Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 12, 1912, Image 2

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1 LEGAL ADVCRTiSMG Petition Fox* Charter. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: To the Superior Court of said County. The petition of If. L. Brown, D. W. Brown and D. S. Sanford, all of Mill- edgeville, said State and County, re spectfully shows; Par. 1st. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and stylo of “Brown Hardware Company ’’ tortile period of Twenty (20) years with the right of renewal at the expiration of said twenty years, Par. 2nd. The principal office and place of bus iness of said corporation shall be in the city of Milledgeville, said State and County. Par. 3rd. ' The object of said corporation is pe cuniary gain to itself and its sharehold ers, Par. 4th. Petitioners propose to carry on and conduct a general Hardware business, to buy and sell, both wholesale and re tail staple and patent hardware, wire, iron, tools of every description, nails, stovps and ranges, guns and pistols, tinware and to manufacture same, crockery’ farming implements of every description, machinery of all kinds, and to deal in all other articles and things usually and generally kept and carried in a Hardware store, and all other articles and things as may be profitably handled and sold in connect ion therewith, acting as general and special agents for other persons or Companies in selling or handling any articles or class of articles appropria e to the Hardware business or nsnally or conveniently connected therewith, and to make contracts to act as such agent. Par. oth. The Capttal stock of said Corporation shall be SIX THOUSAND Dollars, with the privilege of increasing same to the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND Dollars or any part of said sum by a majority vote of the stockholders, said stock to be divided into shares of ONE HUN DRED Dollars each, and more than ten per cent of the proposed Capital stock has already been paid in. Par. 6th. Petitioners desire the right to sell for e is! or ciedit, to sue and be sued, to; ad and be impleaded, to have and u r " a common seal, to make nil nec- i sar\ by-laws and regulations, and to no r.l 1 other things that may be neces sary f< " the successful carrying on of s'ul i I'-iness, including the right to buy. ho'd and sell real estate and per sonal property suitable to the purposes of tiie corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred, or to be incurred in the con duct of ttie affairs of tiie corporation and to secure the same by mortgages, security deed, or other form of liens, under existing laws. Par. 7th. They desire for said incorporation tli • ; o- or and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its Charter of either form or substance, by a vote cf a majority of its stock outstanding at tho time. Par. 8th. They desire for the said incorpora tion, that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are incident to like incorporations or permitted under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style of “Brown Hardware Company”, with tlie powers, privileges, rights and im munities herein set ont. and as are now or may hereafter be. allowed a corpo ration of similar ciiaracter under the laws of Georgia. This the Stli, day of February, 1912 D. B. Sanford D. S. Sanford, Att’ysfor Petitioners. Sheriffs Sale. Application lor Charter. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: ' GEORGIA, Baldwin County: Will be sold at the Court House door; To the Superior Com t of Said County, in said county, on the first Tuesday iu I The petition of. .E W, McMillan, M. April, 1012. witlnu tile legal hours of S. Bell, Lewis Flemister, L. N. Call- sale, to-wit: ) awav, A. J. Carr. A. \V. Tisdale. It All of the following described houses. W. McMillan, A. C. McKinley, of Bald- together with the premises upon which the said houses are erected, the follow ing described lands and houses: One two room house with brick chim ney and pillars, stove flue, front porch, four outside doors, four windows, ceil ed throughout; Alsoione three room house With him and one bricx chimney, stove tine, two outside doors, six windows, ceiled throughout, this house,' is next to tiie j public road, Also two room house, it being a dn- ) plicate and described as the first above. Also one three room house with brick win county, Georgia, B. W. Hunt, of Putnam, Couuty, Georgia, John 11. McKiuzie and J, W, Marclnpau, of Fulton Comity, Georgia, Respectfully shows. Par. 1st. That they desire tor themselves, their associates and sucoessors, to be incorpo rated and made a body, politic under the name and stale of the “MIEL- KDGKVILLE BRICK WORKS COM PANY" for the term of TWENTY years. Par. 2fad. ROYSTER FERTILIZER HITS THE SPOT EVERY TIME The principal office amd manufactory chimney, three outside doors, six win- 1 of said Company shall be iu the City of dows, front porch, this house beiug Milledgeville, said State and County south of the throe room house described aforesaid, but petitioners desire tiie above, all of the above described four right, to establish branch ‘ offices and houses being on a tract of land on the manufactories within this state or east side of the public road from Mill- elsewhere, when the holders of a ma edgevisle to Irwiuton, and iu the city jority of the stock may so determine, limits of Milledgeville, Ga„ and in the Par. 3rd. southern part of said city and almost j The objectof said corporation is pe- west of the property of Joe Bland and | cuniary gain to itself and its share- this tract upon which the said houses ! holders, are erected formerly belonged to the j Par. 4th. estate of Caraker, (and the houses were j The business to bo conducted and car- erected by Bro»ch_ upon part o_f the j ried on by sain corporation, is the man- Application for Dismission. GEORGIA—Baldwin County. Office of Ordinary. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Minnie McMillan, guardian of her minor children, lias applied for dismission from said guardianship, hav- uiade her final return as such guardian to this office, and same will be passed upon on the first Monday in April, 1912, a id if no objections are filed thereto, letters of dismission will he granted as praved for. Given under my hand and seal, this the 4th dav of March, 1912, W. H. STEMBRIDGE. Ordinarv B. 0. laud purchased by Broach from J. E. Kidd and M. S. Bell.) Also oue two room house erected on the tract of land in the 321st, District, G. M., said state and couuty, known iu the plan of “Oconee Heights” as lots Nos. (2 and 3) two and three, in block “ vl”, it being lots purchased from Maggie Godard by W. P. Broach on December 14th,11910 and said deed is recorded in deed book No. 3, page 403, to which deed reference is for a bet ter and fuller description. AIbo a two room house in the village of Harrisburg, in the 321st, Ilestrict, G. M.. said state and county, on a lot bounded on the north by lands of Dr. H. D. Allen, on the east by the right of way of the Central of Georgia railroad, on the south by lands of Har riet Killings, and on the west by lands of Oscar Stevens, it being the same lot purchased by W. P. Broach from Emma Pittman, on December 3rd, 1910, said deed is recorded iu deed oooli “pp”, p»ge 559. All of said described land and im provements levied on to satisfy an ex ecution issued from the Superior court of Baldwin comity, Ga,, at the January term, 1912, of said Court, on the fore closure of a Materialman’s and Con tractor’s lien of Guy Miller against said W. P. Broach for material and work done on said described houses and premises. Lien filed Feb. 25ch, 1911 aud recorded in lieu book I page 51, foreclosed at Jnly term, 1911 of Baldwin Superior Court, and Judge ment had at Jan. Term, 1912 of said Court. The execution being in favor of Gnv Miller against W. F. Broach and the houses and land described above. Levy made Feb. 14th, 1912, and all parties notified in writiug. This February 15th, 1912. S. L. TERRY, Sherriff B. C. Ga. Slterllf Sale. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: Will be soled on tho first Tuesday in April, next at public outcry before the Court House door iu said couuty to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain lot of land situate and being in said state and county and iu the city of Mil ledgeville, said lot containing one-fourth of an acre more or less and having ereetefl thereon a two-room house, and being bon tided as follows: North by lauds of David Kitchens, East by lands of Andrew Wall, south by lands of West Singleton aud West by Columbia street. Said property levied on as the property of David Kitchens, a minor, in the charge of Francis Harper to satisfy a tax fi la issued by K. P. Howkins, Tax Collector of Baldwin Couuty for State and County ’Paxes for the year 1911, amounting to $9.10. Tenant iu tossession notified in terms of terms of the law. Levy made by E. A. Butts, Cousta. bie, and turned over to me this 6th day of March, 1912. S. L. TERRY, Sheriff. nfaotnro aud sale of brick, pottery, and alljother articles aud things made aud mannfoctured from clay and all such articles and tilings of which clay is basis, and all such articles and things as may be profitably handled and sold in connection therewith, acting as special or generabagents for other p>r- sons or companies in selling or handling any article or thing or device appropri ate to the manufacture of brick or clay articles to inclnde the contracting of and the building for others of Kilns of every description. Par. 5th. The Capiial stock of said corporation shall be Eighty Five Thousand ($85,- 000.00) Dollars, with the privilege of increasing same to the snin of Two hun dred Thousands Dollars, by a major ity vote of the stockholders, said stock to be divided into shares of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS each. Tin per cent, of the amount ot cap ital to bo employed by them has been actually paid iu. Petitioners de sire the right to have subscriptions to said capital stock paid in money or property at a fair valuation. Par. 6th. Petitioners desire the right to sell for cash or credit, to he sued and to sue, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common Seal, to make all necessary by-laws aud regulations, aud to do all other things that may be neecssary for the successful carrying on of said bus iness, including the right to buy, hold and sell real estate aud personal prop erty, snitable to the purposes of the Corporation, and to execute notes ard bonds as evidence of indebtedness in curred, or which may btr'incurred iu the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure same by mortgage, secu rity deed, or other form of lieu under existing laws. Par. 7th. They desire for said corporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter, of either form or substance, by a vote ot' a majority of its stock outstanding at the time. Par. 8th. They desire for the said corporation tho right of renewal when and as pro vided by the laws of Georgia, and that it have all such other__ rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are inci dent to like ino >rporation or permis sible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name aud style afforesuid witli tiie powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now, and as may hereafter be, al lowed a corporation of similar char acter under the laws of Georgia. D. B. Sanford & D. S Sanford, Att'ys Cor Petitioners. Hie explanation is sMple;lheyare madenHh the greatest care and every ingredient has to pass the test of our own laboratories %• theresno tutor miss about Royster Fertilizers. Sold $y Reliable Dealers Everywhere F.S.RQYSTER GUANO CO, .Sales Offices Norfolk Va. TarboroN.C. Columbia S.C. BaltimoreMd. Montgomery Ala. Spartanburg 5G Macon Ga. Columbus 6a. SANDERSVILLE, GA. HIGH GRADE WORK. ' LOW PRICES Requests for Designs and Prices will receive Prompt and Careful Attention. Citation. GEGREIA, Baldwin County. To All Whom it May Concern: George Brittain having applied for guardianship of the persons Annie Lou, George Randal, Edward and Willie Lewis Johnson., minor children of Lessie Johnson, late of said couuty, deceased, notice is given that said ap plication will be heard at mv office at 10 o’clock A. H.. on the first Meudav ill April uexr. This 5ch of March, 1912. W. II. Stembririge, Ordinary. Application lor Administration. GEORGIA—Baldwin Conuty. Ordi nary’s office Notice is hereby given that Frank A. Hall has applied to me lor letters of administration oil the es- tote of Marinda Parker, late of said county, deceased, aud that said applica tion will be heard at the regular April term, 1912, of the court of ordiuary of said conuty. W. H. STEM BRIDGE, Ordinary B C Application for Administration. GEORGIA—Baldwin County. Ordi nary’s office. Notice is hereby! given that B. Hill has applied to me for let ters ot administration i n the estate of E H Burritf, deceased, and that said application will be heaid at the regular April rerm, 1912. of the court of Ordi nary of said county. W. H. STEMBRIDOE. Ordinary, B, C. Application lor Year’s Support. GEORGIA, BALDWIN COUNTY: Ordinary’s Offloe Mtb. A. I). Na pier having made application for year’s support out of the estate of John W. Na pier, late of said county, deceased, and appraisers duly appointed to sot apart the same having filed their return, all persons conceruad are hereby required to show eauso before the court of Ordi nary of said county on the first Monday in April, 1912, why said application should not be granted. This March 4th, 1912. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary B. C. GEORGIA, Baldwin Oounty: I, J . O. Cooper, Clerk of thcSuperior Court of said Oounty do tiereby certify that the foregoing is a true aud correct copy of tiie application for Charter of the “Milledgeville Brick Works Com pany,” as the same appears cf file in this office. Witness my official signature and seal of said Court, this the 4th day of March, 1912. J. C. COOPER. Clerk Superior Court Baldwin., Co, Ga. PNEUMONIA (left me with a frightful cough and I very weak. I had spells when I could j hardly breathe or spe^k for 10 to 201 jminuies. My doctor Could not help] j me, but I was completely cured by[ DR. KING’S New Discovery Mrs. J. E. C«x, Joliet, 111. 50c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. Frlgbtlnl Polar Winds. blow with terrific forse at the far north aud play havoc with the skin, causing red, rough or sore chapped hands and lips, that need Bucklen's Arnica Sahe to heal them. It makes the skin soft and smoot h. Unrivaled for cold-sores, dlsn burns, boils, tores, ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles. Only 25 cents at Chas, F. Barret’, Dmgg.st. An Explanation and An Invitation Twentvsix years ago, I came to Milledgeville to make 2,5UO,00O brick for the stato, the extra tine brick clay and good schools caused me to settle here. I leased eighteen acres of land and commenced making brick in a small way. The extra quality of the clay brought orders from a distance, ad ditional machinery from time to time was put to work, the leased land pur- ceased and additional land added, now I own over a mile of fine clay land, and a business that is as well established as any in the state. Many customers continue to buy from me who commenced dealing with me twenty-six years ago. The time books show some of the same hands I hired the first week I came here, and the sons of some of these hands never worked for any one but me. I’ve never asked a bill collector to come again for his money, and never failed to pay every hand rn cash, (no commissary) every Saturday. (Truly Georgia is a great state to settle in if you KNOW HO\Y TO WORK AND WILL WORK.) The steady increase in the demand for the “McMillan Brick” compels an extensive enlargement, part of the enlargement is a continuous kiln, ap proximately 370 feet long, and a cliim ney stack 135 feet high, Such kilns are used in Scotland, where T learned to work iu brick, the cost of such a kiln, witli other addi tions, will be between thirty and for ty thousand dollars, but the saving in fuel and labor is proportionately great. The greatest single item of cost in making brick is the fuel cost. A kiln such as I propose to erect would save oyer half of the fuel. To make these improvements I propose to convert the business into a stock company, capitalized at $86,000.00, keep $45,000.00 of the stock and from the sale of the $40,000.00 make im provements and have working capi tal. The shares sell at $100.00 each payable one-third cash, one-tliird April 15th aud the balance June 17th. The right is reserved to reject any subscription for stock. Mr. MoKensie is a sure enough brick maker, lie was raised iu the business aud made a fortune ont of it. Read what lie says: “I have seen the extensiveness of his plant, the extra fine quality of tiie clay bed, aud know of the steady increase, of his business, and of the excellent reputation of his brick. Mr. McMillan is showing good bus iness judgment in making an en largement of his plant. With this continuous kiln over half the fuel cost will be saved and much labor. I’ve taken stock in his company and unhesitatingly recommend you to do the same. From 15 to 20 per cent per annum, good management should be the it. I beg to remain, Very truly, JNO. H. Me KEN Z IE irof- WHAT IS SAIT) ABOUT THE BRICK AT HOME. Office of MILLER S. BELL, MAYOR Milledgeville, Ga. March 4, 1009. To the Public: I take plcuscre in recommending the brick manufactured by Mr. J. W. McMillan, proprietor of the Milledge ville Brick Works. He has one of the'very best rud most thoroughly equipped brick plants in the state. The quality of clay used in making these brick is said to be as fine as there is iu this ouutry. The brick from tli hi enterprise have j or been need in erecting five large build ings uow iuuse on tiie campus of the Georgia Normal and Industrial Gol- lege, aud as a director in this institu tion I can say that the brick used are in every way satisfactory—his brick being strong there is practical ly no waste in handling. Recently the city of Milledgeville completed an elegant and commo dious City Hall, and by virtue of my office as Mayor, was chairman of the building committee. The brick fur nished by Mr. McMillan for Ibis pur pose were highly satisfactory. Dir. McMillan is clever, honest and a most agreeable gentleman in his business relations. I,cheerfully rec ommend Mr. McMillan and his brick to the public. Respectfully, MILLERS: BELL. Over four million brick in these buildings. M«M. WHAT IS SAID ABOUT THE BRICK AWAY FROM HOME. George H. Crafts, Civil Engineer. Contractor For Steel Bridges aud Foundations, Struc tural Towers and Steel Structural Work. Plans and Estimates Furnished. P, O. Box 245 Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 11, 1901. Mr. J. W. McMillan, Milledgeville, Ga. Dear Sir: — I wired you this moruiug “Ship one car ol' very best hard brick to Charles ton,” Hope you can get them off at once and trust that you will send a brick that will pass the Iuspecctor, as they‘require the best common brick. If these are all right, my foreman there will order the balance of the 76M which I shall need and you will please to ship them of same quality. THIS WILL BE A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT FOR YOU, AS THEY HAVE TURNED DOWN THREE OTHER BRICK. Send hill of lading to Mr. FI. C. Reynolds, Sul livan's Islaud, S. O., as soon as ship ped. Yours truly, George H. Crafts. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 27, 1901. Mr J. W. McMillan, Milledgeville. Ga. Dear Sir: Find enclosed check for $443.56 in payment of brick furnished for Gov ernment Store house at Sullivau’s Is land, S G, Please return receipted bill I thank you very much for tiie pains you have been at to give me a good lot of brick there, and I know that they mustbe a fine lot of brick they wouldn’t have passed, I ASHAMED 0FHEBFME “I was ashamed of my face,” write* Miss Pickard of North Carolina. “It was all full of pimples and scars, but sifter using I), ri. D. Prescription for Eczema I can say that now there 1* no sign of that Eczema and- that was three years ago.” This is but one of thousands of case* in which D. it. D. lias simply washed away the skin trouble. D. D. D. cleanses the skin of the germs of Ec zema, Psoriasis and other serious skin diseases; stops the itch instantly, and. when used with D. T). D. soap the cures seem to be permanent. Nothing liko I). D. D. for the complexion. Trial bottle 25 cents, enough to prove the merit of this wonderful rem edy. Wo can also give you a full size bottle for 11.00 on our absolute guar antee that if this very first bottle fail9 to give you relief it will cost you noth ing. Culver & Kidd, Milledgeville, Ga. THE SEWING MACHINE OF © QUALITY. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. II you purchase the NEW HOME you will mvo r life asset nt the price you pay, and will ;iot have tin endlosn chain of repairs. Quality Considered it is the Cheapest in the end t to buy. 9 If you want a sewing machine, write foe )ur latest catalogue before you purchase. \ Nsw Home Sewiim Machine Co., Oranp, Mass, si ail feel safe on putting in your orrek anywhere on Government Work after this trial, Yours truly, George H. Ci’aftn-