Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 16, 1888, Image 330

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mong Our Exchanges. . Rome's Exposition lost, week was n ? “Rfreat Success. The Columbus Exposition will open on the 15th of November. The New York Times has estimated the farm mortgages of Iowa at $351,- 000,000. A terrible disaster happened on the Lehigh Valley R. R. About seventy lives were lost. Col. Roht. 1. Chester of Jackson, Tenn., is the oldest living Mason in the U. 8. He is 06 years old, and joined the order in 1817. There was a great mass meeting of business men held in New York elty on Saturday last.. There were 20,- 000 men in the parade. It was a great access. ' The decline In value of hill town farm8 In Massachusetts Is put by the Chicago Times at fifty per cent, dur ing the last ten years. A well im proved farm near Greenfield, valued at $7000, brought recently $‘.5000 at a forced sale. The shrinkage in several town values has been from $300,000 to $800,000. Children will freely tnke Dr. 1. H. Mc Lean’s Tsi Wlno Lung Balm; unllkeoough syrups, It oontalim mi opium, will soot' e and heal any disease of the throat or lungs -quicker than sny other remedy. IB 3m Henry Penrod lost an arm in a rail road accident at Carbondale, 111., four years ago. He is now aston ishing Chicago by his cleverness in setting type with one hand. This is About as difficult us runding a race with one leg. Penrod devoted many months to what seemed to others the impossible task of becoming a useful type-setter with one arm gone. No one who knows anything of a com posing room can remotely realize the difficulties be was obliged to over- some. Mr. Penrod can now set 400 ems in twenty minutes, a hard thing -for a man with two hands to do. The Dummy When he was a boy, the late Hen ry Waterman, of Hudson, N. Y., who invented the doable driving wheels of locomotives, sffent most of hie time “whittling." With bis jack knife he made various models of va rious conceptions to the usual, In sneh oanrm. neglect of his lessons. His tether on one occasion, out of all patience with him, said, “That boy is a good-for-nothing dummy." Hen ry instantly replied: “Father, some day I will make an engine and call it ♦The Dummy’ ” When be grew op he accomplished the purpose he then formed. He was the inventor of the locomotive called “The Dummy,” now in use everywhere. Exposure to rough weather, getting wet, living in damp localities, are favorable to the contraction of the diseases of the kid neys and bladder. As a preventive, and for the cure of all kidney and liver trouble use that valuable remedy. Dr. J. H. Blc- Lean’s Liver and Kidney llalm. $1,00 per bottle. 15 8ino. Bob Toombs’s Ambition. From Colonel Pat Donan. Famous old Bob Toombs, of Georgia, Mid to me in 1876: “I was at the first world's fair, in London in 1851, as ths representative of the United States government. I was at the second world’s fair, In Paris, In lityM, as a refugee from the d—d yankess. I am going to the next one. in Parts In 1878, as a gentleman, begad, Hah-” Laid to Best. The funeral of Mr< J. P. Harrison took place yesterday afternoon from the First Baptist church. Thecortege left the residence about three o'clock And proceeded to the church, where the Rev. Dr. Hawthorne delivered an impressive and appropriate address. The churoh was crowded to its capacity witli the friends and rela tives of the family. The procession which left the church was one of the largest ever seen in the city. The re mains were laid to rest in the family grounds in Oakland cemetery.—At- Anta Constitution, 9th. When nature fullers and requlrtw In-Ip. -recruit her n.ii.billed energies with Dr. ■!. H. McLean’s St eiiglliHiiing (Jordiul ami Blood purifier. $1.00 per bottle. 15 8mo. Sale of Mr. Stephens' Property. The A. H. Stephens property at CrawfordvilJe was sold last Tuesday At public sale. The six acres lying near cemetery were bought by the Crawfordville town council at $35. The “home pi ice,” 400 acres, was sold to T. E. Bristow for $705. The Nunn place, containing 325 acres, was sold to T. E. Bristow for $625. The Kent place, 190 acres to J. W. Farmer for $230. The wild lands belonging to the estate were not sold.—Augusta News, 9th. __ j® Abe you restless at night, and harrassed by a bad euugb? Use Dr. J. II. McLean’s Tar >Vine Lung Bairn, it will secure you perfect sleep, and effect a prompt and rad ical cute. 1C 3mo. Ahead of Keeley's “Motor." j Several newspapers have referred to a new invention by one William Timinis, which, if successful, will rev olutionize metive power. The inven tor is an unpretentious English me chanic residing in Pittsburg, Pa., who ciaims to have invented a machine by which untold motive power can be stored or used without the expendi ture of fuel. Tiie story goes that ha lias been engaged for years in per fecting the invention, anil is now nego- 1 tiating witli the governments of Eng land, Russia and the United States for the sale of tiie right to use his dis covery, which, if after examination it ( proves to be what he claims, will revolutionise the motive power of the world. He claims to be able to ereate a pressure of 20,000 pounds per ■quare inch—more than sufficient to propel the largest ocean steamer afloat or to move eighty laden freight cars in one train. The machine seems to he simply an air compressor of the simplest sort. It consists of one Small cylinder (six horse power), witli a balance weigh’ of seventy five pounds, which runs, the entire apparatus: another small cylinder, five inches diameter, with seven Indies stroke, compresses the air into the tank from which the pow er is utilized. Under tiie piston plate tiie inventor lias placed two layers of bars containing eleven different min erala, the magnetic influence of which is tiie secret of tiie inventor. The advantages he olairns are durablity, economy and simplicity. Experts have examined the muohine and pronounce it a success. In submitting bis design to the gov ernuients named, Mr. Tluituis claims that the pneumatic generator can not only be applied to war vesslcs, but can be used as a defense against hostile attacks by means of air chatnbert- plaoed behind the armor plating.— Bolentlflo American. Siuk headache, wind on the stomach blllioiisneee, nausea, arc promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. If. McLeanV Little Liver and Kidney Pellets, 25c. a vial. 15 Jmo. A Child in the Fight. Defeat of the Amendment Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8.—Returns from 181 oounties show that 43,683 vote* ware east against the constitu tional amendment, and 87,574 votes for it. This makes the majority against the amendment 6,100. There is little doubt but that the remaining countiee will increase the majority against the amendment. Physicians prescribe Dr.J. H. McLean’s Tjtr Wine Lung Balm; In it they ilnd n< trace of opium or morphia, whilo Its effl- oacy In curing all throat or lung disease): Is wonderful. I5 3mo. Got. Hill in Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind.. Oct. 12.—Gov. Hill and ids party, accompanied by Gov. Gray and Judge Holman and Hon. W. VV. Armstrong, of Cleve land, O., left at an-early hour this morning for Lafayette, were the gov ernor spoke this afternoon, going thence to Logansport, where he closed his canvass to night. Tiie weather throughout Indiana continues rainy and disagreeable. Persons who lead a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lum bago and will find a valuable remedy In Dt. J. H. McLean’s Tulcaslo Oil Liniment, it will banish pstn and subdue Inflamma tion. 15 S mo. A Baptist Chnroh Bxpels Four Faith- less Members. Augusta, Ga., Ootober 13.—The presence of Mormon elders about Au gusta, and their work among the poor people in the factory wards, lias been noticed from time to time in this correspondence. Converts have been made from among tiie ignorant mill operatives, and tiie elders are said to be doing a good business here. The Kallock Street Baptist church is the llrst to tuke formal notice of them, and 1ms just publicly expelled four of its members because they joined tho Mormon elders. These proselyting elders have been warned from time to time to leave, but seem bent upon working here, and are gainiug mem bers. Unless they take their depart ure for other climes, it is not improb able that they may receive active per suasion to do so. Far better than tho harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe tho patient und deetroy the coating ol the stomach, Dr. J.H. McLean’s Chill and fever cure, hy tnlld, yet effective action will euro. Sold at fifty cents a bottle. 15 3mo. There are many accident s and diseases which effect stock and cause serious in convenience and loss to the farmer In his work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment. 15 3 mo. Tho statistics of the Board of Chari- ity of the State of Illinois, show that the cost of supporting each pauper- in the State to be sixty-six and three- tenth cents per day, twenty-six cents more than the laborer gets on an av- tt ge. Rich Hill. Mo.. July 7, 1888. Tiie Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: Our little girl when but three weeks old broke out witli exze- ma. We tried the prescription from several good doctors, but without any special benefit. We tried S. S. S., and by tiie time one bottle was gone her heud began to heal, and by the time she had taken six bottles she was completely cured. Now she lias a full and lieuvy head of hair—a ro bust healthy child. I feel it but my duty to make this statement. Respectfully, H. T. Shobkm. Treaties on Blood and Skin Diseases wailed free. Tim Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta Ga. The ItaAer Shops of Buwpe. Tbo comparison between tho barber kbcp of America and the borber shop of Europe is tijo comparison between n pal ace and u ItovcL Luxury in a barber shop ncroes tho water, oven in Purls, is an unknown quantity. The Americnp barter uims to make his shop ns nttroct- hti, his chairs ns luxurious and comfort able ns poeeffikv. In decorations and fit ting tip generally many shops in America are exceedingly artistic. In Europe things arc different. An American vis iting Paris or London, on placing hiru- •olf in the 1 lands of a native barber, will at poop erigh for the land of his birth, and dxxrtd oven on)oy the gossip of bis American barber. ID the profttncial (owns and cities of Oennany a barber is oh institution. He is a dignitary to sooie extent, tho head barber never nfxrvcs a roan. Ho hires assistants to do that. He must bo a «ntgonn and a dentist, Bp pulls teeth, cops and ieecbca, cuts off a kg or srm tfyieoeosary, but he never draws n razor across a customsris face. The head barber's assistants start out with their shaving outfits early In the morning and do tho shaving right at tho homes of customers, who make a contract for a year to lx) shaved bo many times a week for eo much—generally about $10 is the price. Customers most be at homo when the barber calls or they will Dot bo shaved until the next trip. There are very few •hope and very poor once in Germany. The European on visiting America is astounded at the luxury, toe artistic nr- pmgement and geoend elegance of the American barber shop, George Werner iir Globe-Democrat, A new disease has tauten oat in the peach orchards of ftance, simitar to the Heck rot that has been eo destructive to the grape hi America. The fruit is a$- tacknd in its earlier stages and never meebee maturity. It le, Dovrever, from a wholly different fangue that produces tho grape troubio with Us, and has boen named Goryneum Deijerincki. This black rot ewept off most of the peaches in the of the Garonne last year.—Public As clKrrtty covers a multitude of sine before God, so docs politeness before men, —Lord Brevities. Ait Interesting Origin. Tho pug ilog as a pot had an interest ing origin. He was first imported from China and Japan, and come Into fashion in tire n-igu or William IIL It is stated that Ilf King believed Ids life to have been simvl tty n dog of this breed awak ening hi.;. i.» liiu danger when a murder- <jps attack was about to be made on the prince. Chiougo Herald. Bbrlh’s good; but breeding's better.— Sboteh iToverb. cqnsumptionTubbly cubjed. To the Editor.—Please inform your reader* thst I have a positive remedy for the above,mimed dUe» t «. By its timely use thousands of hopeless coses have been permanently cured. I shsll bo glad to send two bottlps of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion ir they will send me their express and post, office address. Respectfully. T-A.Slocum. M-C.,181 Poarlst... Now Tork. Oct. 16 '88. lyr. Tim's Pills stimulate* the torpid liver, etrength. eii* I lie <lli;eNtt ve orgun*. regulutes tho bos cl., and uro unequalled uit ml ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In mulnriut dl*trlrte t-helr virtue* nr* widely recognized, mh they po**e*N pee. iiIiiir propcrlicN in freeing the sy*tean from thut polNon. Elegantly Nilgai coated. Done email. I’rice, SSets. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York, Oct. 16, 13H8. 15 cw 4m Just received at the Union Recor der office some pretty note paper, ‘Sea Shell’ and ‘Cream’, with envelopes to match. Also handsome folding-sards. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! v Ovora Million Distributed. Louisiana Slate Lottery Company. Inrnrpuratoil by the Legislature In !*«*, for Eil rational and -Charitable purposed, and Its Iranchlscmade a part of the present State Con- Htltutlon in ltlfl, "I an overwhelming popular vote. ■ I. flRIND HXTBAORDIRfAHV DVt AWISK2H lake piece gemi-Aanunl- Ir i J une aad »*eraitier,) nod it* tlHASe gIHttl.lt flf U ft* B K H ItII4W- IHtiN take plaer reek ef tfce etfcer ten nannlkn la tkn year, and are all drawn in pafclic, at Ilk Academy af .TIa.tr, New grime., La. •'He doherehy certify that we nupervuethe arrangement* for ati th. Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawing*of The LoulalanaState Lotte ry Company, and In pereon manage and control the Drawlnga themeelyee.and that the eame are oonducted with honesty, falrnene, and In good faith toward all partleB, and we authorize the Comnauj to ijse tblscertlflcate, wltb fac-utmilei of our slgn/.tureB attached, in It* advert!*®* menu.” For Salk at this Office.—Jus tice Court blanks, Deeds, Mortgages, Rent and Mule Notes, Laborer’s Liens and most kinds of legal blanks. If you suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes, or ennnot bear bright light, and timl your sight weak and failing, you should promptly uso Dr. J, II. McLean’s Strengthening Salve. 25 cents a box. 15 3mo. R. W. ROBERTS, ja.ttomoy~ja.t-Xjaw MlLLKDGKVlLbK, GA. F tOMPT ill ten t Ion given to all business en trusted to nts care. Ullice in room formerly occupied by Judge D. 15.Sanford. Dec. 1, 1887. 22 ly. Commissioner. We the nnderslgncd nanke and Hankers will ay all Prizes drawn In the Louisiana State lotteries which may b# presented at our coun ters. K. M. WAI.MSL.KY, Free Louisiana Nat Bk FIKltRE LANAIIX Free. State Nat't Bk. A. BALDWIN, Free. New Orleaae Nat'l Ilk CAR!, XOBIt, Free. Unloa National Hank. GRIND MONTHLY DRAWING, In thm Ar«d«ray of Mimic, Orleaav, Tacftdaj, November 13, 188H. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 Ticket* at Twenty Dollar* each, Halve* $10.00; Quarter* $5; Tenths $2; Twentieths $1. list or mm. 1 PRIZE OK $300,hOO Is *300,000 1 PRIZE OK 100,000 Is 100,000 1 PRIZE OK 60,000 le 50,000 1 PRIZE OK 25,000 Is 25,000 2 prizes oK lo.otio ure 20,000 6 PRIZES OK 6,000 are 25,000 25 prizes ok 1,000 are 26,ooo loo prizes of 500 are 50,000 200 PRIZES OK 300 are 60,000 600 PRIZES of 200 are 100,000 AI’PBOXIMATION I’KIZKB. 100 Prizes of $500 are 50,000 loo Prizes of $300 are 30,000 loo Prizes of $300 are 20,000 TEKKINAL PKIZKH. 699 Prizes of $100 are 99,000 999 Prizes of $100 are 99,909 3,134 Prims, amounting to $1,064,900 Non.—Ticket* drawing Capital Prizes are neatltled to terminal Prizes. *#-Por club Hate*, or any further information desired, write leglhly to the undersigned, clear ly stating your residence, with State, County, Htreet and Number: More rapid return mall delivery will be assured by your enclosing an En velope bearing your run address. Send POSTAL. NOTES, Express Money Orders or New York Exchange Inordinary letter. Cur. rency by Express at our expense addressed te X. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans,La., • r X. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D. O. AMrea Reiisterd Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK, New Orleans, La, nrtJCMDCD 1,18 presence or Oeuerals ntmtmDLn ileuuregard und Early, who are In charge of the drawings, Is a guaran tee of absolute fairness and Integrity, thut the chances are all equal, and that no ono can possi bly divine what number will draw a Prize. KKMKHKKlt that the payment ol all Frizes IS GUARANTEED ItY FOUR NATION AL hanks of New Orleans, und the Tickets are signed liy the President of an Insti tution, whose chartered rights are recognized In the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any im itations or nnouymous schemes. Oct. 9, 1888. 14 4t fiiwf at Itmt 11 Ths Leading PERTUMH. X&EQU6NE wPrngrantl Lotting/ Sold at ceASCta. at DraggltH. Laxador Cum Liar Complaint, Coathenm, Bllltui Affntlem, tiddlnees. 41 druggists. SB o. Prlci only 25 Cts. Sold by all druggists. Will relieve Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelling s,Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Wounds, &c. nucitr LANCE'S PLUGS, Thi treat Tobacco Arm w/>Elv tidotel—Price 10 Cte. At aN druggist* Oct. 2, 1888. 13 cw Oin Libel for Divorce. John Robinson, 1 In Baldwin Superior vs. )• Court, July Term, ANNIE ROHINSON. ) 1888. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. L T appearing to the court by the return of Sheriff in above stated cane, that tho de fendant does not reside In said couuty, and further appearing that she does not in side In thlo Stiite. It Is therefore ordored by the Court that service be perfected on the defendant by the publication or this order once a month for four months before the next Term of this court, in the Union- Recorder, a newspaper published in Bald win county, Ga. \V. F. JENKINS, Judge H. C. O. C. A true extract from minutes of Baldwin Superior Court. Walter Paine, Clerk. Sept. 4th, 1888. , 9 mini S3. » XjXTH: Macon, Ga. ; Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts Baby Carriages, Harness, Leather, Sko Findings, etc. IGct. 11, ’87. 14 ly Just Returned From New York with the largest stock of ever brought to the city. All of tho Nobbiest and Liatest Styles! Call at once and examine. Will be a pleasure to show them. Hats to look well on everybody. Fall Stock of Shoos! Arriving evory day. Will be the largest stock I havo over carried. Very Respectfully, FRED HAUG-, Proprietor, MILLEDGEVILLE SHOE STOREI Milledgeville, Gt., Bept. 4th, 1888. 39 9m Stoves at Less than Cost! Needing more room for my Hardware business, I am deter mined to close out ALL my Stoves, Cooking and Heating, so I will sell them for less than cost, and if not all sold by December, I will offer them at Auction to close out. I have only about 30 left. I offer you Cook Stoves at 9 8.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 So if you are needing chase—these prices ar former price, << << • < (4 it U n u good Cook Stove, for tho CASH. #10.00 12.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 ow is the time to pur- AJiiioI A large lot of the best makes, at very low prices. Guns and •Ammunition. A very fine stock on hand and will sell as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock of Hardware, Guns and Stoves, before purchasing elsewhere, I will save you money by so doiug. JOS. 8T A T ■‘RTV Milledgeville, Sept. 18, 1888. 80 ly TO LAND OWNERS. With tho opening of Fall, excur sions from the North West will tiring many visitors to Georgia. Some of them may wish to buy land and lo cate in our midst. We would be pleased to mako a full and complete record of all the land for salo in Baldwin county. Any person having land for sale would do well to leave a description of it with us, at once. The information thus obtained will he printed and distributed at the proper time, where it will do tre most good. Timely attention to this matter may result in great good to our county. BETHUNE & MOORE, Real Estate Agents. ADVICK T«* MOTHERS. AreyouiUsttirhedal night and broken of your rest by u sick child HUtlerinR and crying with patti of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is Incalculable. It will relieve the poorllttle suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is rio mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and how- els, cures wind colic, softens tiie gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and caergy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRDP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States and is for sale by all druggists throughout tiie world. Pnce25 cents a bottle. January 3(1,1888. 261y Come and see our steam press and you will he delighted. W. S. Bpooks, Man’gr. SCOTT’S EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OIL LSS HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost a» Palatable as Milk. H dlif.lH* that |« earn be taken. U|Mt.t, a.d tMlMlltiet by th. mow nuIUvo itonamck, wkon the plain oil taaaot be tolerated' ut by th. cam- btn.tlom of the oil with th. faypophvh phlto* 1. mack mar. .ffleorloai. Remarkable u • l«k predate?. Persona gala rapidly while tat tag ft. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be tho Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure o£ CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINO DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMRONIC COUCHS. The great remedy for Conswmptian, and Wasting in Children, Sold by all Druggists. Oct. 15, 1888. 15 ly. A Novel Idea.—From to-day we will begin giving Stationery away as follows : Every fifteenth person buy ing stationery of us will receive it free. Cali at Union-Recorder office