Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 29, 1892, Image 1

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v I vrrr lFsiDftRALUxioNtsstai VOLUME LiA-LLL. (LlUTHBRNltKOOKPER Fboeral O'tion Kstabllshedi nl329.) • ‘1319. f Consolidated 1872 Millbdgevillb, Ga., November 1892. Number 22. Ertitovial Glinroses and Clippings. Pay for your papar. Cultivate good humor. A ».' an bad humor can't do good went. Jerry Simpson y/a's re clactcd to congress from Kansas. ' ■'* ■ reports sent out stated hat been defeated. oster Secretary of the Treasu estimates that pension exp n >nurt. wi!! soon reach I ho enormous of $200,003,000. stliu Cholera has again Belgium. It will not medieai profession c might as well prepare summer. shown itself in own and the this country for it next eviile and 6 Wayne —OUR OPENING SALE OF— “You have spurned me!" he crieu bitterly, “I will go into the worm, will fight and win. My naineshal he known and my riches envied. J -neu trv iii0 a^aiu, r she interniptuih (if,;' ;;V n® bMk Dr. Macune, the defeated President, save t)i(> Farmers’ Alliance win die out within a year. It is nothing now more nor less, than a third political party, and has abandoned all ns prime ideas regarding the farmer. Little Boy-“Wot's the difference between high church and low ^Little Girl—“W’y. don't youknow? One says ‘Awmea’ ttie other says ‘Amen' Judge Roger Pryor, or New dork, summarily dismissed a connubial in fidelity action the otlmr day by lay ing down the maxim that ibe lover who would kiss a lass and tell about it could not be believed under oath. *; W C Y C Our Blazers, in all colors, for fall arc sold elsewhere at Fivo Dol- Whitelaw Reid did himself ciedit when, in speaking at the big dinner at Delmodico's in Mr. Clevelands said: “I am here to pay at presence, my respects us a loyal American to the elect of sixty-five milliou people. Lula IIuust, the Georgia wonder, is livingat a delightful home in Plain- field, in this state, with her husband. Paul Atkinson, and two boy children, Paul and Grady. All her striking powers now have a domestic appli cation. Secretary Rusk's anuual report, his fourth and last, is a comprehensive ami entertaining document. He thinks results have fully vindicated the establishment of his department, and the propriety of making its head a cabinet officer. Governor INorthen and the legisla tive committee, composed of ten Sen ators and twenty Representatives, appointed to vi*ic the worlds fair left Atlanta for Chicago at 1:30 Wed nesday afternoon. The excursion was given by the E ist Tennessee railroad. Is now in progress, wear, at Three Dollart lars. Our price for large, sightly, well made, notch collar, Reefer Jacket of lino material is going at Fivo Dollars, made with tho same care as a cloak wo ask double that price. W o are showing all the popular styles and many that will not be found elsewhere. Fur and Feather Trimmings ill be extensively used for dress garniture this season and we are headquarters for such goods. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! Washington Letter. i 1 rum Oar l.togularCorrespond©!)t, Washington, Nov. 2lst, 1892. Hii A wondrous wealth of warmth and worth is in the high heaps of BLANKETS now in Stock The very low prices will make the sales this season very much larger than ever before. We are maintain ing our reputation for GOOD GOODS FOR. VF.RV t.tttt r momf.v Harrison ha* borne, bis defeat in suoh a manly way tint, he tins wo. the respect and aaniratKn of even t.ie staunches democrats. Tim members of IPs Cabinet Lave had little to smy, although it was vygll known that me r“ .h a: one of them might Lave said some very interest• in.r things had they been so disposed. This being the situation, a sensation was created in high republican <. r- cles when jovial Senretary Rusk opened his anmmtiition box and fired a red hot shot s:might at the bend-of 'he man who has been privately c urged by Mr. Harrison's close personal friends with having exerted his powerful influence in the repub lican party to lessen the vote for Mr. Harrison. Although Secretary Itu-k called no name he made it as plain as though lie had spoken through tlie most powerful trumpet ever made, that in his opinio James G. Blaine,the ex head of the Harrison Cabinet wus tiie traitor upon whose head the wrath of the republican party should he poured. It is learned from trustworthy sources that Mr. Harrison was averse to such a statemeut being made by any member of his Cabinet, not because he believed it untrue, but because he thought it undignified unnecessary; but Secretary <S VtalZBWa We are still headquarters for Fine Dress Goods, consisting in part of Storm Cloths, Broad Cloths, I'rench Flannels, Fancy Flannels, Illuminated Whip Cords, Diagonals, Crepons, Ac, with Bushian Bands^ and Gimps to match. Our asssortment is without equal iu Variety, Quality or Elegance. We will not attempt a description of the Colors, Warps and Designs of our Dress Goods. They are the choicest productions from the looms of America, France and Germany. NOW TAKE A LOOK OVER THIS STOCK. We work on the principle that the casual lookers on, are sure to be buyers some day. We want to seU tli«m them lull Dress Goods and will gladly display every piece on our shelves to those who will take time to loox. Wo will mail samples to out of town customers. ii O The World's Fairgrounds comprise 700 acres. Neatly one-fourth of this is under roof. -Over 150 acres are cov ered with roof. One building, Hint of manufactures and liberal arts, covers thirty five acres and cost :-l, 100,009. Machi nery hall costing *1,- 200,000, covers sixteen acres. It is said that the workingmen en. gaged upon the buildings of 1 lie World’s Fair at Chicago voted almo. t solidly for democracy. It will be reco'.lecti d that Tom Platt took the >m New York and gave it t.o Chicaga, the supposed hot. bed of liicago went demo T .it.c hvii v n handsome majority nice of 1 he sarcasm ot Weil, issuei : iol (tonmnss one;- ■ morning of the a nor tans < irctilaiv. t<: >icommissioners of G mi- ;ta. had rDoin was mi ituiday. Doc 17, as the tiim ,in:r applicants for teachers the rules for tin <>! poin for e licenses, and til.in same. The other was that he had fixed Friday, Dec. 2, as a legal holiday in the schools, so thar. Arbor Ray shall be fittingly celebrated. A ldory With an Application. sMVM &J Thompson’s E, II. Corset for One Dollar. Barrier’s Kid Glove's for Guo Dollar Fast Dlacl Ladies Hose for ‘25c. Ladies Ribbed Vests for 50c., 75c., and $1.00 worth 75cy, $1.00 and $i,25 else n here. uud ^- -.TjRjnanxr.jc.-nznemcm JM r .i2jaaK£«awaiia«ma;, i« fsr?-A I is US® S111I1I11, ELEGANT PARLORS AND WAITING ROOMS. Be* Brought South. D0NT TO VISIT THEM UP STAIRS. Jennie Sawkins and Mrs. Fail 1 have charge of t ,nd they will take great pleasure in attending to iwkins is just from Baltimore, where she saw and pure was 1\'av, Nov< 1 ji'.l F:. diionable iu the Millinery Art. ga • •; ii5rau.tartnro-a»s- eviKKxgi^WMCgiiiTOamMmmanwfenaaBri iese depart- ycur wants. sou cheerfully accepted by all will be parties. “Feddy” Roosevelt, the President of on- of th - greatest American humbugs, the Civil Service Cjiinnis- .-•ion lias forgotten all about the numerous prosecutions lie was goin«- H mnk > for violation of rhe.law b ' vnitPus individuals, in soliciting c impaigncontribution;' from federal employes, previous to the* election* and is now lying p.wukb nights to •Duly up • •heiLi't. to keen the douio- <‘i a, in of pair, wage to which they should be entit led after the fourth of March next bv extending ttie Civil Heryice to branches of the Govern ment to which it never would have been extended hud Harrison been re elected. Air. Harrison has so far refused to endorse this scheme to keep republicans iu office under a democratic administration by issu ing the necessary order to carry it into effect, but lie may be Worried into it set. File people in tb is country l ave voted against perpetual office holding, and a democratic Congress might lake a notion to let jihis old humbug die for the want of an ap*^ proprintion. The tears would be* few, and they wouldn’t be front democratic eyes. TRAVEL MOVING SOUTHWARD. Nortiibun Tourists BKorNNijra Thkir Migration karly. 1.7. j3. In the good old times as rno:V m u view it Though I could ne’er see how they do it, When wisdom begged at riches gafe, Aial hardlv then got wind she n'.e, A certain King kej.-t at his court, A phllospher to aid »s sport, Ami when he would a hunting go. To led him if ‘tv.-uuld ran or no. One day with prom I * ot Cue weat her Tin King and Court rodrlmt together IVit h knights and ladles -h gay band— fl) And each with budded h»f kon hinui. “ i... i .ui they net Riding a <hippie i e.ss upon* V/ho warned tii■ *11 by lilidonk. y s ears, ’ 1'wiis going to i air., hut the ready jeers Of the eager hunters cried him down - "A sage is wiser than a clown !” Rut hantiy had they reuctied tie- wood When all were (iron (filed by the pour!of flood; The King rode back with wrathful look Till lv the coun;.;-\ man e’i nook; And learning the Wisdom of the ass, M oose ears foretold what came to pass, Turned the philosopher out in disgrace And put the intellectual ass in his place, MORAL. Could he have known the fruits of his deed. Of so rash an act he’d have taken bend, The result of liis making high places a feoff Is Lvcry ass in creation is seeking for office. JLJ ITJTI * Shoes for Ladies, Cldldren at: itisi'actiou ns to wear. ivory pair warranted and money refundei c j» r USSIER SUITS FOE, BOYS. Everv mother should see these. Wo have exclusive sale of I ho BEHSMER d and will not rip. These d for their durability. SUITS. They are double breasted and double seated suits were named after the Bessmer Steel and are note SCHLOSS BROS/ FINE CLOTHING. Wo have an elegant line of tlieso celebrated Goods for Men and Youths at prices that will astonish you. ELK BRAND HATS.—Our Elk Brand Hat are too well known for us to extol their merits. When once used you will have no other. ' Our Our-Gents’ Furnishing Goods Department is the largest in the city. 25c., Linen Hem Stitched Embroidered Handkerchief is a hummer and cannot be matched elsewhere for less than 50e. We have, nlso, in Blacks and Tans our 25e.. full, regular made, imported One Half Hose at 25c., that cannot bo dupli cated for less than 50c. Rusk who hail it in for Rlaine, whom lie once admired ho much that he named his eon after him, over since last summer when Blame tried to de prive him of the credit for restoring t he Enropean privileges of the Aiiieri- ican hog, and later to use him to defeat Mr. Harrison’s renomination; in his own language: “tried to make a tiaitor of me.” He might have held in until he was out of office, but for his accidental discovery of indisputable evidence that Mr. Blaine hud much to do with the loss of his own state, which lie worked so hard to keep in the republican column. That settled it; he hud to have his say, aud it was in pretty close accord with what many mem bers of his party think without say ing. The question of pensions is one of the most important that the coining administration and Congress will have to deal wit 1 i u it directly effect every man, woman and child in the United States. It is now certain that there will be a deficiency of 05.000,000 for the current fiscal year, which must be appropriated at this session of Congress, and those who ought to know estimate the amount tlmt will be required for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1803, which must also be appropriated at this session, as soiuijwiieio in the neigh borhood of .‘,'200,000,(jOO. It. is diffi cult for human intellect, t > compre h -ad th-* immensity of tin* pile id' mi>ney r< ei il 1 b tho It represents more than ;-VS. for rant of the country, and Foster of the Treasury hat before th * close of C administration it- will §250,(0),0f0a year to pay tin-) pen siens — more than all tlie other expenses of the c untry ud | ded together. It is scarcely 1 to be wondered at that the old idea, | chain [ iotictl in the Hons*' some years i ago by Hon. Win. it Morrison 1 of Illinois, of raising tho money j to pay pensions by, imposing an | income tax, should be reyivcdatlhis | time. If pension expenditures are ] to keep growing some extraordinary method of raising the money will certainly have to bo restored to. There is so much rivalry among Washington democrats to be mem bers of tho citizens committee which "id m lie tho arrangements for the most largely attend' 1 iruing urution tho country has ever had that it has resulted in a more or less bitter wrangle for its control, be tween tire National committeeman for the District of Columbia, who took the matter in his own hands Travel from the north to southern, winter resorts 1ms already commenced* and if it continues thus throughout the season the percentage of vi-itora to this section will be very much larger than for several years. Hotel men are feeling bright oyer the prospects, and they anticipate a good business. A large number of tlie tourists go further south than Macon, but numbers stop here for llie winter. A large portion of them stop over for a day or two any way. Although the migration southward lias commenced early, it does not attain its fullest proportions until later in the winter, during the mouths- of January, February ami March. Then the rush is expected to be great. The hotel men do not give any fig ures, but they anticipate a huge influx of nor'herners about that, time. They base their opinion on wlmt is already going on in travel and from advoes received from tlie north.— Macon News. An Epidemic of Insanity. Mi I i:ih: diet lam take Within the past week our local and telegraphic columns have told the story of several notable cases of tnsiuiity, here and elsewhere, Appurerftly without any known cause, respectable citizens in different sections of the country have snd- d'-uly and without any warning leap.-d from a condition of perfect sanity into thd wildest and most murderous excesses, ivud upon inves tigation-it. lias been ascertained that t ey w< re maniacs. What is there in the" American mode of living that explains these epldem of insanity? Undoubtedly there is a cause, but what is i f . and •v here is the remedy? Tlie opt look is an- liing but. hopeful if this ten ds, y o Increase, and we are to he-k forward to v.hut Ta'ne char acterized as the insanity of nations. '' gives a nmn an unpleasant si-um* of ''.'security to think,that bis basis m s as-colut-e or c utipauion, if tor a lifetime of decorous conduct, ! liable to o gunning for him, and then be piiried o- 'lie ground- of mental spousi dify. Tb re is something wrong in ton American make up, but it will pim'e the wisest expert to point i out. -Constitution. STYLES HAD A CLOSE CALL. Oxk. op Tint Convict Guards Madk IT LIVKLY FOR THE LKGISLATOR. CARPETS. RUGS MATTINGS. OIL CLOTHS, CHINILE CURTAINS, TRUNKS & TRAVELING BAGS Can bo seen up stairs in endless variety. . JLu MIcjCJom.13 & Go. Head s 1 cui.es Liver Ills. MZTE.I.EEG'nVir.LEI. O-A.—Corner ot Wayne an*. Hancock Streets. and forwarded the name of gentle-1 the latter’s protest. In fact, the mem- men to be members of the committee ! 5 to chairman Harrity for his appro val, and the central democratic com mittee, which believes that it should have selected the inaugural com mittee. Full details of the claims of both sides have been forwarded to chairman Harrity and his decisions As a preventive of the Grip Hood s Siirsup irilla 1ms grown into great favor. It tonifies the system purifies tlie blood. and ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 21.—When Stvies, the negro member from Lib er'/ county, who was one of the committee which visited the peniteii-. tiirv camps, returned alter the m- v •‘ligat ion of tlie camps by the com mit tee. In* at crnee prepared and had ptibli'lied a severe attack on the penitentiary authorities changing them with cruelty and inhuman- iry iu the treatment of epuviets. To-day the explanation of tins wholesale cleinnciation of the p2td- teutinry authorities was i'.cvAi It appears that while the comm tie was .going 'lirougb tlie Dade i m Style.-* stoipp. d to talk wi'li a cori. tot, desiring to P v<* a private conversa tion w ii him, A guard not know ing that the negro member from Liberty was a legislator, but proba bly making an effort to pass a weapou to the convict drove Styles away at tire point of his gun, despite I away a load of shot from the mines, and it is said try a member of the committee that this is why he made his attack on the authorities.