Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 10, 1887, Image 2
UNION-RECORDER. Augusta Letter, Af >ta, »iA.. May 5th, ls>;. rflPVTliHS I'MC.N ItKCORDKIt: Vour correspondent liars been suf i-jring from a malarial attack the en 'ioj week, and as lie is still quite fee- iifc* cau send you only a few notes •iix>in Augusta. The new hotel lias become quite a jeoniineiit question with the public. It first it was discussed for a long 'i«.ue whether or not it would be built. •JWjcii that question was decided in £»n uJTirniutivc the design and size of the building became the talk of the wwn, Then Mr. Coskery petitioned • wonnc.il for a reduction of liis asscss- ountt., which was granted. The fa vorable action of couhcil upon this petition brought out several newspu- $.t/5r articles pro and eon. but the foun dations were laid and the walls of the >UGlobe were seen to rise onoe again. The question seemed to be settled vfaen the papers announced the oth- • r day that the council had enjoined Mr. Coskery from extending his up- ,vjr stories over tlie sidewalk for a Jistance of fifty feel. This brought iturth another petition from Mr. '•eskery and ATr. Sanford his <*on- ractor, which was promptly refused iy council. At the last regular mcot- ■ig of tiie city council Mayor May an- ounced liiaL Mr. Woodruff, tlieAr- •hitect. had come from Macon to nd- ^ress the liody upon Mr. Coskery's li.xititiou. Through some misunder standing the privilege was notaccord- -d that gentleman. This brought town tiie ire of certain of our citizens, uni some pretty hard tilings wore -aid about the City Council. Outlie all of Mr. Dempsey, one of the most • i<?lito and courteous gentlemen in ~ho city, the council convened a few :.tys after, and promptly accorded Mr. Woodruff the privilege of ad dressing the body. The petition was again renewed, and Mr, Coskery granted permission to extend the ho tel over the sidewalk, provided the upper story be open. It is hoped : hat this will settle the hotel ques tion, and that Augusta will be proud ■.f tlm building when erected. <)ar German citizens have been en- iving themselves at the 1’latz. this week, v here they have celebrated their annual Fast. Mr. Hamilton l’hinizy vas Tin- orator of tin* occasion, and it is said that Ik* won the applause of all v ho heard him. Mr. l’hinizy is a son **r' Dr. Th os. 1’hinizy, one of Augusta’s nost prominent citizens, and is himself a. young man of considerable ubility. H.-4 lias chosen the law as his profes sion, and has a bright future ahead of hnn. lie lias certainly won the hearts • vt‘ our Herman townsmen, who are honest in|their characters. The feet wasi a happy event, and wns as suc- .-ussful as any ever held in Augusta. The Annual meeting of the Georgia v'tseuiieal Works was held last Wed- •i-‘-*.lH.y. and the showing made by the uuMjagement was indeed satisfactory u> the stockholders. Mr. Alfred Ba- i--r declined a re-election to the Pres idency of tiie Company, and Mr. Ciraf- iu, of Baltimore, was put in his place, tlr. J. Rice Smith was continued as manager, und Mr. A. Smith Irvine as Seoretnrv and Treasurer. These are v-*ry ii/l> 1 ** and faithful officers, and the company's affairs are certainly safe in ■ TVreir hands. Mv relations with Mr. Irvine are vt-rv intimate, and 1 can truthfully s.vy that a more competent olliccr and • •oj'seientious man cannot be found iuiywlp'1*,'. Me is a gentleman of rare •entture and polished manners, whose life is heautiiied by the virtues of manhood and the graces of Christian ity. He is a man whom men admire suk! whom women revere. The Chem ical Works are certainly to be con gratulated on again securing tiie ser vices of such a man. Xe.\t Wednesday an election for Couucilmen to till tiie unexpired term of Mr. M. M. Hill, will be held in the First Ward. There are only two can didates for the position, viz: Messrs. Robert Hunt and Dan Hertz. The irst, named gentleman will undoubt edly be elected by a handsome major ity, and will make one of the most efficient and popular men that gath er around the < louncil boards. I can vouch for Robert. For years 1 was Ins iust ruetor, and often predicted for dun a successful career m life. The same noble principles and manly traits that he possessed in youth, have clung to him in manhood which make him a favorite with all who know him. it, is the sincere wish of tiie corps of instructors that he be placed as <Ihairuian of the Committee having in charge tiie Institute that educated him. A Mormon preacher is in the city. •It is understood that lie lias not come <ni a crusade against our established fxdigion, nor does he desire to carry back with him a dozen or more of wives, but he is simply here to visit ■anold friend by the name of Farr. His Mormon name is Murphy, but liis real name is .bums, and he lived in Augusta several years ago, but left because liis politics (Radicalism) made this place too uncomfortable for him. If lie should undertake to proclaim liis doctrines in public, 1 have no doubt that lie would again be compelled to leave our midst with vhe impression that Augusta is a ver itable hot-bed of persecution (?). St. James' Sunday School is to-day baling its annual pic nic at Schultz’s Hill on the other side of the Savan nah.. Wagon loads of teachers, schol ars, and visitors were seen crossing the bridge early this morning, and judging from the peals of laughter heard, and the many large baskets aboard, they were prepared for a good time. Last evening a romantic marriage occurred at the Schultzen I’latz, where, under the silvery moon, the lives of Miss Emma Hett and Mr. M, J. Dieiumer were made one. The school children have been enjoy ing their holiday with all the ardor of their bouyant spirits, but next Mon day tiie bells will call them again to '-lie duties of the school room. HOL’UH'i'OK. MKIUmVBTHKK STATION. May 6, 1887. Mu. Kpitor:*— Farmers - chopping cotton; -grass flourishing. A H. 8. picnic at, Bethel on the 14th. B. H. Myrirk bad the misfortune to lose a valuable mare on last Wednes day. l)r. Harper lifts our sympathy in the illness of his brother. There is a young man at Merriweth- er who gets up and prepares break fast for the family. His sister is go ing to crochet him some socks. A picnic at Humber’s mill on the 13th. A mad dog was killed near Mr. Mi nor’s on Monday. Mr. Robert Beck has the finest crop of corn In the county. Mr. Minor has an excellent stand of cotton. Thanks to Mrs. Hamilton for somo beautiful flowers and nice cake. E. - • ■ PATENTS GRANTED To citizens of the Southern Stntoe during the past week, and reported expressly for the Union A. Recorder by C. A. Snow <t Uo., Patent lawyers, Opp. U. B. Patent Officei Washington, D. C. '1'. Armat, Richmond, Vn., Car coupling. J. li. Barber, Broken Arrow, Ala., Harness. E. D. Beales, (Juyandotte, W. Va., Door Spring. I ’. H. Beckwith, Charleston, W. Va., Remedy for hog cholera. W. L. Bridgeford, Louisville, Ky., Adjustible blower for Stoves. L. L. Brooks, Knoxville, Tonn., (lorn planter. T. J. Bush, Lexington, Ky., Inter locking holt. B. E. Caldwell, Wheeling, W. Va., Packing stove pipes. ]■'. tv. Coleman, Rodney, Miss., ( nrrier for ash pans. J. M. Dick, Greensborough, N. C., Furnace attachment. James Gregory, Bogansville, S. 0!., Motor. Jesse C. llaltom, Deanburg, Tonn., Flow. F. II. llambleton, Baltimore, Md., (las making apparatus. Reuben Jones, Atlanta; Ha., Car coupling. S. McLean, Mineral Springs, S. C., ( otton seed mills. H. W. Roop, McMeekin, Fla., Ex cavator. D. A. Sailor, Little Rock, Ark., Ap paratus for handling cotton. F. Schwalui, Fort Smith, Ark., Ani mal poke. E. B. Searles, Baltimore, Md., Slid ing door lock. L. A. Subers, Phoebus, Va., Pedal Attachment for Reed Organs. ENJOY LIFE. What a truly beautiful world we live In! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousandsof means of enjoyment. We can desiro no better when in perfect health; but how often do the majority or people feel like giving It up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there Is no occasion lor this feeling, as every sufferer can easi ly obtain satisfactory proof, that Green’s August Flower, will make them free from dismiss, ns when born. Dyspepsia and ) Liver Complaint are tlio direct cause's of seventy-five per cent, of such maladies as ’ ililliimsness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, 1 ('ostivenoss. Nervous Prostration, Dtz.zi- I ness of tlio Head, Palpitation of the Heart, j and other distressing symptoms. Three I doses of August Flower will prove Its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, in cents. Try it. _ , Dr. T. (). Powell, iif liis address to the! Georgia Medical Association, of which lie is president, said that “while under the laws of Georgia the demon- I ted inebriate can be committed to tlio insane asylum; there are obvious rea- j sons why there should be a separate institution for them.” This, is true, j and deserves the thoughtful consider- tion of our legislators. The State of Georgia cannot afford to practice economy when the well-being and, perhaps, restoration to sanity of her afflicted sons and daughters is invol ved.—Albany News. How to Kill a Town. If you have a house to rent demand twice Its value. Look sorrowful; be little and insult every new coiner, give a cold shoulder to and underrate every mechanic or professional man who desires to come umong you.* Go abroad for your goods and wares, by no means purchase from your own merchants and manufacturers, even at the same price or less. Finally give a thorough finish to your work by working against your local paper. Bo mean to everybody connected with it, refuse to subscribe for or adver tise in it, so that persons living at a distance will know that there Ts not any business being done in your town, or they may be induced to come and settle among you and that would give you trouble. Such conduct is guar anteed to kill the healthiest towns.— Augusta News. No Woman Gan be Induced To go through the ordeal of confinement without Mother's Friend after once using It; have used It in numbers of cases; worth Its weight In gold, writes a physi cian. Address Uradfield Regulator Com pany, Atlanta, Ua. Cure For Sick Headache. For proof that Dr. Gunn’s Liver Pills euro Sick Headache, ask your Druggist for a free trial package. Only olio for a dose. Regular size boxes, 25 cents. Sold by E. A. Bayne, Druggist, Millcdgeville, Gn. The House of Representatives will bo described by Z. L. White in the American Magazine for June, with portraits ami sketches of prominent Congressman, under the heading of “The Nation’s Lawmakers.” Saved His Life Mr. D. 1. Wilcoxson, of Horse Give, Ky. says he was, for many years, badly afllict- eclwith Phthisic, also Diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would some times almost throw him into convulsions. Ho tried Electric bitters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bot tles, was entirely cured, and had gained in fiesli eighteen pounds. Says ho positively believes Ini would have died, had it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bit ters. Sold nt liftv cents a bottle by John M. Olark. Col. JolinT. Waterman former ed itor and proprietor of tlio Grillln Sun, has purcliased tlio Thomaston Times. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! w Over a Million Distributed. Capital Prize $300,000, asm Louisiana State Lottery Company. incorporated i>y the Legislature tn 1868, for Educational awl Charitable purposes, and its lrauchisc made a part of the present .State Con stitution, tn 1870, by an overwhelming popular vote. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly, and the Graftal Semi-An nual Drawings regularly every six months (June and December I “We dohereb.vcertify that we snpervtscthc arrangements lor all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lotte ry Company, and In person manage and control the Drawings themselves,and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and tn good faith toward all ’ral lies, and wo authorize tlie Company to use thiseertltlcate. with tnc-simtlcs of our 'signatures attached, tn its advertise ments. - ' Council Proceedings. ( Ol’KI'll. I II \ MBKl*.. Mil) list- IlKUl'I.AH MKKTiSO. I Present Ills Honor, s. Walker. Mayor. A! denneu Carr, < a-**. Whihhn and Ilinos. Ab sent, Aid. Hell an.I Hendrix. The minutes of the last mooting wei*. rea l and confirmed, jThe following wns read: To the Hon. Mayor and I Aldermen —Dear Sirs: I hereby petition your honorable body to grant me permission to ton the elm tree that is next to my gallery sidelight. It reflects a green non-active light under my skylight which gives mo a great deal of trouble in my photographic manipulations. Respectfully submitted, v T. J. Kairkiki.d. P. H.—Please act upon this decisely to-day. On motion the above was not granted. The petition of Miss Ellen Hutchins, asking for an encroachment, was referred to tho sticet committee. Tho petition of C. II. Bonner, asking the Council to have lighted tliu lump eroded by him near Ills mother’s residence was granted. The application of T. W. Turk to purchase the street between his tot and Mr. Lane's, was referred to the land committee. The*petition of W.E, Ilaygood, reporting tho East ciul of the Darien Bank as being dan gerous, was referred to tho following commu ter: Aid. Hines, Carr and wliildcn. On motion the clerk was directed to give no tice by posters that the street tax is now duo and all who wish to save themselves from the summons of the street overseer, to call on him ami settle. Tlio following accounts were passed and ordered paid: \V. s. MeComb, |50., A. Dunn, ,50; W. J. Owens, *50; M. 11. Bland;* « •>.,$ti.r.o; M. Iliues, $1.05; P. .1. < lint* *( <>., $1.19; Him- ter Prince, $1.5u; S. Hughes, 75 ct». The Clerk’s report was examined and found correct, and on motion was approved aud passed. On motion Council adjourned. ti. VV. CAllAKKlt, Clerk. G. W. Clunker, Clerk, in account with the City Council. Receipts and disbursements from April 10th to May 2nd, inclusive. 18x7. CASH. pa. April IP. To cash nu hand from last report.. . $133 75 “ ** W. R. Willis, contractor from March 1st 10 00 ‘ “ G. T, Whildcn, tax 1150 “ •• It. L. Holloway,sales lit os " 20 I.. Carrington, insurance tax , 2 20 “ - T. Fo Avant, sales 21 07 *• 21 W.T. Conn & Co., sale of merchandise 18.87 175 00 ** 23 Pines in Mayor's Conn loo ’* 25 “ •’ “ 1 00 “ •• L. II. Trail, lor strait tax '87 I no I. . Carrington, insurance tax ::5 *' '7 Pine in Mayor's Court 5 00 •* 20 P. J. Cline & Co., sale., 1)3 7B ::o I.. Cun ingion. iiisui nneo tux 50 II. Perry, lax 5 (.0 ** ** B. 1*. Denton, tax If 00 Perry * Denton to no ** •• M. Hines, tax lo :*7 *■ M. nines, lor 7 1-2 acre- of land west common m .fC on *• •• M. Bines, I 10-luu ncioo land block 73, at 120 *23 SO “ ** T. T. Windsor, insurance lax 42: •* K. s. Vinson, street tax. ‘<7 3 on \ 7. >. lluirclt, tax ::i 00 1856. JOHN M. CLARK’S ioj DifD-Q OTORE. An e.stablDt.o'i busice.- s, of over thirty coBsreutlvn years standing i s 1 to the confidence andjiaDonuuB of the public ' It lias always boon, and is now, our aim to keep a stock in tho'drug 1 tho wants of this placo and the surrounding country, and it th,* u ,Ik,, , ’-..i patrons, no pains spared to supply tholr needs and goods sold at as tm..,, to urj profit as business will warrant, are any Inducements for your trade 11 ln &:l same to each and every customer who favors us with liis patronage KUl,r ‘3tT OUR STOCK EMBRACES' Shoo Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Soaps, Pencils, Brushes, Combs, Toilet powders. Perfumery, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Writing paper, Envelopes, Inks, Lamps, Chimneys, Wicks, Croquet Setts, School Books, SHF*? 1 White IV ash Brushes, Sotcss ' 8 ' Paint Brushes, Flavoring 1* I Blank Books, CatUe p,iH Colors, (ready made) Ledgers, Vinegar *'" r Library Lamps, Day Books, Keros*,am*. Hall Lamps, Blacking, Plavfnic 0 '" I Base Balls, English Soda, VarnlshM H Bats, Starch. Pste.t Med lci Machinery Oils, White-Lead, Linseed Oil, Colors, tin olJ) While we arc selling White Lead and Linseed Oil in any quantity wamul time call the attention of parties about to paint houses and fences, to the fa, * J are solo agents here for, 1 u LONGMAN & MARTINEZ PREPARED PAINTS. A bona fide gurrantee goes with every gallon of tills paint and wo are response I guarantee. All shades and colors to lie had, or any color desired, made to7 John M. Cfurk’s Drug Store has besides the retail department a IOBBING DEPARTMENT, Prepared to s<*ll goods at closest prices to merchants and tradesmen \\\. complete line of domestic medicines such ns Castor Oil, Turpentine, Swr*.** q num, Paregoric, Flavoring Extracts, Stuck Powder, Ac., and onlv n ft u that * a call after inquiring elsewhere, PRESCRIPTIONS. We have always taken especial pains to conduct our Prescription Depart) to be ready for any medicines the physicians may need. We keep up with uV of medical science and new remedies and ate continually adding these to on* . t „j This department of our business is under tho personal supervision of ouriij Geo. D. Case, and every prescription coming to the store is placed in his hands 1 W. G. Perry and W. R. Lamkr, Clerks, are-well IcnoWn throughout this viciii straight-forwerd, industrious, steady young men and are ever ready to pl°a< I toraers who favor us with their patronage. ! " I GEO. D. CASE, Manager Mlllodgeville, March 22,18S7. • 4W The Old Hardware Stor IS STILL ALIVE! And will sell you Goods CHEAPER than Ever! r , * E , 1, 111 1587. CASH. CK. , April in. By ain't paid bait gallon oil 10 2i T. J. Faiillelel in full to 13th 70 12 2d George Key 5 U0 . *' 20 .Mrs. S. J. Vaughn, interest 1 on 41,000 fiii* eight months... 52 33 " 30 .J. L. Ivey in full, street eon- i tractor 175 00 “ “ 1*. Brown 1-2 polico duty 1 00 | *» •• George Key 5 00 May 2. 1*. .1. Cline A- Co., guoris bought thu Ladies’ Memorial i Association 1 19 | *309 74 440 67 j Total .. 4750 31 Approved May 3d, 1887. LEO. 1>. ( ASK,Chin'n. Kin.Coin. 8. WALKKll, Mayol. BALDWIN COUNTY. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Cured In 2 Days. The Indiana Chemical Co., have j discovered a compound which acts with truly marvelous vapidity in tho cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it to cure any and eve I ry case of acute Inflammatory Rheu matism and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give immediate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 oents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address 1 the prescription for this wonderful compound, which can be filled by 1 your home druggist at small cost. We j take this means of giving our discov ' erv to tiie public instead ot putting it ! out as a patent medicine, it being ; much less expensive. We will gladly j refund money if satisfaction D not I given. 1’HK INDIANA CHEMICAL Co., ! 3Q ly. Crawfordsville, Ind. The Washington Family Bible. Tho old family Bible that belonged to “Mary, the mother of Washing ton,” is still in existence, and is kept in a branch of the]Wasliiiigton family in Virginia, It contains tlio family register, recording the birth of George Washington, Feb., 22, 1732, The binding lias a cover of cloth woven by the hands of his mother.—Brooklyn Eagle. _ Mr. J. Cuthbert Shecut made a most excellent report on the condition of the Houghton Institute. The ad vancement of the pupils 1ms been marked, aisty-three applicants had to be refused. Mr. Sliecut makes a strong recommendation in regard to establishing a night school for those who were unable to attend day school.—Augusta Chronicle. Cuinmixsioiipra. We tiie undersigned Hanks ami Hankers will pay all Prizes drawn In the Louisiana Slate Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters. J. H. OGLESBY, Pres. I.ouisInna Nat’IBk. PIKKRK LANAUX, Pres. State Nat'l Blc. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Ilk. CARL KOUN, l'res. I’nlou National Bank. Grand Semi-Annual Drawing, In the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, June 14, 1887. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each. Halves $10,00; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twentieths $1. LIST OP I*K17.ES * ♦ * * Delicate diseases of eith er sex, however induced, speedily and permanently cured. Book of particu lars 10 cents in stamps. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Associa tion, 003 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.^ 1 I’RIZK OF $300,000 is $300,000 1 l'KI/.K OK 100,000 in 100,000 1 i'lll/.K OF 50,000 is 50,000 1 PRIZK OF 25,000 is 25,000 'J PRIZES OF 10,000 arc 20,000 6 PRIZES Ol 6,000 are 26,000 •Jo PRIZES 01 1,000 a re 25,000 DO PRIZES Ol 500 arc 50,000 J00 PRIZES OF 300 arc 00,000 600 PRIZES Ol 200 arc 100,000 xn Ui'X 1M VI ION 1’Kl/K 100 Prizes of J oo appr LMmutinj, to $300,000 1 rizc arc 50,000 Do Prizes of 8 oo appr >ximatin^ to $100,000 P •izc are. 30,000 Du Prizes of j- ou appiv miating to $:o,ooo;Pi izo arc.. 20,000 1,01 • Prizes i*l' $ loo deoil Cd \ly *300,000 Prize are. 100,000 l.Oi o Prizes of $ DJ* deVi* ioVliyV.’.’ $100,000 rn/e are 100,000 3,i:is Priz.cs, amounting to $i,os5,ooo l'or Club Ratos, or any further information ap ply to the undersigned. Vour handwriting must be distinct aud Signature plain. More rapid re turn mail delivery will be assured by your enclos ing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders or New York Exchange in prcfluary letter. Cur rency by Express (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. ASSressReiisterei Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, ’ New Orleans), La. DCMCtADCD 'fkat the presence of Generals nr.lYlLnlDkn Beauregard and Early, who art* in charge of the drawings, Is a guaran tee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, aud that no one can possi bly divine vyhat number will draw a 1’rlzc. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes IS GUARANTEED BY POUR NATION AL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an Insti tution, whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any im itations or anonymous schemes. „ Mav 10th, 1887, 44 6t For Sale, Land, Stock of Goods, Ac. | (i K<>RGIA, Baldwin County. U NDER and by virtue of the an thority of a Deed with power of I sale, made and executed by 8. D. aud I John J. Wootten, both of said coun ty, to Armstrong, Gator and Compa ny, of the city of Baltimore, Mary land, a firm composed of Robinson Gator Williams, J. H. Watters, Wil liam H. l’agon, James MeK. White, James 11. Gator. Frank Gator and George Gator; on the seventh day of December, A. D. 1886, to secure the payment of six promissory notes 01 the same date, becoming slue find pay able, respectively, to-wit: 1st Thirty days after date, prin. $185.00 2nd Hixty days after date, “ 186.00 3rd Ninety days after date, “ 185.oa 4th One hundred and twenty, prin. 185.00 6th one hundred and fifty, prin, I85.00 Oth One hundred aud eighty, prin. 174.39 Cr. *185.00 To balance due, *014.39 Which said Deed with Power of Sale as aforesaid, has been duly re corded in the Clerk’s office of Supe rior Court, in and for said county, and which was executed and deliver ed by the said S. D. and John J. Wootten, under and pursuant, to the powers vested in sections 1969, 1970 and 1971, statute laws of Georgia, Code 1882, as to deeds with power of sale, etc, and by virtue of tho au thority therein conveyed and given to the payee, we-will sell at public ontervq oil Saturday tlio 4th day of June‘1887, before the Court House door in said county, all that tract qj* parcel of land, situate, lying and be ing in the city of Milledgeville, said county, bounded on the east by Wayne St., South by lot Gf K. J. Hogue, west by lot of C. (f. Wilson and north by lot of Henry Walton, fronting on Wayne st., SO feet ancl having a depth of 200 feet. Also at the same time and place, will sell all that stock of goods, con sisting of dry goods, notions, iadies’ hats, bonnets, ribbons, laces, flowers, dress goods, &c., now stored in the store house of the said S. D. Wootten, in said city. No. 20 Wayne St. All of which property, both personal and real, will be sold on the* above nam ed day, to pay the balance due upon said promissory notes, and all costs and attorneys’ fees incurred in the collection of the same by this pro ceeding and sale. WHITFIELD & ALLEN, Atty’s at law for Armstrong Gator & Co. [43 tds._ SILK RIBBONS. An eU'gnnt, large package of extra lino, Assort cd Ribbons [Job lot,Dimiront wirttlis, in all the latest fasUbmable shades; adapted for lionnet Strings, Neck wear, Scarfs, Trimming for Hats and Dresses, Bows, Fancy Work, Ac. Sent by mail for only «5c., three packages for *JOr.— Sl’KCIAL:—We will give double tlio amount of any other firm in America if you will send us the names and 1’. O. address of tea ncu ly mar ried ladies when ordering. No pieces less than one yard in length. Satisfaction guaranteed. Knickerbocker Specialty Co., New York. May 20th, 1857. 41 13ts. All kinds of . FARMING IMPLEMENTS, at very low figures. Plows of all kinds. I keep the Boy, Stonewall, Boss, Haiinan, Southern and Athens Plows; in | everything a farmer needs. Cotton Planters! The Best and Cheapest in the Market. BBLTI1TG-! Rubber and Leather Belting, Rubber, Soap Stone am! ikj i Packing. Lace Leather! In fact everything a Farmer needs at the very Lowest Pr Barb Wire. Just received a large lot—call and get prices. keep everything in the Hardware line as low as the Call and see for yourselves. . JOS. STALBI.I Milledgeville, April 12th, 1887. -in> tt/v,, tjtu. jl i uubi/oro trCh/rbo at. T. E. WHITE & CO, To our patrons and friends, we extend an invitation to call oa aud see how much Money we will Save for Them, when they want First-Class Groceries. We can suit you in 1 price aud quality of goods. Times are hard now and we are seiil goods accordingly. Satisfaction Guaranteed | on all goods sold by us. Nicest and Freshest Goods, the market affords. Wo do not buy in very large lots, but : often. By this means, wo can always give fresh goods, ne particular attention to OUR STOCK OF FLOUR, which is complete, viz: “JERSEY^” “WADE HAMPTON, LIFTER,” “SURPRISE” and “MONEY SAVER.” Also, "oj YER LEAF.” All the above grades are good Flour and are up to what wc represent them. . LEAF LARD AND HAMS. Full stock of Canned Goods, Fancy Candies and Crackers of al^ u Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spice, & c * In fact, anything you may want. FINE TOBACCO AND CIGARS, c our specialty. Nicest line of Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, uure 1 pers, &c., in the city. Oat Meal, Samp, Poarl Grits and Rim- ^ C3TWo cannot begin to enumerate all the articles we keem say come and sec for yourself. We will save you money. 1 a trial. , GREEN STORE! t . No. 17 South Wayne Street, MiLLEPGEnLUh’ T. E. WHITE & C0 M April 19th, 1887. Legalcap, foolscap, letter and note paper | Envelopes for sale a ? -pens, pencils and ink 1( for sale cheap at | Recorder office for one the Union.A* Recorder office