Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1891, Image 8

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Plantation For Sale. I offer for sale a fine plantation containing about 1800 acres, lying « ami including Brown s '-rowing' on Georgia railroad, there i*' K. residence containing nine ro - all necessary tenants house ™ )e rious parts of the plant • ... place is well watered, location h«altnT. convenient to churches and schools. Iwm sell all or part. For particular. apply to D vv. BROWN, Aug. 30, 3m. ‘Brown’s Crossing. Trustee’s Sale. GE<? VIwirEor auSity' granted me T>i MR* 1 « v 1 f tnmt made oy all the R under a deed oO ^ ()f Jaine8 Supple, heirs at aw of VY-ust being made for the deceased, said trust nei k ^ , purpose of paj inft "° (llp hoirs ut law, 1 and division among j n the District, G. and county, hounded J. F. WILSON —Dealer in- Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Guns, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. Agents for tho Sale of the All that'tract or ?arcel of lying and being in the. Sistt M.. of :iort h i ■aid State land of Dr. It Harper, < a-t and west hv If a wkins. south hy Compton amt west ;,v Miller A Brown, containing »oui hun ted and five acres, more o- Also one five-room dwe Jot in the city of Milledgeville, hounded t ami south by O ' ‘ ... t « t 1lot, east aim soum oy w. street, containing at amt one-^ghth or an \i-o one non safe, one leguiator, jeweler’s tools and jewelry, together with the household and Kitchen fun.ituie so I *, t i wl n ,i,. nn M(i RlorPfiHKl. I ♦'! Ul8 <HMI. for the puip08ee wARREN EDW AltD8, Trustee for Jas. Supple’s estate and heirs at law. November 3Uth, 1891. LIGHT WI NNING NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE.^ Milled, ville.Ga., July 2^, 16t»l" 31 ly IMZA-aiXIIsnE] SHOPS! Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA., Baldwin County. I»Y VIRTUE of an order granted by the D Court of Ordinary of said county at the August Term. J891, of said Court will be sold before the court house door in the itv of Milledgeville and said county, be* tween the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder, on the first luesday in Jan. nary, 1892. the following pvoperly belong ing to the estate of Catherine E. Butts, deceased, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tn 115th District, G. M.. of said county, bounded north and east by .and ot letiy ft Denton, south by Bryant Blizzard and west by Oconee river, containing eighty acres, more or b ss; so 1(1 to pay debts and division among the heirs at law. lernv cash. V. I. ECHOLS, and JESSE H. Bb l IS, Admrs. of Catherine E. Butts, dec d. November 30th, 1891. BALDWIN SHERIFF’S SALE. On ttie first Tuesday in January, 1892 before the court house door in the city ot MilledgevUle, during the legal hours of sale, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following property, towit: 150 fonts metal job type. 250 poundsbody t ype, 15 fonts of wood type, G type stands, Y forty-case cabinet, 1 twenty-case cabinet, 2 composing stands, 1 Campbell cylinder press, two (2) stones; one (1) writing desk, 50 packages blank printing paper, 5 kegs printers’ Ink, 75 pounds printing mk in cans, 9 cans printers’ glue, 43 tubes of printing ink and an indiscriminate lot of paper, type, ink leads and such other articles as are usually kept in a newspaper and printing office. Levied < n November 5tb, 1891. us the property of \V. J. Vaughan to satisfy a Superior Court mortgage ti f„ in favor of Samuel Waikor vs. \V. J. Vaughan, c. \V. ENN IS, Sheriff. Nov. 80,1891. Also at the same time and place iGl six and one-halt acres of land, more or less, ij-ing in the 105th District. G.M., bounded north and west by Mrs. Georgia Clay, on the south and east by Samuel Walker, levied on as the property of \V. R, Morris bv virtue of two tax (i fas, one issued by the tax collector ot Hancock comity and one issued by’the tax collector ot Btldwin county for Ids state and county taxes oi the year 1883: levy made ibis Deeembei 'lie 7th, 1891. Property pointed out byJ. T. Allen, attorney. Notified \V. W. Lump kin. C. W. ENNIS, Sheriff. Also at the same time and place the en tire stock of hardware in the store on tic* east side of Wayne St., occupied by S. F Hancoc k, levied on by \ irt'.u: of a Distress Warrant. In favor of Sura ip ! Walker vs. S. F. Hancock. Levy made in October, 1891. Defendant notified this I>c. tHe7th.’91. W. ENNIS, ShelilT. First Class F.ugines and Boilers, Saw nml Grist Mills; The best Gin and Power Press on the market; Shafting Pullys, all kinds of Brass Goods, Pipe and Fittings, Injectors, Ejectors, and all other kinds ol Mill Supplies. Repairing Engines and Gins a Specialty. All Work done, and Goods sdlld by us, Guaranteed First Class. Write for Prices and Terms. F. M. POOSER, ADM’R. North Wayne St., Milledgeville, Ga. June 16th, 1891. 50 9m. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN PI8EASES B.B.B. Botanic Blood Balm I* SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT R v»urea rheum, eczema, #*»r r form •! malignant SKIN ERUPTION, ba- aMat btlng efficacious In toning up tha system and restoring the constitution, whan Impaired from any causa. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, II directions are followed. QCIIT CD EC illustrated BCR I rtiCtL “Bo«!. of WorttiiTA.” BLOOD BALM C0., Atlanta. G*. Jan. 13,1891. 28 ly ONE Jackson Corset Co.’ Jackson, Mich.* I AntFS who prefer not LHUILO to wRr stin unit ltlpid Corsets, ; invited to try tli« They are approved by > physicians, endorsed hy dress makers, and rec ommended hy every lady that lias worn them. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. E. B. OSBORN, Southern Agent, 68 RICHARDSON BLOCK, Cfevaiaen Wanted. CHATTANOOGA, TEN*, June 33, 181)1. lv It. \V. ItOBEliTS. .TOS. E. POTTLE ROBERTS & POTTLE. Attorncys-At-Ijaw. Millkjdgkvillk, Ga. PROMPT attention given to eh (justness on- L trusted t,o tlteir care. Ottlce in room formerly occupied t.y Ur. H. M. Clark iu Dr. Calla way's buildiug. Fein 1,1891. 22 ly. for Infants and Chlldrene "Castori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. T. “ The use of ‘ Castoria ’ is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” Carlos Martyr, T). TV. New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl. gestion. Without injurious medication. “ Fur several years I have recommended your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results. ” , Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., “The Winthrop,” 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York. Jan. 1, 1801. JS/L. &c J. X?,. HIXTEIS. -Dealers In— Aotice SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, 51 AN CF ACT fit EPS OF AND DEALERS IN Steam Engines,'Boilers, Sme Mills, Eotton Presses, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS OF ANY PATTERN. A Speciality of Shafting, Pulleys and Mill Gearing, Iron Pipes, Pipe Fittings, Brass Valves, Lubricators, Jet Pumps and full line of Machinists’ Supplies. Manufacturers’ agent for tho Celebrated HANCOCK INSPIRATOR. Our facilities for BOILER BUILD ING are unexcelled. J.S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS & CO. Macon, Georgia. Cull on Henry Harrison for hacks and horses. He has been run ning a public hack for over ten years. Go to him for cheap rates and nice horses. Call for Henry Harrison’s hack. General Merchandise. Boots and Shoes! Heavy Groceries! Lime! Cement and Plaster Paris! Farm Implements! Buggies, Wagons, Harness! Hay and Fertilizers! When in need of anything in tho above line, please call onus and examine our stock and get our prices before you buy. M. & J. R. HINES, No’s. 27 and 29 Hancock St., Milledgeville Ga July 29, 1890. h 23 ly' Miy 5th, 1899. 44 ly. \UGUSTA’S (’ARNIVAL Richmond i Danville R. R IllEGKEATLSTSOUTHERN SYSTEM -COMPRISING— r i ve Thousand Miles of Rail Lines. Three Thousand Miles of Steamship Lines -EXTENDING— Ft 1031 THE PA4OM AC end the ATLAN TIC TO THE MISSISSIPPI, —PEN E l it \ I ING. VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CORO LINA, GEORGIA. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, — CONVriTLTING— Tile Short Line Highway between these Great States, and Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and the East. — AND ALSO— Arkansas, Texas. Louisiana. Flor ida and the West and Northwest, including also the OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINE VIA SAVANNAH. For 31aps, Rates. Time Cards, etc. apply to nearest Agent of this sys tem. W. H. Giikkn, Gen. Manager, Atlanta, Ga. .'upI,.. ' Having leased for a term of years, th commodious brick Stables on East Han cock street, I have opened a first class Livery, feel aad Sale Wes, and will bo pleased to cater to tho wants of the public, sarDrnyage and Baggage Transfer a Speciality. GEORGE WHITE. Milledgeville, Ga., March 31,1891. [39 ly THIS SPACE BELONGS TO l JANUARY 20, 27 AND 28, 1892. OOHION III., SINO, of the Augusta Carnival, having issued his Proclamation announcing the above dates ns his jTSVS] BATS, which will be devoted to GRAND DISPLAYS and VA&XSB SPORTS, atid huving Commanded all His Loyal Subjects to visit the Electric City for the occasion: Therefore, the GEORGIA RAILROAD, GAINESVILLE JEFFERSON & SOUTHERN R. 8., AND THK UNION POINT & WHITE PLAINS R. R. In obedience to his desire will GIVE VERY LOW ROUND TRIP RATES for the days appointed as above. SVATCI1 THIS PAPER FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE RATES. C. S. STRONG, THE MILLEDGEVILLE Tin nl Sheet Iron Worker. Call on him for all kinds of tin work. Milledgeville, Ga., April 4, 1891. 40 ly OconeeRiirerBrfckYaidJ 1,000,000 First-Class Building Brick For Sale! First-Class Repressed Tile, Foi Basement E loors and Hearths, a (Specialty. Capacity of woijk S,OOO,OOO j)er Season. J. W. McMILLAN, Proprietor, IL W. McMILLAN, Manager. ulillodgeville, Ga., Oct. 15th, 1889. 48 ly. HEALTH IS WEALTH.-' 1 The Nervous System is the HU it.* EUo-jagoIS O. XX. FOX, —Manufacture Of— * DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS —And Dealer In— Lumber, Lathes and Lime! Cement, Blaster Hair, Ac., Turning, Scroll Sawing and Planii) a Specialty. Office and Mills, McIntosh St., Milledgeville, Ga. March 11,1890. Jas. L. Taylor, Gen. Pass. Agt. Atlanta, Ga., Sol. Hass, Traffic M’gr. Atlanta, Ga. S. H. Hardwick, Ass’t Gen P Agt. Savannah, Ga. Boarders Wanted. -:ot- JOE W. WHITE, Trav. Pass. Agent. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. AUGUSTA, GA. I am prepared to accommdateafew regu lar borders at low rates. Mks.J G. FOWLER, North Wayne Street. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 27th, '91 30tf. Reeding a tonic, o ■ it) RIIOW \ It is pleasant t > Hen, and Biliou n a DIRS iitMr.-n that want building ii'.u'd fake lllt>\ It ITT Lifts. I:i' ■ it - Malariu, Indiges- All dealers keep it. For Sale. Attention Real Estate Specnlators. \ CORNER LOT, containii g one acre, mote less, adjoining Captain T. F Newell’s nine Girl’s Nonna l Seta CAP) Milledgeville, Oft. block from tht >oi. Aim l' d> Wa ) Eli PAINE, At the Court House. Mini it >01 b. 1890. 39 4t I T 1 VERY one in the need of Information on 2j thesut'ject ot advertising will do wel to obtain a copy of "Book foi Advi rttsers,” 368 pages, price one dollar. Mailed, post age paid, on receipt ot price. Contains a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all 1 he best pa pets aid class Journals; gives the circulation rating of every one, and a good deal of in formation about rates and other matters net taining to the business of advertising Address ROWEi L’is ADVERTISING BU BKA U, in Si ruce St, New York. Aug. 12,1891. 7 ly. NERVE * ^ AND Brain TREATMENT « THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION 13 A GUARANTEED SPECIFIC for hysteria, dizziness, con vulsions, nervous neuralgia, headache, nervous prostra tion, caused by alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, nerv ous twitchings, mental de pression, Insanity, prema ture old apr, misery, decay and death. It it a sure cur* for BARRENNESS, LOBS OF POWER in either sex, caused by ovsr-«a«rtlon, indulgence or aelf-abuee. To RESTORE LOST MAN- a sovereign remedy. I the vigor of the constf * tution and give that elasticity of action so much admired in MANLY MEN and WOMANLY WOMEN, it is WE CiVABANTER six boxes to build up and cure the worst cases of broken down men and women. This is a remedy used for years with marvelous success hy nn'eminent nhjsielmn, and it will not disappoint you. Price, by mail. pre-pai(l,Sl per box. or six boxes for |9. With six boxes we send our written guarantee to refund the money if the Specific floes not efTect a cure. It builds up and makes MEN MANLY and WOMEN WOMANLY. ®M*Send stamp for circulars, Ac. Bol« AgSBti, JACOBS PHARMACY CO. Atlanta. Oa, P 0 Box 3B7. Kkff.rkncks: t'apitalCtty Hank, Atlanta Constitution, Commercial Agenda*. lSlychw. 122PACDS Greatest of all American Weekly Ncwspapci s! 12 PAGES REASONS WHY YOD JHODLB SUBSCRIBE FOR IT: fi nml Whiskey Habltii curen ut liojiiL- K’i'lj-' out naiu. Hook ofi.a-. tic’Ucirssent ritKf;. !l-M \\i il.I.KY.M.lj, •cc KM, 1 . ^ Whitehall i tly. 1. It is the Ijest of nil weekly nowspn- pers. 2. It Is invaluable to the farmer nml Hie farmer’s family, bringing each week cheer to tho fireside and happiness to the house hold. 3. It covers the news of the whole world, liavlng its correaipondents scattered over Hie globe, and having a thorough news service from every important news center In the world. 4. Its Aouicultural Department alone is worth many times Its subscription price to every farmer. This department Is edited hyDr.NV. L. Jones, the leading agricul tural authority of the Soutn, wnose ser vice is retained by The Constitution at great exp nse. 5. Its Woman’s and Children’s Df.- “Aunt Ssule,” the editress of these J partments, Is a Jtousehold word tbroug out the South. 6. Bill Arp, Plunkett and l Remus and a host ot other special w'[w are engaged by the year, and their ltable sketches appear each week. 7. It is the People's Friend, and <* l ( sturdy [champion of the agricultuiai tereats of the South. , 8. It pays moro money for its sp t features and for its nows service than other four of the weekly newspaper® ttie South, and much more than weekly newspaper in America. „ 9. It Is the cheapest, being only o DOLLAR a year-each paper at he r Think of it! bv T of a postage stamp. jm"» — time alien lays an egg she pa's _ i issue of the greutest weekly ne«»P in the world. par tments are a source of infinite pleas ure to every family, und the name of Send for sample copies. If you already take it, send the names of six of Y, neighbors with their addresses. It is the larmer’s friend, and no weli-reguiateu should be without it. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY LOCALITY. Liberal|terms lo agents, and money in working for it. Write for inlormatloh THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, 0i