Newspaper Page Text
Among our Exchanges.
John T. Kaynioml. llic urcut como-
lian is dead.
The Gate ('ity Guards will sail for
Kurope on .luii" lath. All necessary
arrangements have been made.
Secretary K. Greer is very enthu
siastic over the outlook of the coming
State Fair, lie thinks it will be the
biggest fair ever held in Macon.
Track-laying is progressing rapidly
on the Covington & Macon railroad.
Thirty-four wiles have been laid, and
the force has invaded Jasper county.
Hr. Hawthorne emphatically denies
a rumor that he is favorably consider
ing a call to a wealthy church in
Washington. He will remain in At
John G. Saxe’s later life derived no
iddltional sweetness front tho fact
’hat. he once received $5,000 per year
•'or writing one poem a week for the
New York Ledger.
Secretary Lamar is to deliver the
oration at the unveiling of the statue
of Calhoun, .'it Charleston, S. C., on
the 26th inst. The address is to bo a
philosophic discourse on American
Mr. W. W. Lee, one of the most
nighty esteemed citizens of Wilkinson
county, d:ed on the 11th. at the Gor
don Hotel in Gordon. He was well
known and few men had more friends
*hnn he.
In tho asylum at Millcdgcvillo, Ga.,
there is a man who spends all his
waking hours repeating. “John’s
got a will ;he couldn’t be my son ’thoul
avin’a will; but my will’s rightan’
iis will’s wrong.
Vincent, ttie defaulting State Treas-
jrer of Alabama, says he joined the
Episcopal Church during his stay in
Mexico, had become an acceptable
member and was vestryman up to the
time of his capture.
The Walton News says 11,-100 dozen
ggs and 8,100 chickens were shipped
over the Gainesville and Social Circle
railroad during last week which was an
average of 1,900 dozen eggs a day and
1,060 chickens per day.
The Ellijav Courier reports that
-teel rails have been purchased to
complete the Marietta and North
Georgia road to Murphy, N. (’., and
that part of them have arrived. The
work will be pushed rapidly.
Judge Pardee, of the Federal Cir
cuit Court, has decreed a sale of the
T.-xas Central railroad, to satisfy
mortgages amounting to about $3,-
t'10.000. The sale will be made at
Waco within sixty days after the
signing of the decree.
The entire city ticket of Stockton,
Kansas, mayor,c.nine linen and every
thing else connected with the city
-vernment is composed of ladies.—
The men got out of the way, nomi
nated them and they are going to bo
elected unanimously.
About noon yesterday Mr. Eugene
Amsden, of Brooklyn, N. Yd. was
married to Mrs. Caroline H. Wardlaw
<,f Eatonton, by Justice Freeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Amsden are stopping at
the Southern Hotel. The lady in the
c««e arrived in tie- city yesterday
morning.- Macon Telegraph, 12th
A movement is on foot among some
Hawkinsville’s most substantial
•apitaii-ts for the establishment of an
agricultural implement factory. Ap-
piicati m for the charter is soon to be
made, when the enterprise will be
pushed forward as early as practical.
Tin- is one of the indications of pro
gress the Dispatch is delighted to
note, and of which it will have more
to say at the proper time, llawkins-
ville Dispatch.
The Albany News and Advertiser
says that only six of the twunty-ono
daily newspapers published in Geor
gia take tho Associated Press dis
patches. Of the other fifteen tho
News and Advertiser and the Atlanta
Capitol are the papers that do not
use the cheap plate matter that is
sent out for 20c. a column by concerns
in New York, Chicago and Cincinnati.
The News and Advertiser thinks the
plate matter lowers the standard of
the papers i hat use it.
rin* other day a Massachusetts
--.'mr-di sent to a well-known theolo
gical seminary fora student, specify
ing as their chief desire that he
sh.i".'.-! hea Christian. A sister sem
inary received ubout the same time
a uninuuieati'-n fr-uu a rural church
running as follows: “Wo don’t
•van'* any young man: we want an
-jI-1 man, or a married man. The
young men cai;-" trouble to the I'ond
m 'timrs. ilirt. with the girls, and
give ns veal instead of beefPos
ton ('• mgregationalist.
Tim average American at home or
abroad does not take kindly to any
thing that would seem to cast a sliad-
dow of shade upon his native laiul.-
A story told last evening at Richmond
Avenue Methodist Episcopal church
by the Rev. George W. Peck might be
cited in illustration. An Englishman
was traveling through Italy with an
American friend, and in course of their
sojournings each maintained the su
periority of their own country. Fi
nally the grand spectacle of Mount Ve
suvius in eruption, throwing its bril-
lient rays across the bay of Naples,
burst upon their astonished gaze.—
“Now, look at that,’’ chuckled the
Englishmen; “you liavn’t got any
thing in America that can come any
where near that." “No, - ’ moodily re
plied the Yankee. “It is true we have
not Jgot a Vesuvius, but we have got
a waterfall that could put that thing
out in five minutes.’’
“A Perfect Flood of Sunshine."
will till the heart of every suffering
woman if she will only persist in tlie
use of Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescrip
tion." It will cure the most excru
ciating periodical pains, and relieve
you of all irregularities anil give
healthy action. It will positively cure
internal inllaimnation and ulceration,
misplacement and all kindred disor
ders. Price reduced to one dollar.
By druggists.
Tociuzens of the Southern States during
the past week, and reported expressly tor
the Union .t Recorder by ('. A. Snow <V (jo.
l’ntcnl lawyers, Opp. I'. S. l’utent Office,
Washington, 1). C.
L. C. llrickenstein, Baltimore, Mil.,
Device for decanting liquids.
O. T. Bugg, Louisville, Ky., Cotton
W. B. Clark, Covington, Ky., Aut
omatic brake.
C. A. T. Day, Morganficld, Ky.,
Sawdust carrier.
: .1, H. Helms, Mathews, N. Wash
ing A wringing machine.
M. J. Hewlett, Cumberland City,
Tenn., Car coupling.
7j. F. Jones, Scottsvilfe, Vn., Nut-
H. B. Light, Simpson's, Va., Tobac
co Conveyor.
P. P. Linder, Jacksonville, Ala.,
Cattle Guard.
J. E. McDowell, Huntington, W.
Va., Trunk Attachment.
J. H. Pliilbrick, Mobile, Ala., Stave
Planer and Stave Jointing Machine.
J. M. Sweeney, Wheeling, W. Va.,
W. S. Rnbb, Winnsboro, S. Hoe
Blade and Fastening.
('. W. Rogers, Baltimore, Mil., Ma
chine for Making Leather Cruppers.
It. F. Spnngenberg, New Orleans,
La., Brush for Gin Saws.
E. Wayland, Gest, Ky., Churn.
<t. P. Weller, Louisville, Ky., Sten
cil Plate.
,T. H. Tftbony, New Orleans, La.,
Telephone Receiver.
W. H. Tnppey, Petersburg, Va.,
Fluid Compressor.
W. A. Wright, Cave Spring, Ga.,
Leveling Instrument.
The Good Old Amen Corner.
Uniontown Local.
’flin question having been asked
“where is the nmon-covner in tho
Methodist church?" an old class-lead
er answered : “When wo had an u-
rnen-corner it was all over the meet
ing house and much of the adjoining
county.” Just so! That was in the
days of the meeting house, and where
they still existltheamen corner is yet
to be found. But in theso days of
church organs and organized choirs
a hearty amen, uttered in approval
of enunciation of gospel truth, would
frighten propriety out of its self-eom-
plucency, and even out of the church.
All Men Are Not Bad.
reliable. This is proven by the re
suits following the use of Dr' Harter’i
Iron Tonic for dyspepsia, rheumatism,
scrofula, jaundice, torpid liver, and
i/Piw*rnl wpnknpsw
general weakness.
Tho Israelites of the country show
nil appreciation of Henry Ward
Beecher’s liberal thought and broad
Christian philanthropy by making
handsome con trihut ions to the monu
ment fund.
Cnro lor Piles.
Piles are frequently preceded by a
sense of weight in the back, loins and
lower part of the abdomen, causing
the patient to suppose he lias some
affection of the kidneys or neighbor
ing organs. At times, symptoms of j
indigestion are present, flatulency, |
uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A 1
moisture like perspiration, producing
a very disagreeable itching, after get
ting warm, is a common attendant.
Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles
yield at once to the application of ;
Dr. Bosanko’s idle Remedy, which ;
acts directly upon the part affected, !
absorbing the Tumors, allaying the
intense itching, and ^effecting a per
manent cure. Price, 50 cents. Ad- !
drees The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.
Plqua, (). Kohl by T. H. Kenan, |
Druggist, Milledgeville, Ga. [36 ly !
It is such a common thing for men
who die, leaving an estate, to will a
competency to their widows only dur
ing their widowhood—this allowance
to be cut off, by a stipulation in the
will, in the event of her marrying
again—that it is refreshing to limi an
instance where a woman lias got even
with the men by leaving her wealth
to her husband so long as he weds no
daughter of Eve. Such an instance is
furnished by a Kingston, N. V., wo
man, who was recently translated to
the celestial sphere. She had prop
erty in her own right, and made her
will before her death, setting apart a
liberal amount for her husband during
his widowhood, but providing for tin
transfer of the property to others in
the event of iiis marriage, lint the
man will always have the advantage.
In spite of law and lawyers lie can
flirt and go any length lie wills so
long as lie avoids the noose of matri
mony. The men are not only greatly
favored by the unwritten law that
governs society but are given every
advantage over the weaker sex by
the statutes of the country.- Albany
Simmons Liver Regulator
is wlint the name indicates a “Regu
lator," of that most important organ,
the Liver. Is yoyr Liver out of or
der? Then is vour whole system de
ranged, the breath offensive, you
have headache, fe>el languid, dispirit
ed, and nervous, no appetite, sleep is
troubled and unrefreshing. Kirumons
Liver Regulator restores the healthy
action of the Liver. See that you'got
the Genuine, prepared by J. H. Zeilin
A Co.
Air. George I. Seney has again dis
tinguished himself. He has given
$40, 000 worth of pictures the to Me
tropolitan [Art Museum of New York.
can live at lior.ic, and make more
motley at work fur ns. than at any—
thingebe in this worM. Capital net
needed; you are started free, llotii
sexes; all ages. Any otmean ilothe work, Largo
earnings sure from lirsrstart. Costly out tit and
terms free. Heller not delay. Costs you noth,
mg to send us your address and find out; if you
are wise you will do so at once. 11. IUi.lktt A Co.,
Portland! Maine.
February l 6th, 2SS7. 02 lv.
Made «VV«‘
Work. Upholstering, Putting Bottoms in
Chairs, Mattress Making, Picture Framing, Sc.
Renovating old-fashioned Furniture, a specialty.
Old Furniture that Is broken up or faded in
color, can bo made as strong as ever and Paint
ed, stained or Varnished lu the Highest Styles.
Coffins, Bedsteads, Chairs, &c.,
Made to Order. All Work Guaranteed.
Furniture and Coffins for sale at Low
Old Factory Office. opposite Jarratt's Spring,
Wayne St„ Milledgeville, lla.
Nov. 16th, 1886. 19 6111.
Studio in the M. G. M. A A, College.
from photographs.
rHTLessons given in Crayon, Oil
painting, Kensington painting on
velvet and satin.
EiTOrders and pupils solicited.
Milledgeville, Jan. 4, '87. 20' 3m
50,000 Shingles Wanted,
^PPLY to
Milledgeville, Ga., March29,1887,3bit
Is ji dangerous well a« dlftrosntig c >mpl.iint If
r.cKloctml. It ten*in, l»y impairing' nutrition, nnil oo-
tiroming tlio tone of tho 8/Btew, to prvpuru tuu way
lur Knpid Decline,
Quickly an<l completely (InreR DyNPfpmln In al!
it* form*, 11 on ri burn, fiddling, ThMIiik the
K ood, etc It enriches and purifloA the blood,ntimu-
ten the appetite, and aidn the asHimilation of food.
laten the appetite, and nid« th
Kr.v. J. T., the honored pant-...
First Reformed Church, Baltimore, Md., flays:
" Having unod Urown’H Iron Bittern for DyBpcpnia
and Indigestion I take great pleasure in recom
mending it highly. Alno comiider it a apleadid tunio
and inviyorator. and very BtrengtheninK. u
Hon. Joseph C Suit. Judge of Circuit Court.,
Clinton Co . Ind . anyn: “ I bear mont cheerful tenti-
m<»n> t > the eth<*a* y of Jirown'a Irou Hitlers for
Dyspepsia, and .is n tom. “
Genuine twin above Trade Mark and cron c *‘d red linos
April 6 1886]
;i!l c,\v. lv
Ne\y A11vertisemenis.
Tlio Importance of purifying tlio blood can
not be overestimated, for without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every ono nerds a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
tho blood, and we ask you to try Hood's
Peculiar Sarsaparl " a ' nstrengthens
and builds up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while* it eradicates disease. Tho peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of tho vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pccul- ”J"q
lar curative powers. No
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have made up your mind to
buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Fob 1, 1887. 30 cw. 1 v
teillgent to ro
present established business In own locality.
Permanent pnsil ion and good so lary. lieferencss
exchanged. Bay Mfg. Co. 16 Barclay-st. N. V.
l gus.
antes(L UU. SCOTT, 841 Broadway, N. Y.
Georgia Railroad Company. 1
Augusta, Ga., Dec. 18th, 1886.
I Commencing Sunday, luth instant, the follow
ing passenger schedule w til be o pe rated.
| Trains run by ootli Meridian timet
KOI 8 — EAST (daily).
Leave Macon 7 :loa m
LeavcMtUedgevliie u:l6a m
LeaveSparta lu:41 a m
Leavu Warren ton 12:00 noon
ArriveCamak 12:16 p m
Arrive Washington 2:20p 111
ArriveAtliens 6:aopm
Arrive Gainesville 8:25 p m
Arrive Atlanta 5:46 p m
Arrive Augusta 3:05 p m
. NO 17—WEST (dally).
Leave Augusta iu:55 a m
Leave Atlanta Siouam
l.eave Gainesville 6:55 a nt
Leave Athens »:oo a nt
Leave Washington 11:20 a in
LeaveCatnak l:3«pm
Arrive Warrenton i:4S p m
Arrive Sparta a:01 p at
Arrive Milledgeville 4:11 p m
Arrive Macon 8:00 pm
NO 18—EAST (dally.)
Leave Macon 6:sopm
Leave Millodgevlllo 8:24 p m
Leave Sparta ♦ 0:39 p in
l.eave Warrenton 10:48 a in
ArriveCamak ll:00ain
Arrive Augusta 6 mount
NO 15—WEST (dally.)
I,cave Augusta 9:40 p in
LeaveCamak 12:60 a m
Arrive Warrenton l:06uin
Arrive Sparta 2:36 a m
Arrive Milledgeville 4:12 a m
Arrive Macon 6:40 am
No connection for Gainesville on Sundays.
M'lte Fast Trains do not stop at Cantak.
Trains will, if signaled, stop at any regular
scheduled flag station.
Close connections at Augusta for all points
East, and Southeast, and 111 Macon for ull points
in Southwest Georgia and Florida.
Superblmproved sleepers between Macon and
superb Improved Sleepers between Augusta
and Atlanta.
General Manager.
K. R. D0R8EY.
General Passenger Agent.
General Traveling Passenger Agent.
JVLTiriM; cKr Mom?
REAL estate agent 1 ^
U en to tlie purchase and £
Real Estate in Baldwin Con, tv ‘
Milledgeville, Ga., Jan loth* ’
HE™ Root beer.
Package, a.tcents, makes 8 gallons of a deli
cious, spnrkllng, temperance beverage, .strong-
thon* ond purines thp blood. Us purity and
and delicacy commend It to all. Hold by all
druggists and storekeepers,
Ha causes, amt a new
and successful CURE
at your own home, by
_ one who wa* deaf twenty-eight years.
Treated by most of the noted spi.i lalNts wtl bout
benefit, t'urcrt himself in three mouths, and
since then hundreds of'others. End particulars
sent on application.
T. 8 Page, ><» Hi We«t list .si., Wiv fork City
Thrilling; l>(»t«*ct i v«* Klorii^, limne Cook aiifl
Doctor Honk, U(»\v .to .Hake Poultry Pay,
and Kohiiiflnn Crusoe. * Id'-p 4 liookHSunt free,
on receipt of 4 rent* cneli for pnNt.i^e, with
njeency terms, also our i Homo, Farm and
Factory, :i months on trial.
t^-Por -0 cents wo will place vour address in
our new Ajrents* Inre< iorv. which will l»rin« \ou
over .sou hooks, n.ipers, letter’s, circulars, s.un-
I'les, Am
IlfLBICtT 1*1 H. C(to Kmiiie mock, st I.„uis,
grjm IN ONE MINUTE, that weary,
T lifeless, nil-gone sensation ever present
1 with those of Inflamed Kidneys, Weak
* Back and Loins, Aching Hips and Sides,
Utcrino Tains, Weakness, and Inflammation, is
relieved and speedily cured by tho Cutlcura
Anti-PR,in Plaster, a new, original, elegant and
iniallible antldoto to pain and inflammation. At
ajl druggists, 25c, j flvo for or of Totter
ug ana Chemical Co., Boston.
Drug i
“The Greatest Cnro on Earth for rain.’* Will
rciiovo more quickly than any other known rem-
cdy: Rheomatism, Neuralgia,
Swellings, Btill Nock, llmises,
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumba-
3\po, Pleurisy, Sores, Frost-bite#,
Blnac: * —
Sock ache, Quinsy, Sore I’hroat,
Sciatica. Wounds, Headache,
Toothache, Sprains, etc. Price
26 eta a bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Caution.—The gen
in a A'.. I .is* A.'l V.... _ .
rogijU'red Trtnir Mark aid i
nore, Md., V. S. A.
l>r. Bull'. Cough Syrup -will rar.
» ouah at once. Price only 23 Ob. a b
April 20, 1886. 41 cw ly
mat t'-r v.'Idg .ii’r ili’afne^-i-; caiwM by colds
levels, or injuries 10 the muursil drums. Always
•1 pn-dtIon. i>ut iuvliiiole to othcii* F.nd nun-
r.irbi 1 '!'* ! i wosr. Mii^d 1 . iGUver^atlnn. oxen
wlib-pcrs heard diK f itictly. We refer to tho«e
lisilm thei.i. send for iiit.s: rate*! nf proofs
free. Address F. DIsgo.x, 8t!i KroadiDiy,
N. V.
central and Southwestern Railroads.
Savannah, Ga., Nov. 14, 18£6
SENGER Trains on tho Central and
Southwestern Railroads and branches will
run as follows:
Trains t dally, * daily except Sunday.
[AH trains of this system are run by
Standard (90) Meridian time, which is 30
minutes slower than time kept by City.|
Lv Savannah, 18.40 a nt 18.20 p m t.j.40 p m
Ar MUlen,.... 111.40 a m 111.03 pni t8.45 p m
Ar Augusta... 12.15 p m to.15 a m
Ar Macon *4.20 p m *3.20 a m
Ar Atlanta... H2.15 a m *7.30 a m
Ar Columbus, (5.50 a m *1.55 p m
Ar Montgomery. 10.4*3 p in
Ar Eufaula,.. . t3.15 p m
Ar Albany.... *10.08 p m tl0.35 a in
Ar Milledgeville *5.24 p m
Ar Eatonton. .. *0.55 p m
Train leaving at 8.20 p m and arriving
at 5.55 am, will not stop to put off or
take on passengers between Savannah and
Lv Millen *10.13am *3.10 a m *5.10 a m
Lv Augusta.. +7.45 a m 19.30 p in
Lv Macon *0.25 a m H0.50 p m
Lv Atlanta... *2.25 a lit *0.50 p m
Lv Columbus f 9.0(i p m tli.30 a m
Lv Montg’ry. *8.10 a m
Lv Eufaula .. ill.25 am
Lv Albany.... (5.00 a m t‘3.57 p nt
Ar Savannah.*12.50 p in *5.55 a m *8.05 a m
Lv Eatonton, *4.30 a in
Ar Mill’dg’ve. *5.55 a m
Connections at Savannah fvitliSavannah,
Florida and Western Railway for all points
in Florida. •
Local Sleeping Carson all Night Pas-
senger Trains between Savannali and Au
gusta, Savannah and Macon, Savannah
and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus.
Gen.Supt.,Sav, Gen. Pass. Agt. Sav.
T. D. Kline, A. C. Knapp.
Supt. Macon. Agt. Macon.
W. F. Siiellman, Traffic Mang’r., Sav.
pop»l*r favorite for dre#«ing
the kjiir, Bestorkig eolor when
gray, nod preveotiog DandnUT.
It aUaoeea die aoalp, etope the
bstr falling, aod to wo to pleaat.
ftOo. and gf.00 at Drug gieti.
Cnr«i Fleuriiy,
Bhenmatiam, Lnmbnfo,'
Backache, Weakoeef, Colds In ^
the Cheat and all Aobea aed tttralno, .
The most Powerful Healing
Ointment ever Discovered.
Henry’s Carbolic Saivo cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve allays
Henry’s Carbolic Salve heals
Henry’s Carbolic Salve cures
Henry’s Carbolic Salve heals
Ask for Henry’s-Take No Other.
Prico 25 cts., mail prepaid 30 cts.
JOHN F. HENRY & C0„ New York.
WrWijto for Illuminated Book.
i isj E
Millctlgcvillo, Ga.
M, H. BLAND & CO,, Proprietors.
(Successors to G. T. Whilden.)
H EUUICK meets all Trains promptly. Will
semi buggy to meet drummers at any sta
tion within Li miles cf Milledgeville, at a few
hours notice on orders, written or otherwise.
Also, will keep for hire, Carriages, iiuggies and
riding Horses at reasonable rates, llrayage
furnished, promptly and faithfully attended
to. Patronage of the public solicited.
Feb, 1st. 1887. 30 .1111
Oconee Poultry Yard
REEDERS of high class Poultry.
Eggs for stile now, chickens in fail.
Breeds. Plymouth Rock, Brown ami
White Leghorn of the best and purest
strain. For prices apply to
(Successor to C. G. Wilson.)
Milledgeville, Ga.
March 1, 1887. 34 3ui
Central Railroad Schedule.
Giving arrival. Ac., of Trains at
Passenger train leaves Eatonton, dai
ly, except Sunday, at 4.30 a. m.
Ar. at Milledgeville, at 5.55 a. m.
Ar. at Macon, at 8.25 a. in.
Ar. nt Atlanta, at 1.05 p. m.
Ar. at Savannah, at 5.00 p. m.
Ar. at Columbus, at 3.05 p. in.
Passengers make close connection
at Gordon and Macon.
Passenger train lv. Macon at 2.40 p. m.
Ar. at Milledgeville, at 5.24 p. in.
Ar. at Eatonton, at 7.13 p. m.
daily except Sunday. No change nt
Gordon for Macon.
Passengers arc allowed on Freight
train, provided they have no baggage.
In effect, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1886.
A. D. NISBET, Agt.
Iliglnvt lnitini'K lit nil Groat World's Ex dibit inns
since 186;. loo styles, $22 to $9n". For Cash,
Easy Payments, nr Itcitted. cat.iluguo, 46 pp,
4to, free.
The now mo<1o «»r piano construction invented
by Mason A Hamlin in lSS’i lias been fully proved,
many excellent expert* pronouncing it tlie
‘‘greatest improvement made in pianos of the
For full information, send for Fa halopne.
White and eltoiee rnlors. Cheaper and better
than wail paper or oil paint. Puri lies nil stir-
and kills germs of disease. Any one ran
use it.
Gold Medal and Highest Awards. He ware of
imitations, if not for sale in your town,
for sample card amt prices.
Dry KalsoBine& Fresco Paint Works
15 &. 21 John St., Brooklyn, N. Y
April 12th 1187. 411m.
LADIES Energetic and intelligent
— _ ladies wanted to introduce
our popular Corsets in every county. No experi
ence required. Agents are making *100
monthly. 150 different styles to select from.
Largest commissions, best terms, and most sal
able goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exclusive
territory given. *3 OUTFIT FKEE. Illus
trated Catalogue and particulars free. Writo
for tonus at once. Ask lor our W300 Cash
Premium Our new book, entitled
biography of Worth (illustrated', sent on receipt
of application. IT WILL l'AY EXPERI
Don't delay if you wish to securo. terri
2 Feb. 1st, 1887.
30 3m
to be made. Cut this out and
return to us, and we will send
you free, something of great
value and importance to you,
that will start you in business which will bring
you in more money right away than anything
else in tills world. Any one can do tlie work
and live at home. Either sex; nil ages. Some
thing new, that just coins money for all workers.
We will start you; capital not needed. This is
one oftho genuine, Important chances of a life
time. Those who are ambitious and enterprising
will not delay. Grand outat free. Address Tkuk
A Co., Augusta, Maine.
February l»th, 1S»T. 3? ij.
TENDERS his Profession. ';
i vices to the citizens of Mitt
ville ami surrounding country /*
and residence on Green Street *
site Presbyterian church. ’ 0 Pt !
Milledgeville, Ga., March 1 'g-
a. t. wiedenmax
Milledgeville, Ga.
Milledgeville, <
Office in Bank Buildup
Jan. 11, 1887.
H AS removed his office to the,
formerly occupied bv Mr u
i’aiue, Clerk of Superior Court. ’ ' a
Rufus Eoi®n
Milledgeville, Ga.
P ROMPT attention given lo nil t,n-
| l'tiufn.1 1.1 . ..... . 1 ‘'H-
ti listed to his care, oillce in room
occupied by .lodge I), ii. Sanford
Nov. 16, lssii.
O FFERS las professional services tn , ,
pie or Milledgeville, lialdwin county as
rounding country. When not nrofc,.
engaged, lie will be found during the da!.
omo. an< * residence next door east of ^
Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 18, 1886.
of any kind performed;-
TT cordance with the latest and ap
proved methods.
•vOflico in Callaway’s New liulldl
Milledgeville, Ga., May 15th, 13S3,
The Milledgeville Banking
Of Milledgeville, Ga.
A General flanking IJiisincss Tran..,
G. T. b’lEDENMAN, Pres;.
H. T. liETHUNE, Cashier
Directors.—W. T. Conn, U. Ii. ,k ar .
H. K, Hendrix, G. T. Wiedenman i
Callaway, T. L. McComb, C. M.Wrigi
Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 21st,’86. 13
cures Bleeding Gums, Ulcers, sore Mom -
Throat, Cleanses the Teeth and purtt;.-
Breatb: used and recommended liv leadiu■
ttsis. Prepared by ltrs. ,1. ]>. a w. u. i,'
Dentists, Macon, Ga. For sale bv all !r
and dentists.
Aug. 6th, 1S86. (
Compound Extract of
«#»SS , *risi
Best liciiicdv Know;,.
for nil
Female Complaint
3Iontlilv or IiTetrulaiiU
.VI1 Druggists keep it. Call on :h
Circulars und Tustlmonialsior uiidi■ -
The Bellamy Gossypium Mnf’yL'
No. 30 Wtili Street. Alla:
on Luck lit
Marcli 1st, 1887.
Spectacles and Eye-Gla$:
^N astonishing announcement
will please tho people, is that
has tho largest, and ono ot the best;
ed stocks <d "King’s Combination"'!'
cles and Hyo Glasses, in the 8tRte (■''■
gia. We have studied to supply th’.
of every eye requiring assistance, al "
our largo stock and long expert**'
guaraidce. to lit tho eye. Call ^
them in prices ranging from 25c
The Jeweler and t 1 ! :
Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 5,1686.
Wool Carding
T AM prepared to do Wool-L 1 ^
1 iitiny place, at Scottsboro.
sent to my address at Milku?*.'
Ga., will be promptly carded an
turned. All persons shippin.P w
me should, also, mark plain 1 ; /
own name and address on tlie pa*
so that no mistake can be uiaua
turning carded wool. I anl
pared to card batting for mat
and comforts. ^
Milledgeville, Ga., March3. ^
Machine Shop
boro, where I am prepared to *
and all kinds of work in 1 U
metal. Any person having,
or particular work in repairing^
dn \v(^ll tn mil nil me. MV *•
do well to call on me. M)'
dress is Milledgeville, Ga,
Marcli 2d, 1886.
E i r wm
,r all(Brain Sc Nbrvk
. — s for N<rve Afftcti*«*£?'’/. f!*£.l
I Inpallidlb if taken as direcicn., , ^
tSJi* »6
Deo. 14, 1886.