Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 15, 1891, Image 8

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MERRIWETHER TEMPERANCE A local paper out in Iowa, tlie Pine Tree Press, says: “Wavne county lias just cause to be proud of its position among its neigh or- ing counties as regaids court expeii ses. During the pasr tliree years there has never been a court to our knowledge that larted over one week, and most of them could be gotten through w thin three davs. At this term it is very quest'onable if there will be a criminal ease. 11 is needless to add that Vv ayne county is a prohibition county. Such court records were never heard of in counties the' have a loons. Nor is this an exceptional case. We personally know <>f many counties in that state that can show as good a record. The N. Y. Tribune notes tlie activ ity of the advocates of temperance in this city, ami graciously remarks that “tlie evil which they fight is so pow erful that, to the casual observer, they seem to make little or no pro gress; hut it they shout s'oo their e cellent work we should soon see a difference for the worse in tlie moral- of the community" That is a view of tlie subject which is too often over looked. With tlie very large amount ol intoxicating liquors manufactured | and sold, and the still widely preva lent injurious social-drinking usages, superficial critics souietin.es thought lessly proclaim the temperance move meut a failure. It has much yet to accotnj fish, it is true, but if i. had no existence, or if the advocates of tern perance should everywhere oe 8” their labors, it requires little r^flec'ion to see Ik w much more discoutaging li present outlook would lie. The tern perance movement of tlie country has been, in tlie evil it lifts prevented, a mighty power for good. As an aid to good government it is a uior potent agency than the last organ ized police force. It could hccoiii plish still more good if it <-ould have a more hearty and faithful co opera tion on the part of the Tribune are! other kindred influential journals. J. F. WILSON -Dealer in— Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Guns, COOKING A W D HEATING STOVES. AOKNTS F.ilt the bnh of the LKilll I.ITNV1 gWEST i> 1 '. ■ w; ' * SEW a )l!IE ^ipi SEWING 4-., Tt m : MACHINE nyc^oi-aiiwBd si-xo^psi A VALUABLE ( Mr. A. B. Davis, DISCOVERY 1 of Davis Bros., at Areola, Miss., is a great be iever in the virtue of 8. S. 8. He writes, that be was afflicted witli one of tne worst cases of blood poison known to the human race, and after going through quit* a long treatment, finally resorted to 8. 8 8., and lie is proud to say that he has been en tirely cured, and the disease thor oughly eradicated from his system. He sends thanks to thi company for their va uable discovery, and says that it is a Gcd-send to the world. For contagious blood poison 8. 8. 8. is truly a specific. Very few cases have ever resisted its curative prop erties, and bo one suffering from tills disease or other blood poison should neglect to give it a fair trial. We will mail a special treatment on contagious blood poison to all who apply for it free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., At lanta, Ga. Statistics show that 657,000 of the white population of Georgia is out side of any Protestant church, there being only 816,000 Protestant church members out. of a total white popula tion of 971,463. 18 Ponnds of Blood Is about the quantity nature allows to an adult person. It is of the lit most importance that tlie blood should be kept as pure as possible Bv its remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum, etc., Hood’s Saraspa- rilla has proven its claim to lie tlie best blood purifier. Fi I'M t ’ i and Fi I j dor. a nd Pipe tv: pairing All Work dm Write I Pri< ■ - TitS ?vl. POuSi Nou n Wayne Xt A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD andSKIN DISEASES B. B. Ba Btttmifi Blood Bain I* r<>MB SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT It lures RHEUM. ECZEMA, tvtry farm of aialifnaat SKIN ERUPTION. b«- slSai btlng afllcaclout la toalng up lha srttam an* restoring tha canatltutlan, whan Impaired from any cauaa. Ita almoat supernatural healing propertlaa justify ua in guarantying a euro. If dlractiona are followed. GL00D BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Jan. 13,1891. 28 ly. YOU WAffiT ONE OF THE CELEBRATED JACKSON CORSET WAISTS. CAST0RIA for Infants and Children. “Castoria U so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The use of * Castoria ’ is so universal and its merits so well known thi it it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few arc t he Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” Carlos Martyr, P. TX, New York City. Late Pastor Blooiuingdale Reformed Church. Caatorta cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di. gestion. Without injurious medication. “ For several years I have recommended your 1 Castoria, ’ and shall always continue to do so as it had invariably produced beneficial results.” Enwm F. Parker. M. D., “Tho Wiuthrop,” 125tli Street and 7th Ave., New Y ork City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York. Jan. 1, 1891. Jackson Corset Co. Jackson, Mich. LAOIFS who p re, ® rnot [ to wear Stiff nd Kigld Corsets, are invited to try them. They aro approved by * pliyslciuns, endorsed by Q dress makers, and rcc- ' ommended by every lady that has worn them. SEKD FOR CIRCULAR. E. B. OSBORN, Southern Agent, 60 RICHARDSON BLOCK, C*bvaim» Wanted. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. .1 tine 2d, 1891. ly K. W ROBERTS. JOS. E. POTTLE ROBERTS & POTTLE, A.ttoraoys-A.t-Zjaw, Milukdoevillh, Ga trusted to tneir cart. Other la room formerly r.uiied t>> ! >r (j M.Clark in Dr t’alla. wav’s luiiiitl g. Feb. Ul<i. ti ly. 'R, Jlliu* ISl b. 189 Trnstee’s Sale. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. B Y VIRTUE of authnitty granted in under a deed of trout made by all th heirs at law of the estate of James Supple, deceased, said trust being made fur the purpose of paying debts of said deceased and divi-iou among Ilie heirs at law, 1 will sell before the court hou -e door In tin city of Milledg-eville and said county, bo tween the legal lisiursot sale, , )n the fits 1 Tuesday In January, 1892 (if not sold at private sale before that time >, the lollowlng property belonging to said estate, to-vvit : All that iiacj or parcel of land situate lving and being in Urn 318th District. G M., of sahl state and vountv, boundei north bv land of Dr. It G liar per, ea- l>y Hawkins.south by Compton and wes by Miller & lironn, contaii"ng lour hun dred and fi eacres, more or less. Also one live-room dwelling house and lot in the city of Milledgevllle, bounded north by Little lot, east and south by O M.'one and west by Wat no street, eoi - tainlDg about one-eighth of an acre. Also one brick store, hounded north by the Ed wards pro) ort v, east by G. C, Smith, sout h by Baptist church and west by Wayne street, containing about one-eight li of ai acre. Abo one lion safe, one yegulatoi , jeweler’s tools ami jewelry, together with the househol . anil kitchen turn ture; solo for tho purposes arores ud Terms easii. WARREN EDWARDS, Trustee for Jas. buppie’oesiute and heiir at law. Nnvem , , JUth, 1891. SOHO IELX)’ a I r «i v b Ui , K ft ft ft!?! S\ 1 IRON AM A Speciality of US v j S ^ sx Pipe Fitting of Miicliii ist—* HANCOCK t N 1NO are uiiux* M v 61 : IbOn IL. Pull. ■ 1 tr ; i>es line a’ed CD Aotice Call on Henry Harrison for hacks and horses. He 1ms been tun ning a public hack for over ten jetirs. <>o to bint for cheap .ates and nice horses. Call for H ttry Harrison’s hack. lA/L. Sx J. JEt. HXDSTEIS, —Dealers In— General Merchandise Boots and Shoes’. Heavy Groceries! Lime! Cement and Pi . , T b Paris! Farm Implements! Buggies, Wagons, Harness! Hay and Fertilizers] When in need of anything in the above line, please call on us 1 examine our stock and get our prices before you buy. M. & J. R. HINES, No’s. 27 and 29 Hancock St., Milledgevillt- Go July 29.1890. p ’ u Hnviti t.-'iHi-ti fi enmii.nitniu- bt'U' i civk stri- t I hnvi » tir.- Nalh OconeeRlyerBrick Yard! 1,000,000 First-Class Building Brick 1 or Sale! First-Class Repressed Tile, For Basement Floors and Hearths, a Specialty. Capacity of works 5,000,000 per Season. J. W. McMILLAN, Proprietor. R, W. McMILLAN, Manager. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 15th, 1889. 48 ly. r ■ i n >4 E ; MANUALv :h>, V 1 I’h (El Ki ON*G STEOI : I. EV I o. n. fox;, —Miuiufactuii Of- * DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, —And Dealer In— Lumber, Lathes and Lime! Cement, Plaster Hair, &c., Turning, Scroll Sawing uLd Planing a Specialty. Office and Mills, McIntosh St., Milledgeville, Ga. Match 11.1H90. OOTIOV 1ST Proclrtiuu 1 k ui Will lie lit-viil i il llllli filV’Kg I 111111 i lie oci-a-' y < M s i: 11 C* CAIN * Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. B Y VIRlUEi't an order granted by the Court of Ordinal y of said county « the August Term. 1891, of said Court wll be sold before the court house door In ti i cit y of Milledgevllle ai d said county, t>. tween the legal hours of sale, to the high eat bidder, on the first Tuesday In tai uary, 1892, the following property belong ing to the estate <>f Catherine E Butte, deceased, to wit: All that tract or pari- of land situate, lying and being in tie 115tn District, G. M.. of said count>, bounded north and east by land ot Deri & Denton, south by Bryant Blizzard ain west by Oconee river, containing eight > acres, more or b s- ; sold to pay debts am division among the heirs at law Term cash. F. I ECHOES, and JESSE H. BUTTS, Admrs. of Catherine E. Butts, dec’ll. November SOtn. 1891. Bibles anil Testaments at Woottei Bros. 33 2t. UNION i n obedli ' ee 'o tits- ' for I fie i.a v s i.iqi"ii tV ATUh i li 18 U.\ I’Ei N i & il GIVI JOE WHITE, Trav. * '.ass. Ag< i ^vxJGa-XT^»3r For Sale. O— • ;tij» itetii iiBai kiiau, .'ptiCUiaKiit. I , CORN 1.!■ LOT, unlit.lining one aen I » nioi. |, ss. iijoining Cm lain T. 1- 1 > m Newell's Jal'e, ae,I one 'ilneli from (N f rii 'li IV Norm. I School Am i\ to pm' . M>r vv i i i n PM\F. I .Vi1’> Ai t lie i ’ourt House, i i, F. Vlilledgi vllh-.Ga. Muri htOili. 1890. 89 41 i Ai HEALTH 18 WEALTH.-' 1 The Heinous 8y8TEm is thi AUn." NERVE AND Brain TREATMENT IS A GUARANTEED SPECIFI0 for byBteria, dizzinuHH, con vulsions, nervous neural gin, headache, nervous prostra tion, caused by alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, nerv ous twltcbings, mental de- pression, Insanity, prtma- lure old ape, misery, decay and death. It is a »un ears tor BABKEXINEBB, L0BB OF ^ POWIft in either sex, caused by ovsr-sxsrtion, vY. ftadalfeacs or sslf-abuse. To RESTORE LOBT MAN- N^v. HOOD and thus build up nSs the vigor of the constf- V yB tution and give that & J elasticity of action so s J much admired in ^ lfAMLT MBIT and WO MARLY WOMEN, It is a sovereign remedy. WE AHJARANTEE si x boxes to build up and cure the worst cases of broken down men and women. This is a remedy used for years with marvelous success by au eminent uhyilelan. and it will not disappoint you. Price, by mall. pre-paid.Rl per box, or six boxes for R5. With six boxes we send our written guarantee to refund tho money if the Specific does not effect a euro. 11 builds up and makes MEN MANLY and WOMEN WOMANLY. stamp for circulars, itre. Bole Agenti, JACOBS PHARMACY 00. Atlanta, Oa, P 0 Box 357. Ui-FKRENCFS: Capital City Hank, Atlanta Constitution, Commercial Agencies. ™ THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, 12 PAGES! Greatest of all American Weekly CTewspapei s! 12 PAGES! MASONS WHY YOU i HOULD.SUBSCRIBE FOR IT: | 1. It Is the best of all weekly newspu- pets. 2. It Is invaluable to the farmer and the farmer's family, bringing each week cheer to the tiretdile and happiness to the house hold. . , 8. It oovers the news or the whole world, ; having I s correspondents scattered over ! the globe, and having fi thorough nows , sermon from every important news center j in i he world. I 4. Its Agricultural Department alone ; Is worth many times Its subscription price I to every farmer. This department iSPillted 1 by Dr \V. L. Jones, the leading agnail- j tural authority of the South, wnose ser- ! vice is retained by The CoNsrm'TioN at great exp use. 5. Its Woman’s and Children's De partments are a source of Infinite pleas ure to every family, and the name of “Aunt Ssuie,” the editress of fuse de partments, is a household word through out the South. 6. Bill Arp, Plunkett nnil Uncle 1 Remus and a host ot other special wiitefs are engaged by the yeat, and ti efi- Inim itable sketches appear each we, k. 7. It Is tho People’s Frii tut, end Is the sturdy ;champlon of th' ugrieultuia' in terests of the South. , 8. It pays more money lor Its specw* features and for Its news service than any other four of the weekh Dewajiapere ( “ the South, and much more than '»> woikly newspaper In America. _,. F 9. It Is the cheapest, being only DOLLAR a year—each piiper hi of a postage stamp. Thii I; "f i> ’ time a hen lays an egg she pa 'P f"" issue of the greatest weekly newspap in tho world. Send for SHrapie copies. If you already take it, send tho names of s'x of > (,u neighbors with tln’ir addresses. It is the farmer’s friend, and no well-regulated n* 1,L should be without it. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY LOCALITY. I Liberallterms to agents, and money in working for It. Write for Information. THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga, * ly