Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1891, Image 5

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UNION-RECORDER. PabH.lu .1 We. - v in .UllledgeVille.GR. BY If A An £ >, MOORE & SON. »*ndGiie“8oCTHBBN TU3 ‘ -PI ■ " ‘ August 181,1ST-' RMUOKDI .it»’vf«re. xiuri Volnme aud uTEklmn* flj-Tlilril Volume. TERMS of 4 INSCRIPTION- Per annuo * 75 Six luontii. ;• Three uiou as ^ Single oopj , 0 ne m0I , th r Hrst, and 6U cents rur .Ion. Advertisements u s t. 74cents per inch 8*clisubsequent tin narked with the number ed until forbidden, and ist take the run or the ■stipulated by contract liurgeofio percent, will aline for first Insertion • oh subsequent insertion Advertisements no •jl times will be Ins. e barged according!} All advertisement' ■ aner, unless other ■ and then an addition b lo r cTno!lceslOce, 'and 5 cents a line for ^ ADVERTludic RATES. rriie following advertising Rates •n he strictly uinered to by the Uniom-RbooUUKu in the future. It iV useless to as it any reductions: . Space. i lui. Council Proceedings. Rkoular, Meeting. Council Chamber, Dec. 15th, 1891 Present.—His Hon. P.. J. Cline Mayor; Aldermen Caraker, Joseph’ Conn, Newell, Roberts and Wieden- man. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid; W. Pritchard, |4 00; J. Brookins #3.70; 8. Hick land, .50; M. &r J r’ Hines, #25.65; W. J. Vaughn, #5.00; Barnes, Moore & Son, #30.00. On motion the tuauagers and clerks in the late city election was allowed three dollars each for their services The returns, of the election for Mayor, six Aldermen, and Clerk, were made in due form by J. A. Green A. 1* Butts and J, M. Bayne, Managers certifying to the election of G. W* Caraker, Mayor; J B. Pound, C T Whelan, T. J. Fairfield, A. Joseph! !• H. Hall,and J. Caraker, Aldermen- and P. L. Fair, Clerk. Same returns being examined were found correct in every particular. Mayor Cline tendered his heart felt and sincere tliauks to the retir ing Council for their uniform kind ness during the past two years. After which he administered tiie oath of office to.Mayor elect G. W. Caraker. On uiotiou the minutes were con- and Council adjourned sine G. W. Caraker, Clerk. trade and sailor's rights or equal i taxation to all. I am aware of the | difficult task of equalizing taxation and have made it a study for sev Something far the New Year. Obttuarii! same as advenc-c.... ... ■■ Our frlen.ls are roqui» postal card or tetter, «' topics are invited, -cm oy express, postal note, i * All communications sbc ild be adilressed to A Union-Rbcordkr, M illedgeville, Ga. Ollicial Directory. BALDWIN COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Judge Superior Court—lion. W. ^ SiJlIcitof-Coneral—U M. Lewis. ^notiu’-Hon. Jolm L. Culver. eral years, me is still hut the problem unsolved, though T he world renowned success of Hostetlers Stomach Bitters, and rith their cont-qued popularity for over tiie i l *liirti of a century as a stomachic. board of assessors could in a great i * s scarcely more wonderful than the measure overcome this—or at least I welcome that greets the annual ap- so it appears to me. While our re- t pehrance of Uostetter's Almanac, turn of the property seems almost I This valuable medical treatise is pub- as high as it should he, yet, with l*“hed, by the Ho*tetter Company, the heavy and increasing expense , Pittsburg, Pa., tinder their owu im necessary to meet all the obliga- undiato supervision, employing (10 ttons that we .have and will have, hauds In that department. They are something must be done to meet running about 11 months in ihe year these things as they come to us. 0,1 this work, and the issu.- or the Our streets and side walks outside of same for 1893 will he more than ten the business portions of our city, millions, printed in the English, Ger- with a very few exceptions, are man, French, Norwegian, Swedish, very much i i want of work and Holland, Bohem'an aod Spanish lun- should nave it as soon as possible, guages. Refer to a copy for valuable Something should also be done in regard to the valuation of the farm ing lands south of Fishing creek, west of the Central railroad anil north of the Georgia railroad. None of the owners of said lands get any and interesting reading concerning health, and numerous testimoirals as to the efficacy of Hosfetter’s Stomach Bitters, calculations and Chronologi cal Penis, etc., which can tie de pended on for correetne s. The AI country dealers in all parts of the country. U*presentatTve-Hon. R. Whitlteld. Ordinary -M.lt. hell Clerk Supeiioi Court -Walter Paine, sheriff—C. W. Ennis. County Treasurer—J. M- Edwards, tax Collector—J. 1'. Wilson. Tux Receiver—H. E. Hendrix. County Surveyor—Miller Grieve, i'nmiiei—Ben Cause. Judge 0 unity Com t.-Hon. .T. T. Allen, rnrv Commissioners — Sain. Walker, 1. McOoiub, J. Whitakei, U. R. Brown, B T. Betliune, Joseph Staley. County Board of Eduratlon.- O. M. Coup. T. 11. Latimer. i uf II silfimhi'iilirtt* K J.N. Moore. , Dr. C. W. hnoiul W. H. 8 torn bridge; U. N. Lamar, County School Commissioner. County Commissioners -Hon. D. B. ban- ford L. J. Lamar, W. D. Brown. Justices of the Peace—J. A. Green, 320th (list • T J. Llngould, 3‘2lst diet.; Ira C West,' 322nd dist.; G. W. Underwood. 1.05th dlst.; J. B.O'Quinn. 115th diet.; W.I. Harper, 318th disc. W. J. T. Kay, 319th ^Notary Public and Ex Officio Justices of the Peace,-G. W. Caraker, 320th dist.; John Thomas, 321st .list.; W R. Fenn, 322nd (list.; J. B. Chandler, 115th dist., J. D. Myrtek,318th dist. J P. Humphries, 319th dist. „ , T T i Constables—T. S. Bagley, J. N.Leonard, 320th diet.; T. II. Potter, 321st dist.; C. I. Robinson 322nd dist.; T. L. A. Trsnham, 105th dist.; J. J. Simpson, 115th dist. CITY GOVERNMENT OF MILLEDGEVILLE. Mayor—Hon. Peter J. Cline. Aldermen—.A. Joseph, W. T. Conn, J. Caraker, G.T. Wiedeuman, 1. I. Newell, U, W. Roberts. Clerk—G. W. Caraker, Marshal—A. Dunn. Deputy Marshal—E. P. Gibson. Street Overseer—A. J. Wall. City Sexton—TV A. Caraker. ST. GEORGE (It is said that in n and thk - lake near the city &( DRAGON (Silene, in England, a lingo dragon dwelt, whose insatiable maw seemed satisfied with nothing tiie people conkl give him. • In their despair they cast lots to determine who among their dearest one6 should be Hung to tiie beast, and tiie lot fell to tiie King’s daughter. As she was going, like J'eptlia’s daughter, to meet her terrible fate, she was met. by George of Cappadocia, who after hearing her sad story, bade her fear not, and making a sign of the cross he brandished his lance, attacked and transfixed the dragon, and lead ing him into the city beheaded him in tiie presence of all the people. For this noble deed he became the Patron Saint of England. Many a dragon in the form of disease, while leading his victim to .death, as sure as that which would have befallen the King’s daughter but for her timely rescue, has been demolished by the use of S. S. S., and the victim restored to health. Treatise on blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. 4 Good Looks. Oood looks are more than skin deep, dp- ?hn u P° n a healthy condition of all v u ,ta l organs. If the liver be inactive, avf ? a Pilous Look, if your stomach dn^V s * ordere< 3 y°u have a Dyspeptic Look ana it your Kidneys be affected you have Look. Secure good health and 1 ^ave fiWd looks. Electric Litters ^ rea ^ alterative and Tonic, acts di- y ,V» u those vital organs. Cures Pim- JP. Notches, Boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at Mtlledgevllle Drug b t°re, 50c. per bottle. Ihe widow of the late Rev. Dr. Jotter of The Wesleyan Christian Advocate of Atlanta, was paid #3,090 Saturday by Dr. Amos Fox for the ii° n Ar °anum, in which company J r - I otter was insured. barer toundation cannot be laid than tiie reul merit which is the solid use for tiie monumeutal success of Mood s Sarsaparilla. Chamber, Dkg. 15th, 1891 The Mayor and Aldermen elected on the 2d Dec., to serve the ensuing term, towit: G. W. Caraker, Mayor; Aldermen, I. H. Hall, J. B. Pound, A. Joseph, J. Caraker, T. J. Fairfield, and C. T. Whelan, took tiie oath of office, and entered upon the discharge of their duties. Tiie oath of office was administered to P. L. Fair, clerk elect, and lie en tered upou the discharge of his duties. On motion of Aldermen Joseph, the message of the Mayor was ordered spread upon tiie minutes. On motion, the rules that governed the retiring Board were adopted. On motion of Alderman Whelan, the Bouw! proceeded to elect a mar shal, deputy marshal, extra police- mat). street overseer, aiul sexton. Upon counting the ballots, it ap pea red that P. W. Brown was elected marshal, C. E. Prosser, deputy mar shal; E. P. Gibson, extra policeman; E. J. Pound, street overseer, and T. A. Caraker, Sexton. The bond of P. L. Fair, Clerk and Treasurer, was examined and ap proved. On motion, the Mayor and entire Board of Aldermen were appointed a committee to welcome Governor Northen and other distinguished visi tors, who will visit the city on Thurs day, the 17th, inst. On motion, the inuitation to the Mayor and Aldermen to attend the Debate and Musical at the M. G. M. & A. College on Friday evening, De cember 18th, was accepted. Committees. Finance.—Aid. Joseph, Caraker and Fairfield. Streets.—Aid. Pound, Caraker and Fairfield. Lights.—Aid. Fairfield, Pound and Whelan. Cemetery.—Aid. Joseph, Fairfield and Caraker. Land.—Aid. Whelan, Hall and Pound. Weils and Water Supply.—Aid. Hall, Fairfield and Whelan. Fire Department.—Aid. Caraker, Pound and Whelan. On montiou, the Board adjourned till Monday 21st, inst., 7 oclock, p. in. P. L. Pair, Clerk, DF BULL’S COUGH SYRUP CURES COUGHS & COLDS FOR 25-C Salvation Oil Price only 26 Cta. Sold by all dealers. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Bruises,Lumbago,Sprains, Boadache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Scalds, Backache, etc. nijrtmLANQE'S PLUGS, TheGreat Tobacco A n- Ut» L.U7 tidote!—Price lOCts. At all druggists. To the City Council: In vacat ing the seat of clerk for that of the chief executive office of our city, 1 do so with perfect familiarity of the duties of the one as well as the other, and while it will be impossi ble for me to make a success ot' the position I now occupy without the aid and assistance due the mayor from the hoard ot aldermen, 1 feel that I will lie given that assistance from you that 1 am entitled to; the one thing that you can he sure of, that you can always expect of me, and that is the faithful performance of my duty at all times and under all circumstances, and to all alike. , We are about to enter into a new era for Milledgeville. Your prede cessors have already contracted for the ensuing thirty years for a system of waterworks at an annual rental of #3,290.09 per annum. Many of our tax payers are of the opinion that they can better afford to pay the additional tax that that outlay will require than they can to pay t lie difference in insurance without tiie waterworks. Be that as it may the future can only tell. The con tract also exempts the property of the company from taxation. This, I tliiiiK, is wrong, as 1 am sure that the company would not put up their works unless they expected to real ize a profit, and, if profitable, they should at least bear their portion of our burdens.—And while on this line 1 want to say that there are several enterprises in our city that are ex empt from taxation. This may be right, but 1 question it very much and I am well satisfied that it is contrary to law. The wagon maker and the house builder is as much entitled to exemption as the oil maker or the ice manufacturer. I don't say this to condemn the ac • tion of any previous city govern ment, for I am satisfied that they have ail done what they thought best; besides, these exemptions were granted at a time when, to most of us, the future for our city looked dark, but if everything started in Milledgeville in the fu ture is to be exempt from taxation, where are we to get a revenue to meet our expenses? With this go ing on who can tell whither we Hre drifting? It is to be hoped that tiie present city council will he exceed ingly careful on this line. As for mvself I am either in favor of free benefit from the police or lights, manac for 1892 con lie obtained free and very little from the working of ot cost, from druggists and general their roads. This 1 think should J ' ‘ ‘ not be. Their roads should be kept in good order at all limes, as this is all you can do for them, and while this matter is before me i wish to say that the assessments placed on this land by the assessors should be regulated according to the worth of the land aivl the improvements thereon and not place file price at #21 per acre when #10 to #12.50 would lie a fair tax valuation thereon. I bring fids matter lief ore you because I think it is justice to the tax pay. rs owning lands in the localities named. The city very generously donated #10,090 to the Girls’ Normal and In dustrial College, and loaned the board of trustees $12,000 to enable them to push tiie work in advance of the state’s appropriation. This #12,000, by action of the hoard of trustees was to be paid hack to the city out of tiie first appropriation, hut i am informed hv one of the board that it will be January, 1893, before this amount, will lie returned to the city. While I think this was and will be an excellent investment for the city (as this college, under its competent president and corps of teachers, lias already taken rank with the foremost of our state), vet I think the'state mure and better able to pay interest than thp city of Milledgeville is, and in justice to us it should he returned as si.on as ' possible. All our educational institutions seem to be doing well. This I am | glad to spu. My desire for them is i that they may be brighter and bet- ! ter in the future than in the past, j I can always be found working for 1 the success of our colleges and schools, and the upbuilding and progress of our city. The contract for electric lights will expire May 1st, 1892. It requires either party to give sixty days no tice, should a change be desired. While we can congratulate ourselves upon havingone of the best systems of electric lights in the state, at the same time, from some cause or other, there is too much darkness at times v^ien the light is most needed. It is true that a deduction for failure to burn is made at the end of each month. That deduction ! is made from tlie report of the night- watchman, who is ciiarged with that duty, besides watching the business blocks of the city. This is. more than one man can do, as ib is : impossible lor him to know which I light is out and walk his post at the same time. The cciit.ract price for I tiie lights is $198 for 33 arc lights and I $2 25 (or the light in front of the i council room. Totsl, $200.25 per j month. While it may be possible i that we cannot improve on the present contract, at the same time j it will he well for you to think ' about it. I In conclusion 1 wish to say that it is my desire to give Milltdgeville a conservative, progressive admiuis- j tration and ask your help in so do ing. Respectfully submitted, G. W. Caraker, Mayor. The Wonderful Cure For Mramaflsm, Indigestion, CtrtMetU »t M.H. BLANDFO..., AMMlaU Justice of Supreme Court ef Be. I havo been a firrat sufferer for a number of years from Indigestion anil Rheumatism jud have suffered from a general I, ttlng down of tbo system for a long while. I have taken • Jew bottles of your medicine (Wooldridge's W nnderful Cure) with marvelous results, and cheerrully recommend It to all whoare suffer- Ing from these complaints. AUT 15, 1889. M. H. BLAND FORD. MANUFACTURED BT WOOLS JUDGE WONDERFUL CURE 00. COUpBUS, OA. * Foil HALF. UY All druggist*. Jan. 13,189'.. i y as The Alliance Store! TiIIE BALDWIN COUNTY ALLIANCE I is concluding a general Warehouse and Merchandise business, at Walker’s Warehouse on Hancock street, next to City Hall. Liberal advances made on cotton to atm e. Prompt and careful attention given fii all business entrusted to us. Patronage solicited. Commission for selling ooltiui ‘25 cents per hale. Store in Opera House building on Han cock street. A full stock of Groceries and provisions a’ways on hand at lowest cash prie.ee. Agents for the McCormick Mowei and the Brown Cotton Giu. Best prices paid for country produce W. H. JEWELL, Mang’r. Millodgevill ,Ga., May 5th, 1891. 44 tf Edwards House. I have rented and refurnished the Edwards House, and offer regular and transient boarders comfortable quarters and good fare at moderate prices. 1 can accommodate a number of pupils of Ihe Industrial College. R. A. .vj'EM BRIDGE. Sept. 12, 1891. It 4m. FOR SALt, 160 ACRES OF LAND CENTRALLY LOCATED —ON THE— RIVER ROAD, Olio mile from the Asylum. One mile from the M. G. M. & A. College. One mile from tho Girls’ Nor mal and Industrial College. One mile from the Cotton Fac tors DF0RD, >ry. Ob uo mile from tho center of the city. For terms, apply to, WARREN EDWARDS. Milledgeville. Ga.. Sept. 15th, 1891. 11 4m. DENTISTRY. G. W. STOKES, SURGEON DENTIST. Ali kinds of dental work done. Teeth positively extracted without pain. Office up stairs in Hines’new building, next' to Fairtleld’B Photo graph Galierv. Jan. 10th, 1891. 30 ly. THE MILLEL'GEYILLE MARBLE WORKS, E. P. LUGAND, Manufacturer and Dealer In Marble and Granite Monuments, Tombstones, Vases, Iron Fencing and all kinds ot Cemetery Work. (Satisfaction guaranteed PrleeB and estimates sent by mall on application. Kr WORKS (mi North Wayne Street near Georgia Railroad Dirpot,. Address E.P. LUGAND, P. O. Box 84. MILLBDOEVILLK, G A. January 27th, 1891. 39 6ms. Lr.BuirtCouflhSyfup^ugS'ior^ Oct. 1,1891. 14. cw Oil). PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES ▼NADS MAUN. Qiality First and Always. Farmers Alliance Merchandise and Warehouse Co. olebrated Ga. Have exclusive sale of these < Glasses in MiLLEDUEViiiLK, KELL AM & MOORE, Hho only manufacturing opticians in the South, Atlanta, Gn, AdrPeddlers are not supplied with ttiese famous glasses. Oct. 3, 1891. 14 im Lumber Lor Sale. New Advertisements. Cl rawness a HfAD NOISES CUREDbv rzfk La ifLc* lNvistiiLK tubular ear CUSHIONS. Whl.ppn. hoard. Corn. dip ap Agents' profits per month. Will Drove It or pay forfeit. New V|JU£l/ port mils just out. A $3 50 sam ple seat free to all. \Y- H. C HI DKSTEIt & SON, 28 Bond St N. Y. A A A A A A A A A SYSTEM MAKINII STOCK ANI) OKAIN Speculation praclinilly an Inveaimcnt. I’ruilia large and almost ccrtaiu; loss Improba ble. Explanatory letter mailed bv addressing THE MUTUAL SYNDICATE. 6 Wall St., New York. | 250,000 ft. dry 1 u in her delivered in Milledgeville at the following prices: : Standard quality, $10.25. j Heart, 12.25. I Dressed, 13.25. i BYINGTON & YOUNGBLOOD. | Ivey, Ga., Nov. 10,1891. 19 liu. HOLIDAYJUTES.' Christmas, 1891-New Year, 1892 THE GEORGIA - RAILROAD, Gainesville, Jeflehson S Southern ft R, AND UNION POINT & WHITE PLAINS R. 1L WILL SELL ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT— , »i han „ Ahnflh , FOUR CENTS PER MILE and linked liow the change had been m/-v ANT) proist AT I STATinY^ brought about. “Simply by using A1N1> SIAlIO>S. GRATEFUIe—COMFORTING. EPPS’S COCOA. BREAKFAST. “Ilya thorough knowledge of the natu ral laws which govern the operation of di gestion and nutrition, and by n careful ap plication of tiie fine properties of well-se lected Cocoa. vi r. Epps Ims provided Qiir breakfast tables with a delicately ll ivoreu beverage which may save us many heavy doctor’s hills. 11 is by I he judicious use of such m tides of diet t hat a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough lo resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of siibtlo maladies aro floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shalt by keeping ourselves well I'urti- (ted with [mm hloo'1 and a property nour ished frame.”—Civil Service Gins 'Do. Mace simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half pound tins, by Grocers, la belled l bus; .IA.HRC.H KIM-S A- CO., Homoeopathic Chemists. London, England. Set t. 214 1891. 13 4t. “What a pity it is that his face is all pim ples ; lle’d be a very lino looking if ’twasn’t for that,” Said pretty Miss Vero, with a smile at the dimples Reflected from under the nobby spring hat— As she looked at herself in the glass, softly sighing, That she had for the young man a tender regard. There wasn’t the least need of denying— for every one knew it. “His beauty is marred by tiie frightful red botches ai! over his face. I wonder if lie couldn’t take something to eiense his blood, and drive them away?" He heard what Pile said about his looks. It hurt his feelings, but lie couldn’t deny she told rhe truth. He remembered a friend whose face u-ed to be as had as his. It had become smooth and clear. Jle went to him Parker Weak Lillies, Dchil'tv HiMDEBCQRNS. The . . MupB bui'uiu. 1/x, ul Jju. 0 V 3 1»i & C<*., .N. Y. MANUOOD! How Lost! How Regained I KNOW THYSELF. Or 8ELF-FKHSEKVA' Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery,” was tiie reply. “Take that, and I’ll warrant you to get rid of your pimples.” He did so. His face became healthy anil clear. And next week he’ll bo married to pretty Miss Vere. State Geologist Spencer left Dub- in last week on a geological survey of the Oconee river from Dublin to the point of its confluence with the Ocmulgee. From that point Prof. Spencer will proceed up the Ocmulgee to Macon. As Ayer’s Sarsaparilla outstrips all other blood-purifiers in popular favor, so Ayer’s Almanac is tiie most universally familiar publication of the kind in the world. It is printed in ten languages and the annual is sue exceeds fourteen millions of copies. Ask your druggist for it. Sale of Tickets commences Dtcem ber 20th and continues until 25th, inclusive, also on December 39th to 31st, inclusive. All tickets to expire by limitation January 5th, 1893. JOE W. WHITE, Trav. Pass. Ag’c. E. R. DORSEY. Gen. Pass. Ag’t, Or SELF-PIIKKEKVATION. A new and only Gold Medal I’KIZE ESSAY on N KKVOIJH and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300pagea, cloth, g ilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 y mall, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements of the PrcBB and voluntar testimonials of the curi SEND NOW. Consultation in tiorson or by mall. Expert treat- Yni.i; SECRECY and CKlt- Addri-i Dr. W. It... I’nrker.^pr TPAY highest cash prices for Con- ifederate Money and Bonds. Price list sent free. Chas. D. Barke» Atlanta, Ga. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE In Baldwin Superior Court, July Term, 1891. Georgia Gates vs. John Gates. I T appearing to the Court by tho return of tiie Sheriff in tho above stated caso that tiie defendant does not reside in said county, and It further appealing that he does not reside in this State; It is, therefore, ordered by tho Court I hat service be perfected on the defendant by the publication of this order once a month for four months before the next term <»r this Court in the Union Recorder, a newspaper published in Baldwin cdunty, Georgia. W. F. JENKINS, Judges. C.O.C. A true.extraet from the minutes of Bald win Superior Court. WALTER PAINE, Clerk. August 1,1891, 6 mint a FREE! 3r by mail. Exp SKCKKCY am TAIN CURE. Addre*« Dr. W. JL Parker, or The Peabody Medical Institute, ho. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston, Maas. The Peabody Medical Institute has many imi- tatore, but no eqnal. — Herald. The Science of Life, or Self Preservation, Is a treaaure more valuable than gold. Head it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be STRONG .— Medical Review, (Copyrighted.) MISS CORA GUMM, Agt., —For MUSIC HOUSE of- J. W. BTJRKB (& CO., Best makes of Pianos and Orgaus on easy terms. Orders solicited; TESTIMONIAL. “Tiie Piano purchased of you gives entire satisfaction.” Mrs. A. V. DuBimnon. Can show many others. Am con stantly receiving new books. Will have a nice lot of Xmas goods. Call on me at the Post Office. Milledgeville, Ga., Noy. 3, 1891. 3m. Aak iny If not ilrah*i' to M*ml for rutulotriHS »«?curo I ugeucy, anti «t*t thrni for you. BTTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. JLX WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ...ttfetN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE M0NEV ? It In a soamluKS shoo, with no tockH or wax thread to hurt tho feet; made of the best fine calf, stvllali and easy, ami becauM we make more shoe* of thia grade than any other manufacturer, It equals hand sewed shoes costing from $4.U0 to $6.00. ftfE OO Genuine I land-** wed, tho finest calf shoe ever offered for $5.0u; equals French Imported shoes which cost from 18.0U to $12.00. 0A OO Ilund-Hcwed Welt Shoe, fine calf. stylish, comfortable and durable. The best ■hoo ever offered at this price: same grade as cuh tom-inude shoes costing from $6.00 to $0.00. QO 50 Police Shoe; Farmers. Railroad Men sjrwa and Letter Carriers all wear them; llnocalf, ftCAfiilcHH, smooth*Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. A 50 fine cnIf; no better shoe ever offered an 9tmm this price; one trial will convince thoso who want a shoe for comfort and service. 4fcO *£»"> and tt‘^.00 WorkliiKinnn’M shoes u■ are very strong and durable. Thoso vqho have given them a triul will wear no other make. Q A vel 8vJ.OO mid *1.75 school shoes an DvP J D worn by tho boys «* very where; they sell on theTr merits, as the Increas.ug sales show. I *3.00 11 mid-HO wed shoe, best RaCIUIvO Dongola, very stylish; equals French Imported shoos costing from $l.no to $6.00. Lmlifft’ V2.30, N-i.00 mid *1.75 shoe for M ikko 4 arc the best tine Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution*—tiee that W. L. Douglas’ name aa«JL price are stamped on the bottom of sach shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, L’rockton, Maas. / F. HATJG, Agent. Mlll'ttlgttvfllo, Ga., July 7. 1891. 1 6m. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees, i Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and wo can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion^ Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our foe not due till patent is secured. A Pamnhlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with names of actual clients in your State, county, ur town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. C. WARREN EDWARDS, Manufacturer of BOTTLE SODA WATER, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. Gingey A lea Specialty. Orders front adjoining towns solicited. 7 ly Milledgeville, Aug. 31, 1888. H. M. CLARKEr DENTIST, Milledgeville, Ga. wOffice—Hancock St. One door East o* •a.isoitio Hall. Mill lg wide.G,„ July 8th, 1890.t281y I. H. HALL, M. D., Has resumed the practice of Medicina aud Surgery In this city. Prompt atten tion to all calls. In city or country. Offica over Hall .fc Treanor’s, Hancock St. MilledKovtlle.Gu.. May 7,1891. 45 6m. J. B. Pound. h. D. Allzn. Livery, Feed awl Sale State. By POUND & ALLEN. FINE. GENTLE STOCK AND FIRSTS r CLASS VEHICLES. Prompt and re- service, iy Call on us at the old McCornb stand, Wilkinson street. Milledgeville, Ga., April 4, 1891. 40 ly. “AHAKESIS” givesfnstanS relief and is an Infallible Cure for Tile*. Price #1. Uy Druggists or ma 11. Samples fre*. Address” AN A KESlS,’' Box MIS, New York Cny„ 49jmly.- PILES June 9,1891.