Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 23, 1888, Image 338

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Among Our Exchanges. Mr. Jolin Temple* Graves, of Romo, married a liuncock lady, Miss Stinp- Son. The Grinin NewH savs: “When thin country becomes plastered nil over with spareribs, backbones, sausage, ct cet., instead of mortgages, then we Will begin to see daylight.” Mr. P. C. Sawyer of Macon, fa mous us a manufacturer of cotton gins, died at the Lunatic Asylum on last Friday. His remains were taken to Macon for interment. And now the newspapers are talk ing about buttons for ladies that cost #80 a piece. That's nothing strange; many a lady wears a diamond button worth over hundreds on n certain portion of her robe du nitc. There are many accidents and (lisente's Which effect stock and cause scrums in convenience and loss to the farmer In Ills work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of Dr. .t. H. McLean's Vijcanlc Oil Liniment. is :i mo. The dramatization of the Quick and the Dead, lias been represented in New York, and the critics all agree that it was a dead failure in every respect. It is to be hoped that n company will not take the road to worry the South with it. Fas better than the Imrsh treatmout of medicine* which horribly gripe the tmtlcnt and destroy the coating ul tie* stomach, Dr. J. H. McLean's Chill and f- ver cure, by tulld, yet efTectlv- hcUoii will cure. Sold at fifty C"ntM a l ottls. 15 8mo. Coincidence in Cotton.—A peculiar coincidence oocurred in th« cotton market yesterday, Hotli the receipts and sales wvre 1041 bales. Such a thing bus never been known before in the history of the market. The unprecedented demand for cot. ton still continues. Cotton is getting higher. Middling yesterday was quo ted 1-16 higher ihnn the day before. All of the branches of ( rad«- ere doing well. A big business jii groceries I •and dry goods was cone lo re yester- ] day.—Augusta Chronicle (if the 18th. j 11 cut Outers In Mon. In a recent meeting of the American J Neurological association, the ]xtper that probably was of most popular interest was that read by Dr. Isaac Ott, of Eas ton, Pa., on 'Tlent Centers In Man." He showed by cases of disease that in the brain of man are points whose function it is to preside over the temperature of the body, and to keep its heat constant. These centers were partly located upon the surface and partly at the base of tlio bratn. He also related cases on record of-a temperoturo os high ns 129 degs. F., and as low os 04 degs. F. He explained how these great Granges of temperature could be produced through disease of the the nervous system. Cases of children were detailed whose temperature was 110 degs. F. for a short time and recov ered. Fever was stated to be mainly a disease <_f the nervous system, causing increase; them leal ci tanged in the tissues of the body, and thus elevating the temjtTa rurc. —Science. Council Proceedings. Council Chambkh, ) Oct. 10, 1888.) Rkoular Meeting. Present His Hon. J. Staley, Mayor, Aid. Wilson, Cnrnker and '1 realtor. Absent Aid. Honnor, Josepi) and Bell. The minutes of tlio last meeting were read and confirmed. The petition of M. II. McComb, J. H. Duggan, Mrs. Kidd, Aus. Alexan der and others, asking council to build a bridge overthe double brandi es near Fishing Creek, having been , refered to the Street Committee, tiiey report as follows: We, the street committee recommend that the bridge lie built as soon as the petitioners j haul enough rock to tlio place to weight it down during overflows. W. Cahakkr. On motion the report wuh received | and adopted. , , On motion, Resolved, That the S treats uort li of North Boundary street inside of W. G. Hawkins’ inclosure, be sold to him at fifteen dollars per acre, cash. He to pay for surveying. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: T. J. Fairfield, $09 00 C. II. Bonner, 0 04 The Clerk’s report was ’examined and found correct and on motion Ap proved and passed. Ou motion council adjourned, to meet hereafter at 7 o'clock, p. in. <4. W. Cahakkr, Clerk. G. W. Caraker, Clerk, in account with the City Council, of Milledgeville, receipts and disbursements from Oct. 2nd, to Oct. 10th, inclusive. 1888. Cash. Dr. Oct. 2, To cash on hand from last report, $08 65 do J. M. Bayne, sales, 6 69 do John Young, sales, 38 do I). Caraker, sales, 3 60 do Fine in Mayor’s oonrt, 26 00 do 0, A. J. Carr, Ins. tax, 6 46 do Bale of old brick by A. J. Wall, 2 60 do Rabun Bishop), st tax, 8 00 do 4, Newton Jones, sales, 38 do Adaline Ingram, tax, 2 00 do C. H. Andrews, ins. tax, 1 00 do Martha Baugh, tax, 76 do Fine in Mayor’s court, 1 00 do Joe Travers, sales, 15 do 6, Foster & McMillan for 1 18-100 acres of land, 17 70 do 8, D. A. Bates, bal st tax, 1 50 do Nelson Slater, pt st tx, 1 00 do Fine in Mayor's court, in full, 4 00 do D. G. Gullens, tax, 2 00 do Mrs. W. B. Ferrell, tax, 4 26 do A. L. Ellison, sales, 4 35 do C. L. Morris, sales, 8 85 do 9, A. F. Skinner A Co., Agt’s. balGen’l Ware house tax, 25 09 do A. Martin b&l st tux, 1 00 do W. 8. Thomas, tax 45 ] To S. Walker, tax, 40 50 I do W. R. Bivins, tax, 46 J do Mrs. A. Bivins, tax, 30 do W. A. N. Bass, bal st tax, 1 00 do 11, F. C. Posey, sales, 8 05 do Mrs. S. C. Jones, tax, 25 00 do 12, Est. Ker Boyce, tax, 5 10 do 15, Rebecca Irwin, tax, 1 75 do F. M. Gobert, tax, 2 50 do Julia Pall, tax, 1 25 §004 90 ‘We Point with Pride” Iltpcr to Settle Quarrel». The Dor-law clubof Philadelphia ought to lie (wpnhriaed and imitated eviry- wiiere. and Wirtaw should be once more RH institution at til civilized lands. It was a custom in Scotland formerly to nettle any common disputes among tlio people bv vote in an assemblage of neigh bor* So quarrels were closed up at ODce, without delay or litigation and tho irritation of courts and lawyers. The custom woa rational; it was a sort of common law. lawyers laid no chance to wallow a farm while settling bound ary lines. Wo have too much legislation, too many laws and too many methods of delaying justice, lb recover tou foot of land a man must expend fifty times it* value. Let us have more burlaw and common sense, especially in rural dis tricts —Globe-Democrat. People Who Buy Drug*. There is a peculiar idea among some folks who seldom have to buy dings. Somehow or other they are averse to let ting people living in tho vicinity know that they have to use medicines at all. When tiiey get a prescription they either go to a drug store out of tho neighl>or- liood, or, u that is too much trouble, they send one of tho family, more fre quently the children, with the object of conveying the idea that 6omo member of tho family other than themselves is ill. Under no circumstances will these people be caught entering or leaving a. drug store.—Druggist in Globe-Democrat, (ash. Or. Oct. 3, By ain't pd A. J. Wall, in fu.l, do a, S. Hughs, uco'c passed, do Dennis Walker, painting do T. A. Caraker, acc’t pass ed, do 15, Boy circulating posters, do S. Hughs, st lmnd, do C. Williams, st hand, do H. Warren, st hand, i'o M. Price, st hand, do W. ijo 'iin, st hand, ( o G. Key, st baud, do J. Hrookins, st baud, do G. W. Caraker, ace't salary, - do W. S. McCornb, aeo’t salary, $197 15 Cash on hand to balance, 107 81 $304 96 Approved Oct. 10th, 1888. E. I). Trkanor, Chm’n.. Pro Tern Fin Com. J. STALEY, Mayor. To tho “Good name at home,’’ won by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. In Lowell, ( Mass., where it is prepared, there is more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold than of all other medicines, and it lias giv en flits best of satisfaction since its in. troduction ten yeaars ago. This could not be if the medicine did not possess merit. If you sufferer from impure blood, try Hood’s Sarsa parilla and realize its peculiar curative pownr. Tiie Rome Daily Tribune is a most fascinating paper. It represents ft young mid progressive constituency. The ability displayed in its manage ment, Ih the best evidence that its home people appreciate its grand work. The most beautiful complexion can only be possessed were there is pure blood. Laxador will renovate the blood, and remove impurities. I’ve been a sufferer from rheuma tism for years and have been unable to obtain any relief at all. Salvation Oil gave entire relief and I lieartlily recommend it. HENRY W1NKE, Baltimore, Mil. Persons who load a life of exposure aro subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lum bago and will find a valuable remedy In Dr. J. H. McLean’s Voloanio Oil Liniment, it will banish pain and subdue tnflamms tlon. 19 3 mo. BIST OK ADTKKTBKU LKTTKHH Remaining in the Post-Office at Mil- ledgeville, Baldwin county, Ga., Oct 20, 1888. If not called for within 30 days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Adkins, Augustus Mitchell, Walter Brown, Win. Nichols, Rena Barron, Clark Nichols, Dr. F. M. Brown, Eliza Rhodes, M. A. Booth, Mrs. F. M. Smith, Emma Cooper, B. C. Smith, Mattie (3) Daniels, Rosa Smith, W. B. Echols, Geo. Sanford, Lari Hnll, Atlas Sanford, Willie Jackso i, Sallie Ward, Boh. Manson, Nancy Okkick Hours.—General delivery window will bo open from 9 a. m. un til 6 P. M. Money Order window will be open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. J. G Fowlkk, P. M. We never saw so many pretty wo men in Baldwin county since we have lived hero, as are here now. If we had nothing else to do we could pass our days pleasantly away in looking at tile female beauty on our street*. Even the babies got prettier and pret tier. There must be something ii the atmosphere that encourages ft- male beauty right here. Ah, there! If You Have \<» Indigestion, I'lafnlenoe, Meii Henduelic, --all run tl«»u,” los- jug flesh, .von ivill Unit UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over ft Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Companj. . i.v tiie Leffialature In lx('S. for lucnrmirated >'v ilie Legislature In lh68, for Educational and'Charitable purposes, mid Its Iranrhis.! inartc a part of the present State Con stitution, In 1879, »>y an overwhelming popular vote. It. Ult nil EXTBAOBOINABY DRAWING* Hike plncr Hemi-Aunonl- v ijuar nnd »«rmbrr,| and il. liRAND MING I( K NUMBER DRAW- , INGN lnlt« place on oark •( «ll*er 1 ten month, in Ihr jenr, nnd nr* nil drawn in pnblic, nl «he Academy of VI it sir, New Orleans, I.n. “Wo doherehy certify that we aupervlBethe arrangements for all the Monthly and Semt- Annual llrawlngaol The l.oulBlnna State Lotte ry Company, and in peraon manage and control the Urawlnga themaelvea, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and In good faith toward all parties, and we autUonze tho Company to use thlacertulcate, with fac-atmlles of our signatures attached, tn Its advertise ments.” A Penny Saved is a Penny Made. How Will this Do for a Drive ? bcs-uai ion stcariblc 1 Read the following: Vi\ If. il. ^ ion is, Newark. Ark., enye: \* n H down v\ i I n Abscess <>t Lin gs, iic 1- • " ’b iin! i • r \ ni- clans inoni in cod > n * »• ' Ini u rah- e ('on sumptiVH. Regan L.U !•« L> Ivillfi i y New DiBeaverv for em sun j •t !• r. n n i now o-i my thii<i bottle, mill able !() ( Vi 1 K th»» work on niy faun. It i.- the tin.!- l a iudidi letwor made.” desse Middh w .i t, ! •eii.tur. Of i«>, <Lj» *,»s * "Hail it in t been fur 1 >i. Kb - Nh. > l)m! covery for ConsutnpMi m 1 « , i ■ u M \a\y do ilied of Lung Troubles. W as go •<*n ni- t» V doc- tors. Am now in best of III ■ulttl.” ’ Ti y U. Sample bodies Tree »’ E. A. 11 ay ne'e » Lrug S tore. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To the Editor.—Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall tie glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion If they will send me their express and nostoftlce address. Respectfully. T- A.Slocum, 11C., 181 Pearl st., Now York. Oct. 16 ’88. lyr. Physicians prescribe Dr.J. H. McLean's Tar tVine Lung Balm; In It they find no trace oi upturn or morphia, while Its effi cacy In curing all throat or lung diseases s wonderful. T5 3mo. JOHN L. SULLIVAN. J He Resolves to Let Stroup Dmik Alone- Boston, Oct. 15—“To-morrow I j will be just 30 years old. and it will I be the first birthday in my life that j i have not been able to be about, well and contented,” said John L. I Suli van yesterday. “I feel stronger, but my feet and legs still trouble me, I have had plenty of time to reflect on my past doings since I have been iaid up and 1 have made up my mind that in thirty years of life I’ve had about enough fun. There was a time in my sickness when 1 was thought to be dying, but God was good to me and gave me one more chance. I’ve fully made up my mind what to do with tlmt chance, and I will never again touch ugluss of beer or a drop of auy kind of intoxicating liquor. No man who is a friend of mine will e ver ask me to drink again.” Children will freely take Dr. J. H. Mc Lean’sTar Wine Lung Balm; unlike cough syrups, It contains no opium, will soothe and heal any disnaso of the throat or lung quicker than auy other remedy. 15 3m Adler’s collard motgage is getting to be as notorious as those Gov. Brown’s cook made famous in Nov 1865. the remedy you need. They tone up the tu'iik Hloinueli and build up the I lagging energies. Sufferers from in en I ul or pliyHieal overwook will find relief from them. Nleely augur routed. sold everywhere. Oct. 15, 1888. 15 cw 4ui I CURE FITS! When I pay Ctttie I do not moan mersly to strut thorn for a time, and then have them ro- turn njjain. 1 mean A RADICAL CUliL. 1 huvo made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long Btudy. I warrant my remedy to Cuke I he worst cases. Because others havo tailed is no reason for not now receiving acuro. Send at once for atrentise and a Free iiottlb of inv INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express ind i’o-t Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will euro you. Address H.G. ROOT, M.C., 183 Pearl St.,NewYork We the undersigned Banks and Hun Kent will pay all Prizes drawn In the Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters. R. M. WAI.MSI.KY, Pres Louisiana Nat Ilk FIF.RBK LANAUX. Pres. State Nst’l Ilk. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat’l Bk. CARL KORN, Pres. L'nien National Bunk. GRAND MONTHLY DR A VINO, in th« Academy of Manic, New Orleans, Tuesday, November IS, 1888. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 Ticket! at Twenty Dollars each. Halves $10.00; Quarters $6; Tenths $2; Twentieths $1. LIST or PHIZES. 1 PRIZE OF $300,000 Is $300,000 1 PRIZE OF 100,000 Is 100,000 1 PRIZE UF SO,000 Is 60,(100 1 PRIZE OF 25,000 is 26,000 2 PRIZES OF 10,000 are 20,000 5 PRIZES OF 6,000 arc 25,000 25 PRIZES OF 1,000 lire 25,000 loo prizes OF 500 are 50,000 200 PRIZES OF 300 are 80,000 500 PRIZES OF 200 are 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. loo Prizes of $500 are 50,000 too Prizes of $300 are .10,000 100 Prizes of $200 are 20,000 TERMINAL PRIZES. 999 Prizes of $100 are 99,900 999 Prizes of $100 are 99,900 3,134 Prizes, amounting to $1,064,800 Noth.—Tickets drawing Capital Prizes sre not entitled to terminal Prizes. •A-For ciob Rates, or any further Information desired, wrlto legibly to the undersigned, clear ly stating your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. Moro rapid return mall delivery will be assured by your enclosing an En velope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, KxprcssMoney Orders or New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Cur rency by Express at our expense addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, I,a., or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, 1). C. Airs ReiistmS Letters to REMEMBER 8 .11’ * 111 eisargo of the thawings, is a ;ru:ir:m- to\‘ nl absolute famiflas and integrity, th.it the ohauees are all equal, ami that no otto can pr»s*i- nl\ 1I1 vme what, number will draw a Prize. IlMMIbM KKll tlmjthe pnvmoilt of 111 IMi/’.i s i« (d ak.\mi:i:i) ity I’om nviion- AI* BANKS of New orleana, and tlm Tickets arc* signed by the President oJ an Insti tution, whoso chartered rights ;iro recognized In tnt* highest Courts; therefore, beware ol any im itations or anonymous schemes. Oct. 1888. ’ H 41 QREXffi- MiiGNE Sweet as Roses 11 /J**-‘^\FragrnnttLasting! Tho I-cading I'riceJBS Cts. FES.rAriMiJR^*)^^3old st Druggist*. Cures Lloer Complaint, Costivenoes, Bilious Affections, Giddiness. At druggists, 26 0. Irish Potatoes, per peck, 30c Onions, red and white, per peck,...45c j Turnips, per peck, 30c; Apples, per peck, 35c j Ex. C. Sugar, 12 lbs. for $1.001 Granulated Sugar, 10^ lbs., for...$1.00 King Patent Flour, perbbl., $7.50 Hatns, per lb., I4c Sugar Cured Shoulders, per lb., ..10ic Fresh Fish, per bunch, 25e Salt Sea Trout, per lb., 80 Dried Beef, per lb., 12$e Finest Syrup, per gal., 00c Genuine Cuba Molasses, per gal., 40c Best Apple Vinegar, per gal., 30c Best Wine Vinegar, per gal., 30c Pearl Grits, 40 lbs., $1.00 Corn Starch, per lb., lOo Rice, 14 lbs $1.00 Dried Apples, per lb., 10c 5 lbs. common Starch,..' 30c 3 lbs. lump Starch, in box, 25o 1 lb. lump Starch, in box, 8c Shot, per lb., 80 Powder, per lb., 30o 12 cakes Lanndry Soap, 28c 8 boxes Blacking, 10c 3 packages Horsford’s Powders,....25c 2 spools Thread, 5c 2 packages Envelopes, 5c Note and Letter Paper, per qr.,5c 3 papers Pins, 10c 4 papers Needles, 5c Can Mackerel, llo 4 boxes Sardines, 25o Oysters 10c Salmon, 18o Can Beef, 1 lb. 15c., 2 lbs 25c Grated and ungrated Pine Apple, 25o Peaches, ; *...200 Lobsters, 20c Lunch Tongue, 25c Snutf, per lb., .40. to 60c. Smoking Tobacco, 30o to 40c 12 boxes large Blueing, 25c 12 boxes Matches, 80 1 gross Matches, 75<j Maccaroni, per lb., 15c Spectacles 80 Lamp Chimneys, 5 and 80 Lamp Burners, 10 and 15o Sewing Machine Oil 5e Sewing Machines, Ladies’ Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions, Crockery and Stationery, cheaper than the cheapest for spot cash, at W. H. BASS’, No. 29 Hancock St. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 20, ’88. Just Returned From New York with the largest stock of Oct. 15, 1888. If you suffer pricking pains on moving tlio eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and 15 3mo. OTTS OF PURE SOI) LIVER OIL ft.NO HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost :2a Paiatabloas IVSilk* So <tWgnlM<»d that It can bo taken, AlgoMted, xrul »9$lmllatcd by tho most ncnsltivr y.’omnch, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by tho com* btnRtloTji 'f tho oil with the hypophot- phites If much more efficacious. Reims ksble as a flesh prodnter. Persons gain rapidly while taking H. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and core of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY. WASTING DI8KASE8, EMACIATION, COLDS and CNRONIO COUCHS. The great remedy for Oonsumptian, and Watting in Children. Sold by all Druggiitt. Oct. 15, 1888. 15 i y Laxador DF BULL’S ever brought to tho city. All of the Nobbiest and Latest Styles! % Call at once and examine. Will bo a pleasure to show them Hats to look well on everybody. Fall Stock of Shoes! Arriving every day. Will bo tho largest stock I have ever carried. Very Respectfully, FRED HAUG, Proprietor, MILLEDGEVILLE SHOE STORE! Milledgeville, Gf.., Sept. 4th, 1888. 39 9m Prlctt only 25 Cts. Sold by all druggists. Will relievo Hhoumatism, Neuralgia, Swelling s,Bruises,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Wounds,&c, nucuj LANGE'S PLUGS, Tho Great Tobacco An* IffhLW tidotdl~-Prico 10 Cts. At all druggist* Oct. 2, 1888. 13 cw Gin M' Tax Notice. Y BOOKS arc now open for t'’o collection of State and County taxes. For the present J will be at my ;ofIice in tho Court House, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. T. W. TURK, T. 0. B. C. Milledgeville, Sept. 11th, ’88. 10 3m ADVICE TO MOTHIiKS, Areyau disturbed at night and broken of tour rest by it sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teetlff If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETH ISO. Its value is incalculable, it will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon It, mothers there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrluea, regulates the stomach and bow. els, cures wind colic, softens tlio gums reduces Dtlammatlon, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses snd physicians in the United states and is for sale by all drugulBis throughout the world. Prlcc26 cents a bottle. January 3d,1888. 38ly StoYBS at Less than Cost! • ^ e , edl “8 mor ° ™rT for ln 3- Hardware business, I am deter mined to close out ALL my Stoves, Cooking and Heating so I 3 sell them for less than cost, and if not all sold by December I jSj offer them at Auction eo olose out. I havo only about 30* left ] oiler you Cook Stoves at J ,)U lc “' J ■ # 8.00 former price, $10.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 12.00 18.00 22.00 25.oo So if you ore'needing a good Cook Stove, now is the time to ebaso—these prices are for tho CASH. 1 1 J AXEJM A large lot of the best makes, at very low prices. €.wuns and »Ammunition. A very fine stock on hand and will sell as low as the lowest, and examine my stock of Hardware, Guns and Stoves be purchasing elsewhere, I will save yoa rn^ney by so doing JOS. ST AT.TTTV Milledgeville, Sept. 18, 1888. M