Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 19, 1912, Image 3

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fl :rci A M i.ic famous Victor Sir; v . P !. :. , ar it. No obligation to you won’t want to be with- cairn an use PHONES ENTIRELY To Dispense With Telegraph for Giving Orders, Etc., to Trains. ’ 1 er styles S2o to s _j0. ents if desired. Victors $10 to $100. Easy R. H. WOOTTEN, Local Distributor BACH! HRVIEW CANNING FACT’ IvlilLEDGEVILLE, GA. |]L MAKE HEAVY LOSSES Traffic is Demoralized, Millions of Dollars Damege Through out Southeast. Wester P»m CO R N All up-to-date grocers sell it INC OR POP. AT PC! Stone Oround Old style, n-E A L Solicits patronage from the trade on MILLEDGEVILLE, GA Substitution of the telephone for the telegraph for train signaling purposes on every division of the Central of Gt., Railway now seems assured. The llrst circuit has been about com pleted between Columbus and Birming ham. Work of installing the telephone on the other divisions of the Centralis expected to start shortly, anil it will only be a matter of meutlis when the entiro Central system will be equipped with telephones for train signaling. The telephone for train signaling is now past the experimental stage, hav ing been tried out with pronounced success on several of the largo railroad systems of the country. While the installation of a telephone system for train signaling will mean a considerable extra expeuso the greatly improved service it will afford will justify the added expenditure, the of ficials feel. The telegraph will continue in use for commercial purposes and regular business messages for the rail road. and cone of the telegraphers will lose the places because of the change. Use of the telephones for signaling on the Columbus division will begin in a few days. Legal Notice. GEORGIA—Baldwin County. Of- lice, Judge of the County Court, It appearing to tire court that owing to the illness of the families of the mem bers of the bar, and the conflict in the date of this court and Hancock Superior court, it will be impractica ble to hold the criminal court on the 4th Monday of March; it is therefore ordered that the jury drawn, he not served by the sheriff and that said jury is not authorized or required to appear at said term of court and is hereby excused for the term. Witness m,v hand officially, this the 2nd day of March, 1912. John T. Allen, Judge County Court, Baldwin bounty, on. I A true order as appears from the j minutes of this court. J Cleveland Cooper, Clerk. Notice Exeective Committee. SCHEDULE GEORGIA Arrival oi Trains at Milledgeville | Toe memb Q rs of the Democratic Ex ecutive-Committee of Baldwin count. | are requested to meet at the Court House Satuulay, March 23rd., at 12 I o’clock. Juo. Conn, Chairman. Atlanta, March 16 —Reports of heavy property damage throughout the South east as the result of the terrifio rains of the last two days continne to be re ceived here and earlier estimates that the losses will reach into the millions are sustained. Rivers and smaller streams are all out of banks and rail road traffic is generally demoralized. Reports to the Southern Railway here today telling of the washout of a trestle over the Haw river near Reids- ville, N. O., stopping through traffic on the main line, while schedules on branch lines in the Carolinas have been annulled because of washouts and dam aged trestles. Through traius are be ing detoured to the South by way of Knoxville and Chattanooga. Cotton mills and otheT industries along the smaller rivers have beeu com pelled to shut down by high water, and in North Carolina alone the losses are estimated at a half million dollars. Reports from Columbia show similar conditions in South Carolina. The Con- garee and Broad rivers at Columbia have become raging torrents and the flood threatens to carry away the big steel bridges over both rivers. At Cam den the Wateree river has carried away two bridges and all roads into the town are submerged. The Saluda river also is out of bounds and reports say a freight tram has been caught between two washouts near Saluda and aban doned. The Savannah river at Augusta came to a stand to-night at 36 feet and 9 inches, after spreading over a large part of that city. The damages, it is said, will be much less than the mem orable flood of 1908. At Macon the rise of the Ocmulgee river caused break in the water mains, cutting off the water supply of part of the city and leaving the city without fire protection to-night. From Southern Alabama come re ports that all rivers are steadily rising and damage to property is enormous At Montgomery the Alabama has back ed up neurit to the Union Station. Gov. O’ueal today issued an appeal for help for the storm victims at Headland, where a hurricane yesterday killed five and destroyed forty homes AO. 72 from Macon 7 ! from Macon 32 from Macon No, 71 from Camak No. 35 from Camak No. 73 from Camak No. 33 Sunday Only 10 05 a 1 56 p 9 27 p .1 32 p n y Professional Cards T. M. HALL. M. I). PUACTII 1NQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office hours 11 a. m. to 12: 30 p. m. rice in Caliway Building. ..ville < * 1 '- '• CEO- L, 'GIAN AND SURGEON OPLRA HOUSE Uilledgeville, Georgia S- OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 11 a. m. .149 4 lo 5 p.m. Is one that goes after the liver good and strong, a preparation that will drive away all indigestion,ccnsti pation and liver troubles. When that is done the cause of debility, tired feeling, headaches and the other symptoms of a run-down condition is removed. nr* Mules a3 Public Oulcry. Saturday, March 2cd, will he sold before the court House door at noon to tlie highest bidders, two good mules now used by the county. h J. F, O. L MeKINLEY, MILLER, .MORAN. DON’T EE BALD Nearly Any One May Secure Splendid Growth ol Hair. will do this better than you can tab 141 nce any reined ome oil hand. (0.ATKINSON M. 9 Physician & Surgeon MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. 132 1-2 Hancock St. > sure and li 50c and SI per bottle at Would YOU be caught in such a position it jour property was wiped out byj .fire? I I We want you to com- | pare the total of j our i surance with that of m- the Chas. F. Barrett’ S total value of your proper- Dentist C. RICHARD, OFFICE IN 2nd Floor Hatcher Bid’?. I0NE 336, RE61BEMCE 130. Milledgeville, Ga. Manufactured and Guaranteed by R. L. T. Company ANDERSON, S. C. DR. W. B. HUTCHINS —DENTIST— Office in Ohlman Bldg. ( ve- W. S. Myrick & Co’s., Depart ment Store. Piiy WM. A. ELLISON, sician and Surgeon „ Milledgeville, Ga. L'uIIk ^iveu prompt attention day ana r 'Kl t and night calls a specialty. Hesideuce 203 N.Jefferson Street. He Won’t Limp Now, No more limppiug for Tom Moore, of Cochran. Ga. “I had a hard sere on my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bucklin’s Arnica Salve,” tie writes, “but this wonderful healer soon cured me ” Heals old running sores, ulcers boils, burns, cuts, bruises, eczema or piles. Try it. Only 26c. at Chas. F. Barrett. Shocking Sounds in the earth are sometimes heard before a terrible earthquake, that warn of the coming peril. Nature’s warnings are kind. Ttmt dull ]iain or ache in the buck warns yon the kidneys need at tention if yon would escape those dan gerous maladies. Dropsy, Diabetes, or Bright’s disease. Take Eleetric Bitters at once and see backache fly and all your best feelings return. ‘‘My son re ceived great benefit tropi their uso for kidney and bladder trouble,” writes Peter Boudy, South Rockwood, Midi. “It is certainly a good kidney medi cine.” Try it. 50c at Chas. F. Barrett. ty and see if the ratio is a reasonable one—if it’s not see us at once and allow us to write the additional insurance needed in one of our strong, reliable com panies. C. H. ANDREWS & SON. 2nd Floor Horne Building. Milledgeville, Ga. CHICKEN FOQl) Food for fowls, also domestic animals, consisting of broken corn and other grains, known as “Screen ings.” Oconee River Mills. We have a remedy that has aided to grow hair and prevented baldness in 93 out of 1UU cases where used according to directions tor a reasonable length of -time. That may seem like a strong statement—it is, and we mean it to ho. uiid no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test. Wo are so sure that Rexall ”93,’ Hair Tonic will euro dandruff, prevent bald ness. stimulate the scalp and hair roots, we personal!j 7 give our positive guaran tee to refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall “93” Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spring water. It is de lightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum tlie hair. Two sizes, 50o, and $1.00. With our guarantee back of it, yon certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Store. Jones Drug Co., Successors to Juo. H. Vinson. A Hero In A LlgttiUpuse. For years J. S. Donahue, So. Haven, Mich., a civil war captain, as alight- house keeper, averted awful wrecks, but a queer fact is, h« might have been a wreck, himself, if Electric Bitters had not prevented. “The cured me of kidney trouble and chill*,” he writes “after T had taken other so called cores for years, without benefit and they also m i v ed my sight. Now, at seventy, I am feeling fine.” For Dyspepsia, in digestion, all stomach, liver and kidney troubles, they.re without equal. Try them. Only 50o. At Chas. F. Barrett, Druggist. You can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience it. you use Chamberlain’s tablets Many have been permanently cured by their use. Fur Sale bV t»il UoslelS. SPECIAL LOW PRICE SALE REAL LIVE BARGAINS If you want the best, and if you want to be sure of always getting the right styles and the lowest prices. Shop with us. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Will be laces of unusual values and very choice patterns, special sale price will be 5 cents a yard. To appreciate them you should see them. Special showing of White Net and White Voile Embroidery Robes, very suitable for street cos tumes or evening dresses $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 a yard, bands to match. White Corduroy and White Welts, very stylish for one-piece dresses and separate skirts 39, 50, 75c a yard. White Serge 50c, 75c, $1.00 a yard, very stylish for one piece dresses. Some short lengths, running three to ten yds. fifteen to twenty yds., a variety of styles and colors, not this season’s goods, but are worth 50c and some 75c. a yd. Will close out the lot Thursday beging at ten o’clock As long as they last. ID c a New Models in the If you want your gown to hang gracefully and want comfort and ease as well as a good figure, wear the Amer ican Lady Corsets. We have all the models Special Showing' in 4 v- Oxford’s and Pumps. Including all the new leathers, Gun Metals, Tans and Patent Leathers, as well as white buck and white canvas, $3, $3.50 and $4.