Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 05, 1887, Image 5

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VKHATKILLSftMERICANS. ^^j-sssrss? U «'f uc al Ambition—Violent r °'Race for Money. rrije alarming disease of this ' ,, nt -v is nervous debility and SStioa It r , under Sany names but it is essen- rZ the same complaint. Hospitals and private mstitu- 1 V for nervous patients are The average of life the United States is do m Sudden tions toweled. in palpitation lowness of tongue ar.d strength an The re.;: (1 dinmlit nf ton ’ ■ ■ in eacl us<> of w tniscin great ren .■lirondv dv " creasing every year, deaths from nervous collapse ,-jong our business, profess- Sal and public men are so frequent as scarcely to excite remark. The majority of sui cides, committed without ap parent reason, or under so-called “depression of spirits,” are really prompted by nervous prostration, which is n iruitlui so-irco of insanity and crime w i t h all their grief and horror. These facts are startling. They threaten the very life of the nation. They assail the springs of its power and pros perity. They wreck manhood’s strength and woman’s useful ness and beauty. . Every one should know, the causes. What are they ? The answer is easy # and terribly plain: Our vicious personal habits; our careless and lawless eating and drinking; the in- ’ tense mental and physical strain arising from our mad race after money, position and influence; the fears and struggles of pov erty; the use of narcotics and stimulants; our fashion of turning day into night and night Into day; and, briefly, our. desperate willingness to pay any price for an hour’3 pleasure or success. So we bum life's caudle at both ends and fill the lunatic asylums and the graveyards. The disease from which we suffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, Nervous Dyspepsia, as it is seated in the Nerves and in the organs of Digestion, Assim ilation and Nutrition. Healthy digestion being impeded or des troyed, the whole body, nerves included, is literally starved; even when there is no emaci ation to tell the sad story. Nervous prostration sends out its warnings:—headache in the morning; a persistent dull heaviness or aching at the base of the brain; wakefulness; loss of appetite and disgust with food; loss of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without any assignable reason; eructations; bad breath; foul mucous on the teeth; occn-’onal giddiness; nlm+Q+inM ,,r -j-pg h ear t; sal- i skin; coated .dual failure of nbition. is a total aban- hobits and cus- h cause the disease . :vh;ua! case, and the r extract of Hoots to cure the done. This 5 prepared by the fchaker < 'eaimuuity of Mt. Leb anon, N. j is especially adapt ed to erm.uwte Nerv ous Dys pepsia. To do this it acts directly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor es dieir tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex pelling waste matters from the s ) stem,and purifying the blood. Upon the nervous system shaker Exlract( Seigel’s Syrup) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest Narcotic effect, and then leaves he nerves to regain their nat- • ural tone and strength through T 3 r n,] ?r f ul influence upon he function of nutrition. 1 j ls safe to say more nerv ous dyspeptics have been re* 8 . 0re . d i j y it from the depths , nusery to a fresh enjoyment me and labor than by any . r all other forms of treatment mm bmed. The Parson Yelled "Fire.” From the Pittsburg Press. 1 hey tell a story on an Alleghany preacher,which, to tho best of nty knowledge, has not as yet been in print It occurred on a very warm day last summer, the congregation was drowsy. The preacher was a long talker, and after his sermon had been spread out over the better part of an hour the congregation was drowsier. Heads began to drop on tho respective chests thereunto aper- taining, aud long, deep breathing be came noticeable in various parts of the church. Then the preacher be § an to lower his voice gradually. top by step ho roduced his elocution Trom a fortissimo tenor pitch to a low, soothing bass until eventually his voice died out altogether. He looked carefully over the congregation. All was still as death. No one stirred. All were nodding. Then the optics or the indignant servant of the Lord tilled with gore. Ho leaned over the pulpit, away over, waited an instant in that pos ition, and then suddenly he yelled ‘ Fire! iirel” in a voice which 6cntits reverberations through every nook and cornor of tho odiflee. That brought the congregation to life as though a bond) had burst under them. One old deacon jumped up and yelled: "Where? Where?" That’s where tlv gag came iu, and the minister shrieked in tones of thunder: "In hell! In hell, for all you sleepy sinners!” Only strangers sleep in that church now. Their Bnsineu Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a revival of trade at John M. (Murk's Drug Store as their giving away to their cus tomers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion. Their trade is simply enormous In this very valuable article from the fi that It always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat, and lung diseases quickly cured. Yon can test It belore buying hy getting a trial bottle free, large size $1 Every bottle warranted. The Progress of Science. [Omaha WorldJ Mr. Winks—Photography is making wonderful progress, I see. Mrs. Winks—Yes, it is wonderful Why, I saw a photograph of the uioon not long ago, and— “But I am referring to the instanta neous processes. The paper says they can now take the likeness of a flying rifle ball or a flash of lightning." “Isn’t that splendid! By and by maybe, they’ll get so they can photo graph a baby without getting mad.' Startling But True. Wills Point, Texas, Doc. 1, 1885 After suffering lor more than 1hr years with disease of the throat and lungs I got so low Inst spring I was entirely un able to do anything, anti ruy cough was si bad I scarcely slept any at night. My druggist, Mr. II. F. Goodnight, sent mo trial bottle hr Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Svrup. I found relief, and after us ingsix $1.00 bottles, I was entirely eured J.M.WELDEN. Sold by E. A. Ilayne, Druggist, Mtilodge vllle, Gh. Kentucky has what are called “howling schools,” all lessons being conned audibly with a constant cat serenade of jargon and jabber, great while ago those schools were fashionable in the rural districts Georgia, notably in Houston and L counties. Once at the Lee county school a child was spelling baker and had successfully waded to the middle of that word when he was suddenly “slapped up’’ by a pin in the rear, Supposing the child to speak rapidly the circumstance and result are prop erly described as follows: b a ba— Mr. Brown I wish you make Tom Jones let me alone and let me git my lessen—k e r ker. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. -FROM- HE WORLD’S BEST MAKERS. It Faotory Prices. On Easiest Terms of Payment. SPECIAL BARGAINS. ROSEWOOD PIANO $210 Pull Size; aii improvement*; Sweet Tone; Guaranteed a Superior and lie liable Inntrumeut. Hast Sold iu America /or the money. Thousand* sold. Complete Outfit—line Plash Top Stool, Em broidered Cover, Instructor and Music Hook. All freight paid to nearest Depot. PARLOR ORGANS, $65. Large Size; Solid Walnut Case; Extended Top; Rich Design; 4 Seta Heeds; 10 Genuine Stops. Greatest bargain ever offered. Same (Style Case, with 2 Sets Heeds, only $55. Complete Outfit—tine Stool, instructor and Music Hook. All freight paid. Easy Terms. PIANOS.—»10 Monthly until paid for, or a mall cash payment ami balance quarterly, or eml aunually. Ten different plans of payment, Responsible parties accommodated with almost any terms desired. ORGANS.—$5 Monthly, or Rented until paid for. Easiest Terms ever heard pf. OUTFITS FREE. Fine Plush Stool, Embroidered Cover, instruc tor and Music Hook with Plano*. Fiac Stool, Instructor and Music Book with 0:(nus. ALL FREIGHT PAID. We assume all freight to purchaser’* nearest R. R. Depot or landing. EIGHT GRAND MAKERS AND OVER THREE HUNDRED STYLES TO SELECT FROM. THE LEADING INSTRUMENTS OF THE WORLD. CHIOKERINO, MASON St UAMblN MATHUSHEK, RENT, AND ARION. ,k HAMLIN, PACKARD flDOAIIG ORCHESTRAL AND BAY STATE linLANd. ENDORSED A ND RECOMMENDED IN IT [GUEST TERMS BY NEARLY ALL THE WORLD'S GREATEST MUSICIANS. PIANOS 111 Squares, Square Grands. I’prlcht* and Concert Grands at $210, $25(, $275, $300, $ ’25, $3f>0, to $1,000. ORGANS for Churches, lodges. Schools and Parlors at $24, $30, $50. $00, $75, $00, $100, $125, $150 to $750. PIANOS AND ORGANS DELIVERED FREIGHT PAID, TO ANY RAIL ROAD POINT SOUTH. For Illustrated Catalogues, Price Lists, Circu lars and full Information address THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE E. D. IRVINE, Manager, Macon Ga., Or J. S. STEMBR1DGE, Agt., Millkdgevillk, Ga. September 14th, 1880. 30 ly. ACHINERY. SKIN § SCALP Cleansed, Purified and Beautified by the Cuticura Remedies. Lor cleansing the Skin and Scalp ol Disfiguring Humors; for allaying itching, Burning and In. li am mat ion; for curing the first, symptoms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Scaly Head, Hern min, aim other Inherited Hkln and Blood Diseases, t menu, the groat Skin Cure, and LUTictUA Soap, au exquisite Skin Hcautifler, externally, nml iytktha Rksoi.vknt, the new Blood Purifier, Internally, are Infallible. A COMPLETE CUBE. I have suffered all my life with skin diseases of different kind* and have never found permanent relief, until, by the advice of a lady friend, I used your valuable Cvttouha Krmkpik*. 1 gave them a thorough trial, using *tx bottles of the Cuticura Kksolvint, two boxes of Cuticura and seven cakes of Ccticcra Soap, and the result was just what J had been told It would be —a complete cure. BELLE WADE, Richmond. Va. Reference, G. Latimer, Druggist, Richmond, Calhoun’s Predictions. HALT RHKIIM CITRIC I). I was troubled with Halt Rheum fbr a number of years, so that the skin entirely came eft one of iny bauds from tho linger tips to tho wrist. 1 (Tied Tetpertles and doctors’ prescriptions to no purpose until I oonttnenoed taking Curiopra IvifttBoiKs, and now I am entirely cured E. T. PAllUKU,a7# Northampton&L, Boston, ITCUINO, SCALY, PIMPLY. For the last year I Imvc had a species of Itching, scaly and pimply humors on lnvTaec to which i ha ve applied a great ninny methods of treatment without success, and which was spefillly and en tirely cured by CimuuRA. Mrs. ISAAC PHELPS, Ravenna, t). NO MEIMCINK LIKE THEM. We have sold pour citktiu Remkuies for the lasts x years, and no medicines on our sbehos give better satisfaction. C. F. ATHERTON, Druggist, Albany, N. Y. Cuticuka 11kmkimits arc sold everywhere. Price, Cuticpra. 50 cents; Rrsoi.vknt, $i.'ki; Soap, 25 cents. Prepared by the Pottkr Drug ANl) CUKHICAI. Co,, Boston, Mats. Sent! for 1 How to Cure Skin Diseases,” QRIIRQ Pimples, Skin Blemishes, and Baby VA 11U UO| Humors, cured by cuticura Boat. Jno. C. Calhoun predicted over flf ty years ngo that this Piedmont Belt was destined to become the richest country on the globe, and would one day support the largest and most denso population of any section of America. The grand statesmen spoke parables of truth but predicated bis opinion on the geographical position, tho salubrious climate, the pure water and the wonderful productiveness of the soil of this section. Unlhoun never dreamed of the vast mlueral deposits that underlie the rich cholocate Bur- face of this most wonderful country. From every section of Piedmont Belt we hear of new discoveries of mineral wealth in fabulous quantities. Mr. J. B. Carver, has just returned from a trip in Chattooga couuty, where he has been prospecting for minerals. On Ills stock ranche, thir teen miles from Rome, is a mountain of brown hematite Iron ore l»alf a mile wide and over a mile long. Experts who have examined this ore,, think it will assay over 00 pef oent. pure iron. On the same tract of land are outcrop pings of coal which the country black smith has used for years. The recent survey of the Home and Chattanooga Railroad runs through this valuable property. Along this route from six miles of Romo to Chattanooga are mountain crags full of iron mangau- ese and valuable ores of nearly every discriptlon. Rome is certainly des tined to become a great centre for iron and coal. of ENGINES | Steam&Water boilers" 1 1 wr?u rrwxrrmirsLvrMx. n SAY/MILLS GRIST ^ILLS Pips & Fitting Imm SAWS GotionPresses FfiLES SHAFTING INJECTORS PULLEYS PUMPS HANGERS Watir Whetls COTTON GINS CASTINGS GEARING Brass and Iron It la the duty of every person who has used Boschee’s German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Ast hma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can u«e it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend It to the poor, dying consmnp tivo. at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported, Such a medicine as the German Syrup canuoi be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by nil Druggists and Dealers, in tho United States and Canada. Another Ait Craze. Tho latest art work among ladies is known ns the “French Craze," for decorating china, glassware, etc. it Is something entirety new, and Is bom profitable and fascinating, it is very popular In New York, Boston and oilier Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn the Art, we will send au elegant cliiua placque (size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated, for a model, together with box of material, too colored de signs assorted In flowers, annuals, soldiers, land scapes, etc., complete, with full lnstrRctlous,^up- >n receipt of only $1.00. ™uw. pl u, „..™. The Placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. Jo every lady ordering this outfit who encloses the ‘“[J re *s of five other ladles interested in Art matters, to whom wo can mail our new catalogue or An Goods, we will enclose extra and without charge, a beautiful :so inch, gold-tintedplacque. Address, THE EM1TKE NEWS CO. Syracuse,JN. A. Feb. 1st, 1887. 31 13t3, ADVICE TO MOTHERS- Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by u sick child suffering and crying wit pain of cutting teeth? If so. send “t onte an i get a bottle of MRS. WINSLO' * *00 SYRFP FUR CHILDREN TEtriUNO. Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the pool ' be cof ferer immediately. Depend upon It, motliers there is no mistake about it. It cures ly . Y and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach auu w- els, cures wind colic, softens the K u! ! 1 ;’ . .. inflammation, and gives tone and energy to me whole system. MRS. WINSLOW ’Si SOOTU1MJ SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEET 0 Se of the to the taste, auri is the prescription or o oldest and best female nurses and P j, .iraggists the United states and is for sale by all throughout the world, l’nce2* cents a bottle. January 4tb, 1887. i Call and get a Boy Dixie Flow, for !JOS. STALKT’S. A full stock of Scopllcs, cheap &gool BELTING, PACKING and OIL at BOTTOM PRICES AND IN STOCK FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. HOT Repairs Promptly Done.. rxtaMzxiAXvnaur' ~ n «ni ri mu iihiimiii—— ■ GEO, R. LOMBARD & CO. Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works, AUGUSTA, GA. | ABOVE PASSENGER DEPOT. June 8, 1880. 87 ly WOBKINfl CLASSES attention! pared to furnish all classes rvith employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable, l’ersons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5.oo per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting all their time to the business. Hoys and girls carp nearly as much as men. That all who see tills may send their address, and test the business, we make tills offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address Georou Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. February 15th, 1887. 32 lv. EXCELSIOR C00KST0YES ALWAYS SMISFACTORY ALL PURCHASERS CAM BE SUITED MANUFACTURED BY Isaac A. Sheppard & Co. Baltimore, Md. AND FOB 8AI.K BV T. T. WINDSOR, Milledgeville, Ga. Au* 10,1880. 5 ly. ACHE ALL OVER. Neuralgic, Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp *nd Nervon* P*in*, Strain* and weakne** relieved In one initial* by the Cuticura Anti-Pain l*la*- t.er. New and perfect. At druggist*, 25 rents; five for Jl.oo. Hotter Drug and Chemical Company, Boston. April 5th, 1889. ga lm. BradfielcTs T I: Icc A ISpeciflc for all diseasei peculiar to women, such asl Painful, Suppressed, or Ir-| regular Menstruation, Leu corrhaia or Whites, etc. Female If taken during the Change of Life, great suffering and] >r will ■ I jdangei II he avoided. Regulator! Bradfield Regulator Co., Gcmi. ly.] Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA CLIMATIC gA Blood Purifier. T ins is purely a vegetable com- I’OUND, and Is highly endorsed by hun dreds of the best citizens of Georgia and other state* for the following diseases: RHEUMATISM, INDIGESTION, CON SUMPTION, HEADACHE, DYSPEPSJA, CATARRH, and ULCERS. SORES OK LONG STANDING, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, KIDNEY and LIVER COMPLAINTS, Ami all affections cuuscd by IMPURE BLOOD Or low conditions of the system. This Medicine only needs a trial to know tho value of it. No certificates will be given In the papers but if any one wishes them, they will bo sent on application. This Medicine is put up by t lie Marshallvilie Medicine Co,, For one dollar per bottle. If your druggist does not keep it, send direct to the Marshallyille Medicine, Co., Marshallville, Ga. Sept. 28, 1886. 12 ly. For Rent. up WO OFFICES in Opera House 1 building, formerly occupied by county officers. Apply to RUFUH VV. ROBERTS. Milledgeville, Jan. 25, ’87, 20 tf " PATENTS - Obtained and nil PATENT BUSINESS at tended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office Is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents In less time than those remote from WASHING TON. Send MODEL OH DRAWING. We ad vise as to patentability free of charge; mid we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. We refor, here, t.o the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Oi del- Div,, and to officials of tho U. S, Patent Office. For circular, nd- vice, terms and references to actual clients iu your own State of Count v. write to C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, W ashington. D. C. Nov. 18th, 1884. 19 tf. Deo. M, 1866. and WhUkey Hmb- tts cured it home witn out pain. Book of par. tlottluH sent 33 Sm Spring Medicine. The necessity ot a spring medicine ifc almost universally admitted. And the superiority of Hood’e Sarsaparilla for this purpose becomes more and more widely known every year. That power to purify the blood, and those elements of strength and health which the system craves, and to which it is so susceptible at this season, are pos sessed hy this peculiar medioine in i pre-eminent degree. Scrofula, pim pies, boils, or any humor, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, catarrh rheumatism, or any diseases or affec tions caused or. promoted by Impure blood or low state of the system, are cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Try the peculiar medicine. The Dromies—Sherman and Hanson Rome Courier. ! In Nashville last Thursday night Senator Sherman delivered an address in favor of the Republican doctrine of protection, using the same old arguments which have been a thou Hand times exposed and refuted. He asserted that tho protection doctrine is distinctively Republican, which is true, and said that “the Democratic party, if it has any fixed creed or pol Icy, is opposition to protection,’ which is also true as far us it goes. in Atlanta the same night, Major J. F. Hanson, of Macon, a gentleman who controls the Macon Telegraph, also addressed an atfilienoe on the tariff and in favor of protection, mak ing use there of the su me old shallow and stale arguments that Sherman did in Nashville. In polities the only difference be tween these two men is, that Senator Sherman boldly proclaims bhnself wliat^ lie is, a Republican, and tells hits Nashville hearers that "all that is needed in Tennessee is that it should become a Republican State” by fa voring protection, while Major Han son will go hack to Macon and about the country masquerading as a Dem ocrat, though entertaining and utter ing in Atlanta the selfjsame senti ments and opinions that Sherman did in Nashville. The line mnst bo drawn, and in Georgia. The next Democratic State convention must draw it for Georgia if the party would live, to separate the goats from the sheep, that is, to rid tiie party of assistant Republicans who are in it only to betray it. Chronic Conghi and Colds, And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, can be cured by the use of Scott’s Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. Is a beautiful, creamy Emulsion, pala table as milk, easily digested, and can be taken by the most delicate. Please read: “1 consider Scott’s Emulsion tiie remedy par excellence in Tuber culous and Strumous Affections, to say nothing of ordinary colds and throat troubles.” W. it. S. Connell, M. I)., Manchester O. “I am using your Emulsion Cod Liver Oil witli Hypophosphites for an affection of my throat, and the improvements are beyond my expectation.”—D. Tay lor, M. I)., Coosawatte, Ga. [80 lm. Bargain in Music. Tills Favorite Album or Sonp* nml Ballads, coutaiuiii)? Unrt.v-two piece* of choice ami popular music, lull sheet music size, with com plete wo-ds and music and piano accompani ment Is finely printed upon heavy paper with |a very attractive cover. The following are the titles of the songs and ballads contained in the Favorite Album;—As I’d NothingElse to Do.; The Dear Old Songs or Home.; Mother, Watch Hie Little feet; Oh, You Pretty Blue-eyed Witch; Blue Eyes: Katv’s Letter; Tho fussing Bell; I Maw i.sau Kissing Kute; Won’t You Tell Me Why, Roliln; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens: Faded Leaves; All Ainoug the Summer Hoses; Touch the llurp Gently, Mv ftetty Louise; 1 really don’t think 1 shall Marry; Dreuming of Home; The old Cottage Clock; Across the Men; A Year Ago; Bachelor’s Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn Gate; Jack’s Farewell; Folly; Whisper In the Twilight. This Is a very fine collection or real vocal gems, and gotten tip In very handsome style. Published In the usual way and bought at a music store, these 32 pieces would cost you $11.29. Wo bought a job lot of this music at a t,treat saoriflee snd as the holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at nnee. Will send yon tho entire collection well wrapped aud postpaid foronly 4u cts. Send immediately. Address, TIIE EMPIRE NEWS CO., .Syracuse, N. Y. Feb. 1st, 1887. 3113ts. Coon hunting seems to be a lucra tive sport in some parts of Missouri, Two hunters recently chopped down an evident “coon tree” near Trenton, and got three coons, 400 pounds of honey, and an oyster can in which were $280 in gold. For sale at t^is office: Envelopes at $1.00 per thousand. KEEP A SCRAP-BOOK. Christian Advocate. 1 advise every boy or girl to keep a scrap-book. If you are ten, or fifteen, or twenty years old, keep a scrap book. Let me tell you why and how: Hundreds of tilings you Hee that you would like to keep, but if you lay them away will never be able to find them when you want them. When I was a boy I did not have sense enough to keep scrap-books. I began some, but did not keep on long with them. My memory was good, but I can now remember many things that I can’t remember. What I mean is this: 1 remember reading a beautiful piece of poetry, of which two or three lines I can call up, but the whole I can’t recollect. In some cases I do not know the name of the writer. 1 have seen many fine pictures in magazines and papers that would now be valuable and interesting. Some I cut put, they are lost. Charm ing stories, wise remarks, proverbs, directions for doing a great many useful aud curious things are also lost. Mo much do I feel sure that l have lost that 1 would give $50 apiece for the scrap-books of each and every year that I might have made, from the time I was ten till I began to pre serve tilings, only a few years back. There is a gentleman who has kept a scrap-book since lie was eight years old. He is now forty, and has been arranging them in volumes, witli an index in back of each one. You would hardly think that the earlier would be of much use to him. But they are. He often amuses himself as he readg them, for he sees how little he knew when he was little; blit also finds a little that he still thinks valuable. Besides, his children are much inter ested to see what their father bad oolleoted and pasted in books. The older he grows the more useful the books become. He can go to his books, and in a few minutes get infor mation about everything thAt has happened in his whole life—tell you about tiie Civil war, the Crimean war, the Italian war, the overthrow of Louis Napoleon, and many other tilings, just as they were published in the papers at the time the event hap pened. His scrap-book also contains many funny things, which provoke a smile and often a merry laugh, as he leads them to his family in the long winter evenings. The children would rather hear him read from his scrap-books than from tiie newest story. If you have no scrap-book, get one, and put in it whatever pleases you. If you have one, and have not used it, take it up again. I assure you that you will be very glad of it after ward. You can buy one very cheap. Some require paste, and one invented by Mark Twain, and sold in the book stores, is arranged like postage stamps. All you have to do is to wet it and lay on what you wish to save. If you have the money, get one of this kind. It is cleaner and less troublesome. The others, however, will do well enough. A bottle of muci lage is all you need. Only you must be careful not to drop any of the sticky stuff on tiie pages, or they will stick together; when you open them tiie surface of the paper will] pull off and deface the reading. if you have no money to buy a scrap book, or do not live where thoy are sold, one can be made by taking any old, useless book, and cutting out two leaves out of three, close down to the back, but not close enough to cause tiie book to come to pieces. Then on tlm remaining leaves you can paste, will make will using both sides. This three thicknesses and tile book close as before. It is a good idea to keep the scrap book handy. When you eut out some thing, lay it in till there is a conven ient time to paste them all in. But the best way is to paste them in at the time. If I can persuade you to do this for twenty years, or even half that time, from now, you will feel that you have learned something valuable from this article. It is a Curious Fact That the body is now more susceptible to benefit from medicine than at any other season. Hence the importance of taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla now, when it will do you the most good. It is really wonderful for purifying and enriching the blood, creating an appetite, and giving a healthy tone to the whole system. He sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to itself. Tho Constitution a few days since called attention to tiie faot that lec tures were being delivered in some parts of the country predicting that tiie end of tiie w'orld is near at hand. We suppose the earth-quakes anil other calamitous events of tiie last few years, is the basis of the belief. A prominent London clergyman about 1860, predicted that the end would come in a few years, and others in this country made like predictions. Hut the world moved on as though no such prophecies had been made. Brace Up, Y<m are feeling depressed, your appe tite in poor, you are bothered with Head ache, you are lldgetty, nervous, and gen erally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave vou In a worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find In Electric Bitters, and nnlv 50 cents a bottle at John M.Clark’s Drugstore. A Lady in Texas Writes: ‘‘My case is of long standing; lias baf fled many physicians; have tried every remedy I could hear or. but Bradlield’a Female Regulator is all that relieved me.” Write The Bradfield Regulator Co„ Atlan- t», Ga. Landreth’s Garden Seed and Irish, potatoes for sale by C. L. Cask,