Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 20, 1891, Image 7

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the social circle. Who are Visiting and Being Visited, The Society Editor's Weekly Chronicle of Personal and Other Gossip. Mr. \V. P. Bryan, of Talbot comity, is in the city. Col. Joseph E. Pottle visited War- renton last week. Capt. Newell spent last week at his plantation near Albany. Mrs. Howard Tinsley, who was|quite sick with pneumonia is improving. Miss Minnie Caraker left yester day for Augusta to attend the nr- nival. Marshal Augustus Dunn has re covered and is again at his post or duty. Mr J. B. Pounds will return from Atlanta today with a car load ot mules. We had a pleasant call from Editor Brewer, of the Gordon 1 ress, last Tuesday. “Mr. & Mrs. E. P. Creslein and daugh ter, Miss Nettie, left yesterday fora visit to Augusta. Mr G. W. Hollinshead who has been’ si*k for some weeks, is im proving. Miss Helen Rice, of South Baldwin, has returned from a three weeks visit to Lake City, Fla. Mr Roland B. Hall, of Macon, spent Saturday in this city, visiting his sis ter, Mrs. W. H. Hodges. Mrs. Dr. P. L. Walker, of Attalla, Ala , is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. P. Williams, in this city. ■ Capt. W. T. Coon, who has been confined to his home by sickuess the past ten days, is improving. Miss Annie Cook, of Augusta, who lias been visiting the Misses Fox in this city has returned home, i Mr. W. P. Williams, after an ab sence of some weeKs in Alabama, is I again at home with his family. 1 Capt. C. W. Ennis was confined I to his home last week by' serious [illness. We are glad to learn that I he is better. Mr. It. H. Wootten has moved idto II he residence of Mr. J. J. Wootten Jr., land will immediately conumfiice the "erection of a new house. . Miss Mina Pottle, who lias been vis iting the family of BLr. Joseph E. Pot tle, left yesterday morning for War fenton to visit her sister. Mrs. .1. E. Latham left for Atlan ta last Saturday having received a lelegram that her parents were |ery ill in that c ity. Mrs. S. H. Reese nnd her daughter, Jliss Evie, of Washington, wpo have leen visiting Mrs. J. E. Pottle, re Timed home yesterday. iThe Board of Directors of the Girls lormel and Industrial College and Ion. Robt. Whitfield will be euter- lined by President Lynes at the M. 1 M. & A. College. |Mr. W. H. Hodges received a tele- rain Saturday afternoon announcing le death of his sister, Mrs. Z. J Ed- pudson, which occurred at 2 o'clock iturday in Katouton. Mr. Hodges Id family are deeply grieved at this "•'at loss. Since the organization of the M. M. &, A. College in this city in 0, the following trustees have d: F. C. Furman, S. E. Wliita- , L. Carrington and R. C. Hum- r. John Finney, the aged watcli- n of the Georgia Southern road Macon who was run over by ail ine a few nights ago and was so ily hurt that one of his legs and e of his feet had to he amputated, d from the effects of his injuries [turday night. Mr. Finney went m Stevens’ Pottery to Macon. .faj. Lynes has presented to the 0 young men’s societies of the Col- e a large lile-sized framed picture Gen. Robert E. Lee, and a #ke ture of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston J Hon. Jefferson Davis. The young n intend fitting up their rooms J now that the Greek fraternities e the Greek language and Pagan L eds are dead, the societies more in lord with modern Christian ideas 1 scientific progress, will respond the demand for ingp not theorists. Iany of our citizens are suffering m the prevailing influenza and ire is an unusual amount of sick- <s in the city and county. Among 1 sick, we have heard the follow- mentioned : Mr. I. T. Miller . and Mrs. Joseph Lane, Mr. k! Eane, Miss Mary Lane, Mr. Ben use, Mr. Buck Bell, Mrs. Jno. M wards, Mrs. M. A. Fowler, Mrs. M. Gobert, Miss Bessie-Fair, Miss nie Headen, Mr. W. S. Vaughn d children, the family of Capt. p. Ennis in the country, Mr. Hatch mer, Mrs. E. A. Bayne, the fam- of Mr. S. A. Cook, at Midway pt. C, P. Crawford, Mr. Terrell awford, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hines. The remains of Paul Miles, infant i of Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Carring- i of Savannah, were brought to s city on Sunday last for burial, v. D. McQueen officiated at the rial. Paul was a lovely child w.ut 18 months of age. The par- \ls have the sympathy ofthiscom- ity in their sad affliction. ,e remains w.ere accompanied liis city by the parents, and by . L. Carrington, who had gone r son’s to help nurse the child also by Mrs. Gordon, of 8t. is, the mother of Mrs. 1*. M. Car on—all of whom will remain days with Mr$i. L. Carrington. Charity. mon whom men condemn as ill so much of goodness still; len whom men esteem divine so much of s n and blot, Bitate to draw the liae the two, wheteGod hasuot,” The Superior Court Postponed. A petition was sent to Judge Jen kins last week asking that the hold ing of Baldwin Superior Court be postponed. This request was made because several members of the local bar were compelled to bo in Atlanta this week in attemV^nce upon the Supreme Court, and also on account, of the unusual sickness in this coun ty. Judge Jenkins replied that be would organize the Court, and then adjourn till Monday February 9th. On Monday however, Judge Sanford re ceived a telegram from Judge Jenkins stating llmt be was sick nnd could not bfa present on Monday to open Court. The order of Judge Jenkins adjourning the Court till the 9th of February will be found elsewhere in this paper. Mr. Samuel W. Lynes Dead. A dispatch from Savannah an nounces to Maj. J. Colton Lynes the death of his brother, who, for the last three years, has been in wretched health. Mr. Lynes was for years a planter on the Satilla river in Cam den county, bot moved to Savannah four or five years ago for the purpose of educating his children. Mr. Lynes was born in South Carolina in 1831 and was just sixty years of age at the time of his death. He was for thirty- five years a member of the Baptist denomination. Was of an unex- ceptionably generous nature, honest in all his thoughts and dealings; an affectionate husband, loviug father, consistent and true friend. He visited his brother, Maj. Lynes, last year and during his sojourn of two months made many frieuds in our city. We tender our sympathy to liis bereaved family and relatives. Help the Asylum Library. Editors UxioN-ltKCORDKUi It is a source of gratification as a visitor that we are enabled to speak most favorably of one of the institu tions of the Insane Asylum near Mill- edgeville-The Library. Hardly three years has elapsed since this Library was established, nevertheless, it lias upon its shelves in books and period icals some 0,000 volume. All the read ing is classified so one can guide with regularity liis or her reading. Mr. R. A. Trippe is painstaking, and lias everything under liis charge placed in a systematic manner, so much so as to make this library an objective point of great value to the inmates of the Asylum, who realize the benefits of good reading, recreative in its char acter. This Library is such a boon to many of life’s unfortunates that it iB the du ty of every one to keep it up and add as much as possible to its readiug matter. An appeal is in order when we respectfully state that a liberality on the part of the public would be highly appreciated, by sending to fill its shelves all the books that can be spared from the many homes that are arouud us. We make this appeal to the public in general, that an interest be taken in this matter. Gather up all the old books at your homes and forward them, so that this library with its well filled shelves may continue to diffuse its benefits to those who realize so much its ad vantages. It will cost you nothing to express any number of books you may de sire to send, and as the expense, is nothing, open your hearts by sending forward all the books that you can, thereby doing your part in minister ing to the necessities of the poor and of the unfortunate. Let this appeal go out and may it bear fruit tiiat will result in great good to the library. Visitor. Jau. 15th, 1891. " Peacock Lost. The peacock recently presented by Dr. AJTen to the M. G. M. Si A. Col lege has wandered off in search of a mate. A suitable reward will be paid for its capture, uninjured, and safe return to Maj. Lynee. Won’t some friend of the college help the Major in getting a mate for his beauti ful bird? Catarrh In the head Isa constitutional Disease, and requires A constitutional remedy Lise Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Which purifies the blood, Makes the weak strong, Restores health. Try it now. -The force bill has been resurrected. I his time the probabilities are that it will be given enough life to cause the °°“ ntr y a great deal of trouble. Vnen the republicans make up their minds to do a mean thing they are ueterred by nothing.—Rome Tribune. A most dangerous thing is to allow catarrh to run on. Use at once Old Haul s Catarrh Cure and get well. I rice only 25 cents. Georgia's Noble Governor. The committee appointed to confer with the Governor in the person?-of Rev. A. B. B. Gibson, Hamilton Brown and ,1.1,. Phelps, called on his excudeii- cy the 10th of this month,asking him to appoint as one of the Coinmis-ion ers to locate the Colored University, one of Milledgeville’s most progressive and energetic citizens. The committee desires to say to the public that they met with a most hap py success. The Governor assured us that our journey had not been in vain. He also said be was happy to meet us, that we were the first color ed committee to wait on him since his inauguration. He told us that lie was tlie people's Gn’vernor, and all men would receive just recognition from him as loug as they were right. He said when the black man violated the law be wanted him punished and when the white man voilated the law he was the same by him. The Governor made a noble impres sion on the committee, for he called our attention to tlief.ict, that we were southern horn and raised and knew nothing about any othercountry, that we understood the white people and they understood us, nnd there was no reason why we 8h*uld not get along together in peace andharmony. The cominbtee assured the Gover nor that wl it# and colored in Mill ville were-iiving iu peace and harmo ny. (viz) the better class. He ^the Governor) said lie was glad to hear so, and advised the commit tee to coutinue to teach peace and harmony, to our people and all would be well with us. w Again we call your attention to our caption tiiat he is Georgia’s Noble Governor and whenever the colored people of the state get perplexed over any issue that pertaius to their wel fare and need his advice, don’t he afraid to call on him, and we pledge you that you will find iu Governor Northen a noble Christian gentleman. The committee tender its heirtiest, thanks to Mayor Cline, School Com missioner R. N. Laiuar, Messrs. Case, Pottle, and our worthy Representa tive It. Whitfield and Major J. Colton Lynes nnd other white citizens that so faithfully assisted us in reaching the Governor. We shall ever remem ber them. Respectfully, COMMITTKK. MUledgeville, G«., Jan. 13th, 1891. Statk of Ohio, City of 1 oledo, I „„ Lucas County, i Frank J. Cheney makes oath tlmt he is tin- senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co., doing business 111 the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that sniil firm will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Haul’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed Jn my presence, this tjtti dt>y of December, A. D. 188C, , —— ) A. W. GLEASON. * SE 4 L ^ Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally anil acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send tor tes timonial*, free. P. 1. CHENEY <fc CO.. Toledo, O. *wSold by Druggists. 75c. The hurricane that prevailed on the North Carolina Const last Sun day night was a severe one. The Kansas City which left New York for Savannah on Saturday encoun tered theliuricaneat the hieglit of its fury Sunday night. Passengers of the Kansas City say it was the most thrilling occasion of their lives and had concluded that their time had come. The steamer whs lightly loaded and tossed tremendously and all of the 92 passengers were just too sick for anything. The waves washed over the vessel and for some hours she was at the mercy of the elements, not making any head way at all and the life boats were kept in readiness for the worst. She weathered the storm however and reached Savannah only 12 hours behind time. The passengers speak of Capt Fislier in the highest terms of commendation. The Baltimore steamer Decatur H. Miller and tlie Philadelphia steamer Dessong also encountered the Jiurrie&ne at its worst. An American, who traveled in Mexi co during the past, year, tells ti« that in the construction of the Mexican Gulf Railroad immense quantities of Mahogany wood and white marble is used. The crossties and stringers along certain portions of the road are made of first quality Mahogany, and the culverts and bridges are in manv instances made of an excellent quali ty of white marble. This sounds ex travagant to be sure, but when we reflect that theim materials, located in the wild wood of Mexico possesses no more value than aDy other wood or stone, and under the circumstances, it becomes true eoonomy to make use of it as it is the handiest material to be had. Civilization, that has placed an arbitrary valuation upon such ma terials is,’too far distant to permit of its being made available. Cotton Market. Tlie following Is the cotton market for Jan. 19, 1891, reported by Geo. C. Smith, Buyer for Export, at Sarnue Evans’ and Alliance Warehouses: Livkrpooi— Middling, 5 8-10d. Dull. Nkw YORK-Middling, 9V. Dull. Savannah—Middling, 8i*. Dull. Millkdgkvillr Local Markkt. Market Quiet. Good Mid's. 9. Strict Mid’s. 8jc. Middlings, 8). Strict Low Mid’s. 8f Low Mid’s 8. Tinges jc. off grade. Stains, Jo. off grade. R»«eipts to date, 15,200 bales. Bhlpmsuts 13,200. Stock 2,000. NOTICE. P ERSONS who anticipate having Photographs or Portraits made at our studio will please call at once, as our business will be suspended for 30 days after Feb. the 1st or un til our new studio is completed on Hancock street. Verv Respectfully, etc. 2ts.] T. J. FAIRFIELD & SON. YKIBUliS OF RESPECT. In the Providence of nn All Wise God, our esteemed friend, him! coadjutor in the ^reat. cause of education, lias been stricken down in the prime of his usefulness, and (as we trust) called from his labors here, to the mansions prepared for the blest: Therefore be it Resolved, That in the dent W of ,] udge R. Ramsav the Board of Education of Baldwiu coun ty have sustained the loss of an efficient, faithful and zealous member; tho community in which lie lived a kind and sympa'lietic friend ami the county tv most, worthy and useful citizen. 2nd, 1 hut while we grieve and de plore tlie lossof our much esteemed brother, tve how in submission to Him who knoweth best and doethj all thiugs well. 1; 3rd, Tiiat We tender liis wife and family our heartfelt sympathy iu their bereavement. 4th, Thar these resolutions lie spread upon the minutes of the hoard and that a page be set apart sacred to his lueuiorv. 6th, That acopy of these resolutions be furnished tho Union-RECORDER with the request that they publish the same. Rich’d N. Lamar.) O. M. (Joke, - Committee. * C. W. Snead.) Read and adopted by the Board of Education this 14rii day of January, 1891. Rich’d N. Lamar, Sect’y. LMT OF ADVERTISED LETTERS Remaining in the Po-d-Offlce ai Mil- ledgevill**, Baldwin county, Ga., Jan. 17th, 1891. If not called for within 30 days ciiev will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Herbert, H. H. Singleton. Edward James, Jim. Wright, Ella. f o. bulletin. MAIL CLOSES FOR C & M R. R. (Ga. ) East 10 80 a. ui. “ ” “ “ -4 30 p. m. “ “ “ West 10 30a.m. “ “ “ “ 2 30 p. ui. 0. It. It. South 9 00 a. in. “ “ North 2 O') p. m s C. G. WrLflo.N. P. U. Cows For Sale, THE GREAT TONIC. Turijlee the Mood, Aide Digestion, Purely Vegetable. ^ONDEBFUI/QTJBES! Laat fall I waa Buffering from General Dobll- ltj, from some blood affection, and my whole system wm run down generally. Commenced taking your medicine (Wooldridge's Wonderful Cure) and experienced great relief before fin ishing the first bottle, l have used It iu my family erer alnce with good results. , 15,1889. " “ * Columbus, Ga., Juno 1 L. O. BOWERS. Dear Sins: Early In the year 1889 I had a fifty dersloped case or Scrofula, so pronounced by fourof the best doctors tn the city of Columbus. 1 took three bottles of your w. W. C. (Wool dridge's Wonderful Cure), and am to day as well vs ever I was. I took no ether medicine but W. W. c. HENP.Y McBRIDE. This is to certify that the above facts are cor rect, and that I administered the medicine. Hamilton,Qa., Peb.36,1890. J. W. ELLIOTT. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Jan. 13, 1891. ly 28 MiiMgeuille and Hsylum Dummy Line Railroad. The following Schedtile will go into ef fect at 7 o'clock a. rn., standurd time, Monday.'Dcu. 8tti, 1890; Leave for Aayliun 8 15 a in Leave A avium for eltv. Mall,.. H-3n a in Leave for Central It It 9 05 a iu Leave tor Georgia It. It 10 15 a ill Leave for Asylum, Hall, 11.00 a in Leave Asylum for city 11.15 a in Leave for Asylum 12 45 p in Leave Asylum for ell y 1.00 p in Leave for Central It. It 2 05 p 1,1 Leave for Georgia It. It 2 40 p m Leave tor Asyl iiu. Mail 3 25 p in Leave Asylum for city, Mail,.. 3 45 pm Leave for Asylum, 4 30 p tu Leave Asylum for city 4 45 p iu Leave for Georgia It It 0.25 p m SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave for Asylum 8 30 a m Leave Asylum lor city, Mall,... 8.45 a iu Leave for Asylum ' 9.30 a in Leave Asylum for city. Church ’ Leave rain,. for Georgia R. R ._. 10.15 a a m in Lea ve for Asylum . .. 12 30 p in Lea ve Aavlmu fnr ci ty ... .... 12.45 p m Leave for Georgia U. It.. 2 4<i p m L*ave for Asylum p m Leave Asylum I if city... ... 3 50 p rn L**ave for Asylum.. .... 7.0(1 p m L’ve A a \ linn furi il •.Cliurc itrain, 7 15 p in L**mvm for Asylum, Jliureh rain, 9 0U p in Lea ve for Georgia n. it.. P ra All trains from city, start from MU leilgeville Hotel corner. Twenty Trip Tickets can bn bought at Dummy office for O .e Dollar. An extra train will tie run from the depots and city |o Asylum at loon p. m., whenever desired at tin* rale of 25 cents, each passenger Bv order of Joseph Staley, Preed’t. PATENTS C»re»t«, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent bnsinesa conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Okie* is Opposite U. S. Patent Ofllca. and vre ran secure patent in lesa time than those remote from Washington. Send mode], drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patenta," with aatnea of actual clients in jour State, county, or town, sent free. Addresa, C. A.SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent OIRct, Washington, D. C. For Sale. o ] Attain Real Estate Splato. \ CORNER LOT, containing one aci>, more less, adjoining Captain T. F Nowell's cluee, an l olio block fruftl the Girl’s Normal School. Apply to CAPT. WA' TER PAINE, At tho Court House. Milledgeville, Ga.- UarcbKHh, 1899* 39 it Three good milk cows for sale cheap. Apply to JAMES ERWIN. Jan. 10th, 1891. 28 tf. Plantation For Sale. We offer for sale a plantation con taining 200 acres, with a new six room dwellingand necessary out buildings, including a good burn, line well of water nnd a good orchard and vine- vard—six miles from MUledgeville. Price $1,050.00 Apply to BETH UN E & $IOORE, Real Estate Agents. Jan. 13th, 1891. 28 ts. For Sale. A good plow and buggy horse, per fectly gentle, and will work both double and single. Apply at this office. • GEORGIA, Baldwin County, r pO all whom it. ntuy concern ; * Application »lll he made to the court, of Ordinary ot Baldwin county, Georgia, at the first regular term after t he expiration ot thirty days fr >m this notice for leave to ec'l the real estate, belonging to Susan M Glenn ami Fannie W. Glenn, minor chil dren nr J. W. Glenn, for reinvestment for Haiti minors. J. W, GLENN. » Guardian. Jan. 51 h, 1891. 28 1m. Citation. /'s EORGIA, Baldwin Countv. a* Whereas, .UIhh Carrie Dennis, guar dian of Lnia Rockwell Hall represents to the court in her petition duly filed nnd entered on record, that she hap fully ad- ministered the Lula Rockwell Hall estate ami has made n full and final settlement with her said ward. 'This Is therefore to cite all persons conoernsd, kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can whv said guardian should not he dis charged from her said trust as such guar dian on the first Monday in March 1891 and receive letters of dismission March 5th, 1891, „ 14. R. BELL. , „ . „ Ordinary B. C. Jan* ,>th, 1891. 2s Itu. Citation. / 1 EORGIA, Baldwin County. YA H heroes, B. D. Brown, administrate of Robert Blown decoased, represents to the could, in his petition, duly filed ami entered on record, llmt lie has fully ad- minister!) I 11 ib<Tt Brown’s estate. This is therefore to cite all p-rsons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause; if any they can; why said admiiHstratoi should not be discharged from his adminis tration, ami receive letters or dismission on the liist Monday in June, 1891. M. It. HELL, Ordinary I! C. Jan. 51 h, 1891. 28 Heir. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. 1 at) all whom It may coneerti; Whereas, Mis. F. A. Herty, adminis tratrix of tho estate of Jams* Herty de ceased, Inis made application for leave to sell the teal estate belonging to said de ceased in said county, consisting of one house and lot ill the city or MUlndgevfile, 11 uated on i let corner of Hancock and Jefferson streets. This therefore Is to cite all persons kindred and creditors to show cause; If any they can; why leave should not, Im granted on or before the first Mott- day in March 1891, or leave will ire granted to said administratrix to sell said real estate. M. It. BELL, Ordinarr B. < Jim. 5th, 1891. 24 lin. Bank Notice. Office of the ) MlIiliKDUKVILIiK BANKING Co., s Dec. 27, 1890. ) On and after January 2nd next, un til further notice, this Bank will open at. 9 a. in. anil close Ht, 2 p. tu. 20 1m. B. T. BETH UNE, Cashier. DENTISTRY. G. W. STOKES, SURGEON DENTIST. All kinds of dental work done. Teeth positively extracted without pain. Office for the present over Miss BenrdenVs millinary store. Jan. 10th, 1891. 20 ly. Dr. W. R. ROBISON, H Aii moved liis office from Green street to Hancock streer, one door east of the Union-Recorder office. Residence at Mrs. Treauor’s on Jeffer son street. Jan. (1th, 1831. 27 3ms. NOTICE. Strayed or Stolen. F ROM J. F. Dumas, near Blounts- ville, Jones Co., Ga., one bay horse Mule, about 15 hands high, of heavy build, about 5 years of age. Left on or about Dec. 27th, 1890. A reward of $to will be paid for tlie delivery of the mule to me at Blountsville, Ga. J. F. DUMAS. Jan. 5th, 1891. 27 2t For Sale. H AVING purchased the Cline property on JolWsou street, next to Catholic church, I offer for sale the buildings there on—purchaser lo remove: One two story frame dwelling, with ad dition, In good repair. One largo office room—formerly two Rooms—suitable for Doctor’s office. One two room kitchen. One stable. Will be sold separate or together. Easy terms. Apply to ,, GEO. C SMITH. MUledgeville, Ga., Nov. 17th, 1890, 20 tf. Money to Loan! 1 AM l’KEI’AltED U> negotiate loans on improved farm lands In sums of $3(J0 and upwards, on easier terms and lower rates than are offered by any one else. In spections made by a resident <>r the coun ty. No delays in getting money—supply ahtimlaiit. Apply to C, P. CRAWFORD, Att’y,. MUledgeville, Oa. Hept. 23J, 128tu. Take Notice! Tlie law requires that hvory person or firm engaged in any business, what ever, in thecityof Milledgeville, shall register the same at tile clerk’s office before Febru try 1st. The booK for that purpose is now open. G. W. Cakakkh, Clerk. Jan. 18th, 1891. 28 3t. IMI. &c JT. Tt. HIUSS, —Dealers In— w General Merchandise. Boots and Shoes! Heavy Groceries) Lime!. Cement and Plaster Paris! Farm Implements! Buqsgics, Wagons, Harness! Hay and Fertilizers! Cotton Seed Meal For Sale. When in need of anything in the tibove line, please call on us and examine our stock and get our prices before’you buy. M. & J. R..HINES, No’s. 27 and 29 Hancock St Milledgeville, Ga. July 29. im». .3 ly W. J.JtOSS & CO., Wholesale {Manufacturing And Retail Dealers In Carriages, Buggies, WAGONS AND ROAD CARTS. Come and See Us! Harness, Whips, Robes, Baby Carriages, Etc. Corner Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street MACON, GA. {^*Wo deliver Goods in Baldwin County at the same price as we do in Macon. , Attg- w, iwo. ™