Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 03, 1887, Image 3

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0rfl an ol City and Comity. I.ocAi' EniTon. ca Hi>" rKB • T CO»’ A ci • dealers ... LE Vr„„rv Groceries, J Stft- obac- ir?. A<; ; Fp|l . 20th, irn. 5 cm Edwards House, . accommodations .13 f1 ; 1 , j Regular Boanl- JiSBucemouts for College r , v a RRE>* EDWARDS •iCTNA- ; INSURANCE CO., (0 ,a R ' 1 “! ! e 0 ! 562i26 i.83 >•• " $6,665,000.00 X'ted'in a permanent local &T C. HUMBER, R0B Millkpoevillk Ga h 22. 1<w7 - y the CITY. . Green Tea at C. L. CASK’S. ,smk Apple to W. & OKUH 8-' u " g t for#1.00«t IH..OX- rHitU In lira Catholic church it y last Sunday. best show of the Season Thurs- rht A “Scrap of Paper.” U’ g Rearden lias a most fn! line of Infant’s caps cheap. TF lke Figaros, to be foundat.John S’b drug store. I4 3dra >• second street. Macon, Ga. ' nf the Eye, Ear and Throat, jerk associated with Dr. A. W. mu, Atlanta.) L'™ ly. I onpct line of Dry Goods ever edfin this e.ity at H. Adler’s. [40tf to see the “Scrap of Paper” sdav night. W Fine Kid Gloves in all colors ie. at H. Adler’s. [40 tf 0 sizes of Figaros, the best 5c*. in America, at John M• Clark s store. [43 3m <3- tapoo Indian Medicines for sale j. Case's. 30 tf. ilreth’s Garden Seed and Irish its for sale by C. L. CASK, ill pay you to look at my stock othing 'before purchasing. I some line clothing ar low prices. ! II. Aplkr. .A. ) r. L. Cask's and buy your Books. cxjuet Sets for sale by 1 ’. L. Case. you want to enjoy life, buy a o at John M. Clark's drug store moke the sweetest cigar made. [43 3m Ex-Cadets’ Association. 1 The Association of ex-Cadets of the M. i G. M. A A. College of this city having organized by electing Mr. J. T. Allen. President, and Air. R. H. Wootten, Secretary, have sent out a postal card circular to all the ex-Cadets whose post-cilice address they could procure inviting them to attend a re-union ar the approaching College Commence ment. It is scarcely to be doubted that they will have* a pretty good attendance of the former Cadets, who, having gone out into the world and engaged in various avocations, will be glad to return at the time appoint ed to exchange cordial greetings and let each other know how they linvd i fared thus far in the battle of life. It is to be hoped that the Association ' may have tne cordial support of all 1 who may be able to come to Milledge- , ville at the appointed time. The in dividual interest of some of the mem- ’ bers may bo subserved by the assist- . ance rendered by the others, if when ' they meet, they will confer together concerning their avocations, purposes | and desires. The rates of freight given Mllledge- villo by tlie inter-state commission ! from the west were a great deal high- ! er in proportion to other southern cities than they were before, but Messrs. Dorsey of the Ga. It. R. and Whitehead of the Central say that they will see that no discrimination will be made against us and that Mil- ledgeville shall have the same rates in proportion as heretofore, thus pla cing ns on an equth footing with oth er southern cities, Equality and jus tice is all we want and with this, noth ing can impede our steady growth. Spring Has Opened —AND— Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As Mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucus surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as tiie damage they will do are ten fold to the good you can pos sibly derive from them. Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury and is token internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfac.es of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure that you get, the genuine, it is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. "friTSold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. r. Fierce's “Favorite Prescription” everywhere acknowledged to be standard remedy for female com ats and weakness, It ig sold by fgifti ill at Miss S. E. Bearden’s and see new style of stocking supporters, adies, misses and children. 43 tf. e have just opened a new line la- Hats and Bonnets. The* very cst styles out. Call and see them >• H. Carr’s. c-° f 1Iid wny brought us yes- [fni fwi * , som ° Strawberries and ! "‘fe An,on k Die flowers were >! Jun tyof lv: ' s, * w * aml h<! informs us rooted, cuttings n f rose* strawberry plants for sale next 'Ac novelties |in Hats, Bonnets JUhnery Goods, we get as soon av . e just received a large d o S tllese g° 0( l«- Call and ?j ne ,ll( ‘ new shapes at W. H. Commissioners of Bald- of tt n ' vell , to Profit by the •ninii,o„^ anoock . Commissioners. a !K rn nd juror was heard u , t the roads would re- , otto's! attenti °n at the next 01 the Superior Court. iboitv*!° rne ^ Aall have settled ;iianiia Q 0 n ar ^ y c,n business of agents 6 m, rokers & Manufactur- u. 1 « e y came to this place <itv \v n< ! we welcome them to ulv cn. e le(lrn th,vt they have [’4tu nf i"? need work with good ' of do,n S a satisfactory busi- il e n n ^ ri kbtlinrp, of La- § I "0.00 lb.4. oo 185.00 180.00 185.00 174.30 ■■ ‘j Bur ata' that Re Y’ ?• Carter, of •bition!o, fp °^ e ilere during the Hation Ca ' l, P ai K n , " ill preach the ds are invitiliT 1 ' v. Gitizens °nd n\ ited to be present. Perform^ f? allaw , ay ’ on Friday surgjJ 6dt!1 >e serious and tliffi- lady in th^o ra * lon ovariotomy, >’ I)o tors w Ci U'' xr H ,7 was ussist- 1. b.AUen w’| Ialk I-.L. Har- • Clarke Ti"^' dtobisou and lt eRnd hay„^° perat i on is of a lis ,r|W° U8 nature and up ‘Dng the patient is doing Monday; is w fi n la dy is doing at pres- en ough has 11 U ex P ecte <3, but •nine the fln ? t yet e]a P se d to 'a hei,/'® !l nal The op- !“ one, If she y s v eri ! i , us aud tniitp n ‘ dioukl recover it •outig T)tl a ; hon °r to tlie promis- P . -lcian who performed For Sale, Land, Stock of Goods, Ac. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. U NDER and by virtue of the ah- tliority of a Deed with power of sale, made and executed by S. D. and John J. Wootten, both of said coim- tv, to Armstrong, Cator aud Compa ny. of the city of Baltimore, Mary land, a firm composed of Robinson Cator Williams, J. H. Watters, Wil liam H. Pagon. James McK. White. Janies H. Cator, Frank Cator and George Cator: on tlie seventh day of December, A. D. 1880, to secure the payment of six promissory notes of the same date, becoming due and pay able, respectively, to-wit: 1st. Thirty clays uftor (late, priu. 2nd Hlxty clays after date, •• 3rd Ninety days alter date, “ 4th One hundred and twenty, prim 5th One hundred and fifty, prln, <Sth One hundred and eighty, prim Cr. $185.00 To balance due, $yn.39 Which said Deed with Power of Sale as aforesaid, has been duly re corded in the Clerk’s office of Supe rior Court, in and for said county, and which was executed and deliver ed by the said S. D. and John J. Wootten, under and pursuant to the powers vested in sections 1969, 1970 and 1971, statute laws of Georgia, Code 1882, as to deeds with power of sale, etc, and by virtue of the au tnority therein conveyed and given to the’payee, we will sell at public outer^v« on Saturday the 4th day of June 1887, before the Court House door in said county, all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and be ing in the city of Milledgeville, said county, bounded on tne east by Wayne St., South by lot of E. J. Hogue, west by lot of C. G. Wilson and north by lot of Henry Walton, fronting on Wayne, st., 80 feet and having a depth of 200 feet. Also at the same time and place, will sell all that stock of goods, con sisting of dry goods, notions, ladies’ hats, bonnets, ribhons, lac es, flowers, dress goods, ckc., now stored iu the store house of tlie said S. D. Wootten, in said city, No. 20 Wayne St. All of which property, both personal and real, will be sold on the above nam ed day, to pay the balance due upon said promissory notes, and all costs and attorneys' fees incurred in the collection of the same by this pro ceeding and sale. WHITFIELD & ALLEN, Atty’s ut law for Armstrong Cator & Co. [43 tds. P. J. CLINE & Have Just Finished Opening the Handsomest, Best Selected and Cheapest SPRING STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Ever before offered to the Trade of Milledgeville, and we are determined that the Cash Buyers shall have goods as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be bought in any city in the South. Mr. Lyons of the Ai i n store lias been in New York since the first of February, ami bought all of our domestic goods before the late advance in price, and a great many of them we can sell CHEAPER than they could NOW bo bought from the manufacturers. We have been fully convinced that the present CREDIT SYSTEM of tho country is not what the people want, and that they cannot AFFORD to stand the. CREDIT PRICES, and the only solution of the question is to buy for CASH, and you can buy CHEAP, and when you sell your crop next fall, instead of paving it nil out for debts already contracted, you will have tho money in your POCKET, to pay CASH for what you need. We will quote you some of our Cash Bargains, and you will see at a glance that what we say is true. 300 pieces Dress Calico warranted fast colors, for 5 cts. 10 bales Georgia Sheeting one yard wide, for 04 cts. o bales yard wide Sea Island, splendid quality, for cts. 100 pieces soft finished Bleaching, stouter than Fruit of Loom, at 8$ cts. Io0 pieces of Dress Ginghams of the handsomest patterns, and best quality made, at 10 cents. 100 pieces White Checked Nainsook, at 6£, 7£, 8, 10, 12£, 15 and 20 cents, don’t fail to ask for our 0^ Nainsook, and the lot at 12A is a JOB LOT, slightly soiled on the outside, but perfect inside, and can’t bo bought for less than 20 cents elsewhere. 3,000 yards white Lawn, short lengths, at 3^c. H-A-IMIBTTIRGhSI IHLAJUCB'CnR.Ca-S! The biggest job in these goods ever offered, and about half the regular price. Laces and Embroideries! Our selection of Torchon, Swiss and Oriental Laces, ami Swiss and Lace Flouncing, is BEAUTIFUL, and cheaper than ever. JVotions! Notions! Notions! J We have the most complete line of fancy notions we have evor had the pleasure of offering, and a groat many jobs in this line, and if you will r*— iT ~~ T/ ^ T> T / ~ > ' r ~ £ --i /O-I .1 IT l im 1 _.:n jX.: n . ..... and the 1 1 steel points, j FIVE CENTS a piece, worth four times the price. |v Dress Goods! •> Dress Goods! Dress Goods! Great pains have been taken in the selection of our stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods this season, and we must say that iu'every instance where they have been shown, tho general verdict is that they are JUST LOVELY, and EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP. We^have i all the latest styles and patterns in Satins and Muslins, with both colored and white laces to match, for trimming them with, and in ! Worsted Dress Goods all the new and delicate shades of Albatros, Armours, Canvass Cloth, Cashmeres, and Nun's Veiling, with light ' shades of Velvet trimming and buttons to match every piece, and cheap Worsted Dress Goods in endless variety, commencing as low [as i (j4 cents a yard. We hope all the ladies will inspect this line of goods beforo they purchase. PARASOLS -A-ITID ■ A C3 | We are now displaying an elegant assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas in black, and a great variety in colors, both solid and figured, | Silk and Satin from tlie finest to the cheapest quality. You can’t fail to bo suited in either color, price or quality. Cassimeres, Cottonades and Linens. ini 1 C Ai When N. R. Winsliip, of Macon, failed early last fall, we bought the greater part of their stock of Spring Cassimeres at 50 cents on tho dollar, and a great many of them imported. We have them on sale this Spring, and will sell them for ONE-HALF their real* val ue. Elegant assortment of Georgia) made Cottonadds, Brown, Striped and Checked Linen for Men and Boyg very cheap. TilaYlllfl'BF * ’ “■hH • Companion Petition for Dismission from Ad ministration. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1881. W HEREAS, C. L. Morris, Adunn istrator upon the estate of Mrs. Fannie B. Morris, deceased, has *h e( l his petition in said Court for letters of dismission from his trust as such administrator. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all parties interested, heirs or creditors, to show cause on or by the June Term next of said Cou^ to be held on tlie iirst Monday in June, 1887, why letters of dismission from said trust should not be grauted to said petitioner as prayed for. Witness my hand and official signa ture this March tlie 7th, 1887. DANIEL B. SANFORD, [35 3m.] Ordinary.^ An elegant line of Handkerchief Extracts of the best make at C. L. Cask's, 30 tf - MER CLOTHIHG. Our stock of Gents’, Y’outlis’, Boys’ and Children’s ready-made suits is the largest and cheapest wo have ever had and have a lame line of ODD COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, and boys’ Knee Pants, which we will sell VERY CHEAP. If you need an outfit in the above line, we can certainly save you money/j'y ' , r . V,,*-•••/ ' " ■'. n -a * SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! We have just opened a large lot of the celebrated Bay State Shoes, and we warrant every pair to give entire satisfaction. They are not made for STYLE but for WEAR, and in FINE SHOES we have a large assortment of Clement, Wiel <fc Ball of Baltimore, which is the prettiest shape, best fitting, most comfortable and best wearing shoe in the market. GENTS’ HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS! Wo are the acknowledged HEADQUARTERS in this line. All the new styles in Stiff, Felt and Straw. Wo closed out LATE LAST SUMMER the entire stock of the wholesale house of Rosenfield <fc Lilienthal of Macon, at fifty cents on the dollar, and we will sell them at one-half tho price you can buy them elsewhere. MATTiHGS, MATTINGS, MATTINGS! MATTINGS! Now is the time to take up your Carpets, and we have opened in the last few days an elegant lino of Straw Mattings at the very lowest figures, and we have a line of tlie popular Chinese Checked Mattings, made of Cotton and Flax iu different colors, at 25 cts a yard ! To Our Country Merchants. Wo are offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS at WHOLESALE, and will save you your freight and drayage every time. No need to go from home. Get our wholesale prices and you will bo convinced. Ui^Wo have tried to give you above only a general idea of the new, cheap and pretty stock of goods we have bought this spring, and we CORDIALLY INVITE you to come and examine them: bring the paper with you with the prices we have quoted, and the CASH will buy them. We have tho facilities, we buy for three stores, and buy direct from the factories, and pay the CASH DOWN. We will give you 3G inches in every yard. Come and we will guarantee you satisfaction and the best attention. P. J. CLINE & CO., Milledgeville, Macon and Griffin. April 12th, 1687 40 2m.