Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1920, Image 10

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3~ LOOK HIM IN THE EYE AND- VOTF. FOR Mitchell Palmer Atlonu*; the ••iasey-r v :u kvx&zv: MITCHELL PALMER General and !o; al Democrat—Candidate Presidential nomination before Georgia voters in Primary of April 20. for DEMOCRATS OF GEORGIA: When you cast your vote next Tuesday for a can didate foe the Democratic Presidential nomination, you want it to mean something; it will do so only if cast for Mitchell Palmer, because lie is the only candidate before you who is a candidate before the whole people of ihc United States—the only one whose name will really go before the San Franciso convention. Mitchell Palmer stands for the great Constructive policies of the Democratic administration, which will lie endorsed at San Francisco. Ilis public life has been one of life long and intense loyally to the Democratic party; his private life has always been above reproach. Mitchell Palmer, as alien property custodian, seized, during the war, seven hundred millions of German property which will go to pay American claims, such as those of the Lusitania victims and others. Mitchell Palmer, as attorney general, drove the an archists and destructive Bolsheviks out of America, beat down the high cost of living and boldly announced his willingness to accept such reservations to the League of Nations as would preserve its efficiency and prevent future wars. Mitchell Palmer, the only nation-wide Candidate before you, stands for the VERY HIGHEST TYPE BOTH OF AMERICANISM AND DEMOCRACY. VOTE FOR HIM NEXT TUESDAY! 1U Mitchell Palmer said to Georgians In his speech at Gainesville: “I .nn myself ari Amoriunn find I love to pranch mv doctrino be fore undiluted 100 per rent Ann ri cans, because my platform is. In a word, undiluted Am* rlcanlsm and undying loyalty to the republic. “Wh cannot hope to win in the country if we adopt the lleptih- lic/»n platform, and the Uejuibllcan platform will be a criticism of i '.<•.* pronidont. denunciation of his administration and of the policies which have made that administration great. For us to adopt that platform, which has born pre-empted by the Republicans, would bo diticrtl tiUitide. dictated by party treachery.” (Advertisement) UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA. NEWS OF THE FEDERATED CLUBS OF BALDWIN COUNT! By MRS. J. L. BEESON. The Cooperville community thinks that there is more pleasure in tnc realization of a thing than in the an ticipation of it. Had the clubs know,, that Cooperville was to entertain the federation this spring they would have been discussing it for month Cooperville has sent the invitation; and the date is near—Saturday- April 17th. The gracious hoBpitalit> of this large community, is well known, and every one privileged to attend appreciates the honor. Mrs. Bigham is president of the community club, and the three teach- ers of the school are Misses Smith, Bvanan and Newton. There will be an interesting pro gram, with a fine speaker. There will be a business session in the after noon. The patriotic part of the pro gram will consist of a flag raising and a tree-naming in honor of the neroes of the world war from this school district, of whom there are ‘.HI. The fine singing of the . chool chil dren and the community singing led by Miss Fannie Viryinia McClure wi! : be special features of the day. Basket dinner will be served on the ground. The officers of every Federated Club in the county are cordially in vited to be present, and if they are I unable to come they arc pro Urged lo send substitutes. Besides these officers the invited I guests are Dr. and Mrs, Tigne:. Mr. land Ur;. Peter Bivins, Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Parks, the editors of our two pnpc rs, with their wives, A: Tucker and Miss McClure, the Fairy God- FOR SALE—About 10,000 stalks of saga? cane—this week only, nt CHANDLER BROTHERS. Several tons slack lime—the line for poafiuts, at, Emmett L. Barnes. 'A beautiful line R. H. Wootten’s. of stationery at New York checse- Ward. Phone 2G1. -the best. E. P. A fine lot of country hams and shoulders at Chandler Bros. FOR SALE—We have some good mules at a price very much less than their value. MILLEDGEVILLE BUGGY & FURNITURE CO. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, Baldwin County.— Court of Ordinary, April Term, 1920. The appraisers appointed to set aside a year’s support to Mrs. J. D. Wilkinson and three minor children of J. D. Wilkinson out of the estate of J. D. Wilkinson, late of said coun ty, deceased, having filed their return in this office, this is, therefore, to no tify all persons interested to file their objections to said return on or before the first Monday in May, 1920, or else said return will then be made the judgement of this court. April 6, 1920. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary, Baldwin County, Ga. 0!>t hemstitching a EDGE Wo Wo have installed brated hemstitching ■ ng all classes of her™ picot edge work. Worts ly at reasonable price, work returned same <(. We solicit your patron** best work in town. w\ we? It is our machine ar stand it. SINGER sv CIIINE CO., Phone 285 Cleveland and ColW ton seed. Only a few GEORGIA PRODUTS Cq ! We have a general liJ ies, fresh at all timer- prices. E. P. Ward. Phor'j Rat Poison—kills only rats j roaches, at Emmett L. Barnes. and WANTED—A cheap 2-horse wagon. Also a spilng tooth cultivator. J. L. SIBLEY. Cabbage plants HENDRICKSON. for sale by F. W. Velvet bean seed, bunch—90-day and stringless, at Chandler Bros. ill ill H PLEfi • ith a Planet Jr. Garden P| It Works Easy, Runs Light, Has Full Set of Fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds. E. P. Ward. Phone 2G1. AFTER ILLNESS I’O committee, the ecu f. and Mrs. Kuhl, board of cducatio .. rd tin Dr. Tigne** has named th nmit- tei who will judge from the reports sent in what school will be entitled to the Baldwin county Victrola. A liner committee could not have been chosen. The names on it are Major Muldrow; Miss Burfitt an 1 Dr. Wilk inson. »£WS NOTES AND PERSONALS FROM UNION POINT VICINITY WATERWORKS PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS FOR 1 year 19119 the sum of $3,000; and on .lan. 16, 1940. and each year there after to and including 1948 the suni of $4,500; and on Jan. 15, 1949 the sum of $7,500. All bids must be sealed and deliv ered to the Clerk of the City of MU- 1 j ledgeville, Ga., by noon May 11th, Bids will be received by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Milledgefille, Georgia, up to noon Tuesday, May 11, 1920, for the sale of part of or the entire issue, j amounting to the principal sum of $91,600.00. All of said bonds will be in denominations of $500.00 each and will bear interest at the rate of S'b per annum from date, payable annually on the 15th day of January,' covered by interest coupon.-, attached thereto; principal and interest of said bonds to be- payable in gold coin of the United^ States of present weight and fineness at the office of I the Clerk of said city or at the Bank of America, New York. The above described bonds are to mature as follows; $1,500 par value on Jan. 15, 1921, and each year thereafter to and including Jan. 15. >1929; on Jan. 15, 1930, and each thereafter t* and iadutolf the Easter services were held at the ■ ichool house last Sunday evening, jcginning at eight-thirty o’clock. Dc- ipite the rainy weather the congre gation was good and the services simple, yet touching. Tlie children of Union Point en joyed an Easter egg hunt Friday af ternoon in the grove near the school house. All report a jolly good time. Mrs. B. L. Medlin is visiting in Ma con this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lundy, of Har mony, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar O’Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simmerson, of Milledgeville, were the guests of the latter’s father, Mr. Charlie Ennis, Sunday. Misses Stevenson and Raulerson will attend the teachers’ institute in Milledgeville next Saturday. The Farmers’ Community Coun- ! cil of Union Point community met at the school house last Friday.evening, April 2, and while the attendance was small, a number of interesting things were discussed, which made the meet ing all the more interesting. Our teachei's and pupils are now busy at work on the school grounds and much work is being done to im prove the beauty of the place. Window boxes have been planted, flowers have been planted and trans planted, a cold frame has been made and planted, and about two-thirds of the school children have already planted their home gardens. The children are looking forward to their community sing, which will be held in Milledgeville April 23. We appreciate very much the kind ness that has been shown us by the patrons of our community in getting the children into town every second Friday. This has meant much to them, and in years to come we feel that it will prove a wonderful bene fit t«> the girls and bovs of our school. w mu si i«hiu y.’hsn You Sysicn Needs Strength, Aiier i Si:!; Spelt, Try Ziron. Your blood must have iron to give your body strength. Lack of iron make-s many ) ■ oplo pale, weak and languid. To put Iron into your blood, t. :.e Ziron Iron Tonic. Especially af ter a severe illner:; do you need Ziron bring back appetite and build up weakened vitality. J. K. Clifton, of R. F. D. 3, Lyons, write:;: “Last summer 1 had ty phoid fever and had hemorrhages of the bowels and my health, was wretch ed. I sesrued to be unable to get ray strength l ock. I had no appetite, I bad no energy, I didn't tliir.k I was ^var going to get wo.'l. My k;.?es were weak, my flesh frit clammy, I was in * pretty bad condition. I heard of Ziron and what a good tonic ar.d strengthen?!' it was, and I sent for it at once. It helped me. I began to improve and soon felt much better and stronger." Ail druggists sell or can got Ziron for you. Get a bottle today. It is guaranteed merits. See one at Hatcher’s td- • Vm i. cr RELIABLE OPTICAL SPRY! We can duplicate and grind any prescripts V ilil s id N: KALISH, Prop 352 Seconds! MAIL ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION mil must be accompanied by a certi fied check of the bidder for $ 1,000. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen reserve the right to reject any and all bids. The expense of printing or litho graphing said bonds shall be borne by the purchaser. This 10th day of April, 1920. MILLER S. BELL, Mayor. Fire brick, fire clay, lime and cement, at Barnes. flower poU, Emmett L. Dill pickles, sweet pickles, barrel coSel 8 li?s. for $1. at Emmett L. BsuttfiL uMridMiMil JOS. A. MOORE Funeral Director and F.mbalmcr Phone 477 Exclusive Funeral Parlors 121 W. Hancock Milledgeville, Ga. Y.Y- if ft For Ns Roofing Peace of Mind< USE Tiger Brand Roofing It gives long, dependable roof protection, that will insure peace of mind in all seasons of the year. It is absolutely water proof and weatherproof. Will not crack or curl. It is tough, strong, jdiable and fire-resist- ing. Don’tacccptlessforyourmoney. Tiger Brand Roofing is prepared In 1, 2 and 3 ply, ready to lay rolls, 32-in. wide, that will cover 100 square feet of roof. A supply of nails anti cement go with each roll,® also full instructions for laying It yourself. J. c jfMY JAVA’* a; * SALE OF LAND. GEORGIA, Baldwin County.—Un der a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county at the January j >rm, 1920, thereof in favor of C. J. Conn, ( ^-cutor of \Y. T. Conn, de ceased, against John Edmunson and ^ Ed King, will be sold before the court KjEJl house door of said county, at public A outcry, within the legal hours of sale for cash on the first Tuesday in May, 1920, the following described land: All that tract or parcel of land lying f'i sWVk m For Fowler Sale By Flemister Coal Company in the City of Milledgeville, Ga., and known as the northern half of square 174 in said city. Said property is sold as the property of Ed King and John Edmunson to satisfy the above fi fa. Terms of sale cash. This April 6th, & V TEfiBY, Sheri?.