Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 23, 1890, Image 1

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Voutme LXI. y>. Milledgeville. Ga., IJeoembee 23.1890. No Ammonia in " Superior ©aking Powder. * r. • , o*5 ! ;n,r,r a v ’ 1/ i iavrn x x- . - ... k - : 4 Si ... 1 : “ vjsaafi a :rt . Iloilo 6 « a; J O’- iT.. *3 H i.’«K M a/:3«oniu 4 ,wmM X«* f ,’ji cr.'lf&" s-i 1 * i Editorial Glimpses and Clippings. —"trrnr.’-ii •: :t If yon-wish to buy or sell real es tate icbll on Betliuue if Moore. The UnioiirlieeOrder office is the place to buy excellent stationery, cheap. ’■ - ‘J: ■ ' The death is reported of Mr. Ileh- ry L. Brittain* one of the Oldest citizens in Athens. He was born in 1793. ’ 7''. General C. A. Evans, the new pre siding elder of the Griffin district, will probably make 'his home at BarnesVille. Gov. Northen will deliver An ad dress on Christinas day in Atlanta on the layifig of the corner stone of the Grady hospital. Instead'of resigning, as has been rumored, Senator Joseph E. Brown is preparing to go to Washington in' a few days. Ills health has greatly* improved of late. • i At the lust commencement of the University' 'of Dublin, nine young Irish girls received the degree Of B. A,. ^In the examination paperp the women students ranked above the men. ;• .aij-yc*’-j jj: J •'.. * The First Baptistchurofi of Macon has passed resolutions prohibiting their members frbuifreqUentiiig any social club iwherq card tables u^re kept or ihtbkieating liquors are dis pensed. ..... r ,, The Georgia House parsed a hill introduced’by Mr. Goodwin qf Ful ton! providing for: the. taxation of railroads by. municipal Authorities as is (lone uwjf By.-Hie-,&tate : and counties,. /-..'.I’ A telegram _w.iw .received in W.ish- ington Tuesday that,an i* Kkinnith with State pollen.aad.some Federal cavalry in Bakota^old Sitting Bull was killed With a d.QZ.en Qy more Of his hostile Indians. • Pbpmas .Willson,.one nli-the kdr— vivors of the famous ysix hundred,” who > at the • battle of Baluklava, rode .“into the Jaws of dbudh is now- in' Sad^iancisco. Yuris'dif straightened circumstances, and Hr looki,^ fot'^-ork,.7.,’, ;. i : ; *--. y /^'V The W'iU of iJariiel B Bayerweather of New York, the dispatchfes tell 'life leaves $2,100,900 to diderent, collies’ It remeitfbeha’Northern fibd Southern institutions sectarian and nopseota- Wan, befldes bestowing a generous.! portion on a.hospital. m F ‘ 1 l roriry Richardson, the brilliant young^diwr-^.^^^^ graph, will IrACortio Heditor df the \t- 1 a n t A J o ft^nai ( otj the ..loth, of JahiG aryj .Mr, ’-Richardson ismi* of the^ brightest writers in the State, and the Journal s staff Will’ JlUye # yah uablo acquisition in-him., ! ThV"Sanat'e 1 j9■ wiser than the Th^ranch eolloges should be lodked af,thr. The project to tablish one m each UaJVgressionnT dist^ct^was Hr. Felton's scheme The Senate seems to be coining Im" on thay»l R n ;JW ^, colleger have done great goodupotn very mi* money: '/TdpriHi^u off would be a great .^takv for-this General Assembly °trt’<tt,ake gusta ChrOnty^ ’ * ^- % Old Saul.Wi'batarrh (Cnrt .Jdoes raji irritate, it is pleasant to tfee A^V'-Suv cure positively. 25 cts. B rbV. CHRONICLES OF MILLEBCEVILIe Placed in- Corner-Stone of •Girls Industrial College, Novembek 27th, 1890. i And It came to pass in the year 1803, in the second year of the reign of one Jefferson, that the Governor and the Princes who dwelt in the South part of the land of the Georgians, did gather themselves together and did sayr.*' ; “Let ns sertd men to the. north ward, totheland of the Creekd alpd let theni covenant with their fffeat Chief, McIntosh, that we iuay Igo thither and build for | us a oi.ty that Wh'ttay dWell'therein,” ’ ” !, * And they jonrheyed, ’’t'lll'they ctftot tb th^'land of Oreelcs, aq/l joqhqldl they fOutid it a goodly Jand. ^a lftOd of pftte trdes and ‘osrk tre'es and ehn ■t«*i8.' iAndUhey oAtdf r miM u» ^return Ur’ ttte routi'Wrd and tell the Princes and the GOv'efhbf p( thiBKOodly) lanOp that- they ’luay come and dwell thepcln.*’ - ^ ” r ^ j AadiUdlrOld,'. when: they tbldoFthe Wbiulers of .that" latrtl, jarwi'iHWlb, the Governor O’f the land’ ' oP lhe tirntgfauK, rose up in the midst qf the people and said, vi^f 6k take qur sonHinnd our daughtersatbloak wives aud our eons’ wives- Atod r out* : Uttfe oneh onto $he;third and-‘W6fth : ifbh- 1 eration, ami our eervntvfs and btir cattle, ami let os joupuey'tb th'fe gbpd- ly: laud whereof we hate heard.” i Atnl it came to pass : that ‘they journied nntil they came to the great river Oconee, and they pitolied tlielr tent's bn the bunks-theredf,'.In the liuid.of the Creeks, and they cove nanted with them, that) they auU tlle'lr families and their cattle might dwell there in peace and safety. . And the people said, “Let us buihl a bulwark to . protect us fronrortr eneiiries, ami letthetiame thereof be Fort \ViUinson,” and- it is called by that name even ’til this day. Then the prihoea. from the houses Of Harris, Thoipas, LaMur,, Clay top, Rutherford, Fair, Keuau, Stubbs, Bbykin, Sanford, Micklejohu, Grieve and many others did come from the ootrothmround tfbdtit fd'dwbll in This same land; and they did wejl peaoe- abff:|W{tli Bid inhabitants thereof. And behold, all the people did suy, “Let us build a great cjtjrt and jit shall be the capital of the country of Georgiatos, add in honor of pne Gov ernor Mllledge, it shallBb called Mil ledgeyiilp,. •- 1 : -I'Ll •’ '. -First, Let us build a great bouse wlterejin; the Governor and thebttOSeti people shall meet, togetliek'to hiakb laws for the Georgians.” And that grqat house is standing till this ddy. Ami they did also buitcl-ila ; gfreat mansion Wherein tbe'GoVernOr And his.family-,did dwell; And did l>tiad tabernachas that they and tbelf ffemi- iiete uiiglit worship therein. ' Q- Afldioilie centre of the Wity they did build a great judgment' Waif; add uear-byt they built an ibn of mAhy raomsi and the name thereof was “Washington Halh” • '> . ‘ And .they did also build another great .inn- tin the centre of the cily and they said. “It shall be called McCoiub • Hotel.!’ Then they built another inu in the east part pf'iHiO' city, aadtcalled it ‘‘Buffington Hotel.” And the great that uiOtl Chme’fo 'the city of Milledgeviile tO Amkethc laws for tl»e Weorgiaiie did tarry there in. * V J ^Vlid-Jhahoidi-they - did build a great house of bjTiok wherein they did spin and weave cloth; and the‘people from the counties round about dy! buy of them; t • < : •« • XUep lp,! the^fapia of the city:spread abroad, ed'flmt when the. prince .of th*bouse, of Lafayette djd visit .the lahd of the _Ge or glut) sin the year, 1325, he- said,* '*Lei' ntf go Up , tb tlie" great city,of Milledge.villq, t'he Afxpi: tal of the G£'orgfans“7 A«d behold, q great*iiiuUitude'‘aUl’gp.opt -to meet, him «hd Mn : hjjhojf- of i.BiHI,. d.M- name-tlietr*ffrst Brick hotel *Xafu.Vj. etBoHAll 1 .’”' And it f.Ame to pass that; fheYtedplc rosdnpl iii tlie..ye^r t ,j88l\ and said, ‘-'Let bniffl unto curseiweSi great ship# to go td ana frh' npaji tne great' wttfferB of the .^Jcptiee coUrtnbr<ie with the city qfTl&rien that Ufes ttithe. southward. .. I ,, Andilt Qf^boihe toituks In ttie year, 185» UbiM iM'j 1 ,’U id establish., a,, graaj,, house bf-leaViHrtg' tvhl’feTnlheir. ioiMt. might bd taught by the greftt tea'chers, BeCihau add Tal mage. And , the steam engines to do commerce with aq|l to carry them and theit families to and fro over the face of the coun try. And the people of this city did pros per and did dwell In peace until the year 1800, in the reign of one, Abra ham Lincoln. Then the people of the north country rose up and said, “Behold! the people of the south are mujtiplyiug, and have flocks and bat tle in large numbers, let us go south and destroy their fldaks arid cattle, and let ns take from thein their ser vants also, lest*they beeoaie 'greater than we,” -- 1 : o i- d v And they did band themselves to gether in* a great army ahd did inarch southward; ! ; •’ ’* 11 1 Now wlivn t ho people of thrf boun try of the Georgians heArd fbbse things, behbld, the wine meil and the- mighty ineu Of valor did LneOt togoUGithe house of Barrett;'’, An^ soiqe of the people did also build for , themselves aoqueducts, wherewith to water their cattle and supply their fountain--. And It came'to pass in the year 1888, that a prince Of* the house of Barrett rose up in the midst of the congrega tion of the people of the city of Milj- edgevlle and said, “Let Us build unto ourselves a great railway in the’mid dle o< ,the- public streets, to extend from the Central and Augusta depots, even to the Asylour,"And thi^t will transport our merchandise, and our wives, and Our sorts, arid 'our 'daught ers, and all out little Ones'to rind from the great Park and the 1 depots,” . ’And beholdl the raihkuy was b'nilt, and the Dummy that, would make neither'boisf or smokO; did 1 coiurt And a grdat muTti- tode did go out to meet it. was named ih li'OuOriof the prltice t. ' And it brihee^ot Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9. WasfilhgtSQirilLetteri namte 'thereof Was (Jglethorpe.,iUwi versity. ’And many ftons ot tne great, city -of- flUlledgevflle yfer.e,. taimld . le r?. did bear wllpe^s, ,pf ,tlj« teaWi mrS 6 f thkt'school.' / ^ V to -^And Behold,in the y'eAr 1844, that one t « c o r y Clay, cupijiqg of ,tongue , aud skilled ib speech jouriiey- sbathward ; speak ,tJo‘the great mame' to hekr fiiiq' ... , 1 'Then Id’ these days caufJ mon .to printing mepbippa aiid ^ us print ior ypn. yopR proclamations a,nd laws so that .the. to hnd about Iuay Bear of the *! p ^ dila city -aud thq wonders' thereof." ‘ A ml there are in.ibis -cityekfen tlll this' diiy. 1 ^ ^h®re caiqe to the city men of eanW* t ’Who 'said: M BiTil5 “or us nouse" m your city wherei M -wp mav A .t 1 and maidens.” A id th^y bhild for them houses qf . W,qod and calUkUhehi the Ai'ailkhflW! ihe woodaig -JweB:- UH-reiu.L er'iu the great house where the laws for the Georgiaas- were niade aiid did say,'“Let ns otioose captains’ and gather ourselves'-together In fltoihpal- nies and though we- are dew -in ' num ber we will go forth In the nam&'‘6f the Lord’-and battls-fot our'rights.” Then mp rose the pAtriotici sons Of the offy >0f Milledgeville artd tlld choose as eeptaius' prlnbes fKom th^ houeewof Bedes,Beok.Cdim and diiBigi non, and rhey! did hasten oilt. bo meet, the enemy add VfirfOte them. But so; great, were they in nhmber that they overran the South. ' •> • t-‘ • ■ ' And'rt came to pass that brie great General of the-north, whose* hatiie was Bhernlan came with a mighty army and took the City of- Mllledge-: vdle and camped therein. > Anri did take from the people-gold, silver and jewels. ' •* • *■ 1.-d '• Then they burned the bouse where-- in tha people kept thoir-nrmoT; and when they had gone over) they burn ed the great bridge’that was ucross -theiOoonee. '• ,Lnd when the war hudi ended, ode, It. B. Birloek was made' Governor over the Georgians; And he'did say, “Let us not have Ihe city of Milledge- ville for our. capital;-but let us haVe a city further northward, Oven’ Atlan ta.” And it Is the capital of the Geor- gians’till this day.-’ • But the people of’the city of Mfll- edgeville said, “Onr fathers havebnift us-houses wherein the laws may be luade and where the Governor may dwe|l, and did also say, “The City of Milledgeville shall’be the capital for ever .” tin ;l si a - Btili the Georgians did’ not hearken unto them, hut said “Let Atlanta be the capital.’?. : ’ > Then did the;.people siiy, “Give us these great houses aud establish for us, a scliool; yea even a great oollege-; where we may have our sons and daughters taught.” • *. XJf 1C And: it- came: to pass that the school was established in the year -1880;’and that qne prince of’the housie of'Dutl- ley did reign over it for a tithe. Add with Hie sons and daughters of Mifl- e.dgevilie, who were skilled in teach ing, to assist him, -it did become a great school. •*•<**•„? 1 And the faine of tliat school did spread abroad; and many-vduths and maidens came to be taught therein. Then the people! 'said, • “Let ns choose a captain for our sons, that- he may: teach them to become well skilled in the use of gitn arid caution, und to he greut-soldiers.” And it cauie to pass after a tiilie 1 that a prtuoe of the hourte of GOok did-coiue to :nsigli over tlie school, and he was-n migtity man' df’ God.- And the sehool ContitidVd to Prosper’ during his reign; so that fhe nniUbi’f of teachers was h'oha' flidieht to tcat;h all that ca'ine'to learn- Wfedoui'hf that* great scliool. ilhleti dhf'the:pedpite-in crease tlieir uunitSorS; 1 ; 1 ■ Then after afeW years, hr the veaV’ J885, <a prince'of‘tire houSe of - Hill, 1 Kvho iwiisi a 1 fgroat-!'General; yeti, mighty 1 min' Of valor ai U lea'rnirig, Was called loi-thb city Of Mille'dgevflle jo reign; over' this 'same' schr>ol, uYid iih oontiaued inis’* ^ood reigtBeyrtn till this dayv"'-- ’ 1 ’’ ■' •' 1 : iAud it Bid* cduie to 1 Ass that- the faiue-of'this school!; the Middle 1 Geor gia Military ami Agricultorar (Jotlege of the city of MHledglMLe, did spread ’ abroad, evert to the fal* eduotHes. M j And inany |pnsau,d dttPKjhte.rij came 4nd dwelt, therein',, amj .they were fair- tio to<jfc$pip', tth^jidbyiiome wjejls-kill n dd in maOT.arts; ihijii^Upg inktrimiebt'.of many‘string?, in fine needle work,, jtkpainU.'^ !f‘ the, uses o.fr^nb aq'4 caunph,' 4nd in ohewiqg gum. 1, v ,.' „ ..... ‘jffi i ( Aud behold, all that di<| sit at tpe feet of these i, reft, teachers tjlil Jearu, touch, and each year many people did come from fkr kbit tiear to tji® Wfsdoih And'bear Witness of the Vonders of fliat &vhool ;'for fb.e But lo> When Vt begkn to ^ make much noise artd (lfd' Bcqa forth volumes of black 1 ktijoke. '. Arid H'Bid- cbiiw td’patls ffjHf^ohe d u in uiye. wis n no t‘ Ontiugb' fo-'^'trkbspor t both then people* Arid'-the' freight, so hopfrte’ofCTIive: T,"' vf | And 16, tfte ^ o.t.t^sRrjiy roif up iu the year lfpU,, arid s -id,, .'U<et uf bqlll a gfeat!‘house 1iuRe 1utf wherg we, can From Out Rognlar Gorrespoftdent. > . o ' v !( • !iRusi_U4Usoi Jfr: -* WxshtKaffoji, D.‘IS, 18iKt ‘ Mr- ..’jiipr|inw|Vs scheme! of -pnshingithg.liiortfi* JsriU.'ton.ihiM own personal benefit is at last slowly be- '^t^.ih^ '\b\lihj’Cdlato. ti^roijgB the braina ox.tjie otheftRrfsklantiaUftn- didadea, amhtha reSul* is * decided »d«>lness towards tbkt 'meaeuVe ' bri fhovig'B |q suppjyi qun. ajyff city And the cities round about." And ! the pj4r^ o| a juuntijir of B'ailqig Jje-j it’came,Ip, ! p;fss that the ,j|oqse ,wa« | publicans,.,.jAi* believed: tlmt ;Mr. thelilriWJirjtoUl l,l ° h '^^ WU8 '! Umde ! i^rrisamMsflguriugthat theHUiaus- Aod soon after t|iey beg,uu^uij^ing , andH 0 . f ,< “i; < ‘ rV ^ or ,«.^ /l j? 1 ' tWo great, 'ihUjfC whereiij . they did b^rvisors whq,\vdqfa fye apypj'ntqd crush trie feeed of the col toil Into oil. - undler this bill, should it bnwthe *a And many stores was hniit of hriok . uiiirht be ntlliyie.l to form the wherein the merchants did sell much .’15 „ ‘ merchandise And the great city of basis Of a HarnhOn trthdHine-that Milledgeville Jid coVitinge to ,prosper fnight control enough of the, stflp each year u,htil the iuluthitauts there- .delegations to the next repuiiUoiwi h(id bad, behold are they uot. printed nomination. in the great papers^the v illedgeville . Therevery strongprob^b||f|y Chroniclg aiKl tl*« Union-Kw-order, of that tjie Fierce wR will be shelved the great,cuy o, Mhledgeville?- ■, for „ ^ W(iok . Thrt KIGIITKKN MONTHS LA-r«R, 1896; tratloh artd the republican' Bena Our beloved President, Gen. D, H. to ,, f " the Horn- Hill has'passed away from iis and,his ‘’° r; • •-! tlie - ”’>rjV ftl '"W pluce is now filled by MajorJ. .Cqljlon 4 a vq heard from' the . pew- Lynes. 'Orir rtoHege is tiow in a mpre pie; and are in almost a panic lb flourishing ebridltion than eyer pe-j tlietir ahxfety to do'ildtn'etliiri&"to fore, l’nls Is due to our fnost com- . , ;; . i, , * - *»•’_ petent President, whose never flag- ^' u public dwuanj fur fypie ging interest aud untiring energy is Jponey; aDd yet they, . are niortally the admiration of all; lie also man- afraid that> when onee : a flrifciilifAl ifeatsthis interest in all till rig# per i j,iU bj'ktiy kiiul gotpUefOrt* tile‘^e)u taming to the good of our. city,, aud ’** ‘ .■/: has gained for himself' the ' esteem 1 a sqi.stitute providing forj, (r-e and coufldenkeof 6dr citizens. , , | ooiiiage will he adopted. -Ito wa« Our city is now lighted by electric- this fear wHIch eau&rtd cert'afri ^^n- ity, aiid -to-day,.Sr-dv;' '27th, 1890; we atorS fo attdiiirit ttx getljdVmqmajic lay the cornerstone for a Girls Indus- - c ■ 1 ” r' ,, trial School. h - ! Senators to promise tbttt .it K ,bul And thus pqr city continues to grow was introduced authorizing the Sec- aud prosper,— the motto being “On- rfetarv* of the Treasury to’Jiiri-fehaiU* ward and -Upward” - Beimik FaiK. from twenty ,,W Mm , Christinas Baltic ’«l< • O happy belle! through coming years-’ We hear, In your «l(idseni|mg, i’he meesage still of puuce good-will,— All jarring dlecorde hJepding.' O bells of God! rTng oh, ojr souls -1 TO grunder uclidit nerving, Till all our days ure Uhrlsuims (lays ' Of living and of serving. - 11:: Cakoj.ink A. I)i;uan. HIS DAUGHTER SUFFERED EROM ECZEMA. IL till My daughter suffered-for five' 1 ye^rs with an'-'atfick of Chronic Eezeina, 4 hat baffled, 1 he treatment of oil the best practitioners.- - I. then- aeneludrtd to try a Coiifsb of Swift’s Specific’(S. S. 8.) She. .began tp improve. .from Ihe first.,dose, ami .before she .had completed, the second bottlrt thtffrri- latioii had disappeared, nn'd sh4 ! Is how well ail'd enjoying Jtiiexqcjlp.d. health. Thfee are plain and. simple (acts, and I willcIwerlTjliyatisWel-all inquiries, cither in peraon‘>or by friafl. . VL' VAt'GHA^ IWIggist, rpr-’to Sandy Botteilr; Vk. 1 ,, II IE THE BEST.. -1 •«* - i 1 hHve 1 U8ed ’ inktriiinebr.of many string?, iu fine ,dleakking the Blood of ltd purl tree; and **'*"'*' u r..T .. .1 And it to be the best in' the injanjitetl. It not only purifiqs the. blopd, But is A most excellent tonic, and-builds-'’tip the general health promptly,!',. J, MtiNtlA*. LitchfiekL Ilj.- 0 j We will mail a treatise On Blood and Skin-Diseases, to all W|)o will' scud thelr.addresf tp ue. r 1 - * f i SWFlTBPBGIFlOOO.t Atlanta, Ga. 1 (W0l.nl: her of'yonths and tuiti lhns tji'at cainc Amt jeV'rqTpl^'.^ijP, did nuu.ber sfz qu<J ini to this, city to ,thirty aud four hiind^fe)d.. reaf miiltttuJfi^hat , -And it did edme to pgfi* , — r -, ri -. tliut tlje pbuSe, therein the Gbvernordid dweLl Was given tp the people fyCa barracks, ^(l'erJiri thteir ’cin^ j^ho ware beooiu- 'iug great soldier^ lindeF tij;q jeactiiiigs .Of the prince of tlid house of Spain, t night dwell. 'And a princess of the lojude of Taylot did reign over it wise fy- ■ f [ -' 7 , .. , And'it did come topqsH Oiat u gr.eat ’ (ower Was built in the center pf'Jhe ^City; and in it hnng a'^arge belb so Umt the'people ;of u the.'city of Mill edgeVifle mjgliV be w;krue(l of a fire. And a ne w jcdgme.nt hall was built in thh vejr 188f)’nnq it- ’vVqq‘ made Of brick and stone'aml Wood; Wdiold, 'fhe.f kM’-atfil And pw *>i»b °u;t he*tbxrtljf E^qV J ^hi 4jo7U 'that Will p t tike CjV.n o 0 Hiktit fJfP 8 *w'ew not sufficient, so^tl^Jbefr-''*- 0 ! 114 6« 3 hrtaWf thrbdcfhdbt ‘ ine wfto'lb pie built great railway^ and bad cit v. city. niillii*n8 of dollars . wofth.-of. silvwr. bullion they' would’ lint ofTen'frMe coinage aA a substitnte 1, ,J.t is needlrtfis to say that nd dejil)W(ci;«,tS| made any promise; It is the policy of the democratic Senators td 'kbop clear of all entaii^leiiiecits.in or’d^jr ( t,q, be prepared to faJce advante*?^-of any circumstances that may oocur to secure legislation in behalf 'bf tbV> jieople. ; ' 7- '. : ' M i;, tijUrusyii, has, I ;i uiii , credibly) knfprmfvL made up his mUnPto-KawA iaapveial liiessagp to Gbrigres8’ 1 1ilW piatin'g xvhat’kind'o'f a fli'ia!n(;iql'b|ll. ,h.e.wqifld sigjn . (Ie basiSOr-little in fluence: in CojigreKH'-that tt’ aittiWtertl litrtlciwhat'He^’rt'Coininehds. 1 * Nd'iibnnnatio.h fyr' the bu j;tiy-bjeiicTi of Bie.Snprome -UqugO: has ijetiebeeu sent to the He WAV* 1 ,' and ! aib told by a repiildicah at < >r t hat ’ij'fs" d ojjib’t f ul, wJijttTi a f will g,d j 11 qutU the Foccn.WB is «yisr. reported to theilliouse, and the re- publiqariH having tkcltly 'agreed that New York slypuBl liave What ever additional representation it is entitled to shmild. there l^e a recount jp. 'Nqw York ‘ city and Brooklyn, it ih not thought that the-deniocrats ,ttlirq.i.l,pqiie‘4fs i>ks H kge.' * ■]:: . Seuaton Vest hoe presented to the ‘Senate a^noyiifriai'ffoiji .t'h.e Nation al Bankruptcy Convention 'urging the Immediate th^ ^r- rwy hiuilfccuptoy itiiU. whicti- passed thef MBllsrt, sVq^Z^A haiq'liGii qf petitioqaaigtti»»t ite-parts- ageu’h ftV(V Ijffrt a- 1 Vaeel veil fVdhl ,, jffie The notorlofifr* ship ’3iUiWiry )l #rills which,pa»soiIt,h«iSeiiaew«*tflie last *essiimw«»e< tboi-aimdi for t*lte*'re- pnbttoohH of* the 'Hxxytsd' chh'iiiiitj'ee on MeridiAhl Miifiiu,',aud tl|ey liavve agreed ,qpoq # single bill. as. a sub stitute for both of them. The ilrtiv i'llll'r'oinbibe^iimni' of tlVrt 1 h*atmi^s of ( the.p,ther t,Wq,,p,ml,.W .mjrtaJuctp pass the, House, morels the pity/ Itepresentatfvc < !ratn, OFTCftis. Ilks hejtbrtrtd froln lln; llpuijc Hiitt,ot{, dp \jt’ust, offices, a retjoLitioiii calling on the Postmaster <hmertU as to the extent -artd gfoUnds’frtr cohiplilints qf‘inefficient post-office service in Texuci andvother states. There isis’ttas'uuicll talk about Mr. Blaine’s r ^ , dp r h c tyy schemes as there was,a pjipff tiiiie ago,, qnd/ a suspicipajisjaivsing that the adniiv tration isn’t* giving the SedretaTV bf State” ally ekrnesb snjfport ii\ J, „ O ri.uxjm FhotoStrfphic triqtifig toac^ip^ ,A'.'|iew !^«lp^rt|ii‘e, jfi..the, api>tic‘ki, tioji.of photography to the worjfcojf- tile* IrttWr press-printer. Ainttrihihe’ is iirtw'firt^d'eittyTj’Tot* the prcfduti- tion ,ojfi(l>0|ok', illustrations, or foa, turning out.a complete illustrated uewtiiafisrtr/artU’ls'Capablrt of pflrtt- iii'g l0,80ff.fni^)ress)ops i»br lHidr.' A, panoramic, juu,cliM“? caiimra is, qsail : in noBjunutioii with the.i -printing! machine.' ThI* , cWrtiara, i 'tt1lteHttikik; pi.ct.ijr.ps yiij^tilipUs^y at’ t}nf r}t^^ four per,jitwq^id. is v*M>ttWq» flf ,pr«-., fiially tuaktiig liOr Ills Will*, While biff neighbor Ik dpCHding^ all tlie (fold he hiis gdC trvlWto k’dHbrce. 'One has'gdC trying to get a divorce. *One man I«sc«pic»-’ All the diseases fleth i« hylr. to aiid-'gats kilhsl nil A railroad, dies of whooping cough. The edhdr of an exchange ha# diSr covered the fact that this is:a topsy turvy world.! Nrt'bne seems fio be, sadsfled. Oneniun is struggling for justice and another is Hying fj-om it. Onrt man is savlbg up money to build, a house And another is tryitig to sell his dwelling for less than cost, to, get rid of It. lOort man ’Is spending all the uibhey he ban possibly make.' tn taking’ a'gift to a! theatrt Anti. V ogue in wimis»vi» printing limchHie i>* Jikaly to- tdrs. ipie costiMK) Hindu; uAc well? h»o»wnl pbr- #on’s photograph, dith <» hitt teiv c/Mdd J^rtopfed' -W lbl<?l4'i tt 11 ^ ltt;jnt ( ed.,by OLg.Uf h’HWA Lnrtrequlckiy*jtihHjn-yx>U Collid set upi • be so perfbfttqve it would morti | e«oot! lieTi priil'ted by lighykloii^, -for the ’ xttire arid aefaTT' which could he posed ofbeeaiinH Mr.r Harrison stiiis tendered the ftjtpOtnfm'erif 'td^Yntt I tV nf^d1-^Hfc'r«ter!Wt'lj1(inimalA<ig‘ toi- Ltii^^ldck for likeliest!''whljjlj. have liim hfttve lb» itfenatw.Bofore ^.' onl<l 1 t j lkedti - H Tt would not then the vote is taken on-tlte Force the ertarrifiri is-"tois 1 rtmftll 1 io ^ 0 "^, ? 4 ):when vo ^ e * jTjiji , text Tlje farce called aif f iuyestigati(^rt ^bcured by. jkjw prqgem would 9^ Bensiqn .o^lce \>*W««r'°- he iinppatdblblUydU<S block process, sumed by the House committee./The -nMutltiive priwts'’upon Ityandsirtr Committee showsq*^rg^^^al more we f>'4'^f sensitirtttpk^K w^fiikh pass ^nxiety not to find utideVlfiS >^enta^ tjittii it does to find \t. pause beiuA? ,^lule tUe^^K^it .iii- will be madejto gafc, |hm fto.wattittittt, actht# ,.; gat { ijgji* W JM©a to look into the methods By< ^ttWR'i nse0 to^nriAfvWth ffiBhCttO, biVt**it , a son of CoulmfsKloTiet' Rkir^t bCctifi^ve Attorney fiy.g. lkri^c^MxnB^r ' pllcants, .whose cJahuis practically pigeon-holed *ii flee before ^e fob^’clia^e^Vtli^V'^ The bill rediijCipg ihe^kSifyfudkdry1fn? a v „„ rr , - T1Cl - ^ tiining an increase -in: pensiun ito $3 has been favorably ^ Ui«e td the d«ertrtfeHuf WOtkmffS. ot j leJirtnslt fzhig. tjilVer.. to tlvf t!<u!^i^fui W< Rule of;this n&Tdfe . sbwwM fftfm ho cheat) that the pi^hufftiticnt tq the House. T%.V VW^ iVlow to the pepWftji Rgtjutitdfe'nks h6S. . Secretary Nohieds ;trying>‘.to strike .fotiu so cheap that the prepUfat them still harder by getting all-thte' the paper willjebst hut lit Jj . . , . Ul fJVz.itj, no r.v* and the possibilities iui rare: way Btlateij to adopt 1 printing rhf rihotographyi Willi dieorni 'voguajln Manwiolimiyjt's, .Mljumsota torhey General “of ’Flie^ Bttite *' Jb’dR 1 lifter a'|%fciirt(6;i , r%!*;;^|jp8jf^ Ixvv.of-charge,, ,, da4-Je* o W*** V K, |^ Z* HWttSito «©-tt P portioniMWtibmi|»W^*- 1kg for a memI>orshIf» , AV Jhtf -trt House of Representatives has been latgeiy (in creased per box. 25 4t.