Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 30, 1889, Image 7

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Personal Mention. Miss Uosa Mapp is visiting friends la Eatonton. Miss Mattie Keil left this morning for a visit to Gainesville. Miss Bertie Shea, of Augusta, is vis itlng the family of W. S. \ aughii. Mrs J F. Mauneschmidt of Colum- b us is visiting relatives in the c,* We regret to hear tlint Mr. Han ft is not in his usual good heat . 3fyis“ ft i r -iting r MisVMa[ t le H sTa 0 iS Mr'Tas D Stetson of Hawkinsville visited Judge D. B. Sanford’s family ^Mr E. P. Gibson, of Bethel ohureli, attended the Methodist conference at ^Mrs B E. Shea and little daughter Mattie, of Augusta, are visiting rel atives in the city. Mr Samuel Evans and daughter. Miss Alice, will leave for a visit to ■North Carolina to day. Mr C. G. Wilson Jr., formerly of this city has been appointed mail Sent between Macon and Troy Mr 11. N. Lamar, attended the meeting of the County School Com- missiomTS at Salt Springs last week. ■Rev J- R - KinK ftnt ] ( A pt- P' l ’ Crawford left last Wednesday to at tend the Augusta District Conference, at Harlem. Mr W. R. Lamar of this city leaves a^D rug° Store in thatcUy^ Wewfsh the young man well. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberts and Miss Olive Herty left yesterday for White Sulphur Springs, Mt. Airy, N. C. They will be absent till Sep- tember. Mr. John S. Cook, wife and daugli- . tor. Miss Annie, of Augusta, went North last week. Miss Anon* has Isome warm friends and ml irrers m IMilledcviiV Mi ■■ r. i r .'..I- v ! ' ■ I'i'bis >s- ’ lf-wiv v n •• ' “ ' ' 1 Mm-nn iiv i.1 i ion. 0 ( ,ii,, in., f.«• 1 - , | f-hillilei* ••ill.* . mgr* ’ 1 - ftfi , O H. U - I ' 1 - ’ ; fr/.|t| •• III fr’euds in.i 1 r I ’l'e' *f,1 ill' dee' j [p, HP" |t11»;i • i * tie! [ Ulster. Mis- Ellii 1 •’•iret• r . Tile W. It. T V '••• d M ' ml-,,. 1st tUe Vm!lindM c’lii-eti 1 •' Sim my jeveniiur. Mrs S. I> <*m •» i ,r < > ,, i ling Th“ on je»t. o' tie-, mvr » a- ■ to poinuieui'ira*** tile I'.-e' n M'’- llVi'herfi.r.1 B. M i's. A e-.-r J<“i"h Jnf lie l I'le WHS rend *<V M ' jt.|\ re, Which ires V S' ,l f. i, ,.. in o ' ti'li ' p,ff.>cti ' ii,t " • r • iii'. hv Mrs,.! K F.ii- i' i i ti.irt recit'.- |ioii Viv Mi'S Mmr'p 1 or p. ■ f. I). IJ I I.. .J' 1 'ij't.rv left |asi I'-iibn for Ml'.i r!r." .hich , if b" I i'eir *r ‘ ,.ri h. • V r. [t i'l 1 1 V»1 •!• 1 I (Ml < itc'cl* I 1.’ ojship idle, •H ..-''ll eeiipecl. (! ,11 i I- C.ii'- ;c p til s "ill .'w H h. ,i j l : j"' , 'in ;os e- nnetei. cr i f». >,nl n j . |triu.tor. end a.-i t , x. i- m* ’i*\. II' i i ,i |my .n-' it iii ’■ -n • ' i ... h ■ i ■, < He tnul" mui v '.vii ■ is Iii. |n r • who ri g “t Ids d. i ,. t m e, Mr. Win. < oilier, <T ij.in i ,>m ■ Nas the mash r reei'i i' m in • h. r, • j’o't 'f I l>e ( I ! Mi:!, j j, |,j, t, ,| lad lii'l ids w,.rli W, I I.H.s S,1 , r . ■"''in: sun.-ri' '.•!■ .... 11„ ., o„, of '' “ llpieh ,• :i»■ |l,i. •! !t |*avy \. " ■ tell i. IlM , i . |,’ , t'le L-nillii,. If 0 w;.e . v;ri-’-ateil, : 1 in 'l cai'ii i; ,e i i., r.r ri.j- ..t fr |is ii.- e Uf 'J ill which we '! In'. Ii . -r The Cotton Seed Oil Mill Levee. The Dodionlion Takes Placo iu tlio Presence of a Great Assem bly of Our Peoplo, ami Is ti Grand Success. It lias been many n day since there wns such a scene enacted in this city as took place at the nearly completed building of tlie Milledgeville Cotton Seed Oil Mill and Fertilizer Co., near the Macon mid Augusta Depot, last Tuesday evening. It was a grand turn out of the best citizens of town and country, and was gruced by the presence of many of our fair young women and dignified matrons. About half past 8 p. m., tho dum mies ran out to the depot “loaded to the muzzle,” as the huntsmen say, with all sorts, sizes and sexes, while many came on “Shank’s mare” deter mined to be at the christening of one of the bravest and best enterprises ever set on foot in Milledgeville. The splendidly constructed and spacious building was brilliantly lighted up and many Chinese lanterns hung iu the windows and in the body of botli stories, which are large rooms, being eacli 40 by 60 feet, while still another room is attached to the lower story. There is no more solidly built wooden structure anywhere than this Mill. It is no less a monument to the enter prise of its projectors than it is to the skill of the mechanics who built it. Mr. W. 8. Brooks, the Manager, de serves to be proud of his pet project, and the Company and community are due him everlasting thanks for the energy he throw into the project and the rapidity with which 'h*- work has progressed. It will he com pleted in a few wi'd.s and (be wliech of hiiciiiO 's put in lnutiou within its ".'.,11s. 1" i be second s ory a temporary * hi ' ' ten '•lei’. d. and rough i.xcd i. , ci.'omiuoilate the ladies, ir i i -;, •" Ii" v re present. Of course r me i .it expected by the sterner sox i h it cushioned chairs would be pro 'ido'l or them. On the stag" s :t him- of the leading members i»r tm C.iiipany, and several gentlemen, fr.nu j.broad, who were vsh'iig the city. Mr. Brooks rapped tlio big au dience to order, and after u few re- inaru- introduced President bumpkin of tin* Dummy Line who made n >hort, pertinent and spirited address. Be was followed in ttie same strain by Mr. J. L. Hibley of Baldwin. Jos. E. Pottle, Esq., and Capt. T. F. New el. <>; the city. These speeches v.ite i l short, the speakers mercifully re garding the comfort of the audience, most if whom “stood it out”patient!) >.ud i pplaudcd the speakers roundlv v. in never they said some telling i him. or something that came home l i 1 1 -m, so to speak. The excellent bras Band from tlio Asylum was pees it and added immensely to the •> i a urn of (he audience by their li imi ;. At. ! he conclusion of the speaking, t. ■ vi-itors descended to the lower r-iam, where there were seasonable r. fi\ .-'orients served by some ladies connect'd wiP 1 the M. E. Church of i, is ciii and si hi at u moderate c. n j\, t proceeds to be applied fo "aids i ' payment of a balance due on the handsome organ of the chore. . V’h*" * :• v ? i <nti died out SUPERIOR THE-PUREST AND BEST Ih made only of strictly pure grape cream of tartar, strictly pure bicarbonate of soda, and a small portion of flour aa a preservative, nothing else whatever, and is warranted entirely free from alum, ammonia, phosphates, lime, and all the adulterants frequently found in baking powders. The character of materials used, their purity, and the nicety of their combination, render Cleveland’s superior baking powder the most healthful and most economical in use, and it always affords wholesome, nutritious, and delicious food. ft is recommended for purity, healthful- ness and efficiency by Government and State chemists, chemists of Boards of Health, and professors in institutions of learning throughout the country. Sold only in cans, full weight. CLBVKLAJfD llBOTHBKS, AlDAHY, N. T. Feb. 12. 1839. ni'7(> 32 ly County Tea.chers J Convention. . THK FIRST DAY’S SKSSION. Tlie colored Teachers Convention of Baldwin County, met Friday morn ing, July 25th, 1880, W. B. West in tlie chair, and Gertrude P. Lofton, Secretary, Tlie convention was ottered wirli Binging on page tSS in Gospel hymns, anil prater by Rev. M. M. Lunar-. After peever we sung another sum.' ou page till m Gospel liyum-'. Aftir which the i ll i.jiMiaii af. re Mini ml ire.-seii l lie e ‘ii cm ion. The subject ■ f bw -iiM" v ix "llig' er tylu 'nli.rt •nut i':ii'i. I'l.-ty uiTiniigt lie 'i'eii '■ 11 •• I IU,111-. I ’ le .ell lijeet. HI 'rlei'li Met till U-I •'•••I h!;i;| Vli'f will. I, ., i: . I. ‘ ‘.J ov ami i. I 'ii.-- - ' ' In ,n,e ti 11.. Kook 1 Am Rusting,'’ !’r - !; 11. Wriglit or August.i, v. ,e duceil to the Conwntion and lie i *o gave us a grand (ink, nf r i r wiiielj the bells • ii'iee.til'll to I • 11 In I' Imrl- Baldwin County Building and Loan Association. A meeting was called last Saturday night by Chairman, Col. It. C. Hum ber, to hear tlio reports of committees previously appointed and to elect of ficers. 517 shares were represented. Tlio following officers were elected: \V. T. Conn, President; Col. It. C. Humber, Vico President; Directors, G. W. Hoilinshead, E. E. Bell, A. 1). Nisbet, Capt. T. F. Newell and It. W. Roberts. Tlie following Committee was appointed to make application for charter and draw up By-Laws: G. D. Case, Chairman, H. T. Bethune, Jos. E. Pottle, W. T. Conn and Adloph Joseph. No other business befoie the stockholders they ad journed. A meeting of Directors, was then called to order by President W. T. Conn, and B. T. Bethune was unanimously elected Secy, and Treas urer, and Jos. E. Pottle, Atty. No other business before them they ad journed subject to call meeting by the President. The Baldwin County Building and Loan Association is an independent and home enterprise, will bo manag ed by enterprising home men, and is not connected with the Southern Mu- l mil of Atlanta, 942 shares have been subscribed which go to prove that the people of Baldwin county have confidence in it and its management. Any one desiring to become a mem her of this association can do so by making application to Pres. W. T. Conn or Secretary B. T. Bethune. L. H. Andrews, Sec. pro tern. Uhhhiwkthkr Dots. July 27th, 1889. Editors Union-Rkcordkr: Fine rains at tine place yesterday and laHt night. We regret 'o hear that Miss Jennie Brown is sii'K. with fever. ltev. (inner, with his delegates, is mili'inlitig District Coliterei.ee at Har lem. A n°w bridge at Buck cieek. A picnic, at Mr. (i l>. Minok's next Tiro stiuy. AJ'ss Annie Mi rick lias returned ill rs. Ash' lef.e (V .u.i. of I'l iionfon, Miss 1'in'i. N.ma Broail- null, of Mill- . . I lie Msllors. E. T. E. WHITE, THE GROCER, No. 5, East Eanoook Street, Still to the Front! 1 am receiving, daily, fronli goods of all kinds. I buy in small lots, Imt buy often, pay oasli for what I buy. By this means, I get tlio very lowest prices—conseqently can and do sell the best goods in tho city at tlio lowest prices. “ My Ham trade is undoubtedly beyond competition, because I sell tho finest in the whole country. My patrons toll mo so and I know it is so. My pure Loaf Lard and Breakfast Bacon is unsurpassed in oxcolloncy. A new lot of Sweet Pickles, iu barrels, just opened, only 25c quart, and plain ones 15o quart. All kinds of Canned Goods, Crackers and Bottled Goods. Dosoeatod Cocoanut and Broma. Spices, all kinds. Teas and Coffeo—ltoastod and Green Java. Tho purest lot of Sweet Cakes and Crackers in tho city. All kinds of Sugar, Cut Loaf 4 X Confec tion, Granulated and Extra C. I-^ltomomber tho placo, No. 5 East Hancock Street. T. E. WHITE, The Grocer, Milledgeville, Ga., June 3rd, 1889. 31 ly, Bayne T s Drug Store! AT SAME OLD CORNER, South-Wost Cornor Wayno and Hancoak Sts.. .MilledgevidLE, GAi Having resumed business in my same old stand, I cordially inviti my friends and patrons, and ths public generally to call when want ing any article kept in a Drug, Book and Paint Store. My stock is very large; well selected, too nu merous to mention items, consisting of all kinds, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines. School Hooks! All kinds for College, Public A Private Schools. Heavy stock of Fino Stationery. Plain and cheaper Goods at any price you v ir-li. Eieiuuit Gift Books, Poems, Novels, Bible:-, .F inn Books, and all others. •«» i' .hi at tl I'2 ! Mr. ti. W. Roivhiin', 'I ill;.' Win I’i.VhiI fro.., i . iird I.... i ... adjiM.riii’.l util ii 1 ;>U ] Ti v Cnssar.iV i,-*af L -rd and Briiak- j f-.-t ii.ii'o.., ifi» li ii.-- r i,, mo world, at i i'. E. ‘Vhiffi’s. i hk G.-jiwr. Fi'tsh () it .Meal, iVpinoa and Corn hi-"Ii, foi sale io f E. Whi.c. uiHj in Grocer. White Loa-i Oils, fc, Vamisli, rmit KVKN UNO SKSSION. | The a il.Hi i ;o'i me. al i h" id :im [honriin 1 was c tiled in ouler hv lie I Pres i'le!11, | A f, ng was Sli'ig ou ('age 41 In *le I ' J iy mi (I f ni,bit's,” "At the ‘•■iiiii, i I mg of t! • ’• r Mini if i,” **t e. A I irr u i |, ■, { I (tie r’d .itC n| "Why ilo w I "mcIi,” j \nmo 11 .till"* .1 by ft-r. Moses ()• on. j • iit'tl « » de-viiiM'd l>> a tmni'.i, r ot | J’eu, ! mi. S. ell.' rvMHims were l|s- je frit -.!, •.'Iich nt' ki.o" j,ree i.x • iif.riy -v ; - i i t ii a. • '•{ -..in civil cov-I 't' auer 4 f ler v. lar.h tli., “Melti'd 1 oi 'friii'im ;i Gong »i»hy ” V'S al ly i T, iliMjii-tei: 1 _ V.'Vs Ir. .. ■■'fai'wo, it I i ' 'M!l' , ill. !j..er, I'oX 'Vl,. o, e,i ni.il a ijuii.ji of ini- ,'i si in - q ies - | III'III- w .is ! V |) mill il. Si;ns>i,| by • I the 'l'e,,.Miers. \fi. r •< h', ,i we nail ,i j j.-i'ii; iti "Gospei 11 y mas ” , •lie n the siibjii', of AriU..c | b The ,i.ei ,„l of te.mi <ug ,t "• ■ - os- : 0i s oil In (!erl I'.ldx t* ! ■ h.'n mil Air. .J. Ai. laie„s i*' ,, r ii!i’"h the 0Ofi-l:"iii- i y,iK vad i,v t ■" , lit’i - ! muii, i.i t no iiitioi. "fs I'kii. iu-I imjviug goods, cause votu' i : uJj urn . Ih.u | arrivi d. A vote i.t thunks vn i tcti ittd pro K. It. v\ ri.iii f..r hV nm-f is. Adjourini ei.i. GUItTUCMi p LV'T'i: , !er' ■. —AT THE - jNew York Store! ini id 1 "o ‘a ia Paints or PaioUt’s Supplier, in all gr illes, prifog ("ii lii.i ('oiiimmi nail l'’ine Stand Lamps, Hanging, Library ■Dili tl.'l 1 f.-Topn, Hr n.iD'.ts. i nii'iers, Wicks, and nli other Lamp Goods. .1 allcnc! p !'y to the PKt 3CRI?TI0N DEPA RJMEN1 '.nd guarantee to ‘I! t.noiri with ilie best and purest Medicines. I h ive served Oie pub ic in this line for 18 or J9 years and have nev er vet hear I of i iv errors or ftiluns to.please my cus’emors. Will Berve you ,.n, lio.tr, Igv or n ght in Prescriptions or of • Medicine#, E. A. BAYNE. Milledgeviiio, Ga.,,Tan. 8th. 1889. ■ 20 3m. a vctii ' mt.tmjcitiug inevs and t troubk c.,ange in n, and to Reduction in tii-° Pvico :i. ve r ,r tsconce F’ r the SiuuitH of 1889, we j pa .king un ,l j Pfiol- iu lots of 0,b0() tiul rpwai ft VAC If Brick! T,. * ro7 S( ll list of an - i:t, Rem lining in ‘ti ed^ev : ■ Buldwn 27, 1V9 If not ou d ivs . ey will be Lit dice. A 1st' ■, V. • ' itYj.y E111ira 8 Lock IS I i. h POOH COPY Milledge.vilm, 'ia., Ami] 2.'»d, 1889. (l : - ..■'VJ ! kfvV.'g ; ■''•'.;.\ f pose to.sell Firs, as Av> rage . nt .■?;"> .'•') per f iniisaj, !.—Cash., r OS TER & McMILLAN, •12 3m • , : (G ii” ' '-V. ** v, t , S, U- Fair, | 50 sH It. , ri . • “ 1 _ - T ' r ' v • ’• 'iiory \vhi(*h 1 h > | ' -ai-11• r, I,is, T’.' • '• of •ef ti,,. i. ito\ , van •v • -•’ d ; »y I!. \ ' ho a,,v, • • 'O > alhnvRv '•'•YV .(.'•, : T' - ; 1 i\| "ius ‘I'l'lO .. - II till ‘ gOC.I I. lends i'.ai <uli, •••'>.■•■ ..> a- " : • i apny i .i.:: my !,iid atingh'J in li a.i.uy tinu joyous i jiiiiniuiion. Thus has the spirit of enterpriM- licrc cocci veil another iuipotus <. 11 • an other indii.strj added t > our g'o .1 ■ • little city, to be fnloai'il. w .:!y l^ope, i / l'.i:. ny ottn-rs of ,it- ’i jr .... to ' .• M t ledgei i!' • • i . '''.. •-. . 1 i til ... Feri i!,ztr (.''. Mai ‘a. reap i.I; fuiletst fruiiio'’ of t'’r> expo* " ons G, its loutiders "ii p.-i...- a J is.ing bless ig to .til our 1 - ip.e. Deafness Can t be Cured by local application, as they cannot roach ttjrt diseased portion of the ear. There i.- "pii v one way to cure deafness, and that is i,, ..... J.iUit’oiml remedies. Deafness i a.life i by un inltamed condition of the ’ii" ii- lining of tlie Eustaclan Tube. Vn.-u this tube gets inllamocl you have a i iindding sound or imperfect hearing, ai I ...i>n it is entirely closed, Deafness is t 1 " . e. lt, nndiiuli es the inflammation e , . a I ■" out and this tube restored t • i . i eiindition, hearing will be ile.-, . ■ 1 i : ■ ■ • nine cases out id ten a, ' ■ . ■ . • >\ wi.ii h !-• notion • i .e i . . . ion of I lie II" .e .■ : , ■ • v... • , , Mi". I .| J : r, OTICK. i' e to ;'o 11111 I.y ii. olung ) | u. ii', tie . O"". Order v. miiow ivi.l j kqu n in mini . t 7.fin M. i Si.MMKU OFi'flCK Hocus — (,"!)i'r ■1 ‘ Delivery V. lili.ow will be npi'U iron, 7.till A M , llnl II 12 M., Mild liolll | 1 p. M. until b i*. M. bund.iy hours Our will be from 9.(:0 o> htoil A. M., only. Moiiei ilnl 'i' VViimoh will open lru.ii 7.30 a’m.. unlil 4 P. M. (! ii. n't: • C B Spoil Called o .ui.le c Dr. \\. ('. < b .a iind II,[ ,, l| lo U i.ledge V 1 , le will la : 11 I upn* - i ( f'Hti-ni.l, V | For k G K. Ofh' 1 * ,APi P5” . ■; • : f Y Clio Sit!o n.oriDi. . ill I ecu ■ ira:n _\ n J Dr. 1 15 Days. t.'Vi 1 v NO J . ON( rl',n ,r O] -i~e j'J Bov \ : Sr. ■ ; ,v . J. i:*. lit?, •'. MS ftlio - I. if Tin - Mtit \ 1 ! • Vi/ iJlcti.ii, t lo JmjSj u Fiuo Staple!. Tlie* C'iioui;.!* Roll Box is .i»' I’at ented, and no oilier rna- f icturor can tiso it. ■ 1 for L'ire.ul'.”. No 11 ’mrmii.u with '.i.g t! o U..V 1 |g: ■ 'f ■ -aeatgKt— - ■ April 23, Ibbd TT? : t .K. V« JOI33STER 'ID T, Uti * t i ’l i'lI . L-KEY. ir/cr, 50., | 3m 1 / t , . ; ii) 1-J D L IQO b, ' 6i ireh 26th I M..:-!i 20th,n : DM’yba, iJt,( -T’oet, - - /' b 0*9 ieu-| oi Gupa'rio* 11 t‘ Sopci-