Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 31, 1887, Image 4

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UNION-RECORDER. HOOVER HEARD FROM. His Wife Joins Him in Madison Madison, G May 23. [Special to the Atlanta Constitution.]—Hoover, the agitator, landed in Madison on the up train from Augusta. He was in a pitiable condition, with the wound in his face all exposed. At first peo ple were incensed when they leorned that such a party was at the hotel, and he was advised to leave. By the five o'clock train ho was met by his wife, who, seeing his condition be came very much affected, and asked that he be allowed to stay until in a condition to travel. One or two whose sense of justice and humanity was greater than their indignation, insisted that it was not right to drive a human creature olT in that condi tion, no matter what he had done elsewhere. Then, too, was the soft ened influence of a woman’s tears, and he was allowed to go back to the Madison house. His wife asked for a physician and Dr. Hollinsworth re sponded, but said he could not tell the extent of his injuries just yet. At dark there was quite'a diversity of opinion on the streets. One party j said it was not right to harbor for one | instant sueh a black hearted incendia ry. and were in favor of his expulsion from the town. One man declared that he would be one of six to go and hang him, while another party de nounced it as cowardly to mistreat anything in that condition. One or two volunteered to defend him against personal attack. Your correspondent interviewed Mrs. Hoover and learned some things that may be of interest. Mrs. Hoover is a woman of intelligence and lady like manners, about thirty, and not at all ngly. She says she was born in Aiken, S. C., of good parentage; her maiden name was Stokman. She fell in love with Hoover some ten years ago, and without knowing anything about his antecedents married against her parents wishes. They have trav elled all over all the States nearly, and she lias made most of the money by selling dress charts for which she b agent. She says they have made ••nougli to buy a nice little place in Hickory, N. where they intended to settle. She appears to be all up- slie hits done all she her husband out of among the wrong, hut lecause southerners won’t stand it. She gave permission to examine Hoover's papeis, commission, char ter, etc,, and showed his commission, charter, etc., of the Working Men’s • 'o-operati ve associat ion. The order appears to lie like that of tile Knights of Labor, somewhat modified and more of a political na ture. Your correspondent is hardly prepared to believe nil that has been published concerning this fellow, hut if it be really true he got about what he deserves. At any rate as soon as he is able to travel, Madison will he too hot to hold him, and if lie ut- i‘.mupts any of his incendiarism, i.hev will take niiu out in broad day, and not sneak up the hack wav to shoot him. His wife appears to be a lady, *i 1 deserves sympathy.' it >•> •wioeii • . case of the constiw»..y of woman to the man of her choice, even though lie he a villain. Our Undepressed Children. Nearly 50,000 children under 5 years • >f age die annually in the United States of pulmonary affection, and there is no doubt that a large propor tion of those deaths are due to need less exposure to cold and wet, and to the ignorance or neglect which so generally prevails with respect to the matterof clothing. Tin* absurd delu sion which suggests that to harden children it is essential to expose their legs and chests to the piercing blasts of winter, liieir hare feet to the wet, cold earth, and their uncovered heads to the summer sun, leads to many an illness which terminates fatally. Wo might reasonably expect that exam ples of this belief would lie furnished from among the ignorant poor; but not so, we can see on our streets any ■ lay in the \\ inter months thechildren iliigent classes clad in (, with neck, arms hare. The avt rage exercises little more tlisrrc- lrcssing lier children than an in savage.- The South. set. she says ,-ou!d to keep this organization busines: negroes, not because it is The President's Thanks. UKANT DOST IS ADDHOYK TllK VMTO OK '1’IIH Dftl’KNDKNT DKNSION 1111,L. Wilmington, Dkl., May 21, — Kv- ery Kvening prints to-day the follow ing autograph letter from President Cleveland: Executive Mansion, > Washington, May 10, ihst.j Mr. W. J. ltobelln, Quartermaster, Wilmington, Del. Dear Sir;—1 am in receipt of your letter of the 7th inst., transmitting the handsomely engrossed resolutions of the Gen. U. 8. Grant Post No. 18, approving my executive action in ve toing the Dependent Pension bill. 1 beg to express through you to the members of the Post my appreciation of their endorsement and my thanks for the courtesy manifested iu the form of the approval. It sometimes happens that the official conduct clearly demanded by the imperative obligation of public duty is made dif ficult by counter iniluences and incli nations which grow out of sympathy, or by tlie disposition to follow with ease and comfort the apparent cur rent of popular opinion. Those of our citizens not holding office, and thus entirely free from the solemn ob ligation of protecting tlie interest of the people, often fail to realize that their public servants are, to a large extent, debarred in official action from tiie indulgence of those charita ble impulses which, in private life, are not only harmless but commenda ble. While the deprivation should lie re garded as one of the stern incidents of the faithful performance of official duty, and while it should be endured with resignation arising from unfal tering faith fta the ultimate justice of the American people, it is neverthe less, gratifying to receive such expres sions as are contained in the resolu tions now before me. Yours very truly, Grover Cleveland. Mr. Hammond’s Words. EX-GOV. A. H. STEPHENS' COUSIN. 1 am first cousin of the late Ex- Governor Alexander H. Stephens, and have been postal clerk on differ ent railroads since 1808. For ten years I have been a sufferer from a cancer on my face, which grew worse until the discharge of matter became profuse and very offensive. I became thoroughly disgusted with blood pu rifiers and pronounced them humbugs, as I had tried many without relief. Finally I was induced to use B. B. B., which was about the 1st of Feb ruary, and continued its use until the latter part of April. The offensive discharge decreased at once and the hardness around the cancer disap peared. It improved my generul health and I rapidly gained flesh and strength. The discharge gradually decreased and the cancer became less and legs in size until nothing remains oxoept a soar to tell Phe tale of a once dangerous cancer. All who have seen me since I have commenced the use of B. B. B. bear testimony of my great improvement, and the scar on uiy face shows that it cured the can cer. I find that B. B. B. coiues Squarely up to what it is recomtnend- (I and f cannot say too much in praise of tliis wonderful medicine. I iave tried them all, but B. li, B. ituuils at the top us a blood purifier. The above is copied from the Atli ons (da.) Banner-Watchman, being ttio voluntary language of Mr. James A. Greer, which Editor Gantt indor.v our mos-t int» pensive (Ire: el legs per fee .\ I! The Train Robbery. A i ’hicugo dispatch of the 20th gives an account of the robbery of the Ex press carat McN’eel’sstationon the Mo. I'a. train. The passengers were kept cowed by the robbers, 12 in number, who hud come to the station well mounted and armed. They contin ually tired their pistols to keep the passengers in fear. (hie was acciden tally shot in the hand. Another had his cheek and nose grazed by a bullet. A. J. Northacher refused to open the express car. He was knocked down and the safe was opened anil robbed. The amount stolen is variously es timated at from 20 to 50 thousand dol lars. Tiie robbers left the car after the money was stolen. The robbers took a fine gold watch and chain from J. H. Richotts of Birmingham, Ala. Ladies will find relief from their Costiveness, Swimming in the Head, Colic, Sour Stomach,' Headache, Kid ney troubles, etc., by taking a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator after din ner or supper, so as to move the bow els once a day. Mothers will have better health and the babies will grow more robust by using the Reg ulator. If an infant shows signs of Colic, nothing like a few drops in wa ter for relief. The Genuine has the red Z on front of Wrapper. Atlanta, Ga., May 21.—[Special]— In the bar meeting to-day, Hon. N. J. Hammond arose to a question of privilege and said: "The Supremo Court of the United States is the final arbiter of the rights of sixty millions of people. For one hundred years it lint- placed its records in the history of l lie country without a spot or blem ish. Tills high tribunal excites our admiration and commands our vener ation. To sit in this exalted Court, where tiie greatest jurists of our coun try have served, is indeed a high hon or. You have selected me, and have appointed a committee to notify tiie President of your choice. Tin's action toadies me deeply, and I cannot find words to express my feelings. None know what the result will be. "Tiie President will make an impar tial choice, selecting who will, in his opinion best serve the peoule of this country, but whatever that result may be, your kind words and loving approval make to me the pleasantest chapter in my life’s history. T° y° u and to other bar associations in the (State that have so highly honored me, to one and to all, I am most profound ly thankful. 1 ’ xr AUAUllAPRS. The receivership case of the Gate City Gas Light Company, was com pleted at 2:80 this evening. Mr. W. P. Elliott was appointed permanent receiver. Gov. Gordon’s wife and daughter, Miss Fannie Gordon, left to-day for Washington City. After stopping there a few days with lier brother, Mr. Frank Gordon, Miss Gordon will continue lier trip to West Point, N. V., where she will spend several weeks with friends. Another “Combine” Strike for $15,000. Tiie Quaker City has several times shown the falsity that "lightning never strikes twice in the same place." Not long ago a combination of Lombard and .South Sts., Railroad conductors drew $15,000 in The Louisiana State Lottery, but the drawing on Tuesday, April 12th, lias proven a still greater windfall in one-tenth of the $150,000 capital prize, to a combination of thirteen men, employed by tiie firm of Goodell & Waters, machinery man ufacturers, Hamilton, above Fifteentli Sts. Most of the members of tiie club, although not in want, are men of, very moderate means, and tiie $1,158 which eacli will soon receive, will, no doubt, be put to good use. Philadelphia (Pa.) Inquirer, April is. Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar graduated at Kiuory College in 1845. He will deliv er tin 1 alumni address before the two societies at tiie approaching com mencement. Don't Get Caught unrig id cu citizen of Athens who had a buu can cer, and his numerous friends thought that he could not live very long, as the cancer was gradully sapping the foundation of his constitution, but now looks well and hearty.” 2 AGAINST 18. Several physicians liavo pronounced my disease, blood poison, caused by paint or lead in the paint, but they could not euro me. Last summer I used eighteen bottles of a largely ad vertised blood medicine, which" did me no more good I ban so much water. I have used only two bottles of B. ] B. B. and am proud to say that I have received greater benefit ' from | them tliim from the eighteen, and am now rapidly recovering. There is no question about tiie superiority of B. B. R. over all blood medicines. 215 Reynolds St. W. H. Woody. ' Augusta, Ga., April 21»t, 1&80. Ail who desire full information about the cause and cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc., cun secure bv mail, free, a copy of our 32-page illustrated Book of Won ders, filled witli the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known. Address, BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta Ga. May 24th, 1887. [38 cmly. The Importance of purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich tho blood, and wo ask you to try Ilood’s Do _ |||_ „ Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rCCUIIar an d builds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones tlio digestion, while it eradicates disease. Tlic peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used givo to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- nr-- iar curative powers, No * ^ IIOCII other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you liavo made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. nood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood di Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Feb 1.1887. 30 cw. ly New Advertisements. WANTED--WOMAN telligent to re present established business in own locality. i’erm.incUt position and good salary. licfcreiio ; s exchanged. City Mfg. Co. is Barclay-st. X. Y. A ^ E* fVl m F' 45 W'A NTED (samplce free) ELECT BI fiI 0 m1 S^RUS^S.^Tsff^T C? 1 'No ripK, quick naioe. I erritory given, satisfaction guar antee it mt. MC'OTT, 811 Broadway, N. Y. SHORTHAND vonrsplf for lilt* w m k iit p - * i ;i i r x g * ■ 11 SchoolofCommerce, CLiVIinA N. Y. N. A. MILLER, l’res. WO It K I (Hi WANTED ttYIES irii-k ran lie iiidi'll, made. No pin io ran a -inn. For full particulars KKSCKNT AII D CO a. Box 5170, dress. st., i: .stun. Mil *7 to $m per da painting; c Hd- Milk Its uses, and a new and successful cube at your own home, l>y leaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without bcnellt. ('iirnl himself In three mouths, and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on appiicitlim T. S Page, No It West iilst At., New York City ROOT BEER. K ’ 0VED Package, g."> cents, makes .% gallons ol a deff cions, sparkling, temperance beverage. Streng thens and pol ities the lilood. Its purity and and de'lcacy commend it to all. Sold by all druggists ami storekeepers. FROM THE WORLD’S BEST MAKERS. At Factors Prices. On Easiest Terms of Payment. SPECIAL BARGAINS. ROSEWOOD PIANO S2I0 Full Size; aii improvements; Sweet Tone; Guaranteed a Superior and Reliable Instrument. Bent Sold in Amerusit/or the money. Thousands ^Complete Outfit—Une Plush Top Stool, Em broidered Cover, Instructor and Music Book. All freight paid to nearest Depot. PARLOR ORGANS, $65. Large Size; solid Walnut case; Extended Top; Rich Design; I Seta Reeds; 10 Genuine stops. Greatest bargain ever otlered. Same style Case, with 2Sets Heeds, only $55. Complete tmtllt—tine Stool, Instructor and Music Hook. All freight paid. Easy Terms. PIANOS.—HO Monthly until paid for, or a small cash payment and balance quarterly, or semi annually. Ten different plans of payment, Responsible parlies accommodated with almost any terms desired. _ . . ORGANS.—fa Monthly, or Rented until paid for. Easiest Terms evor heard of. OUTFITS FREE. Fine Plush Stool. Embroidered Cover, Instruc tor and Music Bo* with Pianos. line Stool, Instructor and Music Book with 0:gans. ALL FREIGHT PAID. Wc assumo all freight to purchaser’s nearest It. It. Depot or landing. EIGHT GRAND MAKERS AND OVER THREE HUNDRED STYLES TO SELECT FROM. THE LEADING INSTRUMENTS OF THE WORLD, m Alino CHICK BRING, MASON & HAMLIN P ANUS. MATHCSIIEK. BENT, AND ARION. MASON A HAMLIN. PACKARD ODPAMQ OIICUF.STH.VL AN1) BAY STATE UnllHRO. K xnnilSMt .1 \l> REi'l> 'lMT'.y PET* f.V HIGHEST TERMS IIY XE I RE V .1 t.E THE WURTH'S GREATEST MI SIC IA VS. PIANOS iii Squares, Square Grands. I'prights and Con"(.rt Grands at $210, $25 , $275, $300, s i-:;,. 5350, to $1,000. OltG’.YNS for Churches, lodges. SchoolR and Parlors at $21, $30, $50, $no, $75, *00, $loo, $125, $150 to $750. PIANOS AND ORGANS DELIVERED FREIGHT PAID, TO ANY RAIL ROAD POINT SOUTH. For Illustrated Catalogues, Price Lists, Circu lars and fall information address THE GEORCIA MUSIC HOUSE E. D. IRVINE, Manager, Macon Ga., Dr J. S. STEMBRIDGE, Agt„ Milledgeville, Ga. September 14th, 1886. 36 ly. FOR THE This spring with your blood full of impurities, your digestion impaired, your appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and whole system liable to he prostrated by disease—but get your self into good condition, and ready for the changing and warmer weath er, by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled for purifying tiie blood, giving an appetite, and for a general spring medicine. The prospects for Col. Hammond for Supreme Court Judge look brighter and brighter. ^ The Standard Oil Company is the greatest monopoly the world has ever seen. It has $150,000,000 capital, and its profits are enormous. Their Business Booming. IT Glibly no one thing has caused s sell a revival of trade at John M. Clark’s Drug (Store as their giving away to their cus- ! t liners of so many free trial bottles of ■ — Dr. King’s Now Discovery for Consume- The Zanesville Timos mnk-oK flirt f,.t H on ' -l Mr trade Is simply enormous in ’ llues ' ! 1U Junes makes thg fol- this very valuable article from the fact •owing remark which affords food for reflection: "Patriotism begins at lome. A man who doesn’t love his '■>ty and home isn’t likely to think a "reut deal of liis country.’’ that it always euros and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, largo size Si. Every bottlo warranted. BEST TONIC. ? Th!« medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable ton Ice, quickly in 1 completely Cure* Dyiprpale, Indigestion, Week- neve, Impure lllood, MftUlie, Chilli end Paver*, and NenrelgU, it lien unfailing remedy for Dlteaaw of tho Kidney and Liver. It 1* invaluable for Disease* peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary live*. Itdoennot injure the teeth,cause headache,or produce constipation— other Iron medicine, do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates tlic appetite, aids ttio assimilation of food, relieves Heartburn and Belching,and strengthens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fever*, Laaaiturfe, Lack of Knergy, etc., it has no equal. pr The genuine lias above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Hull out; hj nnowx iuebiul io„ niLTIIUUS, Elk April (i liMj 31) cw. 1 v PIANOS* ORGANS Of nil milked direct to customers from head quarters, at wholesale prices. All goods guar anteed. No money asked till Instruments are re ceived and fully tested. Writ© us before pur chasing. An Investment of 2 cents may save you from $80.00 to SIOO.OO. Address JESSE FRENCH, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Wholesale Distributing Dcp’t for the South. Peck's Files’ Improved fdinned Ear Drums I'EItl'INTI.Y RESTORE Til I? HEARING, no mutter whether deafness is caused by colds fever', cr l" :uries iu l lie natural drums. Aiwa' a in position, bill invisible to others and cum- furtuhle to weir. Music, conversation, oven whispers heard distinctly. We refer to those using ihem. Send lor lllusirated book m proofs free. Address if. lllst’OX, 84» Broudwav, N. Y. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC Mtb power oTer disease unknown to other remedies. Week Lungs, Rheumatism, Female Complaints, and the dlstressinsrillsof the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels MB draprarmp thousands to the vrare who would recover thfir health by the timely use of Pabxse’s Oinqkk Tomcl It Is new life and strength to the aired. 50c. at Drug Hiscox A Co., id WIlham Street, N. Y. DESKS OFFICE & BAM FtRMTLRE & FIXTURES. Ask for Illustrated Pamphlet, TERRY SHOW CASE CO., Nashville, Tenn. Mar. 22, 1887. Notice. A LL persons arc warned not to employ under p( unity of the law, Ben unci Hob Watson, (colored] who are under contract to Libor for mu during tho present year. T. C. GOODS! IN’. May 10th, 1837 . 4i its I! NY BACK. MY BACK! rkltfvkd rw ox* mintttk. Aching bank*, hip*, and .Ides, kidney &nd uterine pain*, weaknea* and infinm- | matlon, rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic, sudden,sharp and nervous pains, coughs, colds and .trains relieved in one min ute by that now, original, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and Inflammation, the Cntlcura Antl-l’ain I Master. 25 cts.; 5 for $1; at all drag- gist* or Hotter Drug and Chemicul Co-, Boston. "MASONT HAMLIN OKaANS. lli-host honors ;it nil Grunt World’s Kxl.iMii.nis siiiue ISrtT. iiio styles, to $000. For Cash, F«asy I*.iv nit* lit **, or Rented. Catalogue, 40 pp, 4to, free. PIANOS The new m >de of piano construction invented by Mason A Hamlin in 1882 lias been fully proved, many excellent experts pronouncing it tho “greatest improvement made In pianos of the century.” For full information, send for Catalogue. MASON k HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., BOSTON. NKXV YORK. GDIGAGO. May 17th 1887. 45 lrn. “BROS PROMPT ATTENTION will» F en to tho nurchaae m„i , *?iv. DR. W. R. ROBISON '"PENDERS liis Prokkssional s,. 1 vickb to tiie citizeus of Milled v*He and Burrounaing country oT and residcii 00 on Green Street ,i D< site Presbyterian church ’ Milledgeville, Ga,, March 1 '8 34 3ni G. T. WIEDENMAN MERCHANDISE BROKER Millkdokvillb, Ga. ! Office in Bank Buildine Jan. 11, 1887. o 7t . DR. w. H. haliT H A e™;sr.Vm.rs Paine, Clerk of Superior Court. ' Dr. W. A. MOORE, rounding country. When not. profes.ionv engaged, lie will lie found during the davnaV ' oiiicoimd residence next door east of ^"0^ Milledgeville, Ga., Apr. 26,1886. 41., Dentistry. DR. H mTcLARKE W ORK of any kind performed In ao oordance with thelatest and most lm proved methods. 081 lm ‘ •a. Office in Callaway’s New Building Milledgeville. Ga., May 18th, 1883. 44 The Milledgeville Banking Co Of Milledgevillk, Ga A Generul Bunking Bualneaa Trua,.acted. G. T. Wiedenman, President R. T. Bethtjnk, Cashier. DiKF.CT0BS.-W T Conn, D. B. Sanfor H. h. Hendrix, G. I. Wiedenmun, L \ Callaway, I. L. McCorab.C. M. Wright.' Milledgeville, Ga„ Oct. 21st, ’86. 15 n- HOLMES’ SURE CURE MOUTH-WASH and DENTIFRICE. (lures Bleeding Gums, Dicers, Sore Month, Sori Throat, Cleanses tiie Teeth and Purines the Breath; used and recommended by leading den- tisis. Prepared by Drs. J. p. a W. R. Hoi.mk, Dentists, Macon, Ga. For sale by all druggist and dentists. 88 Aug. 5th, 1886. 4], DR. BELLAMY’S Compound Extract of YOB live at home, and make more money at work for ua, than at any thing else in this world. Capital not _ needed; you are started free. Doth aexes; all ages. Any one can do the work. Large earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit and terms free. Better not delay. Costa you noth- Ing to send us your address and find our: it you are wise you will do so at once. ILHalluttA Co. Portland. Maine. February l&tli, 2887. 82 ly. Petition for Dismission from Ad ministration. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Conrt of Ordinary, Marcli Term, 1887. HEREAS, C. L. Morris, Admin istrator upon the estate of Mrs. Fannie B. Morris, deceased, has filed liis petition in said Court for letters of dismission from his trust as such administrator. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all parties interested, heirs or creditors, to show cause on or hv tiie June Term next of said Court, to beheld on tiie first Monday in June, 1887, why letters of dismission from said trust should not bo granted to said petitioner as prayed for. Witness my hand and offleitil signa ture this March the 7th, 1887. DANIEL B. SANFORD, [35 3m.] Ordinary. W 1 •7 Over 9,000,000 worn during the past six years. This marvelous success is due— 1st.—To the superiority of Coraline over all other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2nd.—To tho superior quality, shapo and workmanship of ourCorsots, combined with their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations mado of various kinds of cord. Nono aro genuine unless '*DR. WARNKR’S CORALINE" Is printed on Inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WAMn BROTHERS, 300 Broadway, New York City, is the Best Remedy Known for all Female Complaints Monthly or Irregularities All Druggists keep It. Call on then) f. r Circulars and Testimonials or address, The Bellamy Gossypitjm M.vf’y Co., No. 30 Wall Street, Atlanta. ou Lock Box tit, Miiledgevillp, (is. Marcli 1st, 1887. 35 tf. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, OLD EYES MADE NEW 1 A N astonishing announcement which will please the people, Is that JOSEPH MILLER has tho largest., and one of the best select ed stocks or “King’s Combination" Specta cles and Eye Glasses, In the State of Geor gia. We have studied to supply the need of every eye requiring assistance, and with our large stock and long experience, we guarantee to (it the eye. Call and see them in prices ranging from 2oe to $3.00 JOSEPH MILLEE, The Jeweler and Optician, Milledgeville, Gn„ Jan. 5,1886 . 26 ti WORKINGCLASSESATTENTIon! pared to furnish all cusses with employment at home, tho whole pf the time, or for their spare j moments. Business new, light anil profitable. I Persons of cither sex easily earn from 50 cent.- to $.'1.00 per evening, and a’proportional sum by devoting all their lime to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly ss much as men. That all who seo this may send their address, ami test the business, we make this offer. To such I as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pgy for trouble of writing. Full particulars and out tit free. Address George Stinson A Co.. Portland, Maine. February 16th, 1887. 32 iv. Jan. 18, 1887. 2817 to be made. Cut this out and return to us, and we will send you free, something of great value uud importance to you, that will start you in business which will bring you lu more money right away than anything else in tills world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Either box; all ages. Some thing new, that just coins money for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This Is one of the genuine, important chances of a life time. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tuns A Co., Augusta, Maine. February 15th, 1887. 32 ly, OCONEE LIVERY STABLE, Milledgoville, Ga. M. H. BLAND & CO., Proprietors. (Successors toG. T. Whilden.) H ERDICK meets all Trains promptly. Will send buggy to meet drummers at any sta- lion within 15 miles of Milledgeville, at a few hours notice on orders, written or otherwise. Also, will keepfor hire, Carriages, Buggies and riding Horses at, reasonable rates. Tlrnyago furnished, promptly and faithfully attended to. Patronage of tho public solicited. Feb, 1st, 1887. 30 4m l|V ASTOPPED FREE ■ ■ MmrvtUus jutctsM. ■ ■ Iinn Parson* **•£>'*<* ■ ■ fMDr.KLUIKSaREAT ■ ■ WnerveRebtorer ^-/era//B«AIH*N**VaDlS*Asas. Onlytort ^curt for Nrrvt AfftcUtnr. Fits. F.fibyry. ■ IlMPALLtBLB Hukea as directed. Nt FU‘,*f"r • tlesl dmy't un. Treatise ud (a trial bottle free to Fit patient-., they paying express charjts ca l^s wtien ■ received. Seod aaaiea.P. O. and eaprea* address « I afflicted to DR.KLINI2.eii Areh S«..Philadelphia. Drnggtsts. tMWAKM OF IMITATING FRAUDS. Dec. 14, 1880. 38 ly EXCELSIOR C00KST0YES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED M (NUFACTl’KBL* BY , Isaac A,Sheppard & Co.,Baltimore,Mi \NH FOR MALE BY T. T. WINDSOR, Milledgoville, Ga. A ag 10, 188G. Iv.