Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 19, 1912, Image 5

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I Union Recorder. Published Weekly iu MilledgovillQ, Ga BY BARNES, MOORE & SON. cnteked at the milledgeville post OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR. The “Fede\ai Union” and the ‘Southern Recorder” were consoli- ated August 1st, 1872, the Union being n its Forty-Third Volume and the Re corder in Its Fifty-Third Volume. ;°UNTY AMD CITY OFFICIAL ORGAN We are all rejoicing that the sun is j shining. Candidates are getting numerous in Baldwin county. Hon. J. M. Slaton has announced ss a candidate for Governor. When Macon gets that $1,600,000 un ion depor, won’t she swell with pride? Why not have a cleaning upjday? It would be a great benefit to the whole town. Who are you for President? Is a ques tion being frequently asked here, now a-aays. MILLEDGEVILLE MUST HAVE A CLEANING UP DAY. Naturally there is not a prettier city in Georgia than Milledgeville, and it soon will be at its best. Ihe weather is now clear and warm and the trees will soon l.e budding and the flowers blooming. 1 lie time of the year has come when our city should be given a thorough cleaning up. During the wet aud cold weather trash and dirt have accumulated all over the city and with the coming of spring all of it should be cleaned away. A cleaning up is necessary from a health standpoint, and this should make every citizen willing to join in tin- movement. Trash and filth breed disease and no community can be healthy without having the cause removed. Let the city council set aside a day for cleaning up the city. Let them make arrangements to aid in this movement, aud let the citi zens join enthusiastically. This is not a light question to be brushed aside. But it is of vast im portance. The health of the people is at stake. In many cities of Georgia this movement has received the hearty oo-operation of the ladies, and they have been the leading spirit. Milledgeville must have a general March 27th has been set aside for purpose. Every citizen should jonin in the movement. M/tOlMeCAlErtT!. For Treasurer. I desire to announce mv candidacy for re-election to the office of Treasurer, subject to the primary, and will ap preciate your support and influence. OTTO M. CONN. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce my candidacv for re-election to the office of Tax Collect or of Baldwin County, subject to the Democratic Primary. Thanking the voters for the confidence they have shown me in the past. I again ask their support. K. P. HA VEINS. For Ordinary. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Oreinary of Baldwin County, subject to the Democratic primary. During ttie time I havo served the peo ple in this office. I have endeavored to perforin the duties required of me con scientiously and to rhe best, of mv abil ity. In asking' the people again for j their support I promise the same efforts. W.^H. STKMBRIDGE. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce as a candidate for re-election to the office of tax receiver subject to the primary. I will appre ciate the continued support of the vo ters. E. P. LANE. Hon. Joe. Hill Hall opened his cam paign for Governor at Knoxville, Mon day night, The coal men have reaped a harvest on aoconnt of the long and continued dissagreea^le winter. The fight is on in Georgia between the forces of Gov. Woodrow Wilson and Hou. Oscar Underwood. If yon have not registered remember the hook> close April 2ud, and give the matter your prompt attention. BOYS CORN SLOB Will BE ORGMIZED 30TB Postponed from the Past Satur day For Two Weeks From That Date. Micon is roiDg to entertain the vet erans in royal style, but those who are not veteran's will have to look out for themselves. Doll clothes and hats of all kinds, w’U b ’ sold at Parkers & Little millinery store, on Friday and Saturday after noon from three to four o’clock. Services at Sc. Stephens obarcli next Sunday morning at 10:30 All of the members are urged to be present, and the public is invited to attend. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Of the Very Best Quali ty for sale at R. H. WOQTTEN’S A Girl's Wild UMalghl Ride. To warn people of a fearfnl forest fire >n the Catskills a yonng girl rode horse back at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King’s New Dis covery in curing lung trouble, coughs aud colds, whioh might have ended in Consumption or pneumonia. ‘It cured me of a dreadful oough aud lung dis ease,” writes W. R. Patterson, Wel lington, Tex,, ‘-after four in our family had died with consumption, and I gain- ad 87 pounds. Nothing so sure and safe *or all throat and lung traables. Price ’he and $1.00 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by Ohas F. Barrettt, Drug The orgrnization of the Boys Corn Club of the public schools of the County was not perfected Saturday as was ex pected. Mr. M. C. Gay, who has this work in charge, was in the city, but as the at tendance was small, owing to the con- continued ram ahd high water, it was decided to postpone the organization until Saturday, the 80»h inst. At this time Mr. Gay will return to the city. It is hoped that the ohlldren, teachers and patrons will be here in large num bers that day. This is an important movement, and it means much to the children. Prizes have been offered by the Conntv Board of Education. WANTED—100 tons ol good Ber muda Hay. Samuel Evans Sons & Co. Mr. Lane Commended. ► Office of COMPTROLER GENERAL Atlanta, Ga., March 18, 1912. Mr. E. P. Lane, Milledgeville, Ga. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your request of 14tli inst,, aud in reply take pleasure in saying that your work as Receiver of Tax Returns has been entirely sat isfactory to this Department. You digest has been neatly made up, free from unsightly corrections, properly ballanced and among the best sent to this office. Yours truly, W. A. Wright, Compt. Genl. SOUTH BALDWIN ITEMS. We have had some very pretty weather for the last few Gays, and the farme.s are more than glad to see it too, after so much rain. Mr. and MrB. J. W. Brown and lit tle son, of Macon visited the former’s parents here last Saturday and Sun day. Miss Lillian M. Summers is the guest of her brother, J. W. Summers. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Minter visitsd Mr. Richard Rambant last Sunday. Mrs. Dock Bales was the guest of Mrs. W. E. Brown last Sunday, Mr. Harry Raleigh has returned to his home in Macon, after a vssit to Mr. Henry Brown. Miss Myrtle Brown was called to her home last Tuesday on account of the illness of her mother. Messrs. Harry Brown and Harry Raleigh visited the G. 8. S., last Sun day. Guess wnat young lady was disap pointed last Sunday. “LAST ROSE.” WANTED—100 tons of good Ber muda hay. Samnel Evans Sons A Co. For Sheriff. v I hereby announce my cnudldar.v for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Baldwin county subject to the Democratic Primary. I will appre ciate the support of the voters of this county and promise if elected to use my every effort to perform the du ties of the office faithfully. S. L. TERRY. For Connty Commissioner. I herebv announce my candidacy for the office of one of the Countv Com missioners, subject to the primary of May 2nd. If elected I promise to ad minister the affairs of the office to the best of my ability. I solicit the sup port of the voters of the countv. G. T. WHILDEN. For Connty Commissioner. Thanking the voters of Baldwin coun ty for their support in the past, I here by announce my candidacy for re-elec tion to the office of one of the County Commissioners, subject, to the pri mary of May 2nd. J. F. MILLER. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce as candidate for the offic of Conntv Treasurer, subject to the primary. I am in a position to give the duties of the office mv entire time, not being otherwise employed, and will appreciate the Influence and votes of the citizens of this county. Sincerely, JNO. G. BEARDEN. For Connty Commissioner. I hereby announce as a candidate for County Commissioner from the 322 district, subject to the Democrat ic Primary of May 2nd. If elected I will serve the people of the county to the best of my abilitv. ASH BENFCRD. For Tax Receiver. To the Voters of Baldwin County: I ain a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver nf Baldwin County, Ga. subject to the Democratic Primary to be held on the second day of May, 1912. I will appreciate vour support. C. B IVEY. For County Commissioner I am a candidate for re-election as one of the Board of Commissioners of Roads aud Revenues, and will greatly appreciate vour support In the coming primary. The short pe riod of time covering my incumbency of this office causes me to realize more fully than ever, its grave re sponsibility, and if again elected, I promise to meet these responsibilities to the best of my ability. C. L. MORAN. For County Commissioner. At the solicitation of many friends I announce as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the demo cratic primary. If elected I will per* form the duties of the office faith, fully and in the interest of the peo-’ pie. I will appreciate any support I RNES. may receive. W. H. H. BAI For Clerk ol Baldwin Superior Coart. I take this method of expressing to the pnblio my sincere and heartiest ap preciation for the support and confi dence reposed in me daring my incmn- benoe in the aforesaid office, daring which time I have endeavored to put forth every effort to please the people, And in this connection I announce again for re-nomination to this office, Subject to the Democratic Primary to be beld May 2nd, next; and in advance I thank you for your support, pledging yon my services and attention to said office at all times to the best of mv abil ity. I beg to remain, Sincerely yours, JOS CLEVELAND COOPER. For Connty Commissioner. To the Voters of Baldwin Ooanty: I desire to thank you for your liberal support two years ago, and to announce that I am again a candidate for the offiice of Goun y Commissioner of Roads and Revenue for Baldwin County, subject to the Democratic Primary, May 2nd, 1912. If elected I promise to give the business of the county my bast attention. Respectfully. J. O. ETHERIDGE. BIS QUANTITY—BEST QUALITY—FULL POUND That’s Eagle-Thislle. It comes to you Fresh and Pure. Use One-fourth less Than Of Other Brands. Ordinary Soda loses strength by absorbtion of moisture and impurities. Eagle-Thistle Brand is packed direct from the mill into pormanent, moisture-proof, air-tight, sanitary packages, the most economical and desirable Soc^a for cooking and all household uses. Compare the price. Every pound of Eagle-Thistle is manufactured, packed and sold by us. You pay no middleman’s profit-. _ Eagle-Thistle Soda is sold by dealers everywhere. Ask your grocer for it. WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR NEW COOK BOOK. THE MATHIESON ALKALI WORKS: Factoiy and Sales'Office,. SALTVILLE,' H. Goodman, Has opened at the old stand of Goodman & Wootten with New Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc. i And invites his friends and the public generally to give him a share of their patronage, assuring them of straight forward dealing and the LOWEST CASH PRICES Respectfully, H. Goodman, Mgr. For Connty Commissioner. Thanking the voters of Baldwin County for the confidence they have shown in me in the past, 1 announce as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner. G. C. McKINLEY. NOTICE. I have moved my shop to my old st ind on Elbert Street, where I am prepared to do all work brought me. I invite the public to call on me. Personal attention given to all work. E. 0. F. BECKER. eggs for;sale. Pure strain White Wyandott Eggsfl for 15. See J. B. Cox. THE FORD CAR. Cost you less to buy, less to run and less when it is not running, for you have less money tied up in it. And when they do run they go as far and as fast as anybody’s car. Sold ty J. L. SIBLEY. Ro von know that more real danger larks in a common cold thau in any other of the minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable prepara tion, and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible. This remedy is for sale by all dealers. Resolutions by tbe Colored Peo ple ol Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Whereas: Hon. M. S. Bell, Mayor of Milledgeville, and Mr. Samaei Terry, Sheriff of Baldwin connty and others of the city officials have stood for law, or- det and jnstice to the colored people of Milledgeville and Baldwin ooanty at all times, and Whereas: We believe that only their prompt, untiring and conrageous efforts prevented tbe lynching of a colored boy; and Whereas: Such lynching would have stained the fair name of Milledgeville and Badwig. county and would have strained the bond of the mutual good feeling and respect which has existed, and which we hope will ever exist be tween the white and oolored people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county. Therefore. BE IT RESOLVED: That the thanks of the colored people of Mili- edgeville and Baldwin connty are due aud are hereby tendered them for their untiring efforts in behalf of the colored people of Milledgeville t.nl Baldwin connty BE IT KESOLV-ED: That we con demn every act of lawlessness on the part of onr people, and that we pledge oar uncompromising aid and support to them'in every effort to suppress vice and crime among onr people, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of these resolutions be likewise presented to Hon. mayor M. S. Bell and Mr. Samuel Terry, and'., also that a copy be likewise presented to;< each of the papers for publication, viz: The Milledgeville News and Union Rcoorder. COMMITTEE :-Or. J. H. C. Wil liams, Chairman; Rev. J. A. Robinson, Pastor C M. E. Church; Rev. R. W. Walker, Pastor Fiagg’a Chapel Bap-, tist church: Rev. A. M. Jordan, A. M;> E Church; Rev. J. B. Smith, Gordog(' circuit O. M. C. ohuroh; Rev. J. Saxon, Chas. Crawford. W, F. Steele. $ WANTED—100 tons of good Ber muda Hay. Samnel Evans Sons d Co. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boon Mill. Va.. who is the mother of 18 children. Mrs. Martin was erred of stomach trouble and constipation by : Chamberlain’s tablete after five years of. suffering, ann now recommends these tabblets to the public. Sold by all dealers.