Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 08, 1887, Image 3

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Official Organ ol City and County. li L. Hunter, Local Editor. AV. T. CONN & CO., .T7HOLKSALE DEALERS in Stn- W p] e nnil Fancy Groceries, Tobao- c 7 l ’i2Clte,(ia., Feb. 30 t b. IBM. 5 Ora The Edwards House, ^VEERS the beBt accommodations ( ) for Transient and Regular Board- ^ Special inducements for College students. WARREN EDWARDS. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 1, ’80. 26 ly M RS .TEELIN O ’ S BAKKBY. Fre»h Bread and Cake Hally. T* * Kut and yeast-cake* can tie -found K alio at the .tore of Kinney A ^iln tiio of Mr- Ch»n. Bonner. U* «m THE CITY. Lenten Senricei in St. Stephen’! Church. Wednesdays and Fridays, 11 A. M. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 V. u. Holy Commwnion every Sunday Morning. Fruit trees are in bloom. Gardening is now in order. Choice Green Tea at C. L. Cask's. This Is the month for planting corn. Plant largely. I March came in like a lamb and no doubt will go out like a lion. The Light Infantry are drilling ko as to enter the test drill in Macon in May. Owing to sickness the Salvation Ar my did not arrive as announced last week. They will behere on the 12th. The anniversary service of the Wo man’s Missionary Society will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday IU f he grass, in the north-eastern part of the college, earn pas caught on fire last Tuesday, and the cadets had quite a time lighting fire. The cadets of the College paraded on the streets last Friday. They are well drilled which speaks very high ly for their Commandant. You will find the best cigar in the city for 5c. at C. L. Cask’s. £)r. It. O. Cotter of Macon enjoys a line reputation as a specialist in diseases of the eye, ear and throat.— His card will be found in our local columns. French Candy assorted for 95 cts. per pound at L. H. Wood & Go’s. IB 1 Smoke Figaros to be found at John M. Clark's drug store. [29 3m The Lenton Season, observed by the Episcopal chuich, began Wednesday, the 23d. Call on T. S. Avant or W. J. Brake and get some of that justly celebra ted Rkd Elephant Tobacco. It will make you happy. Feb. 8, 1887. 31 5t. <3- Two sizes of Figaros, the best 5c. cigar in America at John M. Clark’s drug store. [29 3m Darby's Stick Candy at L. H. Wood & Go’s. [84 4t ^ Go to C. L. Case’s and select your Wall Paper from a large and beautiful lot of samples. If you want to enjoy life, buy a Figaro at John M. Clark’s drug store and smoke the sweetest cigar made. 29 3m If you intend buying a Sewing Ma chine, don’t fail to examine the “Lightning White” before purchas ing elsewhere. It is by far the best machine on the market and can be bought 10 to 15 dollars cheaper than any other make. For sale by Miss S. E. Bearden. O Kickapoo Indian Medicines for sale at C. L. Cask’s. 80 tf. DR. R. O. COTTER, 126j Second street, Macon, Ga. Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. (Formerly associated with Dr. A. W. Calhoun, Atlanta.) [35 ly. MICE! Icb!—I have opened my Ice ■House for the season. Thankful for past patronage I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. 35 tf.] Warrkn Edwards. We invite attention to the adver tisement of Mr. W. II. Hall, Jr., in this issue. Give him a call and test the quality of his goods and the prices at which he sells them. Mayor Wnlker requests us to return thanks to the Fire Department for their promptness in answering the fire alarm last Friday night and for their obedience to orders after reaching the fire. Rev, and Mrs. J. R. King were call ed to Warrenton last Tuesday on ac count of the extreme Illness of Miss Annie Gallaher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Gallaher and sister of Mrs. *\ ln g. Miss Gallaher was stricken w jth measles about a week before, which, despite the most careful treat ment of experienced physicians, de veloped into a malignant and unman ageable form and resulted in her death on Tuesday night, before her eiBter reached her bedside. The de ceased was about eighteen years of age and was a young lady of rare at tainments and most amiable disnosi tion. Death of Mr. Wi, G. Robinson. This gentleman died at Griffin last Friday morning about G o'clock. His remains were brought to this city, and his funeral took place from the Presbyterian church at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Rev. D. McQueen officiating. The following gentlemen acted as pall-bearers: W. H. Scott, (J. H. Wright, F. B. Mapp, W. T. Conn, B. F. Denton, and J. N. Moore. Mr. Robinson was in the 72d year of his age. In 1848 lie came to this city and in connection with Mr. T. T. Windsor opened a dry goods store. The firm of ltobinsou & Windsor did a successful business here for several years, and then moved to New York, where they remained only a few years and returned to Georgia. Mr. Robin- sou for the past several years had been a resident of Grifffn. He had many friends in this city, who lament his death. He was laid to rest in our beautiful city cemetery, where his first wife and several of his children are buried. Peace to his ashes. Petition for Dismiision from Ad ministration. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1887. W HEREAS, C. L. Morris, Admin istrator upon the estate of Mrs. Fannie B. Morris, deceased, 1ms filed his petition in said Court for letters of dismission from his trust as such administrator. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all parties interested, heirs or creditors, to show cause on or by the June Term next of said Court to beheld on the first Monday in June, 1887, why letters of dismission from said trust should not be granted to said petitioner as prayed for. Witness my hand and official signa ture this March the 7th, 1887. DANIEL B. SANFORD, [85 8m.] Ordinary. Petition for Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1887. W HEREAS, Walter Paine, Clerk, &c., has filed his petition in said Court for letters of Administration cum testainento annexo upon the es tate of Mrs. Maxey Wood, deceased. These are therefore to cue and ad monish all persons interested, heirs or ci editors, to show cause on or by the April term next, of said court, to be held on the first Monday in April 1887, why letters of Administration upon the estate of said deceased should not be granted to said peti tioner as prayed for. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 7th day of March, 1887. 35 lm.] D. B. SANFORD, Ordinary. Tears’ Support. GEORGIA, Baldwin Countv. Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1887. W HEREAS, the Commissioners ap pointed to set apart a year’s sup port for Mrs. Sarah J. Vaughn, and her six minor children, widow and children of R. M. Vaughn, deceased, have filed tlieir report in said case. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all persons interested, heirs or creditors, to show cause on or by the April Term, next of said Court to be held on the first Monday in April, 1887, why the report of the said Com missioners should not be approved, made tlie judgment of the Court ami re corded. Witness my hand and official signa ture this Marcli the 7th, 1887. DANIEL 15. SANFORD. 851 in.] Ordinary. COTTON MARKET. The following is the Cotton Market ior March 7, 1887: Savannah—Middlings, fM < harlkston- -Middlings. <V: Augusta—Middlings, Die Milledgeville—Middlings, 8L Liverpool—Middlings, 54 ' *Goldpa°r; K ' Mi(UllingS ’ ,J ‘ Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinury of said county granted at the regular March teim 1887, of said court, will be sold before the Court Hquse door, in the city of Mil- ledgeville, on the IstTuesday in April, next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: A house and lot in tlie city of Milcdge- ville, Ga., fronting east on Jefferson Street, bounded north by lot of es tate of James Herty, south by lots of Miss Laura Edwards and Solomon Barrett, containing one-fourtli of an acre more or less. Sold as the proper ty Mrs. A. B. Turner, late of said coun ty, deceased, for distribution, &c. Terms cash. WALTER PAINE, Adrn'r. of Mrs. A. B. Turner. March 7tli, 1387; 35 tds. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. B Y virtue of an order from the (’ourt of Ordinary of said county, grant ed at the regular March Term, 1887, of said Court, will he sold before the Court House door in the city of Mil- ledgeville, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property belong ing to the estate of James Herty, de ceased, to-wit: All that tractor par cel of lurid, situate, lying, and being In the city of Milledgeville, and said State, and County, known and dis tinguished in tlie plan of said city as part of Lot No. 1, in Square No. 40, beginning at Lot belonging to estate of Mrs. A. B. Turner, dec’d, on Jeffer son street, running West along said Lot 210 feet to City Hall lot, thence North 159V feet to Hancock street, thence East along said Hancock St., 50 feet to lot belonging to estate of said James Herty, dec d, thence South 98j feet, thence East 100 feet to Jeffer son St., thence South along said Jef ferson street 03 feet to the beginning corner. Sold as the property of James Herty, deceased, to pay debts, and for distribution. Terms cash. F A. HERTY, Adm x of Janies Herty, dec’d. March 7th, 1897. _ [88 lm. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Lleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY C. L. CASE. Julv aist, 1885. 2 ly. Bierman ft Jones, Merchant Tailors. We are pleased to Inform our cus tomers and friends in Milledgeville and vicinity that our Mr. Jones will call on them between the first and fifteenth of March, with a very large line of spring goods embracing nil the novelties and specialties for the enr suing season. To those who are un acquainted with us, wo will simply state that our Mr. Bierman's expe rience as the Lending Cutter of the city for the past fifteen years, our personal supervision of each depart ment, and the employment of none but first class workmen is asufllcient guarantee of our ability to give en tire satisfaction to every customer. Intending purchasers will find it to their interest to examine our goods and prices. BIERMAN A JONES, Merchant Tailors & Importers, 885 Broad St. 33 tf.] Augusta, Ga. CANDY FACTORY 3 BAKERY! A HOME WANT SUPPLIED. I have established In Milledgeville, ft First-Class Candy Factory and Bakery on the corner of Han cock and Wllkluaon Sts,, near the Court House, where 1 am prepared to supply the public dally with excellent FRESH BREAD OF ALL KINDS. Also pure Candles, in <fnantitles to stilt pur chasers. Also fine French Candles. Orders for Wedding Cakes, Suppers, Banquets .etc., prompt ly fllled. Country Merchants will And it to their Interest to apply to mo for Candles anil Light Bread. A liberal patronage from tlio city and surroundlug country, solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. F.SCHEIDEMANN. Milledgeville, cia., Mur. 1st, rear. 34 ly. Supplies for the Asylum. S Oconee Poultry Yard B REEDERS of high class Poultry. Eggs for sale now, chickens in full breeds, Plymouth Rook, Brown and White Leghorn of the best and purest strain. For prices apply to W. A. COOK, (Successor to C. G. Wilson.) Milledgeville, Ga. March 1, 1897. 34 3m For Sae. HANDSOME upright Piano, and an excellant Organ, both new, on exhibition at the Opera House. For terms apply to WALTER PAINE. Milledgeville, Mar. 1st, 1887. [34 lm. A Trespass Notice. A LL PERSONS are warned not to trespass on my land by hunting, or otherwise. J. J. GUMM. March, 1, 1887. 34 4t A Jersey Bull for Sale Of best strain, subject to registration, about eight years old, price very low. For further information, address J. P. SWEANEY, 34 2t] Milledgeville, Ga. opruii —AND— WHISKEY HABITS cured AT HOME without pain or ex posure in two to six weeks. All communications kept sacredly secret. Address with stamp DR. KEELEY’S Southern Agency,7 Box G4 Milledgeville, Ga. Milledgeville, Mar. 1st, 1887. [34 tf. Bigcrowd Monday night, March 7th, 7 o’clock, p. in. Everybody coming. Milledgeville booming. LUNATIC ASYLUM. ) Near Milledgeville, Ga., y 17th February, 1887.) EALKD PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the undersigned, up to 17th of MARCH, 12 o'clock, M., for furnishing the articles specified be low. Samples must be furnished of the articles bid upon. One-third of the articles must bo delivered 1st April; one-third 1st May and ono-tliird 25tli May*, and cash will be paid for the same, one-third 5th May, one-third 5tli Junk, and one-third 5th July, 1887. All articles will bo re-weighed or measured. All ear load lots to be delivered at Midway depot. LIST OF ARTICLES. 300 bus. White Com. 800 “ Sound Feed Oats. 25.000 lbs. Bran. 80.000 lbs. Bacon C. R. sides, (smoked.) 4,500 “ Hams, (medium weight.) 4.500 “ Leaf Lard. 800 bbls. Flour. 70 “ Pearl Grits. 850 bus. Meal. 6.000 lbs. Rio Coffee. 8.500 “ Brown Sugar. 2.500 “ Granulated Sugar. 4.000 “ Butter, (not oleomargarine) 900 “ Tobacco. 000 gals. Molasses, in bbls.) 100 “ Syrup. 1.000 lbs. Adamantine Candles, (uot 400 “ Starch. [sets.j 11.000 “ Rice. 1.500 “ Turpentine Soap, 1 1T> bars. 150 gals. Pure Cider Vinegar. 15.000 lbs. Fine Salt. 200 lbs. Sifted grain Pepper. 1 keg English Bi-Carb Soda. 1121b 30 eases Ball Potash, 1 lb balls, full 30 doz. good Brooms. [strength. 8.000 yds. Cottonades for Pants. 4.000 yds. Sheeting. 4.000 “ Shirting. 8.000 “ Chocks. 3.000 “ Calico, fast colors, (Spring 40 doz. 4 Hose. [style.) 80 “ Hose. 250 Summer Coats. 100 prs. Men’s Slippers, 6-11. 150 “ Men’s low-quar Shoes, 6-11. 100 “ Women’s cloth Slippers, 5-7. 50 “ “ Pebble grain ‘‘ 5-7. 150 “ “ Cloth Shoes, 4-7. 100 “ “ Fox Shoes, 3-6. 750 yds. Crash. The right reserved to reject any and all bids. Bids should be marked “to furnish supplies,” and addressod to the undersigned. L. J. LAMAR, Steward. Feb. 22, 1887. 33 4t Notice. A LL parties indebted to the firm of Kinney & Whelan will find their accounts in my hands. Please call and settle them to avoid cost and trouble. CHAS. T. WHELAN, Milledgevi’le, Feb. 22, ’87. 33 4t Trespass Notice. • LL persons arc warned not to hunt or otherwise trespass on my land. T. F. NEWELL. Miiledgeville, Feb. 14th, ’H7. [33 3ts A 1 Beef Cattle. BEEF CATTLE wanted at the highest market price. Ad dress J. P. SWEANEY, Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 27, ’80. 27 3m 500 bayb iMionsriEiri BY BUYING YOUR Furniture, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Harness Leather, Children Carriages, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Mixed Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Etc., from Us! We need money and for the CASH wo will duplicate pricen of any house in Georgia. Also, COFFINS AND CASKETS, All Stylos and Prices. "W. <Sc CT. 32 South Wayne Street Milledgeville, Ga. March 1, 1887. " 34 4m. Near Milledgevillej G-Eorgia, Manufactures STEAM-PRESSED DOUBLED-GLAZED VITRIFIED DRAIN, SEWER and WATER PIPES, SMOKE AND HOT-AIR FLUE PIPE, Flower Pots, Greenhouse Tile, and Other Ware, Etc. FIRE BRICK A SPECIALTY. STEVENS BROTHERS & CO., PROPRIETORS. March 1,1887. 34 tf •Arriving Every Day, —AT- P. J. CLINE & C0 7 S. Woliavo opened this week, 2,000 yards white checked Nainsook, Real Nice Quality, at 5c per yard. Every yard of them worth 80. Also, large line of eheoked Nainsook at 8,10, 12*, 15 and 20c. 50 pieces Toile DuNord, all now patterns. 200 large white Bed Spreads, at $1.00, worth at least $1.50. And the handsomest and cheapest line of Jaconet Edging and Insertions over offered in Milledgeville. 1,000 yards beautiful Pique, in assorted patterns, at 8 cents, worth 12*e. 100 gross of genuine English Pins, and they are the very best Pin made, and we will sell live papers of them for five cents— think of it, one cent a paper for imported Pins. New lot Gold and Silver Shirts. Gold Shirts, $1.00; Silver Shirts* 75c. Gold and Silver Cuffs and Collars to match. We will also open this week a beautiful line of Mediums in Ging hams and Calico, not too light or too dark, something that you cau make, np now, and a great many other goods too numerous to mention. We have Bought these Goods Cheap and we are offering them at theso prices to induce our customers to buy them now, and if you will buy them now, you will not be pressed with your Spring work. We bought them for the cash and of course they cannot oe sold at theso prices, except for the cash. Come and look at them and post yourself in prices, whether you wish to purchase or not, and wo promise you the very best of attention. ‘ffj P. J. CLINE & CO., MILLEDGEVILLE, MACON AND GRIFFIN. Milledgeville Feb. 22, 1887. n ly Look Out! Look Out! To the Citizens of Milledgeville : Seeing the necessity of & first-class butcher business in this place, I have opened in the Sawyer old stand, where I will keep constantly on hand fresh beef,, pork, sausage, pickled beef, Bologna sausage, pickled tripe and fresh leaf lard. All orders delivered, as I shall run a free delivery wagon. Parties having cattle and hogs to sell, will do well to see me before seUing. Will pay for good beef 4* to 5e, dressed; pork on foot, 4*c; pork dressed, 5*c. Mr. J. L. White having associated himself with me as salesman, will be glad to see his old customers, i J. B POUNDS. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 27th, 1886. 25 4nv Farmers 7 SuppliesI Our stock of Farmers’ Supplies is not surpassed by any firm in this market, and we carry the best and largest assorted stock of Farming Implements, That you will find on this market. We also, sell the Port Royal Cotton Fertilizer, Port Royal Acid Phosphate and Chesapeake Guano. And wo can meet the prices of any wholesale house in the JState on TOBACCO. Give us a call and examine our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Respectfully, M. & J. R. HINES,'-’ No. 23 Hancock Street, Milledgeville, Ga. Feb. 8th, 1887. 3Lly.; | Anna Bell Lee,) Divorce in Baldwin vs. ( - Superior Court, Henry B. Lee.) Jan’y Term, 1887. TT appearing by affidavit of plaintiff I that the defendant resides on James Island, South Carolina, it is ordered that notice of this suit be served on him by publication of this order in the Union & Recorder newspaper, at Milledgeville, Ga., once a month, for four months after the adjournment of this court and prior to its next terU1 ' W. F. JENKINS, Judge S. C. O. C. A true extract from the minutes. Walter Paine, Clerk. Feb. 1st, 1887. 30 m4m. OCONEE LIVERY STABLE, Milledgeville, Ga. M. H. BLAND ft CO., Proprietors. (Successors toG. T. Whilden.) TTMtDICK meets all Truius piomptly. will n »0“J to meet drummers at any sta- tiou within 15 miles of Milleilgevllle, at a few Hours notice on orders, written or otherwise Also, will keep for hlro. Carriages, Buwie* ami rilling Horses at reasonable rates. Draynge furutahed, promptly and faithfully a at elided to. Patronage of the public solicited. Feb, 1st, 18J7 . 30 3m FITS: All Fitsstoppoil free Gy Dr Kline’s Groat Nerve Restorer No Fits after first day’s use Marvelous cures. Xreutise-and $2 00 trial bottle free to Fit cases, Scibl to Dr.Kline, 931 Arch St. Phila., Pa. 23 ly