Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 06, 1889, Image 2

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Among Our Exchanges. dlatlllorios in Troup county *ro at work muking peach brandy. B you feel any appreheuaion of ^Of*uup Colic, don't delay any time, 'liot take a dose of Lamar’s Diarrhoea Mixture, and repeat if necessary. A M a te Baltimore) has tho sweet potato •■irust. That city ought to have ’WAitod until frost before creating r ffeftt trust. Tho demand for swoot ^potatoes won’t bo very active un til thon. A surveyor who was employed in one of tho oldest counties of Connecticut put in three weeks on different farms before he found wao single lino fonce on tho right fine. Every farmer was a gainer or loser by the survey. The bill introduced into the legislature to compel the railroad 'companies to run on schedule will doubtless bo given very •ijacefnl.consideration. Those mem- liors, if tiiore be any, who have fireo passes, don’t want to be an noyed by delays when they start Sor their homes on Friday nights. What thoy •want is a free and vifuick ride. What is the use of -Swing a momber of tho legislature if •one can t have what one wants? —-Sav. News. interest from tho Constitution of •■41ms 2nd.—The G ovornor yester day appointed Hon. It. F. Watts, '-of Stewart count} 1 , J. C. C. Black, <*f Richmond, and Ur. K. 13. Nis- -foet, of .Putnam, assessors to ap praise tho value of the Savannah, ■tfelorida and Western railroad, wiio have made a return of prop erty for taxation which proved unsatisfactory. The tax returns from the sixty- 'aT counties so far received at \o comptroller-general's office ow an increase of valuation of t year of $5,203,328. Musco- leads the increase with $1,- ,133. Sixtoou counties have aased in value. Of these o county lias lost the most, a shrinkage of $37,883. '. are yet seventy-throe coun- j be heard from, and in all the big cities are locat- is estimated that there $13,000,000 more taxable y in Georgia this year than as last. ■m i«tr. *>*a twifib ties "J 'tiiOM Jjxl. $ miviH'tit vproper ' JKhere** gUBEi 7 OF COTTON BAGGING. -‘A Card 1 ! .. .»« om Col. Northen of Inter t to the Farmer*. THE LUNATIC A8YLUM. Thoro nro 1,537 patients con fined in tho stato lunatic asylum at Milledgovillo. Ono thousand of these aro white, and 537 are black. Six largo buildings are re quired to hold this groat number, tho largest of which is 500 foot front by 400 foot deop and three stories high. Tho other four aro about 220 feet front by, 150 foot deep and throo stories nigh. The cooking, washing, ironing, and, in fact, everything is done on a large scale by machinery. To feed this great crowd tho following is a day’s rations: 10 gallons of mo lasses, 150 pounds of rico, 00 pounds lard, 125 pounds sugar, 150 pounds of hominy, 300 pounds bacon, 1,000 pounds beef, 1,000 pounds flour, 500 pounds meal, 75 pounds coffee, 00 pounds but ter. This is cooked by steam and sent by small rail carts to tho different buildings and by dummy waiters to tho different halls. Tho harmless patients gather a- bout great tables and aro waited on by tho attendants, while the dangerous class aro fed in their rooms. W. H. Scott, the usher, has hold his position for five years and in that time made 4,097 trips of ono mile each through the main building, accompanying 23,- 575 vistors over the lie’K Tho engines that run tho machinery for warming and lighting tho buildings, pumping, cooking, etc., consume 35,000 tons or 200 car loads of coal annually. Tho leg islature appropriates 35 cents per capita per day to cover tho ex penses of tho institution which, hv strict economy, has been kept down to from 33 to 34 cents. Tho building is now crowded with patients, and it is impossible to accommodate female patients on ly as vacancies occur. There is some room in the male depart ment, which is being filled almost daily. Tho rules in rogard to tho care of tho patients aro very strict indeed, and a fine is impos ed on an attendant who Bpeaks a cross or snappish word, while to striko a patient is a penitentiary offonso. Everything possible is done by the officials thero to de tract tho minds of tho patients from thoir unfortunate condition. Dancing, base ball, billiards and pool are among the amusements, while the convalescent patients are permitted to spend a while each day at Fowell park-—Haw- kinsvillo Dispatch. tho family of , f .'in Ibe urry to place'orders for usottondot • Cging, farmers and mor- chnntH'la. *'e asked the delivery ?<ar the et tire season to be made m Atfgvud and September. This not gr '»> the mills any wofk fox October an d November. Tho mills sanuot ’’U course, moot so great a demand ir such limited time. tl a^ij jaw', iu receipt of a oom- *non ; ..ation from the mills asking iha f • they urn authorized by jmr- Hfchac-ers to*- dividu out tho amount . • alrctulv in band. Additional or- .xere cuia be tilled for the. early .ncutihs if the mill* «■) authorized carry over a pari, of their or- levs on hand to tho later months. I beg that parties who have sent iu orders will accommodate '/ifii* request- of the manufacturers, so tbit all fanners may have an ■ecpifd chance to obtain cotton . jagging for the curly months. W.v. J. Nokthkn, Ch’m’n Com. Cotton Bagging. fThiw? ISvsinDss Booming. Prdbably no one thing has caused such vi. revival of trade »tE. A. Bayne’s Drug -..■Store as ttmlr giving away to their cue- KiMiy fre« tiinl bottles oi »r K'n>r ti'-Ntw Discovery for Consump tion ' 'i I,Vi: Xrade Is sltoply enormous in ttita very valuable article from the fact '.hat It h~ways cures and never disappoints. 'GfoUgfe:, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup. mcNt-il throat and lung diseases quickly - d«e*-ed. You can test It before buying by curetting a trial bottle free, largo size $1. ,&vefy bottle warranted. Ex-President and Mrs. Cleve land are spending the heated term tat Mario i, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. .’ ■Cleveland have lost none of their t popularity, whenever they leave their cottago in tho afternoon i.find/.eds of people watch with.ad- miration the movement of the beautiful ex-mistress of the white house. The most disastrous storm that has visited Newark, N. J., occurred on the afternoon of July 30th. In South Orange several buildings, in cluding tlie Post-Office, were carried away. In Orange Valley the water was up to second story windows. A cyclone at Ellis corner destroyed a large amount of property and in jured many people. Hugo timbers were fouud Stuck up in tho moun tains. The loss is very heavy. Mr. Tlios. C. Lee, proprietor of the Lee Hotel, Arkadelphia, Ark., says that Swift’s Speciflo has so strength ened lifs wife for her labors as hostess that he can reoommend and empha size the assertion that as a tonia for ladies and children S. 8l S. bra no equal. Mr. B. F. Whatley m a prominent merchant of Huston, liia. He says that he has sold Swift’s SpewQo to many persons, and knows of some wonderful cases of bi-sod diseases, and has never beard of a failure-to cure. Several cases of oontagiouHl>W>d pois on were cured after all the doctors and all other remedies had failed. 1 am of the opinion 8. 8. 8. should stand at the head of the list of blood remedies. 1 arrived at this conclu sion from the testimony of scores of persons who have told me of the good results from its use. I have been sell ing 8. 8. 8. for years, and it lias won a large sale. O. A. Griffith, Mayflower, Ark. Mercury and potash mixtures dry up the secretions of tlie body, cause morouriul rheumatism and dyspepsia, and finally run the system down to snob a condition that other diseases are induced. Swift’s Specific builds up the patient from the ffrst dose, and gives life and vigor to tho whole hu man frame. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To tub Editor.—Please Inform youi readers that 1 have a positive remedy foi tlie above .named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases ha ve been permanently eurod. 1 shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy 1'rkk to any of your readers who have consump tion if thoy will 6end me their express and post office address, Respectfully. X- A. Slocum, M U-, 11*1 Veer 1st,, New York. Oct. 19’88. lyr. Editorial Glimpses and Clippings, Mrs. Joe Wilson of Jones county is visiting the family of Mr. VV. H Math is. Mr. W. 8. Hurst and wife, of Au gusta, ure visiting relatives and friends in this city. Mr. II. G. Perry, and family, of Mar; shalville, are visiting Mr. W. W. Lumpkin. Another heavy ruin in tin’s city’ last Sunday afternoon. Fora "dry.” Coun ty wo are powerfully wet. Hon. F. G. duBIgnon, president of tlie senate, believes that the legisla ture will not adjourn before October 1. Lovers of Base Hall are looking forward with much interest to the game between Madison and Milledgo- ville. Miss Murcia Farmer, one of Oraw- fordville’s most accomplished young ladies, is visiting Miss Lizzie Banford in this city. Misses Maude, and Gertrude Les ter who have been visiting Miss Rosa Carrington, left for thoir home at Haddock lmt Saturday. I f a man has a quarrelsome temper let him alone. The world will soon find him employment, perhaps in the chain gang or the penitentiary. Bask HAim.—The Madison Club will play the Milledgeville Club three games, next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, on tlie grounds near the park. A lurge crowd of visitors are expected from Madison, Warrenton, Bpurta and Macon. Judge Furman has been gathered to his fathers, but the revolution he inaugurated in Georgia and the South is still in progress. Intensive farming will pay,- aud Furman’s ex perience and tho splendid results he achieved will be a guide to farmers for years to come. Shall we know each other in Heav en? Christ answers it when he told tlie Hadduceos, Matt. 22. 30. “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, hut are as the angels of God injlieaven.” Now, if a man will not know one of his seven wives from tlie other six how can- we expect to know each- other? Wantkd—150 or 200 acres of good farming land near .the city for which the cash will he paid. Apply to Bf.tiiunk & Moork, How often do people meet on the street and endeavoring to pass each other get into a kind of mental ooti- funion, neither knowing whicli may pass. Sf tlie reader will only remem ber tlie following rule there need he no trouble in tlie future- Always step to your right; if each) party would obs ly bear that fact ill mind all the con fusion and embarasstuent which many times ocour would be avoided. What s The Matter With Ton?. You are not “all right-" You. feel tired, your back aches, you feel shaky in the knew, you are subject to dull headaches, are nervous, oross, and all things don", seem tc go Just right. In short, yon are fuff of malaria, ana you will continue to feel worse until you get something to klll> and expel the pols-m. We reoommend Electric Btttors, because It will Just fit your case. 8o confident aro we, that we guarantee It, which means tShat your mon ey will be refunded If you are not benefit- ted. No fairer offer cun be made. You have a sure thing. Try It, Prloe 50e, and $1,00 at E. A. Bayne’s Drug Btoro. Sick headaehc Is the bane of many lives To cure and prevent this annoying com plaint use Dr.J.H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Billets. They are agroeable to take and gentle In their action- 25 cents a vial. Idleness 2s a Dangerous Fault , h the kidneys. When lane dire they epMttf- tkU iato disrepair. Thom obstinate and fatal maladies, Bright's dioceseaad diabetes, ensue with terrible eertalnty upon tho inaotloo of thn organs affected. Catarrh of the bladdery aaureals, gravel and atrangnry are alee to. be apprehended from a partial paralysis of the bladder, of which weakness and elugglebnesn aro the causes. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters ia a flno tonic and promoter of activity tor the ronal organs, and ouo which can be relied Incorporated by the Legislature In 1888, for Educational and Charitable purposes, and its franchise made a mirt of the present state Con stitution, in 1879, Wy an overwhelming popular vote. ii« nxnnoTn drawings mu. plnre Memi-Aiinunllr, (June nnil l»< ci-mbrr.) nn<! its GRAND MING I,If IUM1HKK DRAWINGS tnhr plnre in enrh »f the other ten month* of the year, and nre nil ilrnwa in public, nt the Acndcmy of Jlnuic, New Orleans, l.n, * FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of It# Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attested as Follows: arrangements for nil tho Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lotte ry Company, and In person manage and control the Drawings themselves,and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and In good faith toward all parties, ami we authorize the Company to use thiscertlflcate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, tn its advertise ments.” Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will E a;« all Prizes drawn In the I/Mlilana State ottsrles which may be presented at oar coni ters. K. nr. WALMSI.RV, Pres Louisiana Nat 1th PIKRRK UANAH7X. Pres. State Nat’l Uk. A. BALDWIN, r»s. New Orleans Nat’IBk. CAUL, KOHN, Prvs. Union National Itank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING At tilt Academy Munlc, New Orleans, Tuesday, Angust 13, 188 f # CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at TwenSy Dol lars each Halvas $10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twentieths $1. LIST OP PH1ZKS. 1 PRIZE OK $.100,1)00 is $300,000 1 PRIZE. OK 100,000 il 100,000' 1 PRIZE OK 1 PRIZE OK ■i PRIZES OK 5 PHIZES OK 25 PRIZES OK 100 PRIZES OK 200 PRIZES OK 600 PRIZES OK 50.000 25.000 Is 10.000 nre 5.000 are 1.000 are.... 5oo are.... 300 are .... 2oo arc 50.000 25.000 20.000 25.000 . 25,000 50.000 , 80,000 100,000 •.rraoxiMATion-eaizBe. 100 Prlzeaof $500 ; are Jfto.ooo 100 Prizes at $300 arc j 30,000 loo Prizes »f $200 are ao.ooo Terminal Fkizxs. 909 Prizes Ah Jloo are 9*,900 999 rrizee if- $ioo are 99,900 8,134 Prizes,amonmlng to S1JH.800 Notb.—Tt» ket« drawing vapttal Prizes are not entitled to terminal Prizes, AGENTS WANTED, **-For Club Kates, or any further Information Ideslred, wrEze legibly to the nnderalgneit. clear ly stating your residence, with State, Uonnty, Street ami Number. More rapid retnvn mall aellverywtU.be assured by yoareocloeing an En velope heaving your full address. IMFORSAIVT. Address M'. A. DAtl'HSN, New Orleans,La,, or M. A. SAUPHIN, Washington,J». C. By ordlurp letter, containing Momy Order Issued by all Express Companies, New York Exchange-,. Draft or Postal Note. Address Blistered Lettenr aonteining. Santncy jo NKW ORI.KANS NATIONAL. 11ANK," New Orleans, I.a. KKMKMHKH that tho payment of Prizes IS GUARANTEED BY POUR NATION AL IkANKS or New Orlean*, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an Insti tution, whose charioted rights are recognized la the highest. Courts; Pnereforo, beware of all ini. Rations or anonymous schemes, ONE DOLLAR M the price cZ the smallest part os fraction of a Ticket LSSUED MY US bt any Drawing. Anything In our name offered for less dml a Dollar Is a swindle. Juffy 18, 1889. 2 1* New Advertisements. A bill passed the senate last win ter exempting church parsonages from taxation. It seems to have been languishing in the office of the clerk of the house since. It should bo re surrected aud made a law. Tho bill introduced in the senate, making it a misdemeanor for minors to enter bar-rooms, should become a law. It is an advanced step toward prevouting minors obtaining liquor. Do you suffer fVo ii scrofula, salt rheum, or other liuir ors? Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. 100 doses one dollar. from the unmedic.v.vd alcoholic excitant of commerce. A further benofleent effect of tho Bittera, bv renewing activity of tho kldnoyg, is to enable thorn to drain from the blood la iti passage throagh them, impurities pro ductive of rheumatism anil dropsy. Nervous ness, fever and ague, constipation and Uya- pupslu ore conquered by llio Bitters. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS Keiiiitiiiiug iii the Post-Office at Mil- edgeville, Baldwin comity, Ha., Aug 3, 1"D. If not called for within 30 days they will be sent’ to tlie Head Letter Office. Brandy, Mrs. Lar- Philips, Mrs. Nan rio cy J Brown, Mrs. Ma- Guinn, Tho* - tilda Reese, Miss JYiuan- Combes, Ida da Cutter, MissBeckyKmiulph, Mrs. K. l)ee, Trust 8. Godwin, Miss Jan- Underwood, "Chas. ie Ward, Warren E. Hitchcock, Miss D. Carry Willis, Miss Marga- Jcaines, Mrs. Millie ret Johnson, Mr. J. White, Judge Moran, Jimmie Webster, Henry Williams, Lilly P. O. Notice.—To accommodate parties wishing to remit by morning until, the Money Order window will open iu future at 7.30 A. M. Summer Office Hours.—Gener al Delivery Window will be open from 7.30 a. M., until 12 M., and from 1 p. m. until 0 l'. M. Sunday hours will be from 0.30 to 10.30 A. M., only. Money Order Window will open from 7.30 A. M-, until 4 r. m. C. G. Wilson, P. M. HINDERCORN8. TheonlymireCureforCoriw. fttopsall p<iln. Krurnree torafnrt to thef«ntt. 15c. at DrngirisU. Hiscox»*Co.,N.Y. How Lost! How Regained, Merit Wins. Wo desire to years we hav Disc o say to our citizone, that for o been selling Hr. King’s New KNOW THYSELF THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific and Standard I’opnlar Medical Treatise on the Errors of Youth,Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood. « Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim for Work, Businese, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 300 pagi-B, royal svo. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price only $1.00 by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illtis- for Consumption, Hr. King’s I native Prospectus Free, if you apply 'now. The * —- " ' ' fi Parker, M. T>., ro- Now Lift) Pills liuckl-in’e Arnica Sulvo diBUngtiished. author,lYm. 11. Parker, M. T>., r •V. ,I Fiooirio i i fo -« and have never hun- eelved tho gold andjewelledmeda d? fi vim vlinu^t 1^! S u«lI ,m W nii or tliat th* National Medical AHHorintlou fc llt-d .cincdlcb that sell ?[i 11 * 1 till* PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS nu„ liavo g veil such universal sfttlslactlon. phymi vi, DElHLITY.Dr.rarkerandacorps Wo tlo not hesitate to ffuaranteo tnom 1 Of AB^letant Physicians may bo conBultcd, contl- every time, aud we stand ready to refund dentialiy, by mail or in person, at the ofllct of the purchase prlco, if satisfactory results the peabouy medical institute, do not follow their use. These remedies No. 4 BuIflnehSt., Boston, Mn**., to whom ad havo won their groat popularity purely on orlotun.for zdvice should Ij their merits. e. A. Bayne, Druggist. ^ July 21) 1889. 4 4t * —THE— CASH BEFORE DELIVERY STORE, (Haygood & Cnraker’s old stand,) HANCOCK NT RE FT. 24c , .50c ,I0e ,40h 5c 40c 2c 5c 10c Dress steels (Non-Corrosive) per doz 5c Bilbber Hair Pins lc The 5p goods of other stores at 3c and 4c. T1 ie 10c goods of other stores at 7 and Sc. New crops Tnrnip A Put a Bfiga seed. per lb. 30c. 4 year old vinegar for Pickling 30c Gents Linen collars 5c Sailor collars 3 for. ..25c 100 Hair Pins, 3c 12 Boxes (800) matches, 6c 12 Boxes (2400) matches,. 12 Boxes (5000) matches, . 3 Bags Toble Salt, Hand saws (cast a4ioel)..,. Key hole siews 15« Memorandum books 3 to 8b Ptiabber and Horn Combs ftj Kid Gloves 45^ Misses’ Mitts, 18c Extension Fans, 10 & 14c Lamp chimneys, Large & small 5c- Burnera, Largo & Small..8 & 10c Ladies Fine shoes, (must * o) 1 White dreas goods, (must go) Large lot men’s Hats, (must go) pkg’s Envelopes, ... :5c Note «fc letter papers, quire 21, 5, G, 8, & 9e, Ladies collars & ouffs 8c 1 Doz cakes Toile-t soap- 28c 1 “ Pearl Dress button* 4c «fc 5c 4 papers needles 5c Scarfs, latfest styles- 15© to 45c 12 ItVibber Tipped' pencils 10c 4O0i yds Thread Pens pen gross Gimlets Boys pocket Knives. Diippers - 4j 5-<fc Amour’s corn Beef, 1 lb can,. 14c 3 bx’s Mason’s No. 3iblaoking,. 9c Assorted .Sollies per tumbler,.. 9c Carter’s School Ink,; 4c Curtain, Scrim 11c Masses Fine Shoos, $1.50 Bargains in. Brooms. Knitting Needlos, lc Ladies’ Gloves, .... 10c Thimbles, 3c Crochet Needles, . .1, 3j 5 and 8c. DO inch Mill Saw Kies, 12c. Official Envelopes, 10c Best Green Coffee, 5> lbs.,. .$1.00 Extract of Lemon, 5c- Extractof Tanijla,.. 5c Turkey Bed Damask, pr. yd, 30c-, 35c and 40c. White Damask, (Satin finish) 75c Cigars, per box, 65c. Whalbonine, per doz:, 6c, 8c, 15c ; Corsets, 28, 45 and 50c. Best Cadar Buckets, 50c. Best Cypress Buckets, 85c. 12 cakas Laundry Soap....25c C lbs. Laundry Soap 25c 3 boso3 Potash 25c 5 lbs. Good Starch 25c 1 lb. Mixed Tea 45c Machine oil per Bottle 4c Castor oil per Bottle 5c Paregoric per bottle 5c boxes Blueing 5c 1 lb. Soda, 8e; 3 lbs 20c Snuff per lb 40e to 55e Hand Saw Files... ,4c, 5c, & 8c Slate and Pencil, 5c Envelopes,good, 5c Pencils, Slate £ A; lc Spectacles 8c to 15c Handkerchiefs.. . .3, 5, 8, 15, 30c Pins, American, 2 papers for 5c Pins, English,... , 5c Pins, safety, per doz 3c. • A new No. 9, Wheeler & Wil son Sowing Machine, at Factory prices. W. H. BASS, Milledgeville, Ga., August 5, 1889. Trespass Notice. Lunatic Asylum, State op Georgia, i Near Milledgeville, Ga., July 2nd, 1889. ) O N and after this date all persons are notiliod not to trespass upon the orch ards, Gardens, and Lands of tho Ga, Lu natic Asylum. ... . Tresspassers will be prosecuted to tho full extent of tho Law. l»v order of the Board of Trustees. HK. T. O. POWELL, Supt. It. O. HUMBElt, Steward. July 2nd, 1889. 52 lm. IiIPFlVIAN S PTRAPITOB. Is tho greatest Chill and Fever, Dumb Ague and Malaria cure in the world, erad icates the disease every time. FOR CORNS, WARTS AND BUNIONS use only Abbott’s East Indian Corn Faint. LEADING BUSINESS HODSES OF MlLLEDGEVILI F. Wholksalk and RktailDnvGIonna P. j. CLINE, No. 14 Wavnnkf 7 03 ADOLPH JOSEPH, T. L. McCOMB & CO , Noa h H Wayne street. ° 8, 8 nnc i 10 S. W.H. BASS, No. 20 Hancock^, Drugs, Chemicals, Bo^k-T ' JOHN M. CLARK’S DRUG STORE a pm f E l l i , A u ’°, A ?f : ’ “anageb. a sas SM.SX, line of school books and stationary A p?i hours 1 . 008 Cttrefully eompounded at au Carriage and Wagon ihoD A. COLLINS, Proprietor. V E i IIC H S of al ! k| h(i» neatfy and sub- ▼ stantially repaired at lowest prices^ Shop corner of llanoock and Wllklnsim streets, near Bland’s Livery Stable. (2® livery Stable. M. H. BLAND & CO., CJALE, FEED AND LIVERY STABLES wiim 0 now ? ccu J )y McOomb-stableaon Wilkinson street- All our carriages, bua- gles, etc., recently painted and repaired Neatest turnouts ami finest blooded stock in this section. Hetail Groceries. C. H, WRIGHT & SON (Oldest Grocery House in the city.) F RESH and Choice Family Groceries always in store at prices to suit the times. Watches and Jewelry. JOSEPH MILLER, No. 1.1 S. Wayne st. D EALER in Watchos, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Glassware, Crockery, Cut- Iery, Spectacles, etc. Repair work a spe cialty. Variety Store. A. F. SKINNER A CO., D EALERS IN DRYGOODS, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware and General Mor- chandlae. No. 4 8. Wayne street. Bank Notice. r llK MT!rLED(*KVILLK BANK will hereafter open at {*>£ o’clock, a. .j,, and clos® at2 f. m. B. T. BETldUNE, Cashier. April 155’l, 1889. 41 4t. WARREN EDWARDS, Manufacturer of BOTTLE SODA WATER, Sarsaparilla, Lemon.Soda. Ginger A>lea Speaialty. Orders from adjoining towns solicited. 7Hy Milledgeville,. Aug. 21, 1888. V ’irhlch affect? stock and cause 8erk>ua in- sonvenlence and loss to the farmer In his work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of Ds. J. H. McLean,s Volcanic Oil Rlnlment, • Milledgeville and Asylum Dummy Line Railroad. The following Schedule will go Into ef- feot st 7 o’clock a. m., standard time, Monday, July 19th, 1889 : Leave for Georgia R. R 4.45 a m Leave for Asylum 8.00 a m Leave Asylum for city 8410 am Loave for Georgia R. R ....8.50 a m Leave for Central R. R 9.15 am Leave for Asylum 9.40 a m Leave Asylum for city .....10.00 a m Leave for Asylum 12.20 p m Leave Asylum for city ia.40 p m Leave for Sdntral R. R 2.00 p m Leave for Asylum 2.40 p m Leave Asylum for city 3.00 p m Leave for Georgia R. R 3.50 p m Leave far Asylum 4.30 pm Leave Asylum for city 4.50 pm Leave for Asylum 5.40 p m Loave Asylum for city ...fc.20 p m Leave fon Georgia R. R 9.25 p m Leave for Asylum 10.05pm Leave Asylum for city ,10.25 pm SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Loavo for Georgia R. R 4.45 am Leave for Asylum 8,00 a m Leave Asylum for city 8.20 a m Leave for Georgia R. R. .. 8.50 am Loave for Asylum 9,40 a m Leave Asylum for city 10.15 am Loave for Asylum 12,30 p n» Leave Asylum for city 12.45 pm Leave for Georgia R. R 3.50 p m Leave for Asylum 4.30p m Leave Asylum for city 4.50 p m Lsave for Asylum 5.40 pm Leave Asylum for city .’. 0-20 p m Leave for Georgia R. It 9.25 pm Leave for Asylum 10.05 p m Leave Asylum for oity 10.25 pm, All trains from city, start from Mil ledgeville Hotel corner. Our track Is in good order and wo are run ning schedules lor tho comfort and safety of passengers. Ladies and children will be looked after carefully. Trip tickets can be bought at the Dum my Line Office at reduced rates. Excur sion parties, Sunday School and Picnic parties will be given special rates and special trips If desired. We aro prepared to handle all freights promptly. By order of W. W. Lumpkin, Freed’t. & Supt. Piano For Sale Cheap, I DESIRE to sell an excellent Piano quite as good as new. Will soli It for halt It is really worth and upon easy terras. If you need a Plano, you will never again get such an opportunity ns this. It may be seen at tho residence of Mrs. Fielding Lewis, but 1 alone will price It and make terms. Ap ply to Dll. W.C. BELLAMY, Asylum Library. Milledgeville, Ga., May 7,1889. 44 tf Backlcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY E. A. BAYNE. Sept. 18, 1888. !.l ly, Fort Rknt.—Tlie residence recent: ly occupied by Mrs. J. L. White. Ap ply to C. W. Ennis. April 29th, 1889. 42 tf Many Persons Arc broken down from overwork or household cares Brown’s Iron Bitters rebuilds the system, side digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. March 28th 1889 88 cw.ly