Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1920, Image 8

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' UNION RECORDER, ftHLLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA, Here Are the Real Issues on Reservations, to Article Ten Hflv, is Article Ten: A llTIC IK 10 •'The members of the' League umlcrtake to respect anil preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of the League. In case ^of any such ag gression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression, the council ftliall advise upon the means by wliii h this obligation ■ hall be fulfilled.” RESERVATION '«$? -*•»- . “Tlie I'nlted States assumes no obligation to preserve the terri- I torial integrity or political inde- , pendencc of any oilier country by j the tjijployniem of its military or ! naval forces, iis resources, or in ! any form of economic discrlmina- 1 tiofi. or to interfere in any way in controversies between nations, in cluding all controversies relating to ter, itoiial integrity or political independence whether members of the I .cab tie or not, under the pro visions of Article i on. or to em ploy toe military or naval forces of the Tniled States, under any article of the Treaty, for any pur pose, unless in any particular case, the Congress, which, under the Constitution, has the sole power to declare war or authorize the j employment of the military or I nas al fordes^of the I nited Slates j shrill, in the < ise of f-“ 1:1 “ ' of action, by A or joi tiun so provide. SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. < ur thought* determine nur u i-rel'iire our lives, as well *s I -■n of our lives upon all e.ll.er by nuy of K ,jui| or l\ i ir.dr me-, with absolute pre i ph Waldo Trine. A' IIIi< season sw«ctmeats ire wry ■ I 'll l:i r. The following is wl.no tun! not hard '» i k 1 Nut, Date and Checo- late Sweetmeat.— 1 [.•nt four talilespooufuls of hour v or maple ► : q i to t lu foiling point; t* : ll: 11 r it pound of tlie slightly sweet dpi ling (Inn* o-lnte and let > and o\ or hot water unHI tlie dine olnte is soft; add one package of da tes, full liberty joint resulti n'- , it fiiu’.l v a s \v Africa 4 - ;i nt ten •crcta lii wy i him I.r Article Ten, as back from Paris, \ lc itlcr from South < ieneral liliss, b of the int(Ttialiona son to Paris, advise Ten, because rtf the trememlou American interests. Briefly stated. Article 1 en States of America of till bourn To carry out the pledge that it obligated to draft its bin - for v or Africa, to send armies to par its citizens to support these an Senator Smith says that a Article fen which would prow, advance, obligate t rica, apd Asia, but stance, \\ bethcr we of 1 )emocratic Senal This is the issue. 1 )■ > yi ,1^ wish to pi : li wars of the world, fcirev. advance to participate in Africa and of Asia? This A.-Mitchell Palmer. Or d Congrc s ought to he 1 ft War and peace as these tin jpearci in tin by (ieneral S Treaty brought nuts, the British using. Colonel House and both ho accompanied Presitlent Wil- -i ai'cepting ‘'is British Article i blignti'.n whs h it plat^W on cut from the seeds in small l pieces, liulf ii cupful of blanch molds, cut In shreds and one tea-; - mi- fill of vanilla. Mix well with n \r oil spoon to hieing thoroughly. Have , ready some.blsi ult tins or a brick nidd lined with parebment paper. I’n--s tF- I mixture into the mold ami cover with paper, then lay on a weight. I.et j-'at.d si\ hours in ripen. Fruit Cup.—For five glasses lake one orange, three bananas, half a p;o k- is a guarantee 1 aries in all parts y the United of thy world, rica would he Kurope, Asia ars and to tax dales, on- cupful of v 1 to measured after tlioy are cut in halves and seeded. 1C o nuts, tli«j juice of ball' a lemon •e-fourths of a cupful of cn mil. all tin! peeling and nienihr; m- orange, separate into s,■> - cat each in halves eros-- I the bnnnr.a, scrape to re threads, cut in thin, even cos and squeeze over them the juice half a lemon. Pour boiling w.- l i the dates, drain and place on a -h to dry in a hot even, then remove dt pits and cut in sections. Mix fruit together, then dispose in ses, pouring the fruit sirup over Whip the cream and pipe it above fruit; serve very cold. Prune and Cottage Cheese Salad.— Sonic choice prunes over night; cook until tender. When cold cut open, remove the stones, and cut the prune in smooth even pieces. Press cottage cheese for an hour or longer,, then cut in luilf-Incli cubes. For each serving beat two tnblospoonfids of thick prune juice, a teaspoonfid each of lemon juice and sugar or honey and two tablespoonfuls of olive oil until thick. Place a layer of the prunes on lettuce hearts, the cheese above. Pour over the dressing and serve at once. at THE KITCHEN CABINET WHAT TO EAT. this ad- I r.enjunin Franklin gave \ i> e to a young man: “Keep an exact account both of your expenses arid jour Income, if you take tie pains at first to mention particulars, it will have this good effect—you will dis cover how wonderfully smalt, trilling expenses mount up to large sums, and will discern what might have been anil may for the future be saved without occasioning any great incon venience.’' MILLEDGEVILLE COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Seeded sugar cane seed, makes syrup equal to ribbon cane. Emmett L. Barnes. NOTICE. I have at my place in the 319th district a red heifer, short horns and slit in both ears. Unless the owner calls for and pays the expenses of same within 13 days she will be sold. 4-6-20 ISOM DAWSON. Mrs. Haleys Yeast di in the World FIELD PEAS FOR SALE -Soon time to plant Have only five or six bushels to spare. The first to call gets them. J. R. NORMENT, Scottsboro. It’s great to find a yeast that will keep indefinitely - greater still to find yeast that allows you to bake delicious light bread and rolls in only three hours after mining. For over sixteen years Ibis famous aid to better bread- making has been giving satisfac tion. Try it and see for yourself. If your grocer docs not keep it send 12 cents for full si/e pack age, sending grocer’s name. Yeast Company, Cox 7G6, Atlanta, Georgia. .iquid smoke, for your meat; now is the time to put it on your meat, at Emmett L. Barnes. If the family have good appetites, the planning of a meal is not such a problem as it is with' fussy, fin icky people, who have troublesome digestions. A 1 - most anybody can digest such it dish as die fol lowing, however; Apple Snow.—Pare and quarter tart j apples, add boiling water and cook un til tender. Press through a sieve. To two cupfuls of pulp add a half cupful of honey and the grated rind of half a lemon, with the juice. Heat to the boiling point, add one and one-half tablespoonfuls of granulated gelatine softened in one-third of a cupful of cold water, and stir Until the gelatine Is melted. Chill, and when Hie mix ture begins to jelly, add tlie stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and bent with a Dover egg beater until very fine Turn into a mold, and when firm, serve unmolded with cream or boiled custard. Compote of Bananas.—Make a sirup 1 I of sugar or honey and linlf a cupful | j of water. Peel and scrape two or I three bananas, then cut in thin slices; j add to tlie sirup and boil, shaking tlu-# I pan to cook nil sides evenly. Add a tittle lemon rind or orange rind for j flavor to the sirup. Skim Hie bananas! as they soften, to a plate. When all, • are cooked, boll down the sirup a lit tie, and when cool add the bananas, j Fruit Salad.—For each service take) a slice of pineapple, the tlo-di of one I i fourth of a grapefruit, half a enrmed j | pear, three heart loaves of lettuce, twr I I tnblespnonfuls of fruit juice (canned | fruit juice may bo used), half a tea | ; spoonful of lemon juice, two table j spoonfuls of olive oil nml one-fourth of a teaspoonful each of salt and pap ( rtka. Arrange tlie fruit on the let tuce. Beat the salad dressing iugredl- I ents with n Dover egg heater, pour ovet | the fruit, aud serve at once. A cherry may be used as a garnish. FOR SALE—Cuban game eggs-ioc.-r s.le. *1.00 Or setting of 15. Apply i to J. L, IVEY. f2£9!i1i*!«<gi ? Spring Styles IN Jill! Are now on display at our store. All kinds of Leathers and Shapes See Our Bargain Table. Shoe Company R. T. Baisden, Mgr. V J The Quick Model K Six 4D appearance ail'd design 1 of the Buick seven passenger . touring car readily distin guishes it from others of its class. It is a different type—especially de signed and built for those desiring an ideal family car. d he pleasing hotly lines, large com fortable seats and tonneaus i/iakcs it, a favorite car among the ladies and children. With its simplicity of control, its surplus o! power, its wonderful ' - ■ h p of efficient and dependable ccrvi ,JL f i l I j L- -' -’ ; -d L.y;- ;.?L- \ ' \* I ’ l WHEN BETTER aBaOaIGBILSS Mm BUILT BUICK WILL BUI! JEANES & ROBINSON