Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 05, 1912, Image 6

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BULUiT II HEAR HITS THE SPOT EVERY TIME The explanation is sitnple;lheyare madewiih the greatest cure and evepyingredient has to pass the test of oar own laboratories \ theresnolut ormiss'aboutRoyster Fertilizers. Sold 3y Reliable jDealers Everywhere F.S.RGYSTEM GUANO CO, Series Offices NorfolkVa. TarboroNC. Columbia S.C. Baltimore Md. Mont joinery Ala. Spartanburg 3Ci Macon Ga. Columbus 6a. KILLS rim Gift Denied Love's Choice, Katie Randall, of Greensboro, Now Sleeps in Grave. Atlanta, Feb. Jfl.—Mins Kate Reid Randall, «f Green»boro, G»., was hnried here in Oakland Cemetry beside her mother Bandey afternoon. following her death frarn a ballet wound in heart inflcted at tiie home of her uu : ele, E. C. Hixon, of Greensboro. Sat , urday evening Reports from Greensboro are to the i-tfect that she accidentally killed her- ! self. ! A few days before, on th 20;h, she i OBme to Atlanta and registered at the Aragon Hotel, from which she was taken the wuue night by her micle, D. N. Ashbury, of Atlanta Stie stated at that time ttiat she had come to At lanta to marry a Tone* man despite the objections of her f»mi‘v. Subsequentlv site retnrned to Greens boro and the next thing ii-ard was the report of her ‘accidental” death. She was au attractive youug woman and very popmlar at home, where her deatli proved a great shock. Means the wise spend ing of one’s money, making every dollar do full duty and get in return an article that willeatisfy you in? ev ery way. THE WHITE To the churches of the Washington Association. SANDERSVILLE, GA. FL-C.u i13(* ai OK At b U. r E e Un - \ vv p prj Pi ices w i : ! receiv Careful Attention. low prices Prompt and Dear Bretheren:— You will see from the minutes of the last session of the Association that the Ministers and Deacons Moet- 1 ingfor the present year was appoint led to meet with Friendship church I in March. You will also see i that the Sunday school Convention ! is to meet with Sparta church gist a i little more than one week before the ; Ministers and Deacons Meeting is to c invenc. In view of the face that these meetings were put so close to- j gether, as to time and territory, the 1 church at Friendship think it best not to have the Ministers, and Dea Is a real bargain because it is sold at a popular price; because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight in; because it will turn out the kind of work you delight in; because it will turn out the work quickly and thorough ly and give you a life time of satisfactory service; be cause its improvements will enable you to do things which can’t be clone on any other machine; because it will ple&se you v/tih the fine finish and beauty of its furniture. Call at our store, telephone us or write us and we will be glad to show you what a good machine . the WHITE is. We sell needles and parts for all machines. Brown a A I cons meeting at the time appointed 'Friendship "'ill he glad to entertaii CHILDREN INJURED tin will nppoiut the -r-i111 ■ -, at.d let you A\ Funci al r/no w:sr co. rectors and Scientific Embahners Ordinary Cathartics ancH Fills anti Elnuwii Physics Cause Distress!*! , C^mptslnis. up the meetuig, and time as 6uon as j> . know. Fraternally yours, L. A. Ilranlly, Pastor Friendship church AT DAVES & EDWARDS TELEPHONES: Office 65. Residence 254, Death ot iVirs. Eliza Little. 5* MILL.ElX3tF.VILI .K. GA. 0^0900 Stiver Water Power, S^CP R mills INCORPORATED) Water Power, .Stone Ground Old Style, n e All u - g 11 rs S •!>( ts vaiicioige firm MILLEOGEVILLE, GA t:a1e on. Yon cannot be over-careful in the se- | lection of medicine for children. Only the very corniest bowel medicine should j over be given except in emergency cases. ■ Ordiimri pi I, cathartics and purgatives arc apr to do more harm than good. J I'.tey iiihv cause griping, nausea and o'her ciisl r. s:-;ug a! ter t tfecls that are 1 frequoutiy li '.t'tt) destroy-ing. ! personally reomnaien 1 and guar- ante Rexali Orderlies us the safest and mast dependable remedy, which we k'lovv. for constipation and 'associate b )Wel disorders. W e have such abso lute faitl* in the virtues of this rem edies that wo sdl it on our guar Mr. J. A. Little of this city lias tlio sympathy of many friends in the death of his motner, Mrs. Eliza Little, which occurred m Greensboro, Sat urday, the 2dtli ult. Mrs. Little was 87 years of age, and was a devout Christian woman. Mr. Little at end ed the funeral, which was held the following Monday. Frightful Polar Winds. blow with terrific force at the far north and play havoc with the skm, causing red, rough or sore chapped hands and lips, that need Buckleu's Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes the skin soft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, vx V 11 T r sores, ulcers, flits Only 25 cents ai Olias. F. Barrett. Druggist. HOG FOOD. For the farmer l.o feed 2,000 Cords Cash Ready. of Wood, pot Miikdgevilk Brick Works J. W. MclVIlLLAN, Prop. •un .'VmJOtoatKnu/rJ.WJ mrs imam « and fatten hogs, com s Oconee Rive»* Mills. ."oMMC in ■rnwrwMirmnriH wt^rmmsasia nmuauLv. CABINET MANTELS TILE GRATES l antee of money back in every instance | ulso burns, boils, where it fails to give satis acton, and hi uises and piles. We urge all in need of such lm dicuie to try it at our tisk. Rexal! Oiderlies are eaten just like candy, are particularly prompt aud agreeable in action, thay be taken a auy time, day or night; do not cause | diarrhoea, liausea, griping, excessive ■ horses, mules, etc loosness, or other undesirable effects. Toey have u very mild hut positive action upon the organs with which they come ill contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of it.e bowel, thus over- c niinig weakness, and aiding to restore too bowels to a more vigorous and hu.tlrl v activity. bexail Gideynes ceininonly complete ly relieves co 1 tipaiion, except of course {w,i u of a sergicul character. Tliey j alto tend m (.vercome the tu cessity of cjus,anti;, taking laxatiiea to ke, ]i tile bowels in nut mu! condition. Three sizes of 1 ackag, -. 10c, 25c, and 50c. Rememb'-r, * u car, obtain Rexali Remedies onl\ ul our store—The Rexali Store. Jones Drug Go, Successors ro John 11, Vinson S" ('all and inspect our rpe siock or write Weil! ITCH! ITCH! Yard Wide Percales, Spring Patterns - ioc Chambrays in Solids and Gingham Patterns ioc Toile du Nord Ginghams, Spring Patterns 12 1-2C Good Assortment to Select from. Stecerie Braids for Trimming to match these goods. You are invited to call and in spect. Davis <f Edwards’, Hancock Street MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. FARMERS CAN KEEP POSTED. No SBssekaci'.e or M IE 11 yon la.* arv, bl id 1 ri- i* ■ : ' i.VH.V ' if, .. iiA' - • -ElV ■' "V. . j ri Hi : mister h\ : RO M A 11(' to Csi C R S j lelor it I ompany y; ^MilledgcviHc, Ga, i[ jN " w Yo 11 pr-ONE 152 Uitincy PaSss. n the back,, ' trouble., d zr t: \ Mo; hi i .RAF, 1 tie p,n-. f - a system nun \ druggislr, m ... Smut In )r e ay Oe.. L" Mail'll ■mam m«r.•.r-. iKaaasx....;.' .JifW-Mf.. rit’kWajji ■ .S!i»r,'r,csni." noiHtMiBli Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S A 3 T O R I A Pr-atch and rub—rub and scratch— until you i’eel as if you could almost tear the burnins slctn from your body —until it seems ns If you could no lunger endure these endless days of i-wful torture—tliose terrible nights i.f sleepless agony. Then— 1 few drops of D. P. D„ tho - •’S '‘ozema Specific and. Ohl v/hat relief: The itch gone instantly: Com- f„rt and rest at last! 1). 1). D. is a simple external wash (’ at cleanses and Heals the inflamed skin as nothing else can. A recognized rneclfic for .Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Itheurn or any other skin troublo. We can give you a full size tyittlo rf the genuine 1). 1). ]l. remedy for 51.00 and if the very first bottle falls to give relief It will not cost you a cent. We also can give you a sample bot tle for DD cents. Why suffer another Cay when you can got D. V. D.t Culver & Kidd, Milled. ' 111 e, G < i. ——H As to the price of cotton every day by Having a telephone installed in their homes. It will save the rran unnessary trip to town. It also oilers great protection to their families by enabling them to call the j ir neighbors if in trouble. See J. L. KING about a phone. Milledgevilie Telephone Co, fTfsetestt^ S8S£