Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 05, 1887, Image 4

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UNION & RECORDER. Milledgeville. Tile Riston City of Die Stale. Yli© Only Place Not Overdone ! Tlici Host City in the South to Invest Money In. What She Has And What She Wants. Viu kimievTU*is nesr the geographical centre •r uie fttuto—Ufctttu.lo 33 .leu. 4 mm. 41 sec ; went MURitu.ic from Washington, 1». c., 0 .leg. 19 it is situate.1 on the west an.l south side of the OBouec river, which stream at this point and for several miles above, being rapid and shoally, af. ordfl superior advantages for the uso of water M«er, and meantime creates no localcansc for Wetness. Indeed, the city has for a long num- ■ter of years, enjoyed an cimablc reputation fur •alubritv of climate, purity and abundance of water, and the general l.eaun of its lul.abi- **Ttic countrv around Is undulating in charae- Mr: an.l In all directions, especially from the eminence on which the College is located, pte- sents a rare and picturesque combination of U ?nvde l w.inn , |Mdty and atnconvcnlent distance, in (he ••state l.mmttc Asylum," an e.llllce linpos- nu' in its architectural proportion*, and replete with every appliance important to tlie humane purposes of such an institution. The .'it v is named in honor of the Hon. John Mill,Mill.' Van l.efore and during tho Revolution ary war was noted lor his firmness and valor In uie cause of Independence: and who afterwards, was « member of Congress in both I,ranches, >;«vernor of the State, and occupied oilier pub ic <„noes „r trust and responsibility, in each »n«l all of which he was conspicuous for wisdom, patriotism, justice and liberality. WHAT SIIK HAS. The city is accessible by the neutral and fleor- railroads—six passenger trains arrivo and The Muldic (ieorgla Military und Agricultural Oolleire—a branch of the State University—is lo. wied here, General l>. U. Hill, President. Over act hundred pupils in attendance. No liquor is ■sold in the county. , . . Population, including Midway, between 6000 * B The #< 5tate Lunatic Asylum, with 1260 patients ;aad 230 employees. A good hotel ami numerous boarding bouses. 'Marble Yard. Planing Mills. a Business L'nloa. Vi*(spring factory, rou and Machinery Works. Two weekly newspapers. ■Bakery and candy factory. A Building an.l loan Association. One water and twosteam artist mills. Stevens Pottery, 8 tulles S. of tho city. Brickyard, with improved machinery, r.itton gins and saw mills In and near the city. Wholesale and retail dry goods and gro ceries. two Livery stables, blacksmith and wood shops. Large quantities of oak, hickory, pine, poplar ittnl other timber on the river be low the city. , , r Kelltted people-live churches, Motho- <t:e-, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and <futh',Jlc. ■WIIAT SHH WANTS, i IS room Factory. Cotton seed oil mill. A Fertilizer Factory. V tannery and shoe manufactory. Electric Lights and Water Works. \ fruit and vegetable canning factory. A cotton factory and a cott.on compress. Furniture factory and steam wood shops. A street, railroad from the Georgia It. It. >i,i.t to the Lunatic Asylum. A steamti.mt to run on tho Oconee river. !,.. ,• man nr company who will contrl- i .. hi m-y or brains t.,, establish these or in ' ..tlier Industries in tills city will l'n- ceive in.) nearly co-operation and help of the i! isiness Union. Hie e.itiz-n? of Milledgeville will take „1 . k In ii-iy- eiiterpriso gotten tip. <;. cue and see Milledgeville and you will Among our Exchanges, A Picture of Gladstone. Great Irish Struggle. Mr. Gladstone is marked physically ins well as mentally, for a great leader. He is about five feet nine inches in height, but looks taller. His build is muscular, and but a very tdiort time ago he was able to take a baud at fel ling a tree with young men. There was a time when he was one of the most skillful of horsemen. He is still a great pedestrian, and there scarcely ;*asses a day that he is not to be seen walking. Fie walks with his head thrown back anil a step ilrm and rap id. His countenance is singularly beautiful. He has large dark eyes that flash brilliantly, even at his age. Dee]> set with heavy eyelids, they somo- times give the impression of the eyes of a hooded eagle. Fie has a large ex quisitely chiseled nose. The mouth ul so i tiuely modeled. The head is un- •uially largo. It was in early youth covered with thick black hair. The trow is lofty and broad and very ex- pres.-ive. The complexion is white ul- ,ji6st as wax. and gives the face a look cf wonderful delicacy. Tliefaeeisthe most expressive in the House of Com mons. It retlects every emotion as ’early and rapidly as a summer lake Its summer sky. When Mr. Gladstone is angry his brow is clouded and his eyes shine. When he is amused his face beams. When he is eontempla- : vc his lips curl and his head is tossed. His air is joyous if things go well, and mournful when things go ill; though when the final trial comes, and he stands convinced that lie must meet ab solute and resistless defeat, he looks out with dignified tranquilitv. All the passions of the human soul shine forth by his look and gesture. His voice is powerful und at the same time can be soft, can rise in menace or sink in entreaty. He speaks with considerable vehemence und gesticu lates freely Mrs. Clement C. Clay, wife of the late senator from Alabama, is now in Washington, where they tell this sto ry of her: When she went to Ireland not loug ago, the costom house offi cers began to examine her baggage and asjted, as usual, if she had any arms in . her trunks. "No,” said she, “but I have two arms on my trunk, and have come to embrace all Ireland with them, God bless her!" The officers passed her baggage with out further search. Hundreds would never have known want if they had not lirst known waste. “Man proposes, l>,ut” . Upon thinking it over we don’t believe in* proposes half so often us the girls would like him to. The Howard cement works, near Cartersville, turn out. three hundred barrels of cement per day, and em ploy over one hundred hands. To one man who said, “I don’t be lieve there's an honest man in the world” another replied, “Its impossi ble that any one man should know all the world, but quite possible that one should know himself.” ^ Anger is a terrible passion, Which may in a moment rise into murder. Said a murderer on the gallowH with a noose around his neck : “If I had learned to control my temper when I was a boy I would not be here to day.” What hope littSftdeliberutely wicked milk dealer, the constructive and wholesale slayerof children—the mod ern Herod in degeneration—for salva tion in another world? Wlmt a crowd of witneses will arise against such a man on the day of final reckoning. •John C. Eno, who fled to Canada in 1884, after nearly wrecking the Sec ond National Hunk of New York city by iiis speculations, is anxious to have the two indictments pending against him nol grossed. His father lias made restitution of (every dollar stolen—about tjfii,000,000, and has im poverished himself in the effort. Now that we have had marriugos by telograph, by telephone, and by proxy, the next innovation upon the sacred ceremony to be expected is marriage on the installment plan.— Conyers Solid South. That Is already being done by those who get divorces. The revival of religion now in prog ress in Atlanta is remarkable. Many merchants close their stores during the day prayer meetings, which ore held in different parts of the city, and they and their clerks attend them, The members of the Salvation Army claim that the revival is due to their efforts. “What are the elements?” asked a school teacher of a small boy at one of our rural schools a few days ago. “Air, lire, water and wiskey,” was the unexpected reply. “Why,” said the teacher, “do you call wiskey one of the elements?” “Cause when pap comes home full of whiskey um says lie is in his element.” Ex-President W. G. Raoul, of the Central railroad, has been unpointed President of the Mexican National railway, from Corpus Christ! to tho City of Mexico, eight hundred miles of which are in operation, and live hundred miles of which are to be built. Thecompany has a capital of seventy millions and is owned by En glish captalis s. Cant. Raoul will have iiis headquarters In New York. Ho will go to Now York next week,and from there will leave for Mexico to inspect the road. Little Flossy lmd kept up a chatter all through the meal, and grandma could hardly squeeze in a word point first. Finally grandma said: “Flossy, you talk too much. You don’t hear grandma jabbering every minute.” “No, gran’nm, but you know you have lived a good deal longer than 1 have, and had time to get most of the talk out o’ you.” Grandma didn’t attempt to answer that argument. Core For Sick fiLoadache. For proof thnt Dr. Gunn’s Liver Pills cure Kick Headache, ask your Druggist for a free trial pnekage. Only one for a dose. Regular size boxes, 25 cents. Bold hv E. A. Bayne, Druggist, Mlllodgevllle, Ga. PATENTS GRANTED To citizens of the Southern States during tin* past week, and reported expressly for the Union ,fc Recorder by (’. A. Snow & Co. Patent, lawyers, Opp. U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. J. A. Admits, Atlanta, Ga., Machine for making excelsior. J. B, Allfree, Cumberland, Mil., Flour packing machine. J. Harnett, Louisville, Ky.; Core stand. J. R, Bettis, Little Rock, Ark., Per mutation lock. D. J. Caldwell, Gunn, Va., Car coup ling. J. M. Davis, Prairie Grove, Ark., Planter. W. A. Edmonson, Morveu, Ga., Plow. C, L. Gorrell, Belaire, Md., Cable railway grip. F. M. Hanks, Midway, La., Cotton harvester. T, J. Hanlen, Macon, Ga., Making ships. W. D. F. Jarvis, Philllppi, W. Va., Car ventilator. C. Knapp, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., In valid bedstead. J. W. Loano, Baltimore, Md., Awn ing. W. B. Mann, Baltimore, Md., Den tal engine hand piece. G. W. Moores, New Orleans, La., Buckle. G. C. Parker, Buchanan, Tenn., Plaiting machine. H. Perkins, New Orleans, La., De vice for opening throttle valves. W. Meabrook, Edisto Island, S. Buckle. IT. P. Sawyer, Camilla, Ga., Seed conveyer. A. Sowel, Berryville. Ark., Fire alarm. J. K. P. SbeltoD, Gaston, Ala., Sign holder. W. D. Shurtz, Baltimore, Md., Temporary horseshoe. P. Bteele, Lexington, Ky., Gate. E. K. Summerweli, Covington, Ky., Carburetor. J. H. Tabony, New Orleans, La. Toll collecting apparatus. J. C. Telfer, Palatka, F!a., Disk steam engine. P. E. Williamson, Washington, Ga., Cotton gin scale, & press. C. H. Wilson, Paducah, Ky., Loco motive. B. J. Wilson, Atlanta, Ga., Brick machine. Cure for Files. Piles are frequently preceded by ft sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he lias some affection of the kidneys or neighbor ing organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc,. A moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable itching, after get ting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko’s Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the part affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying tlie intense itching, and effecting a per manent. cure. Price, 50 cents. Ad dress The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co. Piqua, O. Wold by T. H. Kenan, Druggist, Milledgeville, Ga. [80 ly Rev. Mr. Blank was one of the most bashful men in the ministry, and was constantly getting into trouble through his nervous mistakes. On one occasion lie arose in iiis pulpit to give out the hymn. “This world is all a fleeting show,” and, clearing his throat, struck a high pitch of voice, and began solemnly: "This world is all a floating shoe.” Everybody smiled except the dea cons, and the minister was covered with confusion as he began again: “This world is all a shouting flow.” This only made matters worse, arid the unhappy man cleared his throat with tremendous force and began once again. "This world is all a floating she.” Then ho slammed the hymn book down, and wiping his clammy brow said; “Brethren, for some reason I can not read that hymn today as it should be read. We will omit it, and the choir will please sing the grand old linos beginning: "Just as I am without one flea.” Toothache. 8pmiu«, eto. Pric© Hi eta. a bottle. Sold by all 'ruKpista. Caution.—Tho fen- _tno Balvation Oil bear* our —- — registered Trade-Mark, and our fao-Bimllo signature. A. O. Meyer A Co., Sole lYoprletora, liaiUmoro, Md., U. S. A. l>r. Hull's Cough Syrup will cure your Price only 25 Ct*. a bottle. Coush at once April 20, 1886, 41 cw ly •<)ld Virginia seems to be marching towards prohibition. Several cith* and counties have gone dry in that State recently, by a popular vote. ROSADALIS THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY far the enro of Scrofula, SyphllU, Scrofulous Taint, lUieumatiim, White Swelling, Gout. Goitre, Consump tion, Bronchitis. Nervous Debility, Malaria, ami all diseases arising from an Impure condition of the lllood. Skin or Scalp. ROSADALIS Curos 8crofula. ROSADALIS Cures Rheumatism ROSADALIS Cures Syphilis. ROSADALIS Cures Malaria. ROSADALIS Cures Nervousness. ROSADALIS Cures Debility. ROSADALIS Cures Consumption DOft AD ALIS l» composed of thn strongest at I«rativc8timt«xl»t,and i 8 on excellent Blood I*v Kirutli. ^“FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JOHN F. HENRY & CO. 24 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORE. OCt. 1,|1886. The importance of purifying the blood can not bo overestimated, for without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every ono needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Rood’s Peculiar Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rCbUllai and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetablo remedies used givo to Hood’s Sarsaparilla pecul- «r ■. _ _ ir iar curative powers. No * O 1156IT other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you havo made up your ntind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Feb 1, 1887, 3Q ow. ly We are prepared to do all kinds of job work elegantly and promptly. -THE BEST TONIC. , commiting iron wnn puro i, quickly and completely sin, IndigMtlon, Weak- niooil, Malaria, Chllla Thli medicine, combining Iron with pnre vegetable tonlea, quloklj Cares Dyspepsia, ’ ness, Impure Bi anil Fevere, and Neuralgia. It Is an nnfallltig remedy for Disease, of tho Kidney and Iilrer. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not Injure tho teeth, cause head ache,or produce consultation—other Iron medicines do. It enriekee and pnrlAee the blood, stimulates tho appetite, Bids tlio assimilation of food, relieves Heartburn and Belching,and strengthens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, etc., it has no equal. I1T The genuine has nbova trade mark and crossed red lines oil wrapper. Take no other. Bit. only b/ BROWN CUEBIICtl. CO, B1LTUI0BE, BA April 0 1886] 3!) cw. ly New Advertisements. S V 31 f’LBTRKATMICNTrnr r ...J We mail enough to con-rilLt _ vlnce. It. s. Lauds miaou & Co., 773 Broad st., Newarg, N. J. S W ANTKD (samples free) foiDR.SC OTT’S beautiful a teed. Hit. SCOTT, 841 Broadway, N. Y. I.ABIES TO WORK EOK CS _ at their homes. |7 to fio per week can be quietly made. No photo painting; no can vassing. For full particulars, please address, at once, GREfjOKNT ART CO., 19 Central si., Bos ton, Mass, llox 3170. its causes, and tv new and successful CUKE at your own home, by one who was~deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Oiirerl hinuelf In three months, and since then hundreds of others. Full partlonlaro sent on application. T. 8. Page, No 41 West 31st St., New York City BEAUTIFIT 3TOUR. HOMES l JOHNSTON’S KALSOMiNE READY FOR USB White and choice colors. Cheaper and better than wall paper or oil paint. Purities all sur faces and kills germs of disease. Any oue can use It. IT IS THE BEST. Cold Medal and Highest, Awards. Beware or Imitations. If not for sale In your town, send for sample card and prices. Dry Kalsciiiiiie& Fresco Paiui W oris 25 & 27 John St., Brooklyn, N. Y MARVELOUS J»I EMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike Artificial Systems—Cure i:t Mind Wandering. Aliy book learned in one read ing. Great inducements to correspondence classes. Prospectus, with opinions in full of Mr. Itlclinrd A. Proctor, lions. W. W. Astor, Judah P. Benjamin, ms, Minor, Wood, Rev. Francis It. Penlo, Mark Twain, and others, sent post free by mail. PROF. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Avenue, New Yobk. Georgia Kailroad lorapaii). ' STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE | OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER. Augusta, Ga., Dee. 18th, 1880. Commencing Sunday,lut.i tnstiuit, the follow ing passengerscltedule will beoperuied. Trains run t>3 noth Meridian time? Not 8—KAMT (dally). Leave Macon 7;lua in Leave.VliUe igevilic «:l« u re Leavosparta a m Leave U'urronton lcmonoon ArrlveOamak.. 12:15 p in Arrive Washington 2:20 p m Arrive Athens 6:30 pm Arrive Gainesville 8:25 p nt ArrlvcAtlanta 5:45 pm Arrive Augusta 3:85 p m NO 17-WEST (dally). Leave Augusta a m LeaveAtlanta 8:0oatn Leave Gainesville 6:55 a m Leave Athena «:oo a m Leave Washington 11:20 um LeaveCamak 1:36 pm Arrive Warrenton 1:49 p m Arrive Sparta 3:01 p m Arrive Milledgeville 4:11 p m Arrive Macon pm NO 10—EAST (dally.) Leave Macon 6:30 p ro Leave MfflCdgovlUO 3:24 p m Leave Sparta 0:39 r m Loave Warrenton 10:48 a m ArrlvcCamak 11:00 a m Arrive Augusta 5:00 am NO 15-WEST (dally.) Leave Augusta 9:40 p m LeaveCamak 12:60 u in Arrive Warrenton lt° fi 11111 Arrivo Sparta 2:30 a m Arrive Milledgeville 4:12 u m Arrive Macon 6:40 am Xo connection for Gainesville on Sundays. The Fast Trains do not stop at Cantak. Trains will, if signaled, stop at any regular scheduled flag station. Close connections at Augusta for all points E8St, and Southeast, and at Macon for all points in Southwest Georgia and Florida. Superb improved Sleepers between Macon and Augusta. Superb Improved sleeper* between Augusta and Atlanta. JNO. W. GREEN, General Manager. E. R. DORSEY. General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, General Traveling Passenger Agent. Winter Exposure Causes Coughs, ColdB, rienrlsy, Rheumatism, Pneumonia, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache and other aliments, for which Benson’s Capclnc Plasters are admitted to be the best remedy known. They relieve and cure in a few hours when no other application is or the least benefit. Endorsed by 5,000 Physicians and Druggists. Beware of Imitations under similar sounding names, such ns "Capsicum,” “Oapsiein” or "Cap- slelne.” Ask for Benson’s and take no otfiers. Examine carefully when you buy. All druggists. NKAHUHY & JOHNSON, Proprietors, New York. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC The Beet Cure for Coughs, Weak Lungs. Asthma, Indi gestion, Inward Pains. Exhaustion. Combining the most valuable medicines with J&macia Ginger, it exerts a e inv tivo power over disease unknown to other remedies, Weak Lungs, Rheumatism, Femalo Complaints, and tho distressing iltaof thebtonmeh, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are drugging thousands to tho trrava who would recover their health by the timely use of ParkkiPs Ginger To.via It is new life and strength to tho aged. 60c. at Drug gists. His cox & Co., XC3 William Street, N. Y. WIRE AND FENCING. Beware of old style baggy netting. My patent inflexible netting, with parallel wires, never sags between posts, whipped ready made, in rolls; or license, model, wire and tools for home made netting or picket fence furnished. Before buying smooth or barbed wire, iron posts, gates, farm, city or graveyard fences, write lor my prices and free catalogue, fiend stamp for pri vate agency terms. A. G. 11 rt.UERT, 904Olive st. St. Louis, Mo. March 22nd, 1887. 37 lm. YOU cau live at home, and make more money at work for us, tltau at any thing else lu this world. Capital not _ _ needed; you are started free. Both sexes: all ages. Any one can do the work. Large earnings sure from first start, costly out at and terms free. Better not delay. Costs you not);, mg to Bend us vour address and And out; if you are wise you will do so at once. II. Uallktt A Co., Portland. Maine. February 15th, 2887. 32 ly. OLD FURNITURE •Made JYew AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE! f AM now prepared to do all kinds of Cabinet 1 Work, Upholstering, Putting Bottoms In Chairs, Mattress Making, Picture Framing, &c. Renovating old-fashioned Furniture, a specialty. Old Furniture that is broken up or faded in color, can be made as strong as over and Paint ed, Stained or Varnished in tho Highest Styles. Coffins, Bedsteads, Chairs, &c., Made to Order. AH Work Guaranteed. Furniture and Coffins for sale at Low T. A. LUMPKIN, Old Factory Cilice, opposite Jarratt’s Spring, Wayne St., Milledgeville, Oa. Nov. Iflth, 1880. 19 6m. central and southwestern Railroads. Havankah, Ga., Nov. 14, 1886. O N AND AFTER THIS DATE, PAS SENGER Tratns on the Central and Southwestern Railroads and branches will run as follows: Trains t daily, * dally except Sunday. [AH tratns of this system are run by Standard (90) Meridian time, which Is 80 mlnuteBslower than time kept by City.] Ev Savannah, t8.40 a in t8.20 p in t5.40 p m Ar Mlllen tll.40 a m tll.03 p m tS.45 p in Ar Augusta... t2 15 p in 16.15 a m Ar Macon t4.2U p tu t3.20 a in Ar Atlanta... U2.15 a m t7.30 a m Ar Columbus, t5.00 a m tlJ55pm Ar Montgomery. t6.40 p rn ArEufaula,.. . t3.15piu Ar Albany.... U0.08 p m 110.85 a m Af Milledgeville ‘5.24 p til At - Eatonton. .. *6.55 p m Train leaving at 8.20 p rn and arriving at 5.55 a m. will not stop to put off or take on passengers between Savannah and Miilen. Lv Miilen tio.13 a tn t3.10 a m to.10 a in Lv Augusta.. t7.45 a m t0.30 p m Lv Macon.... +6.25 a ui tl0.50 p in Lv Atlanta... 12 25 a m tC.50 p m Lv Columbus *0.00 p m 111.30 a m Lv MontK’ry. 18 10 a m LvEnfaula.. +11.25a in Lv Albany.... 15 00 a m ta.57 p in Ar Savannah.112.50 p m +5.55 a m 18.05 a m Lv Eatonton, *4.30 a 1:: Af Mill'dR’ve. *5.55 a m Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points In Florida. Local Sleeping Carson nil Night Pas senger Trains between Savannah and Au gusta, Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus. WM. ROGERS, G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen.Supt.,Sav. Gen. Pass. Agt. Sav. T. D. Kline, A. C. Knait. Supt. Macon. Agt. Macon, W. F. Shellman, Traffic Mang’r., Sav. Central Railroad Schedule. Giving arrival. &o., of Trains at Milledgeville: Passenger train leaves Eatonton, dai ly, except Sunday, at 4.30 a. in. Ar. at Milledgeville, at 5.55 a. ni. Ar. at Macon, at 8.25 a. m. Ar. at Atlanta, at 1.05 p. in. Ar. at Savannah, at 5.00 p. in. Ar. at Columbus, at 3.05 p. in. Passengers make close connection at Gordon and Macon. Passenger train lv. Macon at 2.40 p. m. Ar. at Milledgeville, at 5.24 p. m. Ar. at Eatonton, at 7.13 p. in. daily except Sunday. No change at Gordon for Macon. Passengers are allowed on Freight train, provided they have 110 baggage. In effect, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1880. A. 1). NISBET, Agt. MADAME DEAM’S 60 J < Z CL C0 nORSETQ | A VI) I ET O Energetic and intelligent ■■ V3P ladies wanted to introduco our popular Corsets in cv’ery county. No experl* cnee required. Agents nro making SlOO monthly. 150 different styles to select from. Largest commissi, ms, best terms, mid most sal able goods. Satisfaction guarautoed. Exclusive territory given. »3 OUTFIT FREE. Illus trated Catalogue and particulars free. Write for tenns at once. Ask for our SBOO Cash .Premium List. Our new book entitled DRESS REFORM FOR LADIES* With biography of Worth (Illustrated), sent on receipt of application. IT Win, pay EXPERI ENCED AGENTS to WRITE for TERMS. Don’t delay if you wish to secure terri tory. LEVIS SCHIELE i CO., 300 BIOAOWAIT, HEW VOEX Feb. 1st, 1887. 30 3in to be made. Cut this out and return to us, and we will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that, will start you In business which will bring you in more money right away than anything else In this world. Any one can do the' work and live at home. Either sex; all ages. Some thing new, that just coins money for all workers. We will start you; capital nut needed. This Is one of the genuine, important chances of a life time. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tsux A Co., Augusta, Maine. February 15th, 1387. 82 ly. PROMPT ATTENTION win hn U «‘n to the purchase an ? Real Lsiuf,, in Baldwin Cc-mL e 1885. ..... . . Li'nuw ill vCUlifv Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. I2tla^ DR. W. R. ROBISON '"TENDERS his Profr 88IO xa'’ 1 VICKS to the citizens of Milled^ ville and surrounding country nS e and residence on Green Street 1 D(i site Presbyterian church. ’ °^P° Milledgeville, Ga., March 1, ’87, 34., G. T. WIEDENMan ^ MERCHANDISE BROKER Midlkdgkvillk, Ga. 1 Office in Bank Building Jan. 11, 1881 DR. W. H. HALL Hter.’i.SK.rs * ante, Clerk of Superior Court! |$ e t r f Rufus w. Robebtn Attornoy-at-La^ Milledgeville, Qa. F tOMPT attention given to all trusted to his care, office In room'' occupied by Judge II. B. Sanford urwc; Nov. 16, iS86. _ 10 Dr, W. A. MOORE, OraMKSffiS.ST'SS.VS,'' rounding country, when not profes.ii^! engaged, lie will be found during t , l !® office and residence next door east of- hl Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 16, 1886. ]( ,, Dentistry. DR. H M^CLARKE W ORK of any kind performed in cordance with the latest and mosi proved methods. 081 *B-Offlceln Callaway’s New Bulldlm; _Millo(igevlile, Ga., May 15th, 1883. « The Milledgeville Banking Co Of Milledoeville, Ga. A General Banking Business Trnnsac! G. T. Wiedenm.lv, Preside B. T. Bethtjne, Cashier. Directors—W.T. Conn, D. B. Sanf™ H. E. Hendrix, G. I’. YVI.-denman, L \ Callaway, T. L. McOomb, C. M. Wright Milledgeville, Ga., Oct.21st, '8G. 151 HOLMES’ SURE CURE MOUTH-WASH and DENTIFRICE, Cures Bleeding (lums, Ulcers, Sore Mouth T Throat, Cleanses the Teeth and Purities p Broutb; used and recommended bv lea ling tp Hats. Prepared by Drs. J. V. A W. It. uSlw Dentists, Macon, On. For sale by all drums' and dentists. Aug. 5th, 1880. j,, DR. BELLAMYS Compound Extract of 5® r f P.f'HJf is tho Best liemedy Known for all Female Complaints Monthly or Irregularities All Druggists keep It. Call on themfut Circulars and Testimonialsior adtliess, The Bellamy Gossypidm Mnf'yCo., No. 3u Wall .Street, Atlanu. or Lock Boxitl Milled govilkGil March 1st, 1887. 3511," Spectacles and Eye-Glassel OLD EYES MADE A N astonishing announcement wltxi will please the people, is that 1 JOSEPH MILLER] has I he largest., and one of tho best selecj ed stocks of "King’s Combination”Bpnf cles and Eye Glasses, in the .state gia. We have studied to supply the wj of every eye requiring assistance, andmj our large stock attd long experience,r guarantee to tit the eye. Call and/ them in prices ranging from 25c to JOSEPH MILLER, The Jeweler and OpticK'j Milledgeville. Ga., Jan. 5,1886. Wool Carding. T AM prepared to do Wool-CarjH 1 at my place, at Scottsboro. ”1 sent to my address at NTilledgeviit Ga., will be promptly carded auJ r turned. All persons shipping i'' 0l,l L me should, also, mark plainly own name and address on the paekatj so that no mistake can be made ifiJ turning carded wool. I am also PT pared to card batting for mattrssl and comforts. „ VI f A. CORMANMl Milledgeville, Ga., MarchSD^j Machine Shop. T HAVE REMOVED my Mari'! 1 Shop from Milledgeville to * yj boro, where I am prepared to do | and all kinds of work in i. ron .yF metal. Any person having 1U .Ll or particular work in repairing '' 'I do well to call on me. My P. L > T dress is Milledgeville, Ga. I A. CORMA>> 1 J March 2d, 188G. ■■ I TP A STOPPED^ I riTdisd for ,;,7HRAIN Si NBRVK DISSASH* ‘ ,;s I cure /or Nerve Affections, bits, L; r,/i I Inpai.lihlb if taken « directed. w* I stay’s list. Treatise ami *» tri *iI Fit 4>a^....-. .new navin.r exnress cnarfik» u **.ssaO '* I ■ afllk't, •MDmggi I Fit patients, they paym k > eruress th» r E““ sddrWU I J received. Send names.T. O. andeipr«: Je |(iu.b' I I attUeted to PR.KLINB.9tt Arch ^..rhW^ylt. I I Dmggtju. BktrAKM Of IMlTATlM « Deo. 14, 1886. 93 tf