Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1920, Image 11

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA Worn Down, Out of Heart liia L a( ly> Worn-out an< * Tired, Tells How She JJ' as Helped by Ziron Iron Tonic. ,nal I’hill ii ; u nce of Mrs. ,if Powder below In lord print in condition. My nut "I' Her. I didn’t tin* 1 nil the time. alf rat i! ill n't rest well llf ,,f heart and blue. I u ns point; to be c, t l kept dragging Doomed. . ' , \ think my I , ||.o illldii'l re ! time; hut I fear lr,l __ I -.tint to Mothora r Sid every bottle of I , ., • mous old remedy ^ md see that it l Over 30 Tears. r r? f, r Fit t< Ikts Castorla His Business. ttlmiliter is suelt nn ol.se- | i -in-e. Isn't t (l ]„» a i ; 5iM“*or\ or? ’ “We heard of Ziron, and front wlmt I rend, I was sure it wouldn’t hurt tne, if it didn’t help me. Hut after taking it, I found it really helped tne, and I sent back for more. I ate better, felt much stronger. 1 ant sure Ziron is a splendid tonic.” Jinny people who are worn down and disheartened, duo to stomach disorders and nervous ills, find relief by toning up their blood with Ziron Iron Tonic. Tell your druggist you want to try Ziron on our money-back guarantee. Oh, No! Not to Eat. “May I have one more jelly, please?” ?ntreated Ilobby at the party. "Hut do you think you can eat it?” asked the hostess. “Oh, no!" answered Hobby. "I could not eat any more, but 1 wanted lo drop it down Peter’s neck!” Granulated Eyelids, Sties, Inflamed Eyes | relieved over night by Roman Eye Balsam ‘ One trial proves its merit.—Adv. Will anyone ever call these times “the good old days,” and shoes at $1” a pair? The absent have their faults and the present their excuses. IMPHOVED UNIPOEM INTEBNATIONAL SUNW,SCHOOL Lesson (By REV. p. ii. F1TZWATKR, L>. D.. leather of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) <( "pJriuht. 1QQQ. U'es-te rn Newspaper Union) SHE WEARS NOTHING FADED AND SHABBY LESSON FOR APRIL 18 THE VICTORY OF GIDEON’S BAND. MATERIAL, - Judges LESSON TEXT—Judges 7. GOLDEN TEXT—There Is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few,— I I Sam., 14:6. ADDITIONAL tkl-td; N:l-3o. PRIMARY TOPIC-Gideon and Ills three Hundred. Jt N’lOR TOPIC—How Gideon Won a Victory, INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —Victory by God> Help. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC. —One With God a Majority. i But “Diamond Dyes” Her Old, Apparel Fresh and New. I Don't worry nhout perfect results. I (Tse “Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to i give n new, rich, fadeless color to any ! fabric, whether it he wool, silk, linen, I cotton or mixed goods,—dresses, I blouses, stockings, skirts, children’s I coats, feathers—everything! i Direction Hook in package tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you “Diamond Dye” Color Card.—Adv. WRKLEYS The Flavor Lasts! box of For more titan Forty Years ICotton Growers have known that POTASH PAYS [More than 11,651,200 Tons of Potash Salts [had been imported and used in the United [States in the 20 years previous to January, |1915. when shipments ceased. Of this |6,160,700 Tons consisted of KAINIT |which the cotton grower knew was both a [plant food and a preventive of blight and |rust,—with it came also 1,312,400 Tons of 20 per cent [MANURE SALT [which has the same effects on Cotton, but which [was used mainly in mixed fertilizers. Shipments of both Kainit and Manure Salt have I been resumed but the shortage of coal and cars and high freight rates make it more desirable to ship Manure Salt, which contains 20 per cent of actual Potash, instead of Kainit, which contains less than 113 per cent actual Potash. MANURE SALT can be used as a side dressing I on Cotton in just the same way as Kainit and will ?ive the same results. Where you used 100 pounds of Kainit, you need to use but 62 pounds of Manure Salt, or 100 pounds of Manure Salt go as far as 161 | pounds of Kainit. MANURE SALT has been coming forward in considerable amounts and cotton growers, who can not secure Kainit, should make an effort to get -Manure Salt for side dressing to aid in making 1 a ni? Cotton Crop. [Muriate of Potash jj 1 per cent actual Potash, has been coming forward a “°> 100 pounds of Muriate are equivalent to 400 Pounds of Kainit or 250 pounds of Manure Salt. [ These are the three Standard GERMAN Potash Salts that wore always used in making cotton fertilizers and have been used for all these years with great I P r °ht and without any damage to the crop. The supply is not at present as large as in former fnars. but there is enough to greatly increase the ottiin Crop if you insist on your dealer making necessary effort to get it for you. 0 IT NOW && Soil and Crop Service Potash Syndicate H. A. Huston, Manager *2 Broadway New York tXASOl L MILLION AIRtSj Cl?' * " C t * le * 1 " s * ar *‘ toward fortune to their first little lease 1 ALESMEN send for our proposition (cSSww’n) T °u CAN OBTAIN A LEASE FREE OF COST INVFSTflBC Write for Particulars—Positively w l Promotion or Oil Stock Lr^s leasing company 612 Wheat Building FORT WORTH, TEX. So grievous was Israel' Unit they hid in dens, strongholds (Judges (3; 2). In their distress they cried unto the Lord, and again he heard them and sent deliver- unco. The angel of the Lord appeared I to Gideon while at the post of duty. I Rod always calls men who are doing | something. Gideon's hesitancy when j called was not due to unbelief, but to ; modesty and cautiousness. When once he was convinced of duty he was courageous and enthusiastic. I. The Opposing Army (v. 1). Gideon and his army arose early on that eventful day and encamped by l lie spring of Ilarod. Over against them was the host of the Midtanltes in battle array. His army was insignifi cant in comparison with the Mit'ion- ites. II. The Sifting of Gideon’s Army (w. 2-8). At Gideon's call 32,000 men respond ed. ready for the struggle. This seemed a small army to go against the Midianite army, 135,000 strong, hut God said this was too many lest they lie led to boasting and self-confidence. Their real danger was not in their small army, but in their pride. All that were faint-hearted wore allowed The Native Tongue. Sir—While I wuited for a sweets to he wrapped: First Candy Damsel—"What are those cute little red flowers -yon know those kind that hang down like ear rings'? ,Second C. D.—Oh, tlint's? wandering Jew, hut I don't know what you call . I it in English.—JIrs. Sib in tlie Chi* s affliction j cago Tribune, caves and l Always the best buy for the price Cuticura Comforts Baby’s Skin When red, rough and itching with hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment. Also make use uow anil then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio.—Adv. Maybe She Wanted a Car. “Young .lobbies Inis bought a rakish roadster. It's spite work, I fear,” “IIow so?" “The money spent for that car was intended for a bungalow. Young lob bies wants to show that lie has no in tention of proposing a second time —Houston Host. SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT Stop. Eating Meat for a While Your Bladder Is Troubling You. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known au to go back, leaving only 10,000. There 1 thority. Meat forms uric acid which were 22,000 cowards in that group of men, and, worst of all, they were not ashamed to confess it. Still this was too many. When God was through with ids sifting process only 300 remained. The 10.0(H) were brave men, but not of overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the proper quality and fitness. Those who \ body’s urinous waste, else you have lapped the water showed alertness and watchfulness. This test revealed the quality and fitness of the men whom God would use to win victory. III. God Gives Encouragement to Gideon (vv. 0-15.) God bade Gideon go down to the Midianite camp, where lie would hear something which would cheer ids heart and strengthen his hands. When he came near he heard a man tell a dream, which was that of a barley cake tumbling into the camp and smiting it. He also heard the interpretation given to that dream, which made Gideon to backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during thp night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; [ take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few FRESH-CRISP-WHOIESOME-DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IN TNC MAKING OF THESE BISCUITS MAKE THEM THE STANDARD *f EXCELLENCE fyvr Dealer has then, of if not he shoald. c/JsK him or write us qivtaq his name, CHATTANOOGA BAKERY '"‘Tf.."* 0 ** Steam Never Visible. Actual steam is not visible. The fine. This famous salts Is made from , , . , „„ . , the acid of grapes and lemon juice, _ it J , , , . | combined with lithin, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder his heart and strengthened him for hi work, and caused liis heart to burst forth in praise to God. A barley cake j is a very insignificant tiling, a very i cheap affair in itself, but with the | hand of God upon it, it would lie suffi cient to spread consternation upon the Midinnites and bring destruction upon their armies. IV. God Gives Victory to Gideon (vv. 10-23). His army was very insignificant and his weapons most worthless. IHa at tack was unique. The whole mutter was of faith (Ileh. 11 :32). The ground of his fnilli was God's word and the token which tie had given him. God docs not usk us to go forward without good ground upon which to rest our faith. Gideon with his 300 men formed into three companies, each man being provided with a trumpet and With u lamp concealed within a pitcher. Tims armed, they surrounded the cutups of the Midinnites. They were all instruct ed to keep their eyes upon their lender and imitate him. \Ve, too, are to peep our eyes on our leader. Christ, nrul to ever do ns he does. At the proper mo ment they blew their trumpets and broke their pitchers, giving opportun- ! ity for their lights to shine out. This I an fill crash of breaking pitchers, fol lowing the sound of trumpets, accom panied by the shout, "The sword of the Lord and of Gideon,” threw the Midinnites into a panic, causing them to fight among themselves. One hun- I rlred and twenty thousand were thus slain, leaving hut 15,0*to of that mighty army (Judges 8 :10). In making Hie application to our selves in lliis age. we can think of the sounding of the trumpets as represent- | ing prayer, or calling to God; the j torches, ns the light of the gospel; the I pitchers, our human nature; and Hie | whole, as this treasure in earthen vos- | sels. Only as the pitchers were broken to allow the light to shine forth, and as we sound loud and long the trumpet of prayer can we expect victory. days and your kidneys will then act j visible white vapor which is frequent ly referred to as steam is in reality a collection of fine moisture particles which are formed by the condensation weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-water drink.—Adv. Many a man refuses to trust in the Lord ns long as lie has a dollar in bis pocket. of true steam. Every man of sand should hav* enough sense to build his house upoi a rock. Dr. Peery’s “Dead Shot” is not a loz enge” or “sirup,” but a. real old-fash ioned dose of medicine which cleans out Worms or Tapeworm with a single dose.— Adv. If a man marries money he should be devoted to bis wife. A whale can remain under water for an hour and a half. MOTHERS Do you know you can safeguard your child against spasmodic Croup by keeping Vacher-Balm handy? It gives instant relief, and is alsA the best thing for all kinds of hurta. Keep it handy, and avoid imitations. If you cannot get it locally, send 30c for a tube, to E. W. Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La.—Adv. Patience is not passive; on the con trary it is active; it is concentrated strength. Another Royal Suggestion BISCUITS, BUNS and ROLLS From the New Royal Cook Book “1 Doing the Will of God. The end of life is to do the will of God, whatever that may be; if we could have no ambition past the will of God, our lives would be successful, for tin' maximum achievement of av.v man’s life, after it is all over, is to have done the will of God.—Professor Drummond. Say Not. Suy not unto thy neighbor, "Go and entile again, and tomorrow T will give.” when thou hast It by thee.—Persian Proverb. B iscuit \ What de light this word sug gests. So tender they fairly melt in the mouth, and of such glorious flavor that the appetite is never satis fied. These are the kind of biscuits anyone can make with Royal Baking Powder and these unusual recipes. Biscuits 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 14 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening % cup milk or half milk and half water Sift together flour, baking pow der and salt, add shortening and rub tn very lightly; add liquid slowly: roll or pat on floured board to about one inch in thickness (handle as little as possible); out with blsctiit cutter. Bake in hot oven 15 to 20 min utes. Royal Cinnamon Buns • 2*4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg % cup wnter % cup sugar 2teaspoons cinnamon 4 tablespoons seeded raisins Sift 2 tablespoons of measured sugar with flour, salt and bak ing powder; rub shortening in lightly; add beaten egg to water and add slowly. Roll out inch ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abso/utefy Pure thick on floured hoard; brush with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and raisins. Roll as for jelly roll; cut into 1H inch pieces; place with cut edges up on well-greased pan; sprinkle with a little sugar and cinnamon. Bake in moderate oven 30 to 35 minutes; remove from pan at once. Parker House Rolls $ 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 6 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1% cups milk Sift flour, salt and baking pow der together. Add melted short ening to milk and add slowly to dry ingredients stirring until smooth. Knead lightly on floured board and roll out % inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. Crease each circle with back of knife one side of center. Butter the small section and fold larger part well over the small. Place one inch apart in greased pan. Allow to stand 15 minutes in warm place. Brush each with melted butter and bake in mode rate oven 15 to 20 minutes. FREE Write TODAY for the New Royal Cook Book: con tains 400 other recipes just as delightful as these. Will show you how to add inter est and variety to your meals. Address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 116 Fulton Street New York City “Bake with Royal and he Sure —ang—nan—asaa