Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 17, 1901, Image 6

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UNION-RECORDER. Milledgeville, Ga., Dkc. 17. 1901. STATE SANITARIUM. The Eeport of the Minority'is \ 'Withdrawn. The members, of the THE K. P. BAZAAR A SUCCESS Legislative Committee, which recently visited the Georgia State Sanitarium, to invests srate the charges brought ngainst the management of that institution by Dr. W. A. O’Daniel, who signed the mi nority report, sent a request to the Clerk’s desk last Friday, asking that their report be withdrawn. After giving the matter a more thorough study, they decided that they bad made a mistake in criticising the manage ment ot the Institution, and deter mined to withdraw their report. This action leaves only the report of the majority on the records ot the Legislature. In this report the man- aeeroent of Institution is praised, and highly commended, and those against whom charges were brought are ex* cnerated. _ .. . The Georgia State Sanitarium is second in size in the United States, and its affairs are economically admin istered It costs less than thirty cents per capita a day to maintain the in mates. Anyone who has never vis ited the Institution has no idea ot its mammoth proportions, nnd the care and pains taken by the authontes in looking after those under their protec. ,0 *Dr. Powell is a kind-hearted man and has the highest conception of the Tesponsibiities resting upon him, He will not tolerate in tbe least any mis treatment of uiose under his care. The people of Geeagia can rest as sured that Georgia’s greatest charity is well and economically managed, and that tba state’s unfortunates are well cared for. The Bazaar at the Knights o‘ Pythias Castle which closed Friday night proved a successful venture for that organization. More than five hundred dollars were cleared by the management and turned over to the Treasurer. The lively patronage of the people enabled the young ladies at the various booths to dispose of very nearly every article that was on sale at the Bazaar. Every night the halls were filled bv the city folks, who came in crowds to attend the Bazaar, and to purchase the wares of the fair. They lingered in the rooms and passed the evenings pleasantly in lively discussions of the topics of the day, and in pleasant chats with their friends whom they met there. This intermingling of the people made the Bazaar a social success as well as a financial success. Editorial QI!*pse» and ClippiaQf. ■"Charleston exposition is in full blast. It has been suggested that a hospital should be established in this city. It is a suggestion worth the considera ’.ion of the new city council. ~ Wind, flood and snow swept over the north and west from Montana to Texas, and from New York to the Rockies, last Saturday and Sunday The most enthusiastic and the feature in which all interest centered on Fri day evening, the last evening of the Bazaar, was the contest for an emblem watch fob, to be given by Mayor Horne to the most popular knight. The contest narrowed down early in the evening to Mr. S. W. Thornton and Mr. M, S, Bell. The friends of these gentlemen gave them strong sup port and the voting was extremely lively at ten cents a vote. The polls were closed promptly at ten o’clock. A count ot the ballots made Mr. Thorn ton a winner by a large majority in a vote of 2,017. Both these gentlemen are worthy and popular Knights every sense ot the word. In the other contests Miss Claudia Troutman received a handsome watch as the most popular Industrial girl,Miss Elizabeth Biyins received a diamond stick pin as the prettiest Industrial girl, and Miss Nettie Cone a cat gla*s bottle of perfume as the most popular young lady in the city. The Agricultural and Industrial edi tion of the Athens Banner was a splen did paper of 18 page (ull of interest- ins matter and handsomely illustrated. Another Member of Legislature Dead. Another member of the house has passed away, whose death was announc ed Friday morning. It was Hon. J. R. Henderson ol Forsyth county. This makes three members of the house that died this session, Hon. Porter King, of Fulton, who died early in the ses- sion, Lectured Crawford, the negro member from McIntosh, who died Thursday, and Hon. J. R, Henderson of Forsyth, who also died at his home at Gumming Thursday, but whose death was not reported till Friday morning, This makes live members in all who have died during the sessions ol 1900 and 2901, the two members dying last year being lion. .J. H. McWhorter of Oglethorpe and lion. G. G. Johnston of Jefferson, The $25,000 which Hampson receiv ed for his services in the battle of San tiago reminds us that there were men in the nayy who were further away from the conflict than he was who did not receive a cent. Some one, it appears, asked Mr. Wright who indaced the governor to veto the dispensary bill. As the story goes, Mr. Wright through! a moment and then answered: , “I think, mv Iriend, it was Bishop Candler and Frank Potts.”—Atlanta Journal. Frank Potts is leading liquor dealer Be Atlanta. ^ The Philadelphia Record very cleverly defines the difference be tween democrats and republicans as follows: The domocrats everywhere lire ir. lavor of abolishing the treasury surplus by moderate reduction ot taxes, and, above all. of the excessive duties on imports. The republicans a favor of expending the surplus maintaining the taxes. XZczcma, Xtehing Humors, Pim ples. Treatment Free, Does your skin itch, and burn? Dis tressing eruptions on the skin so you led ashamed to be seen in company? Do scabs and scales form on the skin, hair or scalp? Have you eczema? Skin sore and cracked? Rash form on the skin? Prickly pain in the skin? Swol len joints? Falling hair? All run down? Skin pale' 1 Old sores? Eating sores? Ulcers? To cure to stay cured take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rich, then the sores will heal and the itching of ec/jma stop forever, the skin become clear and the blood pure. B. B. B. sold at drug stores $1, Trial treatment sent tree and prepaid by writing to Blood Balm Go., Atlanta, Ga. De scribe your trouble and tree medical ad vice given. Over 301)1) testimonials of cures by B. B. B. and The Supreme Court in a decision handed down last Wednesday, reversed the judgment of the Superior Court of this county, in the case in which Mr. U. L. Wood brought suit against the City of Milledgeville. 'lhe suit was based on injuries received by Mr. Ifari.-h Wood, his son, in Feb. 1898, and was for damages sustained by him lor loss of the labor of the injured men. At the last January term of the court Mr. Wood was awarded six hundred dollars, and the case was car ried to the higher court, anil the ver dict reversed. COl ltSK IN AGItH I I/ri KE AKKAHUEO KV IMIVEKSITV, There are now 21,000 Masons in Georgia, being an increase of 1,600 tor tbe masonic year just closed. The financial condition of the Grand Lodge a is the best in its history. It is esti mated that there will be a surplus in the treasury at the opening of ttie next communication ot between $11,~ 000 and $12,000. Eleven new lodges were chartered during the past year. The trustees of the proposed Masonic Home have available about $8,000. They hope to raise an additional $2,- 000 within the next few months, when the contract for the home will be let. The location ha? not yet been de cided upon A short winter course of instruction in the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts is arranged especially for the benefit of farmers’ sons, many of whom cannot aflord the time and money necessary lor a full college course of study, and yet desire a better prepara tion tor their lile work than can be had on the farm. It will be given in the winter, when the work on the farm is least pressing and when the time can best be spared. The course is open to all over 15 years of age. No examination for ad mission is required, and a good eommon school education will enable any one of average ability to take the course with profit. There is no clpi^e for tuition or other fees. The course in 1902 beings Monday, January 6th, ends Saturday, March 29th, and is divided into two terms of six weeks each, either or both ol which may b« taken. Dr Bull s Baby Syrup for Teeth ing Babies. Full-size bottle 10 cents. Cures Wind Colic, Diarrhoea, Loss ol bleep, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup promotes tbe baby’s digestion, regulates the stomach and =0 o »|! 1 ^ “ IMPS SB. M :«■;> I- z=~- cd CD ^ 2. \\Jl r# ; Dewey Stands Alone la Schley’s Support. dSif FOR SOMETHING USEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL IN THE WAY OF Washington, Dec. 13.—The most prolonged, interesting and important naval tribunal eyer held in the coun try came to a close today, having in op*n and secret session lasted three months, short of one week, when Sec retary Long was handed the findings of the court of Rear Admiral Schley during the Santiago campaign. For seven weeks the court heard testimony, and for tully a month it deliberated upon that mass of evidence, finally reaching the conclusions announced to day. The result was a complete sur prise, and it is probable that no proph ecy has approached the truth. In stead of one report, there are two. They are signed by George Dewey, president, and Sam C. Lemly, as judge-advocate. This is a form said to he recognized in all courts of inquiry, the signatures of the other members not being necessary. But it isexplained tliat Admiral Dewey signed the second report, a minority re port, to express his qualification of or dissent from the views expressed by tbe court, coiopiising beside himself Ad mirals Benhatn and Ramsay in the first report’ It is said at the navy department that there will be on further proceed ings in this celebrated case on the de partment’s initative. Two members of the court, Benliam and Ramsay, who were unknown in the war, sustain the charges against ad miral Schley, while George Dew«y, president of the court, and the Spanish- American war hero, stands by him throughout, saying lie won the greatest naval battle in the history ot tbe world. Admiral Schley is being advised by Isadore Raynor to push the case in every way that appeal can be made, knowing that the sentiment of the peo ple of the United States is with him. CHRISTMAS or NEW YEAR GIFTS CALL AT HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW price! And you will lind hundreds of Articles, PETER J. CLINE offers great inducements to the trade in A Sweeping Reduction atom all lines for the Christmas au< Holiday Trade SO NO MATTER What you want H M H ™ e HHH 611 Tonic And Blood Purifier. Th.« Original Specific FOR ALL Diseases of the Bloocl. IT CURES CANCERS. Mr. G. F, Nakvarty of Rochelle, Ga,, says: “The H. H. H. Co., Blood Purifier cured a eance” for him and he recommends it to his friends. Guaranteed purely vegeta ble, The only BLOOD PURI FIER known that is guaranteed to euro. For special terms and prices see CULVER & KIDD, Milledgeville, Ga, H. H, Co., [ tie H. Marshallvllle, Ga. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives i nstant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good If you need a ring call on Wil liams for tine diamond?, whole pearls,(that won’t discolor) opels plain gold, children’s rings, or any kind of solid gold rings. Re member I sell no rings that are not solid gold. Prepared only by E. G. DtWitt& Go., Chicago. Tb« SI. bottle contains 2 y t times the 50c. size. Iu the way of Dry Goodi Shoes, Notions, Underwent Carpets, Mattings, Criunl Cloths, Oilcloths, WISHES EACH AND EVERY ONE i Merry Christmas IT 7, III : .r i Jur-0. Ire*- Judtf In ursu Hr- H | T islt to Hiss. | roar Au Mr.« anflOt him ■neat ol . Mrs. Itiilted: ■ **r ? - I,Kilted Mr". Intuit ri Mrs- |ij£ be: pscit Mrs. | visit tc Miss liege, s lefty- l)r. J I lor the ■compa pvins Mr. I Li in tt IT. Wh melu ■finally be The Prices and Values will be made to suit your pocket book. Wherefore? you ask, Simply because CLINE needs money ani needs it bad, and the season is growing short, and this is a coll snap, a time when heavy goods ought to get on the move and slid) into the possession of somebody who wants to keep warm and cot fortablo during the Christmas Tide, so as to tide over the Seasoi and be fresh and spry to greet the coming year and their friendt with the compliments of the season. leach < | remaii The llaniily Bove 1 month hey h I Col. leral hi i cit Mr. t limed I Mrs. Milt oi I Mrs. s visit fool, 1 Dr. ■visit (sir. i >5S 0 lilr. hint It ion 1 Senn J, ktiiro Out !ard I Mi.-: kill: |cvini Btly iCol | Dr. iio I Just ot rclm life And a Happy New Year At The Opportunity ot Your Lift Attention City Tax Payers. T OE BOOKS for tne reception of city taxM for tbe year 1901 are <>p«n. All tax«a are payable at my office in the City Mall. P. L. PAIR. Clerk. Sept. 9, 1901. tf Notice !• Brki.i't «■< Creditor*, GEORGIA. Baldwin County. A LL pel sons indebted to the e*tata or Mrs. Hattie P. Conn, late of eaid coun ty, daoaaed, are requested to make pay ment, and any person bavin* demands, against said estate are requested to pre sent tbem to tbe undersigned, in terms of the lav. W, T. CONN. Admr, Nov. •, 1*01. Baldwin Sheriffs Sales- Dubois handmade watch cases gives satis faction the world over. Sold by Dixon Williams Como let us show you the difference pat:q2. between these and the cheap cases. bowels, removes the cause of pain and "wby’shouid not tbe cent ml and bis ( sickness, soothes and comforts the baby. Ja ♦„«„ of Milledaeviile make I It > s *» fe « nt > s ur(> - Sold by Culver & Kidd, otic old town of Milledgeville make an effort to get the home? Dixon Williams, GEORGIA. Baldwin County. ^yriLL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at public oulwry'. bs- fne legal fore tko Court house door, during hours ot sale, to the highest bidder, for cash the following described Bioperly, ftv-wlt: All that tract or pare# of land situated in 918th district, G. M., said county con taining one hundred and ninety-seven (197) aeree, more or less, bounded as follows, on tbe north by lands of S. Napier; east by Ltttle Cedar Creek; south by Mrs. Furrer and W. A. Walker; west by C. W. Soond. Said property levied on as the property of G. T. Dlsmukcs to satisfy County Court exeautlon issued from April monthly term, 1901, in favor of R. W. Ilutherson vs G. T. I)l»mul*e. Levy made this l>ec. 7th, 1901, and defendant ia possession notltlod as required by law. C. E. PROSSER, Sheriff. Dec, 9th. 1901. 94 tds. Il Keep* Ike Feel Wnrw nnd lirf. Ask to-dav for Allen's Foot-Ease, a pow der. It cures Chilblains, Swollen, Sweat ing, Sore, Achlnir, Damn feet, At all drug gists and shoe|stores, 25c. Is still open for you. One of the Groat Wonders of the Twentietj Century is now offered to the Citizens of Baldwin and surroundii counties. Peter J, Cline, Leader and Controller of Low Prices an^ Best Values, having made arrangements with Rex Manufacturii Co., of Chicago, which enables him to furnish to each of his cus tomers a beautiful OIL PAINTING LIFE SIZE PICTURE, enl larged, of themselves or auy member of their family, when thej have traded out TEN DOLLARS IN CASH AT HIS STORE. Card will be handed you at Cline’s, and every CASH purchase yoj make the card will be punched to the amount of your purchase and when the amount reaches ten dollars your Photo will be sent on to Chicago and an Oil Painting will be returned, and as each ten (lob lars worth is purchased you can have another Photo made into at Oil Painting. Cline has made arrangements for the year 1901, ample time and opportunity are afforded you to include all tbl loved one*. “The World Do Move,” and no one can imagine how strong it I and toll the wonders of the coming ages. Yet, more wonderful thw imagination are ihe truths being developed by man’s intellect ana perseverauce. Peter J. Cline says to the trade when you buy toj Cash, Ten Dollars worth of Goods, you will be entitled to an 0j! Painting of yourself or any one you wish, free: Your photograph! will be sent to Chicago and the oil painting is return*! in a HantW some Frame worth $5.00 for $2.98. “All for ten dollar purchaser “The World Motes,” natuue holds untold secrets for um, the sea, tr tides, the winds and the sunlight are destined to devefSp great won ders during th^ twentieth century. The merchant must be awake and ready to grasp tho situation, by offering inducements, such »»| will bring the customers to his store, and at the same time convince! them that the “World do Move,” and he is moving with it. Peter J*r Cline, The Leader and Controller of Low Prices and Best Values,! invites competition, as competition ia the life of trade, and trade! i« tha life of the Universe. «/ >1