Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 05, 1912, Image 3

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W. C. WILLIS Contractor and Builder Jefferson, Ga. Jefferson, Ga., Sept. 25,1911. Milledgeville Brick Works, Milledgeville, Ga. Dear Mr. Me:— Your favor of the 23rd to hand, in reply will say ship the Brick at once. I can buy the brick delivered for one dollar lees than you price yours, but they are not as good as yours and I prefer using yours. Please put in a sample of your pressed brick. I am figuring on a job that requires a few pressed brick, and in case I get it will want them in the next car. Yours truly, W. C. WILLIS. I have many letters similar to this.—J. W. McM. Petition For Charter. |^J > rofessional Cards T. M. HALL, M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office hours 11a. m. to 12: 30 p. m. Office in Oaliway Building. MllledgeTille Oa. DR. GEO. 1. CHAPMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OPERA HOUSE Millcdgevl||p, (laorgia PHONES: OFFICE HOURS: Office 441 9 m 1J. a. m. Residence 449. 4 to 6 p. m. JINO. P. ATKINSON M. D Physician & Surgeon MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. 132 1-2 Hancock St. J. C. RICHARD, Dentist OFFICE IN 2nd Floor Hatcher Bld’g. OFFICE PHONE 336. RESIDENCE 130. Milledgeville, Ga. (r i COAL When you are offerred inferior coal at a lower price, please remember that it is just that slight dif ference in price that makes “DIXIE' OEM” Quality, Preparation and Service Possible. FOWLER-FLEMISTER GOAL CO.! PHONE 152. £ DR. W. B. HUTCHINS -DENTIST— Office in Ohlman Bldg. Over W, S. Myrick & Co’s., Depart ment Store. GEORGIA, Baldwin Comity: To the Superior Court of said OouDtv. The petition of H. L. Brown, D. VV. Brown and D. S. Sanford, all of M ill - edgeville, said State and County, re spectfully shows; Par. 1st. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of “Brown Hardware Company” for the period of Twenty (20) years with the right of renewal at the expiration of said twenty years. Par. 2nd. The principal eflloe and place of bus iness of said corporation shall be in the city of Milledaeville, said Stale and County. Par. 8rd. The objeot of said corporation is pe cuniary gain to itself and its sharehold ers, Par. 4th. Petitioners propose to carry on and conduct a general Hardware business, to buy and sell, both wholesale and re tail staple and patent hardware, wire, iron, tools of every description, nails, stoves and ranges, gnns and pistols, tinware and to manufacture same, crockery farming implements of every description, machinery of all kinds, and to deal in all other articles and things usually and generally kept and carried in a Hardware store, and all other articles and things ns may be profitably handled and sold in connect ion therewith, acting as general and special agents for other persons or Oompauies in selling or handling any articles or class of articles appropria e to the Hardware business or usually or conveniently connected therewith, and to make contracts to act as such agent. Par. 5th. The Oapttal stock of said Corporation shall be SIX THOUSAND Dollars, with the privilege of increasing same to the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND Dollars or any part of said sum by a majority vote of the stockholders, said stock to he divided into shares of ONE HUN DRED Dollars each, and more than ten per cent of the proposed Capital stock has already been paid in. Par. flth. Petitioners desire the. right to sell for cash or ciedir, to sue and he sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all nec essary by-laws and reeularions, and to do all other things that may be neces sarvforthe successful carrying on of said business, including the right to buy. hold and sell real estate and per sonal property snitabl of the corporation, and to execute notes ; all dealers and bonds as evidence of indebtedness j incurred, or to be incurred in the con- I duct of flip affairs of the corporation | and to sreuro the same by mortgages. | security deed, or other form of liens, under existing laws. Par. 7th. They desire for said incorporation j the yower and authority to apnly for | and accept, amendments to its Charter ! of either form or substance, bv a vote j of a majority of its stock outstanding | at tlie time. Par. 8th. They desire for the said inoorpora- | lion, that it have all such other rights, j have five head that I wish powers, privileges and immunities as , , are incident to like incorporations or tO SOU at OlICC. A gOOCl permitted under the laws of Georgia. , , j Wherefore, petitioners pray to he in- tWO llOTSC W agon ail(l corporated under the name and style of nAQ o in nvrnllpnt rPritlir “Brown Hardware Company”, with | lu exteiicui ltyun. the powers, privileges, rights and im munities herein set out. and as are now or may hereafter be. allowed a corpo ration of similar character under the laws of Georgia. This the 8th, day of February. 1012 D. B. Sanford it D S. Sanford, Att’ys tor Petitioners. WM. A. ELLISON. Physician and Surgeon Milledgeville, Ga. Calls given prompt attention day and night and night calls a specialty. Residence 203 N. Jefferson Street. New Features. To Meet the Growlag Neelttl this Coatmaatty, New Featares Have recently beta aMel. Oar Baslmeee hae beta tlaaalHt* aai la saw con ducted Wader Ibrte dlatlaat heads, aaaely: THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. THE SAFE-DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Separate Systems of Accounts Are Kept, So that each Department Is Complete In Itself. The Milledgeville Banking Co. OF MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. 0. J. Martin, Boon Mill. Yu., who is the mother of 18 children. Mrs. Martin whb cured of stomach trouble aud constipation by Chamberlain's tablets after five years of suffering, ami now recommends to the purposes | these tabblets io the public. Wold by to execute notes ia.lL MILLEDGEVILLE A Point to Remember. The eonfiuued growth of this bank’s re* sources is the best evidence of the confi* dence of the people. We Give the Three Essentials COMPLETE SECURITY AVAILABILITY COURTEOUS TREATMENT BIN 11 Those in need of good work Stock for farm or oili er work can gel a good mule from me cheap. 1 har- C. M. WRIGHT. IS You Arc a Tritle Sensitive ■aaamnaEEaBsnaBD EVERY HATTY ffl .. , IS A BANK ACCOUNT Copyright 199V, by C. L. Xiimocrnuui Co. No. 15 No true happiness can ever come unless the fadl of possible dependency has been entirely elimtnated, and this can only be done by means of a bank account You should acquire one, and once started you will be surprised how easily and rapidly it grows. about, the size o' your shoos, it’s some satisfaction to ku6w that many people oau wear shoes a size smaller by Allen’s Foot.-Ease into them. Just the thing for patent leather rimes, and for break ing in new shoes. Sold everywhere. 25 cents. Sample FREE Address Allen S. Olinstead, Leiioy. N. Y. 1 0-4c Almost Lost His Life. S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., will never forRet bis terrible exposure to a merciless storm. “It gave me a dread ful cold,” lie wiites, “that caused se vere pains in my chi st, so it was bard ttt, .. r- - for me to breathe. A neighbor gave me When the fire is ail over i Klw -. Kew Dk . ! what then? If you aren’t I "°” r r *“ h »"».!.■««.. »im. ti„ j doctor said I was on the verge of pueu i insured you face a dead loss inoni «. but to continue with the Dis covery. 1 did so and two bottles com- | probably running into the cured me.” i>e only this quir k, * J sale, reliable medicine for cougits, colds or any throat or lung trouble. Price 50c. and {1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by Clias. F. Barrett. 8F MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. CAPITAL 40,000.00 SURPLUS 60,000.00 DEPOSITS 130.000.00 Officers President, JNO. T. ALLEN; Cashier. L. C. HALL; Assistant Cashier, JNO. T. DAY. JNO. T. ALLEN, JNO, T. Directors II. A. McCRAW, L. N. CALLAWAY, GAY. CAPT. JAS. M. LITTLE. L. C DR.’.R. L. RAY HALL. thousands. If you are in sured you warn the money quick, so insure today, NOW, with us and KNOW that if you suffer a fire loss yoq will obtain a prompt, fair settlement of all your claims. C. H. ANDREWS & SON, 2nJ Floor Horne Building. Milledgeville, (ia. CHICKEN FOOu Food for fowls, also domestic animals, consisting: of broKen corn and other grains, known as “Screen ings.” Oconee River Mills. WOMEN Wanes of the highest type, wants a# asperiar wfocatks aud refinement, whose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman’s life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining years, there is no safer or more reliable med icine. Chamberlain’s Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. OUR VEHICLES IN BOTH HIGH GRADE AND MEDIUM GRADE Are Made by the > Most Reliable Manufacturers in the Country, are sold by prac tical Buggy Men who are here every day in the year to make every one sold give* satisfaction. “Our PERSONAL GUARANTEE Is worth your Consideration.” i MILLEDGEVILLE BUGGY & FURNITURE COMPANY.