Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 01, 1890, Image 4

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$20,000,000 FOR A STOMACH. Colonel W. L. Scott’a Munificent Offer to a Vermont Man. Ex-Congressman Wm. L. Scott has so far mastered some G f Erie, Pa., and Colonel Goo. claims made by Mrs. Abbott. In the first place the phenomena do not answer to the known laws of electricity. So they believe that this modest, unpretentions little woman, from tho interior ofGeor- ONR ENJOYS Both the method and results when 8yrupofFigs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gentlyyetpromptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c ud 11 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any One who withes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCIS0Q. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N.V- Maroh 12, 1889. 87 ly. “THE GEORGIA WONDER Roanoke Physician’s Views specting Mrs. Abbott's Mysterious Power. Re From the Daily Virginian, 251 h March. A Reporter for the Virginian interviewed Dr. L. G. Pedigo, of not magnetism; it is hitherto unexplored regions of science and unknown principles of electricity, that she can ac complish these unprecedented re- results by the use of battories <fcc. Why, sir, if this were true; if she could really control and apply electricity in such a way as to carry such compact apparatus as she could conceal about her per- sou, and accomplish these won derful motor and dynamic results shecould take letters patent on the devices and processes, and soil them at once for $20,000,000. Further, such discoveries would place her among the Faradays, tho Franklins and the Edisons, and 1 say she would be a fool to keep such wonderful things a secret—when they would do so much more for her if disclosed to the world, and if sho were a fool could not discover such things Ho there is the dilemma. No wo must not look to articles of furniture for these mysteries, they w ill be found in tho human system. If you were to find ever so many things in the chairs used you would be no nearer the solution than you were before. In fact, you would have an ad ditional mystery to clear up. I can find enough of this in tho wo man. Those immortal words “study me, for I’m fearfully and wonderfully made,” were meant for men and women and not chairs and corset stays.” “Rut, Doctor, you are not tell ing me what tliis force is. “No. 1 am telling you what it is not. It is not electricity; it is not liypno- Roanoke, in regard to tho myste rious power possessed by Mrs Abbott, who gave two exhibitions in that city last week, and will appear here to-morrow and Tburs day nights. Dr. Pedigo is a fel low of the Medical Society of Vir ginia and an associate member of the Society of Physical Research, and has given much study to the subject of hypnotism and kin dred theories. Following is the result of tho interview: “Have you made a thorough investigation of Mrs. Abbott, tlie “Georgia Wonder?” “Well, yes. That is to say, my investigation is not complete yet. but is pretty thorough as far as I have gone.’ “Have you arrived at any con clusions as to the nature of the force with which sho is endow ed?” “In a general way I have. Some important details of my ox- perimtmtiil work still remain to be followed out, which will be ac complished probably w thin twen ty-four hours.” “Is there any trick or deception about it’?’ “Most emphatically no! The masses of tho people arc so ac customed to legerdemain in these public exhibitions that they na turally look ont for something of this kind. I have been besieged by hundreds since I began this inquiry, and every man asks a a question or two and then pro ceeds to give his own ideas. Some of their theories would amuse you. Most of them call it elec tricity. Tho average man calls everything ho doesn’t understand “electricity. [Just as we doctors do when we get hung up on a case which baffles our diagnosis, call it “malaria.” These are very convenient terms. They cover up human ignorance so nicely.) One man said: ‘But, doctor, it s obliged to bo electrictity; because if it isn’t electricity then I don’t know what it is.’ Tho most na tural answer to such an argu ment is,‘Well, sir, suppose you don’t know’ what it is—What ^ of it?” I made that answer, lhe whole thing reminded me of Murk Twain’s memorable logic in prov ing that he had discovered Adam s j p st , Lippmi grave. “If it isn’t Adam’s grave— tonic and at suggestion; it is not will power.” ‘But haven’t you some theory as to what it is?" “I have, but it is not ready for publication. You may say this, however. It is only one of the manifestations of what wo call subconscious nervo power, and belongs to tho , same general group of phenomena with hypno tism and suggestion—but by the present definitions is neither the one or tho Other, and will proba bly upset some prevailing theo ries on tho subject.” “When will your views bo pub lished in full?” “1 am not decided. The first claim upon me in such matters is with the Britisli-American So ciety for Physical Research, of which I am an associate member. If published in that jourual it will be for members only. I have soino other propositions under consideration.” TO OPEN THE OCONEE. W. Hooker, of Vermont, had breakfast together at the Fifth Avenue hotel. A remarkable of fer was made at this particular meal that will take rank as the highest offer over offered for a certain useful apparatus. Col onel Hooker related the story as follows to t-he Globe Democrat: “Mr. Scott ordered a few mouthfuls of oatmeal and two ef fete pieces of toast. He had work to oat a teaspoonful or two. I modestly ordered the following breakfast: Rolls, fried eggs, S ortcrhouse steak, potatoes a la aratoga, fried onions, fried ham, buck wheat cakes, fruit, boiled fish, good old-fashioned fried chicken, cooked a la Virginia,! molasses, ale and a half dozen entrees of lesser importance. Mr. ] Scott gazed at me in consterna- J tion. I began to cat with my Vermont appetite, which is ro bust just 3fi5 days in the year, aud when I began to eat buck wheat cakes I ordered a big cup of coffee and supplemented the order subsequently with threo other cups, which I drank. The man with some $20,000,000 stop ped eating and watched me. I talked to nim and ate everything around mo. When I ordered my forth cup of colfeo I saw that Colonel Scott was much perturb ed and had something on his mind. Ho loaned forward over the table, and said to mo with an earnest voice: “Colonel Hooker, 1 am reputed to be worth something. I would give a quit claim deed to every cent I possess just to have that stomach of yoms." “Colonel Scott had pathos in his voice, and I was sorry that I could not accommodate him to a first-class Vermont stomach like mine.” If Yon Have CONSUMPTION IC0II8H OR COLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Fleeh Or any Mimm irhcre (hr Throat and Lunya or* Inflamed, hath of Strength or Ncreo Foirer, you can hr relieved and. Cured by SCOTT’S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE A8 MILK. , Ark Jbr Sectfi BmUMon, and let m ex planation or eoUoitatlon induce you to accept a tubetUute. Sold by dll Drugyista. SCOTT A. BOWNE,Chemists, N.Y. March 4,1890. 3G lynrehra VIGOR*?; STRENGTH For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD) General and NERVOUS DEBILITY) Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of Error.or Excesses in OldorYoung, Rbbaiti Noble MANHOOD fully Restored. How to tilirti im BtroMtbooWKAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS A PARTSOP BODY. Absolutely ■nfelllBff HOSE TREATMENT—BtntflU In * day. Boa testify from AO Slates and Forolfa Coaalrlos. Write Una. DooortpUve Booh, eialsnstlon and proofs ■ tiled (seslsd) free* Mnuieil foSDICAL CO., BUFFALO,N.Y. March 4,1890. 55 ly Ocean Steamship Comp; OF SAVANNAH, -mD- New England and Savannah STEAMSHIP COMPANY. G. AKDERSON, Agent., Savannah, Ga. Proposed Sailing Dates for March, '90. The Millcdgeville Board of Trade Sends up a Petition. Washington, March 21.—Spe cial to the Atlanta Journal.—The Millcdgeville Board of Trade lint petitioned through Representa tive Blount to have the Oconoe opened to navigation to that city. Mr. Blount made an ablo argu ment this morning before the riwr and harbor committee in behalf of both the Oomulgee and the ()eonee. i ill 4U AUK SI HAIGHT PAPERS, AND MUST CARRY CONVICTION. I hti \ illut! of n recommendation depend*-, wholly on I lie giver of it; as spurious and alleged teetimonialals are as plentiful as the leaves In Viilambrosa or the sands on the sen beach. When a gentleman of such prominence however, as the Hon. \V. H. Wilder, '! Aib'iny.Ooorgla.speaks.hls words carrv weight with them. lie says “1 suf fer' d lltteen years with Rheumatism and in that time tried ail tho so-called specifics 1 could heat of. One of them cost m-* S3 00 per bottle Tor nine bottles and yielded no relief, My grandson, who runs on the B. & W. Railroad, finally got mo a bottle of p. p. p, (prickly ash, poke root and potas sium! and Induced me to try it. The ilrst bottle showed its remarkable effects and afH-t using it for a short time thy rheumatism disappeared and I feel like a new man. I take great pleasure in recom mending it lo Rheumatic sufferers. Albany, Ga. W. H. Wilder. FOR CHILLS AND FEVER pman’s Pyrafuge, it is a good Here is a short sermon:—Da vid said, “I will take heed to my ., Wi ways that I sin not with my 1 1 tongue. 1 will keep my mouth about wicked is Avhose is it? ’ Some of my in interviewers insist that there is something about tho chair, concealed about tho floor, or lady’s shoe-or concealed auuut witfl J ' bri(llo w hile the her person, under her garments . . m <• <&c. Some diabolical and impos sible electrical apparatus for in stance. Bnt, no, it is none of these, and the peoplo who believe it is are vastly more credulous than those who accept all the What It Costs Must be carefully considered by tbe great, majority of people in buying even necessities of life. Hood’s Sar saparilla commends itself with special force to tlie great middle classes, be cause it, combines positive economy with great medicinal power. It is tbe only medicine of which can truly be said TOO Doses One Dollar,’ and a bot tle taken according to directions will average to last a month. Once Was Enough. Ex-Gov. and Representative Mc Creary of Kentucky is noted for his politeness, says tlie New York Tri bune. On one occasion lie was the guest of a friend in tbe country. When lie sat down to supper the lady of the house asked him whether he wished coffee or tea. The governor replied: “Coffee, if you please, madam.” His fondness for hot coffee is known to liin friends, who can well imagine his feelings when the hostess inform ed him that the cook had neglected to warm tbe coffee for supper and that it was cold. Even this informa tion of the cook’s negleot did not af- feet the governor’s politeness and with asmilqhe rsplied: “How fortunate, madam. Do yon know, madam, that I am so eccentric as to prefer cold coffee and do not care for it in any other way. Your cook’s neglect is good news to me.” Tho relief of the housekeeper can be understood as she handed Gov. Mc Creary the coffee, which he sipped with well-feigned pleasure. The weather the next day was cold and bracing. It was just such a day as to make i lie heart of a coffee-drink er long for his favorite drink. Gov. McCreary had forgotten the incident of the night before when he sat down to breakfast. But if it had escaped his memory it had not that of liis hos tess. “I have the coffee cold for you this morning, governor,” she said, sweet ly: “you see I remember that you said you never liked it auv other way.” The smile on Gov. McCreary's face was hardly as angelic as it was the night before, but he drank the cold coffee without a murmur. It was with difficulty, however, that the other guests restrained the laughter over the unfortunate predicament in which the governor hud placed him self by his politeness. Its Excellent [Qualities Commend to public approval tlie Cal ifornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by geuMy acting on tlie kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system effectually, there by promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. New York to Savannah. Pier 35, North River—3 P. m: Kansas City .Saturday, March 1 Chattahoochee, ... Monday, " 3 Nacoochee,.... Wednesday, “ 5 City nt Birmingham Friday, " 7 Cit v of Augusta ... Saturday, " 8 rallahnssee, . Monday, 10 Kansas City, Wednesday, “ 12 Chattahoochee, Friday, “ 14 Nacoochee, ... Saturday, “ 15 City of Birmingham,. .... Monday, “ 17 Citv of Augusta ..Wednesday, “ 19 Tallahassee, Friday, “ 21 Kansas City Saturday, " 22 Chattahoochee ... Monday, “ 24 Nacoochee ..Wednesday, " 26 City of Birmingham 28 Cltv of Augusta ... Saturday, “ 29 Tallahassee Monday, “ 31 R. L. WALKER. Agent, SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY-a pos itive cure for Catairh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. For sale by E. A, Bayne Druggist. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For salo by E. A. Bayne, Druggist. 17, 3.00 p tn 19, 4 30 p lu 21, 0.00 a lu 22, 0.30 [) m New Pier 35. North River. New Yoi;k. Savannah to New York. (Central or 90 Meridian Time.) City Birmingham, Sat’day, Mar. 1, 2.00 p in City (ff Augusta, ... Monday, “ 3, 3.30 p m Tallahassee, Wednesday, “ 5, 5-00 p m Kansas CiLy Friday," 7. f.OOam Chattahoochee, Saturday, “ 8, 0.30 p w Nacooche Monday, “ 10, 7.00 p ru City ot Birmingham, Wed,, “ 12, 9.00 am City of Augusta . .Friday, “ 14,11.00a ni Tallahassee, Saturday, “ 15,12 30 p m Kansas City, .. .Monday, Chattahoochee, Wednesday, Nacoochee -... Friday, City of Birmingham, Sat’dy City of Augusta, Monday, •* 21. 8 30pm Tallahassee Wednesday, “ 20, 9.30 a m Kan-asCity, Friday, “ 28, 11.30 am Chattahoochee Snt’day, “ 29, J2.30 p iu Nacoochee Monday," 31, 2.00 p m Boston to Savannah. Lewis’ Wharf—3 r. M. Gate City, Tuesday, March 4 City or Macon, Saturday, " 8 City of Savannah, Wednesday, “ 12 Gate City, Saturday, " 15 Ctty of Maoon Thursday, " 20 City of Savannah Monday, “ 24 Gate City Friday. “ 28 R. L: WALKER, Agent, New Pter 35, North River, New- York; Central Railro OF GEORGIA. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule io effect March 2d, 1890. THREE DAILY TRAIN8—MAOON TO ATLANTA j Lv Macon 5 55 om. 3.30 am. ts.10 am Ar Atlanta 9.45pm. 7.00 am 112.01 pm tThls train Btops only ' ~ Po- Savannah to Boston. City of Maoon,. .Sunday, liar. 2,3 30 pm City of Savannah,. .Thursday, “ 6, 5.00 p m Gate City, Monday, " 10, 7.00 p m City of ilacm, Friday, " 14,11.30 a m City of Savannah, Tuesday, “ 18, 3 30 p m Gate City, Saturday, " 22, C.30 p ra City Macon Wednesday, “ 26,10 00 a ra City of Savannah, Sunday, “ 30, 1.30 pm Philadelphia to Savannah. These Ships do not Carry Passengers, Pier 41, South Wharves—12 M. Dessoug Saturday, Miu*. 3 Deosoug Thursday, “ 13 Dessoug Monday, “ 24 W. L. JAMES. Agent, 13 South Third St., Philadelphia. Richardson Barnard, Agents, Lewis’ Wharf, Boston. Savannah to Philadelphia. These Ships do not Carry Passengers. Dessoug, Saturday, Mar. 8, 6.00 p m Dessoug Tuesday, “ 18, 3.30 p m Dessoug, Friday, “ 28,11.00 am C. G. ANDERSON, Agent. II. R.Christian, Gen. Soliciting Agent. ^ _ at Bartlesville, Griffin and East Folnt. Between Macon and Columbus. Lv Macon 3 25 am. Ar. Columbus 7.45 a m DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE To Savannah and Jacksonville: Lv Maoon 10.45 a ra. 11.30 p m Ar Savannah 6 25 p m. 6.30 a in Ar Jacksonville 7.55 am. 12 00 m. ToTnomasville<fc Jacksonville via Albany Lv Macon 6.46 p m. 10.05 a m Ar Albany tll.20 p in. 2.40 p m Ar 'lnomasvllle 5.20 p m Ar Jackaonvllle 7,55 a m tThls train will not stop between Macon and Fort Valloy. Between Macon and Augusta via Mlllan. To Nervous, Debilitated Men. If you will send us your ad iress, we will mail you our illustrated pamphletexplaln- ing all about Dr Dye’s Celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belt and Appliances, anil their charming effects upon (he nervous debil itated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and manhood. Pam phlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial, _ „ Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Jan. 28.1890. 30 ly. Guardian’s Sale. O N the Is! Tuesday in April, I will sell at public outcry, before the Court House door In Milledg.-ville, between 10 and 2 o’ clock. one share of S. W. It. R., stock No. 1995, as per order of the Ordinary. J. M. STONEY, Guardian for C. 11. and F. Herty. Feb. 18th, 1890. 33 tds. BANK bss R ° L „ L OF F ICE 1 I 1 desks and STORE FIXTURES theTERRY MEG. CO. NASHVILLE TENN. March 25, 1890. T HE best Lumlior can be delivered in the city, for $10 per thousand. Enquire of C. P. DuBignon, or send orders through tho mail to Mrs. ANN V. DuBIGNON. MllledgevlUe Ga., Feb. 25,1890, 34 tf. Lv Macon 10.45 a m 11. 30p ni iVr Mlllun 3.10pru 3.35 pm Ar Augusta 5 20 p m 6.30 a in To Columbus and Birmingham : Lv Macon 3.25 a m 3.00 p m Ar Columbus 7 45 a in 7.50 p m Ar Birmingham 3.35 pm To Milledgevllle and Eatonton: Lv Macon *10.45 a m Ar Milledgevllle 3.35 p m Ar Eatonton 5.05 p m From Eatonton and Milledgevllle: Lv Eatonton 8.20 a ra Lv MIHndgevllle .9.40 a is Ar Gordon 11.00an) Ar Savannah 6.25 p in Ar Macon • ,...2.30ffta Ar Atlanta 9.45 p m Arrivals at Macon from : Atlanta.. 10.25 a m 11.00 pm 6 15 pm ... Columbus 10.37 a m 11.20 pm... Albany.... 5.30 p m... .7.50 a rn Savannah 2.30 p m 3.15 a in. Eatonton *2.30 p in ’’Dally except Sunday. SOLID TRAINS nre run to and flora Macon and Columbus, Montgomery, Albany, Savannah and At lanta. Sleeping cars on night tiains. Passengers for Thomaston take either 3.30 a m or 8.10 a. m. train. Passengers for Carrollton take either 3.30 a. m. or 8.10 a. m. train. Pass'-ngers for Perry take either 10.05 a. in. or 6.45 p. ra train. Passen gers for Fort Gaines, Buena Vista, Blake ly and Clayton should take 10.05a m train. Passengers for Sylvanta, Wrlghtsville and Sandersvllle take 10.45 a. ra. train. THE "CENTRAL” Is the only line from Mucon making con*- nection in Union Passenger Depot at At lanta with through trains for tho north east and the northwest. It is tho line to rely upon for speed, safety and comfort; therefore, look to your Interest and use it when you travel. Savannah Fast Freight and Pas sknqkr Line Between New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and all points south anil southwest, via Central Railroad of Georgia and Ocean Steamship Company. This line is operated under one manage ment between Atlanta and New York, Bos ton and Philadelphia, and can therefore offer tho Best and Most Expeditious Freight Lino Between these Points. In connection with the Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Co., wo offer a first-class freight line ft jrn and to Balti more, steamships sailing from each port every five days. For further information, rates, etc,, ap ply to CECIL GABBETT, General Manager G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen’I. Frt. Agt. E. T. GIIARLTON, Gen’I. Pass. Agt., ^J.C.SHAW, Trav'l. Pass. Agt., Savannah, Ga. A. D. Nubkt, Agt., Milledgevllle, Ga. Georgia Railroad Company. STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER, AUGUSTA, Ga., B«pt. 21st, 1889. Coaiaeuotagflaaday, xid Instant, tbe follow ing paasengersokedale wlllbeoperatod. Train* ran <*y Milt Meridian time MO 33—EA8T(dally) . Leave Macon LeaveMUledgeviUe • T :16* m . s:16am Leave Warrenton ArrlveCamak Arrive Washington Uf:0*noen • 12:ltp m Arrive Gainesville ..8:16 ji m Arrive Augusta . 3:16 p hi NO 33—WEST (dally). Leave Atlanta Leave Gainesville . 8:00 am ..5:55a m Leave Washington LeaveOamak Arrive Warrenton Arrive Sparta Arrive Milledgevllle ArriveMacon .11:10 am . 1:17 pm .. 1:3u p m . 2:48 p m . 4:11 p m NO 30—EAST) dally.) Leave Macon .. 8:00 p m Leave Sparta ..11:09 p m ArrlveCamak .,12:30a tn NO 15—WEST(daily.) Arrive Sparta Arrive MllledgevlUe ArriveMacon .. 6:07 a m PhysiciansendorseP. P.f.MktploadMMiUtubTI and prescribe it with groat oattefactlom fbrthe esmj I P p p. c • \ •_ 1. 1 o V u L A ary Syphilis. Syphilitic Rheumatism, Scroralon^ker^H and Sot o*, (iliuulular Swellings, Hheunjatlum. Maiaril ol^jhoiil^na5^thatluiV©ie8lB(e<^UltroalmenlB 'lo’oo poisOIM Catarrh. Skin UiseHse.., Kczernn, Chronic Female 0oo«~| plaints. Mercurial Poison, Totter. Scaldhead, etc.,«tc. I P. P. P. 1» a powerful toni^md on excellent epplt|.| p :p.- cus'i *u M AT I S III Bir, building up the eystera rapidly. Ladles whoso systems are poisoned and whene blooi Is in nn Impure condition due totnertetroal IrreguU ‘ “MILLER BROS.” leading Buet*am> iu.«t ‘ jf - fetaa An Noa. n, m, 1, LEADING Ne.4 Otrtoa Stub Ann No*. 119, 1M, OUH Wat. LEADING LEDGER PENS. No. 99 Markham And Nos. 101, 505, 030. LEADING SCHOOL PENS. No. 28 University And Nos. 333, 444, 16. The Miller Bros. Cutlery Co., Meriden, Com MANUFACTURERS OF Steel Pens, Ink Erasers and Pocket Cutlery. These pens are fur su "in Milli-dgevlli at the Union-Recorder office at tl"‘ nmmi facturers price, and we will lie ideas™ to supply the trade. Sept. 3d, 1889- s IV Union Point and White Plains R. R. Leave Union Point, *10:10 am *5:40 p m Arrive Slloain 10:35 a m 6:05 p m Arrive White Plains 11:10am 6:40pm Leave White Plains...*8:00 a m *3:30 p m Leave Siloam 8:35 am 4:05 p m Arrive Union Point — o-.oo am 4:30 p m ♦Daily except Sunday. No connection for Gainesville on Sundays. The Past Trains do not stop at Camak. Trains will, tf signaled, stop at any regular scheduled hag station. Close connections at Augusta for all polnti East,and Southeast,and at Maconfor allpoin't I d southwest Georgia and Florida. SuperbuiiprovedHleepersbetwecn Macon and Augusta. Superb Improved Sleepers between Auguste and Atlanta. i. W.GREEN, General Manager. E. R. DORSEY. General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, GeneralTravehnv Passenger Agent. WHY WILL YOU oough when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOo. 50cte., and $1, For sale by E. A. Bayna Druggist. Money Loaned —(YN- FARM LANDS! Apply to C. P. CRAWFOED- Milledgeville, <i»- 12 6m. Sept 24, 1889 WARREN EDWARDS, Manufacturer of BOTTLE SODA WATER, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. Oing* Ale a Specialty. Orders from adjoining towns ^olicit^ 1 7 ly Milledgeville, Aug. 21 .To Business Men. rrHE advertiser, an experienced accou 1 ant and correspondent, familiar JL. all tlie details of Warehouse and lw business, deslre9 an engagement w „ tirst-class house. Address Ga . t or enquire at tills office. April 80,1889. 13 Watches and Jewelry. JOSEPH MILLER, No. 15 8. $1 D EALER In Watches, Cloaks, J0"*“ . Silverware, Glassware. Crockery, lery. Spectacles, etc. Repair work daisy.