Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1891, Image 7

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I'Hj-^OutAK CIRCLE, U/ho srs Uisitiuy &RR Bdinj Visited, ' Society Editor’s Weekly of Person®! afid A PASTOR CALLED. The Chronicle Other Gossip. uthsi Shehan, of Atlanta, Mr^ M. A. Supple in this Mi** A yisitinj city; p „„ r i Walker, of Gordon, Is JZ/Zi *•*»• r«u™ »t chi. e ity : Afarv Humber visited Miss M iy LiSle L'ev« ett ia Eatonton last week. , t vnes, of Allendale. S. C., will move Viis family to this city ''^m^^idwin Blues will have a The Baldwin m „ r and Masquerade Ball on uie —u of February. Atr D C Camp and family will oc- cu ^ r -?l.e residence of Mrs. Jones west of the Mansion. - r . _ Nora Perrv has returned home , r rcSSmbu""h.re .h. I... b.sn 5° tin* friends for several weeks Mr I). C. Camp, the leasee of the ;, y Line, has arrived and will Dummy roa j in riinninfi: order. woon iift^e the Miss Lucia Brantly left yesterday ,/r VHclison, where she will spend the holidays with Mrs. R. S. Douglas. ,j r t. B. Moore, of Jackson, Ga., be funera j G fowler in this city last Sunday i.iwin Blues are Attic handsome style. |attended the funeral of his sister Mrs. Fox. — v... Baldwin Blues are fitting up lti,Pir Armorv in handsome style. iThey are to have a library and re- 1 option room. ,... n Reynolds, who holds a posi- with 'Reaves Warehouse Co„ \then*. will spend the Christmas lavs with his father’s family in ■this city. I « rs Nancy Davis, who has been at- Itendin'' the Normal College in’this tv has returned to her home in . -in j-psnine her school 111011 iKIberton, and will i that city the llrs ty the nrst of January. Mrs A. J. Julian, of F untv, the representative of sytli the ssioual District on the (Board ofVisi tors to Georgia Norma V,... i Industrial College, was flit ,,f the family of Col. Jus. A. while in tliis’city. Our citizens are indebted to Prof. E. Reynolds for the excellent en iinuent at the M. G. M. and A fotlu-e last Friday niglit. It. r-oken of in high terms by all who itteml ’i. President Chappell of the laris College, and all his pupils honor 1 the occasion by their presence. f. v , John M. White, who is so well Known in Atlanta and who has w I- |Jen opinions in all his Aelds of la- particularly Milledgeville, his just, will take ciiht-ge of Edgewood thurch. lr is needless to sav that hi* peaching and ids genial manner and work will make Edgewood very Jiopnlar.—Constitution. Baptist Sunday School’s an- l ;al Christmas entertainment will at the Court House on Friday night, December 35tli, The |hurdi and congregation are re- juented to be present ami to send liberal donations of cake and fruits |o the committee after J o'clock riduv afternoon. .1. D. Chapman, Pastor. 0, \V. Ennis, Supt. |THE GLAD WEDDING BELLS. r«g Out Tha Happy Union of Maj ■ S. Lucas and Miss Olive Herty. I Wednesday smiled with the fresh- f Springtime, and tJie sunbeams ittered on the fallen leaves; lit. up ie forsaken bowers, peeped through ' 'stained glass in the windows of Episcopal Church, lighting it up iththe smile of Nature aud banish 'd the frown of Winter. It, was in piug with the happy union, the ivUting of tile threads of love into ttie ■oM«>u chords of happiness. A union I 1 wo souls with but a single thought 1 \t four o’clock on the 18th, Maj. T. Lucas, and Miss Olive Herty, were ited. I he bridal party consisted of the Flowing: L. H. Andrews, Miss Clifford Wilcox || J. Eneas, MissS idio Hall. '■ C. Ball, Miss Lucas. fVi' Mias Florence Herty. b}' 1 do was given awav by Mr. m, ' k 11 'V'ty. Mr. Bacot of Charles. V!H lila J- Lucas’ “best man.” The iiin'n. 1 !? 1101 ’ 0 " 8 voice of Rev. W. W. I ■ i' t emphasized-tile beauty and ii, ,,V mU - 01 the Episcopalian Thk First Presbyterian Church Galls Rev. Donald McQueen, From t' Vnniston Hot Blast. “A congregational meeting was held i t the First Presbyterian church Sn uday, after the morning service*;.. The object of the meeting was to decide whether or not the church would place a call in the hands of Rev. Deiiald McQueen, of Milled<'e ville, wild held three services in the church during the previous week. Judge Johnson was called to tile chair and Dr. J. J. McPherson, acted as Seoretary. After a full and candid expression of opinion by a good many of the congregation, it was decided by a unanimous vote to ask Mr. McQueen to take charge of the church. The committee was instructed to place tlu-call in his hands, and it is now with him and his presbytery whether or not he accepts. A touching incident occurred dur- .meeting. A .vouug man, still in his teens, arose in his seat and in .. modest but lorcible way- told how the thought would come to him \vhil»* working over his ledger that he would like to hear Mr Mc Queen preach. It, was the Arst time he had ever been known to speak m a public meeting, and when he sat down the father of the vouug man—with all of the love and im pulse of a true father, who is proud of his boy—jumped to his feet, and with much feeling exclaimed: “God bless the bov; it is the Arst time he ever open, .Ij his mouth in a church meeting. Fliis little incident was so unexpected, vet so sincere ami manly, that tears came unbidden to many an ey e It will bi- some tlavs before it is known whether or not Mr. Mc Queen will accept. The deacons went to work Mon day morning and in a few hours every dollar of the salary was sub scribed.’' The call to Anniston isaAattering one, aud Mr. McQueen is disposed to give it a favorable consideration. He will, however, be largely gov erned by the wishes of his Presby tery and the church here, which he lias served so long. He lias been the pastor of the Presbyterian church in this city for the past fifteen years, and his congregation and our citizens generally would not , willing part with him. We join with his many friends and admirers ; expressing the hope that he yvill r main here. “Mysore ran in the night, and un sold refused to be comforted." Poor fellow! of course it did. Pity, lie couldn’t get Salvation Oil! Only 25 cents. TRUE GREATNESS. I deem that man w-lio, sorely tried, Yet bears his load with cheer, Greater than lie who, in his pride, Shakes servile souls with fear. I deem that man who, menaced most. Remains unmoved and calm, Greater than he who quails a hos!, With fury, hurt or harm. I deem that man who, quitting wrong, . Seeks for moral power, Greater than he win heads a throng, w Innocence to cower. I deem that man who, trusting God, Defig.us in duty done, Greater than he who, at his nod. Has slaves to go and come, Loucius M, Lamar. Sept. 27, 18'Jl. Atlanta, Ga. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, I CottWl Markpt perfectly harmless, effective, but do , ' ' ' not cause pain or gripe. Be sure”to The following is tffe qqtfon market get Hood's, , for December 21, 1£9L reported by Geo. O. Smith. ** We have .some rare bari_ Carpets—anxious to sfll the^-thi must be sold! If you nettt them, now is the time to buy them. . A. JOSEPH. McElree’s Wine of Cardut and THEDFORD'S BLACK• DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Baldwin county: E. A. Bayne, Milledgeville. Culver, Case & Kidd—Milledgeville Drug Co. Stevens Bros& Co. Stevens Potterv. June 8th, 1891. 49 lvr Buyer for export, at are „ —,jori Samuel Evans' aud Alliance W houses: LlVKRPOOL-Middling,4 3-10. Easv. New York—Middling, 7$ Dull Savannah—Middling ? l-io. Quiet. Miclkdokvillk Local Market. Market Quiet. Good Mid’s. 7j. Strict Mid’s 7 1-10. Middlings 64. Strict Low Mid’s. Oj. Low Mill’s 8j. Tinges ic. off grade. Stains, 4c. off grade Receipts to date, 11.000 bales. Shipments 9,M0. Stock 1,500. Market at Milledgeville steady. Mrs. Carr is selling her entire stock of Millinery and fancy goods at actual cost. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR -THE New Drug Store Walker & Walker, No. 29 SOUTH WAYNE St. , 1 ^«, ri)JIU , is 11 gentleman of it'^vUempraud. He is a '» of West Point, and was the o. encomiums from a brother • 0 has ably filled the post of l'".*; l,t °‘ OU1 ' Collegl*, winning ,ve fit-»li*l 8t «? ,U , ttud r^Pect but trails of ,A detH ' 11,1 posseses v win n 1 y^aracter which can C bririfl n^ 1011 and respect. Person tm! , s ° lUo J. only beautv of inani, e rs e which P hl‘ iH< ^ n 1 HUd tiler make up aa i ^ t lend ? d to- r - Dui-imr h‘„ : tXt lui*ito cliurac- Oolle ™;„ b 0 "«»»“■<*• U. President 11 Ilf* 1 tlle es teein of liolars tliroiisdi u COI1 trolled her fhey were & l OV ? “ ,Hi fear, ndsoine and cosH P 6Dts of man y eir many finds y P / eseats f '-om u > tliein sometld,, d t,ley Cllrry aa silver am . g Wore durable rcelian-the ---° re Uelicate tha “ re of ■Se whohnvo 1 2 1 Wl811e8 < -ting them ad che Pleasu 'ting tln-m, W ‘ 8h tllem lives full of pleasure. Maj t thuiandaut I 1UI1 ( d the f,f 8and hi8 b ride will return formal* "* ,ue W1 “ ret u former resume his post on January 4th. Houseke •e Ha ,pel's we offer some \A, i,?L 111 Table Linens in niake a V kins . and Crushes. You 1 Goods ?? Illls ^ a ke in buying 'onus now, at ■ J 0 ——— A. Joseph's. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! A man who has prcaticed medicine for ■l 1 ) years,ought to kuuwjsalt from sugar; read what ha says: Toledo, 0., Jan. 10,1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney <fc Co.—Gentleman: —I have been in the general practice of medicine for most to years, and would say that in all my practice and experience I have never seen a preparation that 1 could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured Oy you. Have prescribed it a good many times and its effect is wonderful, and’would say in conclusion that J have yet to (ind a case of Catarrh tint, it would not cuie, if they would take t according to dirccUpus. Yours Truly, L. L.GORUUCH, M. !)• Office, 2X5 Summit St. We will give Sli'U) f- r any case of Ca tarrh that can not lie cured with Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. Taken internally. L\ .1. CHENEY, & CO., Prop’s., Toledo. 0. sarSold by Druggists, 75c. And the best£hristaiasJGift you can give your Wife or Daughter is A GOOD DAVIS SEWING MACHINE. I have got only a fe^v left, which 1 will sell at cost. You can buy, now, A 009D DAVIS MACHINE FOR $30.00! This offer is only until 1st of January, when the Machines I have will be shipped back to Manufacturers, so come soon and get the j best and lightest running machine made for a little money. I have a few large size COOK STOVES That I will sell at cost, to reduce my stock of these sizes of Stoves, all No. S. GUNS AND PISTOLS At low prices. I Bill came in force. Jos. STALEY. HULL J BRAKE. Real Estate Agents. VALUABLE FifillG LMDS! Choice City t Lots & Residences. WHICH BIG MONEY CAN BE MADE ON. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST. MILLEDGEVILLE PROPER. TY INCREASING AT A PHENOMINAL RATE. READ THE LIST Of Choice Property Now* On ,The Market. All are Good Investments. RICHMOND 4 DANVILLE RAIL ROAD CO. —Operating The— Central Railroad of Georgia. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule in effect Nov. 15tb, 1891. THUEK DAILY TRAINS—MACON TO ATLANTA Lv llacon 3J5 am.7.00ara.3 45 pm- Ar Atlanta 7.45am. 10.50 am. 7,35 pm, Between Macon and Columbus. Lv Macon 7.25am Ar. Columbus. 11,35a m POUIILJJ DAILY SERVICE To Savannah and Jacksonville: Lv Macon, 10.55 am. 11,15 pm Ar Savannah 6.30 p m. 6.30 a m Ar Jacksonville 8.30am. 12.00 m. ToThoraasvIUnit Jacksonville via Albany Lv Macon . 8.25 p m. 10.20 a m Ar Albany 12.40 a m. 2.55 p m Ar l nomas ville ..5.40 p m Ar Jacksonville 8,30 a rn Between Macon and Mgusta via Millen Lv Macon . 10.55 a m 11.15 p m Ar Milieu . 3.28 p m 3.40 a tn Ar Augusta 535 c in 5 40 a m To Columbus and lilrininghani: Lv Macon 7.25 a m Ar Columbus. 11 35 u m Ar Birmingham 7.0u p m bought these goods before McKinley’s Tariff A superb assortment Gent's Hem sriteliBil Handkerchiefs from !0u up at JOSEPH'S. HOLIDAY GOODS. “We have now on ex'hibifion a beau tiful assortment of Holiday Goods consisting of— A. B. Books Drawing slates, (linen) Drums, Ash Bowls, Doll carriages, Albums, Auto- Doll shoes, grapli & Photo., Egg cups, Accordeons, Easels, Acrobats, Games, Hooks, Standard, Harps, “ Juveniles, llcrns, Bisque Caudle- Japanese Hak’f. sticks. Boxes. Building Blocks. Japanese Glove Butter plates, Boxes, Banks, Japanese Sugar Box paints, & Creamers, Balls, Mustard Pots, China Plates, Oyster Plates, China Figures, Magic Lanterns, China cups and Rattles, saucers, Smokers 'ets, China Wash setts, Milverine VVaitfers, China Tea setts, Toy Pisrols, Dolls. Toy Watches, China, Bisque, Work Boxes, Rubber and Kid, Writing Desks, And many other articles too nume rous to mention. Call early and make selections. ; Miss E. Bkardkn. 33 Hancock Wt. Middle Georgia Hedge Company. HEDGE FENCES. TKSTIMONIAL. On the eleventh of June we left Milledgeville to inspect the hedge and any purpose illustrutions. Wheat growing -within [ one foot of the hedges was better I than in any other part of. the field. | We shall adopt it ourselves and rec- I ommend it to all who need a fence for wire fences grown and completed un der the process used by the Georgia Hedge Company aud were shown, at Memphis and Union City Tennessee, hedges of all ages from this year's planting to ten years old. We found them fully equal to the representations of the company's agents, and fully us attractive as their Signed, W. T. Conn, W. H. Jkwkll. H. D. Allkn, M. D. The Middle Georgia Hedge Com pany, organized in this city, of fers a happy solution of the 'ince question. * New Dwelling, barn Ac., with 12 acres lauu on Wayne Street $1,800.00, Five Jo) houses 81-2 nercs land on linn cock Street. Rents for $375, will sell for $2,650 cash. New dwelling with other improvements and 175 acres ot good land, just outside the city limits for $2,500. Sixty acres of land adjoining H. C. Vin son on Macon and Augusta It, It. Makes one bale cotton per acre, within oily Hunts. $40 00 per acre. $3,000 will buy a house and lot adjoining Darien Bank, eight room house. 1,400 will buy house and lot, C rooms, opposite Mrs. Little, on Wayne St , one acre lot. $550.00 cash, Hal. in one, two, three, four years payment without inter est. A bargain. $1,630 00 will buy 320 acres on Cedar Creek iii Jones County. Good red land. Kitty acres bottomland. Two horse farm open. 3 acres and 30 poles bind at Coopers on C. It. It. Good house. Good place for store. Price $125.00. $1,000 will buy gin house and nil neces sary machinery just beyond Fishing creek. The best public ginnery in the county, acres of land with two tennent houses. $.3,ooo will buy the handsomest residence on Jefferson street. Corner lot. 3 live room cottages to rent or sell. Pos session ot one first October, and the other two 15th December. $1,000 Will buy a 7 room residence on corner Jefferson and Baldwin street. $300 Will buy a vacant lot on south Jefferson 50x210. $ 1,600 will buy one half of the Washing ton Hull lot. $100 Will buy a 4 room residence oh Smith Jefferson 50x210. $200 Will buV a vacant lot on South Jef ferson 60x21(1. 6 room tionse and lot on the cornet of Hancock and Columbia streets HKxlCO for $2,000, also vac-nit lot opposite Dr. Calto- wav's lot fronting on Hancock street50x100 for $350. •$l,000 Will buy a store lot fronting on Hancock street 23x58. Well located for business. $5,000 Will buy a two story brick build ing on corner \N ay no A Green si reels; two stores. First class rooms itb. >ve, rents for 000. Will pay good interest on invest- ] merit 01x100. $1,100 Will buy 204 acres nl Devil's hull acre, Putnam Co., 3 room farm house; 25 acres o:ik and hickory original forest. $2,100 Will buy 15o acres of land, half in side city limits on river road leading to Asylum. Lots on this road have been sell ing at $lo() per acre. 300 acres In lino tim ber. Timber will pay for the land. Made 15 bales cotton lo the mule on this farm this year. Will sub-divide ami soil any part. 1 forth cash balance 1, 2 A 3 years payments. —L_. ■ $3,500 Will buy 400 acres of land 4 miles iroui citv oil the Macon A Augusta rail road. Rents for 10 bales cotton yearly: besides has a 50 acre meadow from which can be gathered 50 tons of hay per year. Good building. Very cheap. $7h'l Wl i buy one hundred acres land nci.r Brown's Crossing. Gm d buildings. $1,500 Will buy 200 acres land near Brown's Cros-lng, 50 acres original lore»t. $500 Will buv 76 ncr> s land, leased foi I next 4 years, C00 lhs cotton per year. St.GOU Will buy 320 acres land, in Jmies county on enter Creek, 50 acres bottom, 2 horse farm open. SSOO Will tniy 6 room house and 1C acres land. Good sming, adjoining I'. W. Turk, j 1-4 cash, rest 1,2, 3, 5 ears. 1 S3,500 Will buy 200 acres land one mile from city, near .f-yluii;, 5 room House anti 2 tenant houses, will rent well, 100 aeic in wood. $200 Will buy vacant lot on Wilkinson street luaxl.'!7. $050 Will buy a building lot on Clark street. 52:cxly5 fronting Gui.-, luiiustnal school. $3,500 Will buy a lo room residence on Hancock street, (first clu-s lor hoard"-.- house) 50x220, in I he business part of the city. Good for transients. $1,250 Will buy a vacant lot suitable for building store 24x220 on Hancock St. $1,250 Will buy office now used ns Tele graph office, adjoining L. II. Compton’s store 20x220. $1,100 Will buy 4 room residence wit good basement rooms and three cottages. Good orchard. Two acre lot, in Mosely- ville known as the Mosley place. 1 fourth I cash balance 1, 2, 3, year payments. $150 Will buy a vacant lot on Franklin! street, adjoining Dr. llobiuson and R. H. Wotten, 40x60. $3,000 Will buy a first class Plaining mill, with all necessary machinery for the manufacture of doors, blinds, s’ash: nil kinds balisters. brackets and fanev work for building. Brick building and Iot00xl50 included. Cheap at SSOOn. Good elmnee for first class mechanic to do a paying busi ness. Mill now in operation. Doing good business. Two one acre lots near C. R. R. depot with good fences. M. W. HALL & W. J. BRAKE, IRkal Estatk Agents. Office in Opera House buil . Milk-dg .vide. Ga, Dec. 2,1830, 22 ly To Milledgeville and Eaton tod: Lv Macon *1.55 D m Ar Milledgeville 4 45 n tn Ar Eatonton 6.20 pm From Eatonton and Milledgevfhe: Lv Eatonton 6 liTam Lv Milledgeville 7.50 a nr Ar Gordon 9.30am Ar Savannah 6.30pu» Ar Macon 10.55am Ar Atlanta 7.35p m Arrivals at Macon from : Atlanta 10.45 n m8 10 pm 10.55 p in Columbus 8.00 p m Albany... .6.30 am... .4.05 p rr Savannah ,3.25 am 3.3op'm.' Eatonton 10.65 a in "Daily except Sunday. SOLID TRAINS lire run to and flora Macon and Columbus, Montgomery, Albany, Savannah and At lanta. Sleeping cars on night, ttains. Passengers for Thomnston take either 7.00 a m or 1.45 p. m. train. Passengers for Carrollton take either 8.45 a. in. or 7 60 a. m.train. Passengers lev Perry take eltnei'7.30 a. in or 10.20 a. m. train. Passen gers for Port Gaines, Blake]v and Clay ton should take 10.20 a m train Pa-sengers for Sylva nla,Wrlghtsvllle and Sanders ville talco 10.55 a. in. train. 1HE “CENTRAL” 1? the only line from Macon making con nection in Union Passenger Depot at At lanta with through trains for the north east and the northwest, it Is the line to rely upon for speed, safety and comfort; therefore, look to your interest and use it when you travel. W. if, GREEN. Gcn’I. Manager." V. E. McBEE. Gen’I. Sup't. SOL. HAAS. Traffic Manager. .1 AS.L. TAYLOR,Ueti’l. Pass. Aa't. S. Ik HARDWICK, Asst. Gen’I. Pass. Ag’t New Advertisements. A CTMiUV A Tm - TAFT’ Ao a *11¥1 A- /iiaDcn < - wr v ,|l mail trial llUNtUn THEUR.TAFTIR0S.M.C0 ,1 DEAF 1 *' Ld'&m n* GUSH fortfthl*. s*ef ■ vsful when nil U TAFT'S AGTHMALENB rut br! taft iros. m.coLrogmstema. FREE Tuaul.... _ CU5HJ0HS. Whlipor* heard. Com- forlfthl*. s*ef • vsful whrr<- nil Uerueille* fail. Solti by K. IIIHCOXp tulj, Sin llr'dway, New lork. Write for !>ook of proof* FUK|> PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Tonii-c* ami hoautiiips the .ia!n J 1 • luxui j Faili to Hectare Gr»yJ ;i!n, Take i .i time. jOcte, f’.v su-o cure i>y Coma, Il'SCUJk a CO., N. Y- KltlDEKCO^^S. t 5turu Uilpuill. J/'U Ui DfUJJainli, BOILING WATtR OH MILK PP S’S iTEFUL--COMFORTING. OO DA 1 ABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. MANHOOD! How Lost! How Regained IfllOW THYSELF. Or KMLr-VRKSKIlVATTON. A new nnrt only Gold Medal rr.IZI-: ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL I V.BILJTY, ERRORS of YOUTII, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, mid ail DISEASE:-) raid WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pages, cloth, rdt; 12:i invaluable prcgcriptiona. Only $l.u-j l)y mail, dotiblo scaled. Pi:nciipiivo I'losjiott- uh with cndorscvionts ik of the PrcsB h4 voianiary cured h BEE! SEND testimonialB of the cure d b F.X-L.J NOW. ConBU 'rition in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. • &V. "lUICY aud €K1(- 'PAIV i t • ‘i.l-c - 1 >r. VS. }f. Parker, or Vi'o PcDUody Medical Inatitute, Ino. 4 Bulflnch Si., Boston, Mhhh. The PcaiH/cly Medical Inatitute has many imi tators, but no equal. — /frraltl. The Hcienco of Life, or 8elf Preservation, is a treafiuu* more. '.’iiluabU* than t^okU ltead it now, every WEAlCand NHKVOkS man, and learn lo ho STHONGJfedirtil Iitticw. (Copyrighted ! i\. KDKN. C. A. EDEN 1j. -R. IlHODB S. &. CO., mISANITARY plumbers } STEAM AND GAS FITTERS.; 417 FIRST STREET. PAKK HOTEL BUILDING, Macon, Gkorgia. Efttinmtes and Bids from plans and specifications furnished. Electric Bell Hanging, Gas light ing and Burglar Alarms. Repairs promptly ami carefully, tended to. June 2nd. 1891. We send the tnarvclotiB French! Remedy CALTHOS free, and a! l^gal guarantee that C.!T-I0« will!7 UTOI* l)lMh.rgr. t- tnclw 1 I- *, j CURE Spermnlorrben, Va-p-..j and RESTORE I.O.I Vl;v... L'se it ami pay if sat:: AJdrM., VON MOML. CO-. BU. Aswlcu Apak, tkndaua '