regulation uniform, dropped in last night, on a social visit. He informs us that tiie Army has completed ar rangements for a crusade against sin in Augusta, and will inaugurate its series of meetings Sunday, on Broad street, near the monument, by an open air meeting. Later the same day an afternoon praise meeting will be held at Market Hall, and iu the evening, at 7 o’clock, services will again be held in Market Hall. Cap tain Ella Brueker will arrive in the city from Atlanta and will in person conduct these services.—Augusta Chronicle. Acute rheumatism is an infflamma- tion of the joints, marked by pain, heat, redness and a tendency to sud denly shift from one joint to another. With these symptoms apply Salva tion Oil, the great pain cure, to the affected parts without delay. Price 25 oents a bottle.