Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 06, 1891, Image 8

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BED HOT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR —oilers by— HE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, MACON, GA. ELEGANT PARLOR ORGAN, Btyle O, Solid Black Walnut ('use Height 40 inches, full size Key Board, from now until Jan. 1st, 1801, Only (41.00. ELEGANT PARLOR ORGAN, (More Elaborate case than the above) style 1, Solid Black Walnut Case with High Top, full size Key Board, from now until Jan. 1st, 1801, Only $55.00. PARLOR ORGAN, Beautiful case witli French Mirror High Top, full size Key Board. From low until Jan. 1st, 1891, only $(10,00. This organ is a beauty and will de light the most fastidious. In tune, quality and construction we will place these organs against any organ sold in tlie United States for double tho money. Every organ warranted for 6 years. Send for illustrated price list of the above bargains. Don’t forget that we are Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail agents for the famous Weber nud Everett Pianos. A number of •ecorid hand pianos in stock which will do uicelv for practice purposes Will he sold on your own terms. THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE. MACON, GA. Please mention this paper. New Advertisements. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM CltAiisea wr.l bPAiitificd tho hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth. Falla to Keatoro Gray air to its Youthful Color, u* aoalp diaion k hair fulling. gOc.aad |U<)at Hiu^Utu ■flMgEEaEEB [Glngar Tonlo. It cure* tin worst Cough, ■Stability, Indig^^H Baldwin Sheriffs Sale. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. W ILL be sold before the Court House door during legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday lu January, 1891, the fol lowing property to-wlt: All that tract or parc-1 of land lying In the 105th Dist., G. M„ containing one hun dred and forty acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of Misses Dunn, J. W. Champion, et h1. Levied on as the property oT W. R. Morris, to satisfy two tax II fas for the year 1888, one issued by Tax Collector of Bald win county, and one by Tax Collector of Hancock County vs. W. K. Morris. Levy made Oct. 5tn, 1889. Claim Interpos ed; dismissed July term 1890 and levy or dered to proceed. This December the 8th, C. W. ENNIS, Sheriff. Also at the same time and place, one* sixth undivided Interest In the estate of Nicio A. Barries,deceased,consisting of 218 acres of land ; adjoining lands of Mrs. Fur- man, Mrs. duBitfiion, M. A. JJarnafl hiki others; household and kitchen furniture, stock, horses, cows and hogs, one engine, gin and press, and all of the estateas re turned by the appraisers. Levied on by virtue ot two Superior Court II fas, one in favor of M. Bines and one In favor of 1. R. Jones vs. W.H. II. Barnes, and as the property of D^f^ndant. Defendant notifl- ed in peison Nov. 15th, 1890. C Dec. 3rd. 1890. IV. ENNIS, Sheri IT. 23 tds. liUo Con Seed. Eureka! Found at Last! Just Arrived. A large lot of Breech and Muzzle Loading Guns and Rifles at how Prices. Winchester Repeating Rifles, at $14.00 each. A FULL LINE OF Cooking and Heating Stoves, and Coal Crates, -AT ALL- £*« Parker'. Wttk Lunp, DoSuity, Iiuligdion, P.in, T.k. in lime. 60 cu. Th. onlr cure cur. for Come. <u, or Ufac'UX ft CO., N. Y. i k Nf At Hlttt HIEI1W • INVISIBLE TttlHUI (At WSHMIS. Whlapon 1 tie*rd. Com* Farmers Plant Mikado Cotton Seed, and escape droughts and Caterpil lars. It is the earliest and most pro- lillc cotton grown. * I T lias two long limbs branching from the surface and short llraba all the way to the top. crowded with trolls. Plck- (<d this year 4.01)0 lbs. seed cotton by the 15th Sept. on u two acre plat, and utlli more to gather. Last year same plat made four bale-*. Plant Mikado seed and escape tho droughts and caterpillars. Price seventy- live cents per-busbel. Orders solicited. W. A. JARRATT. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 10,1890. 15 12t. Notice to Bridge Buiders. GEt)RGIA, Baldwin County. Ofliee of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues. OEALE1) bids will be received and Ouro solicited at this office until 10 lock a. m. on Thursday, January I t lie 8th, 181)1, to build a bridge anil turnpike across Town creek and | swamp near,). C. Whitaker's mills, i The length of said bridge to be ;14H feet, and the turnpike 240 feet, the bridge to he 13 feet wide except one span near centre which is to he 16 feet wide, the turnpike to corre spond with bridge ; said bridge to be constructed of t lie best heart lumber. Cash will lie paid when the work is completed and received. The building of the bridge andturn- pike will be let separate. The right to reject any and all bids is reser ved. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office. Witness our Jiamls and official sig natures this December 8th, 1890. 1>. B. Sanford,) B. H. Jonhs, • Comr's • L. J. Lamar, ) 4ts. Bottom Prices for the Cash! I have the Largest and Best Stock of Builder’s Hardware that has over been in tho city. All bought before tho advance on Iron. Call and see and get prices. JOSEPH STALEY. Milledgeville, Jan. 28, 1899. 30 ly BOILING WATER OR MILK EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 La TINS ONLY. OFALLPLASTERS For^nanyyeai^jseiTaiiupiSy SHscribed by Physicians, but °nly;_ I /recently introduced generally. /^{ • A> DR.GROSYENOR’S ABell-c&psids R PLASTERS. T Cl The best Porous Plaster made) I /for a 11 aches,pains and weak plac L/Unlike oilier plasters, so be si I /and get the genuine with the pic-ip fture of a bell on the back-cloth./J"* F(Grosvf.nor it Richards, Boston.tS frqmpAintryit Dec. 23, 1890. 25 4t. WHITE’S RESTAURANT! The Nicest. Place. Ill Milledgeville. Bring your family when in town ami get a nice Breakfast, Dinner or Sup per. The best the market affords ami at reasonable prices. Meals at ull hours. Polite attention to all. «S*r iVhitk’s Restaurant. 2G S. Wayne Si., Ullleilgeville, Ga. Nuv. 17 th, 1890 20 2m WARREN EDWARDS, Manufacturer of BOTTLE SODA WATER, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. Giuget Ale u Specialty. Orders from adjoining towns solicited 7 ly iUlledgeville, Aug. 21, 1888 FOR MEN ONLY! V EDR-; STRENGTH For LOST or FAILING KANHOODi OenM-ftl ftad NBEV0D8 DXBILITY; Wtftknwsftf Body sad Kind, ESe«t» of Error*or Kzoomoi to Old or Young, it, Nobla liiilUM)!) fully UMinrwi. Mow to •■lin* md AiroMlhea WkAK, L'KMBTKLOPVDOKGAMftft PARTS OF BODY, ibielultir bb full lag HOME TRIATIK.NT— Itanefit* | B a day. M*a testify fMa iO fittfM m4 Forwlga CouatrUo. Write thaau Mooarlotlvo Book. ex»laaati«>« gad proof* aialtad (Mated) froao Addnw KKIE MKDICAk OO.. BUFFALO, N. V. March 4.1890. 55 ly SAMUEL EVANS Cotton Factor, Milledgeville Ga. C ONSIGNMENT of Cotton Solicited aLS prompt attention given to any busi ness int i usted to mo. *** Liberal cash advaaoes made on cot ton in store fur future sale. MUledgevllle, Ga.; Sept. 15th 1800. 11 tf. Application, for Charter. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. To the Superior < lourt of said County: T HE petition of S. Barrett, Henry Fraley, W. C. Stevens, M. H. O’ Daniel, M. & J. R. Hines, W. T. Conn, T. O. Powell. (). M. Cone, L. H. Compton, J. Colton Lynes, 'J'. L. Mc- Comh, G. T. Wiedenman,C. T. Whee- lan, R. W. Roberts, and their associ ates, shows that they have entered into ’ an association under the name and style of the ‘‘Milledgeville Steam Laundry Co.” That the object ot said Association is to erect and oper ate a Strain Laundry in the city of. Milledgeville, said county, with power to purchase and hold property, real and personal, to sue and tie sued, and to exercise all powers usually confer red upon coi| orations of similar char acter, hr may he consistent with the laws of Georgia; and said Steam Laundry to have its place of business in Mil edgeville, said county, and to do a Laundry business for profit to the incorporation. Petitioners show that the capital stock of said Association is Twenty Five Hundred dollars, all paid in. Your pel it iom-rs pray the passing of an order by said court granting this their application, and that they and their successors lie incorporated for tile term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewing ut tiie expira tion of said twenty years, for the pur poses herein set forth. And vour pe- tioners further pray that they be al lowed to iucrease the capital stock to any amount not exceeding the sum of I bii rhoiisund Dollars, whenever a majority of the. stockholders may deem expedient. Aud your petitioners will everprav. Si c. RUFUS W. ROBERTS, Petitioners’ Attorney, riled in office Dec. Oth, 1890. A true an exact copy as appears of record in this. office tills Oth Dec., 1890. Walter Pa ink, Clerk s. C. B. C. Dec. Oih, 1890. ja tf. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. A LL persons Indebted to the estate of n. Robert Brown, late of Baldwin county, deceased.are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate are requested to pre sent them to me In terms of the law. _ , . D. B. BLOWN, Adm’r. Dec. 1st, 1890. 22 6t. C. H. ANDREWS A SON, Fire, Tornado and Lightning INSURANCE AGENTS.' ^Office first door north Milledgeville Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 17,1890. 20 2m ■K** FOIITHK I.OOI), Weakness, Malar Indigestion and Biliousness, take BROWN’S IRON IUTTBUS. V It oures quickly. For sale by all dealers In uedioiiK. list the genuine. UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF TI^IS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main lines, branches and extensions East and West of the Missouri River. To all points East, North and Northwest from Kansas City—to Rock Island Davenport, Des Moines, Chicago, and, via ALBERT LEA ROUTE, to Spirit Lake, Pipestone, Worthington, Sioux Falls, Water- town, Minneapolis, 8t. Paul, and intervening towns and cities—It is the short, direct route. In connection with lines from St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, and Eastern and Southern points converging at Kansas City, it also constitutes THE SHORT LINE TO DENVER AND THE WEST, FROM THE MISSOURI RIVER. It traverses vast areas of the rlchost farming and grazing lands in the world, forming the speediest, most popular and economical system of transportation to and from all cities, towns and sections in Kansas, Col orado and the Indian Territory. FREE Reclining Chair Cars between Kansas City and Caldwell, Hutchinson and Dodg6 City, and Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars to and from Wichita and Hutchinson. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In splendor of equipment, cool In summer, warmed by steam from the locomotive in winter, well ventilated and free from dust —leave Kansas City and St. Josoph daily, on arrival of trains from tho East and Southeast, with elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleepers and FREE Replining Chair Cars.'RUNNING.THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE to teclining Chair Cars,'RUNf Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, making stops only at important in tervening stations in Kansas and Colorado. Superb Dining Hotels at con venient stations west of Kansas City and St. Joseph furnish delicious meals at seasonable hours and at moderato prices. THE ROCK ISLAND IS THE FAVORITE TOURIST LINE To Manltou, Pike’s Peak, tho Garden of the Gods, Cascade, Green Mountain Falls, Idaho Springs, the mountain parks, mining camps and cities, sanitary resorts, hunting and fishing grounds, and scenic attractions of Colorado. Its Vestibule Express Truins are equipped with every modern improvement that can add to safety, convenience, comfort and luxurious enjoyment. They ulso-make close connections at terminal cities in Colorado (in Union Depots) with tho Denver and Rio Grande, Colorado Midland, Union Pacific, Denver Texas and Fort Worth, and all other diverging lines. Por Tickets, Maps, Time Tables, Folders, copies of the “Western Trail,’’ (issued monthly), or further desired information, address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL. Gen'l Ticket fit Pass. Agent. Sept. 3, 1890. 9 4 m JOS. K. POTTLK. JAS. ]>. HOWARD. POTTLE & HOWARD, ATTORNEYS - AT- LA W Milledgeville. Ga. Willpractice In the Counties ol Baldwin, Put uam, Wilkinson, Washington, Hancock, Jones Warren ami In U. S. Courts. lteler to Faculty ol bumpkin Law School, Ath ens, Ga. oitlce above P. M. Compton A Son's, comer Wayne ami Hancock streets. Feb. 7th. 1888. illy, Piles! Piles! ItchingPiles. Symptoms—M< (stare; Intense Itching und slinging; most at night, worst by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed ami ulcerate, be coming very sore. Swaynk's Ointment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, end in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 cents. Dr. Swayuo & Son, Philadelphia. Nov. 7,1889. 19 6m Alliance Warehouse! T HE BALDWIN COUNTY ALLIANCE is conducting a generul Warehouse and Merchandise business, at Walker’s Warehouse on Hancock street, next to City Hall. Liberal advances mude on cotton in store. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. Patronage solicited. We will sell cotton at 25c por bale. Storage as cheap as any Warehouse. Cotton and Pino Straw Bagging and Ties for sale. W, H. JEWELL, Mang’r. Milledgeville, Ga., Sept. 1st. 1890. ' 9 tf i.auies Needing a tonic, or children that want building up, should take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. It ie pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Ludiga#- Umi. and BUioiuuu*. All dealers keep A. Schofield's Iron ff*orhs! Manufacturers of and Dealers In STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw Mills, Cotton Presses, Iron and Brass Castings of any Pattern, A Specialty of Shafting, Pulleys and Mill Gearing, Iron Pipo, Pipe Fitting* Brass Valves, Lubricators. Packing, Jet Pumps, and full line of Machinists’ Supplies, Manufacturer’;- agent for The Celebrated Hancock Inspirator. RP'Our facilites for BOILER BUILDING aro unexcelled J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON macon, ga Feb. 26th, 1890. OconeeRiver Brick Y ard I 1,000,000 First-Class Building Brick For Sale! First-Class Repressed Tile, For Basement Floors aud Hearths, a Wpecialty. Capacity of works 5,000,000 per Season. J. W. McMILLAN, Proprietor. R. W. McMILLAN, Manager. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 15th, 1889. 48 ly. J. F. WILSON. Thanking ray friends and customers for Past Patronage, I res pectfully ask you to call and examine my stock of Hardware, S TO PFS, Guns, Pistols, Crockery, Tinware, lamps, lanterns, And other articles too numerous to mention. fWI WILL SUIT YOU IN PRICES. Respectfully, J. F. WILSON. Ifilledgeville, Ga., Jan. I4tli. Ihpo —Lowest IPuices.-— Also Wall and Prescription cases, Cedat Chests, Barber Furniture, Jewelry Trays and Stools. Cabinet Work of all kinds. Complete Outfits for Stores and Bank*. Catalogue free. ddress ATLANTA SHOW CASE CO., Atlanta, 6* March 4 lti90. 35 ly O. H. FOX. — Mi.iiutmiup Of— DOORS, 8ASII AND BLINDS, — And Lumber, Laths Cement, Plaster Enir, Ac, r l 11 uin^ a Specialty. Office und Mills, iVIcIiito; March 11 1-9" in- and Lime! , Scroll Sawing and Planing h St., Milledgeville, Ga. 30 7m. For Sale. Attention Real Estate Speculators. A CORNER LOT, containing one acre, more less, adjoining Captain T. F-. Newell’s place, and one block from tho Girl’s Normal School. Applv to CAl’i'. WAI TER PAINE, At the Court House. Milledgeville, Ga.. March 80th, 1890. 39 4t R. W. ROBERTS, Attorney-At-Xjaw Millkdgevillk, Ga. P ROMPT attention given r<- business trusted to uIb care, ontce in room former!? occupied by Hr. II. M. .Clark in Dr. Calla way’s building. Dec. 1. 1889. lyr. H. M. CLARKE. DENTIST, Milledgeville, Ga. as-Ofllce—Hancock St. One door East of Masonic Hull. Milledgeville.Ga.. July 8th, 1890. 281y W. L, JACKSON, A ttorney- A t-Law. Carriage and Wagon Manufactory REPairshofs. 1 have located permanently in Milledgeville and am now pre pared to do all kinds of work in my line. I will keep Bug- i gies and Wagons always on j hand, for sale at the LOWEST / PRICES. I will build to order any kind of Vehicle needed. REPAIRING Done with neatness and dispatch. I will Shoe Jlorses aud do any kind of Blacksmith "N ork. A share of tho public patronage solic- ted and satisfaction guaranteed Call and see me at my Shops ob East Hancock Street. IB. O. IBICa-IB'X'- “Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 4. 1890. •STOfflce in’tlie Court House. Milledgeville, Ga.. Aug. 7, 1888. 5 tf DR. W. H. HALL, Practicing Physician and Surgeon, MILLKDGKVILLK, GA. OFFICE AT HOME. Notices may be left with Hall 4 Treanor on Hancock street. March 18th, 1890. 87 ly. MONEY Cheaper than Ever! Six per Cent.*, B Y A HOME COMPANY. Loans Nego tiated on Farm Mortgages. No ])«- laysandNo Red Tape. Consult your In terest by writing to, or calling on RUFUS W. ROBERTS, Milledgeville, Ga. Oct. 15,1889. 15 i y Legal cap, foolscap, letter and note pa per ko4 eu?ek>pGi for sale at this office. P. J. HEYFORN, TAILOR! H AS located In Milledgeville and opened ■ shop at No. 7 Greene St., where he will be pleased to see all who want good work at low prices. Satisfaction guaran teed. Marcdi 25th, 1890. S83m W BROWN'S IRON BITIERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, IiysfiepBLa, Mato ria, Nervousness, aud General Debility. W ■ clans recommend it. All dealers sell it. ’ ,eliu ' hajtrxla mark and crimed rest llnx on wrap)*-^ A new lot of ititlonery juat recalved* 4 this office,