Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 14, 1926, Image 3

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UNION RECORDER. MULEDGEVULE, GA., OCTOBER M. 1926 ELEPHANTS A 1 N«w (Im UrtMt im Ik* WorU Girin A StrMt rmnim at II A.M. NO CHANGE TO BE MADE •IN CENTRAL'S POLICY Today Sparks Circus stands for everything A No. 1 in the amusement field. It has been called the “Circus Beautiful" by millions of amusement lovers in the United States and Can ada. Beautiful because nothing over became antiquated in its equipment, as it goes forth season after season newly built and freshly painted, with new wardrobes, new sensational acts, new wild animal features and new surprises. By carefully reading the sensational features offered be low you will note that the program has been etirely changed from for mer seasons, and offers for your ap proval such feature acts as: The Aerial Guices, Tom and Bet ty Waters, wire artists, Sonny Brothers and the Sells Trio, comedy acrobatic acts, and the Riding Roon eys from the Hippodrome in New York. In the Equine department we find Bert Mayo’s group of sixteen rotation horses, Sparks wonderful six-horse liberty groups, Patricia Rooney with her famous trotting high-school horse “Bamboo," and Myrtle Mayo, Lorain Casteel, Minnie Rooney, Hazel Hickey, Dorothy Bat ty, Frances Widener, Nellie Sells, Doris Miller, Mabel DeArlo and Babe of Ik. larg.at from (he Sp.rlu Cirtu. El.ph.nl ol lh. I.rf.at in Ik. world—comio, to Mill«d,.«i Tueid.y, October IS. Now Drive The Car/ Only those who have driven a Dodge Brothers Special Sedan—or any Dodge Brothers car BUILT RECENTLY—can fully appreciate all that Dodge Brothers have accomplished durin" the past few months. So swiftly has improvement followed improvement, that today the car, to all intents and purposes, is a different and incomparably finer vehicle. The announcement of smart new body lines and attractive color combinations first attracted general favor. But since then, improvements even more fun* damental have been accomplished mechanically. Drive the car NOW! Observe its im pressive new silence, smoothness and elasticity of performance, and you will then begin to realize just how vital and varied these and other later improve ments actually arc. SEDAN Hill ROADSTER $Mt COUPE $»S4 TOURING CAR JH2 L.N. JORDAN Dodge Brothers MOTOR CARS > Children Cry FOR TO THE PUBLIC IX) NOT BE DE CEIVED BY FALSE ADVERTISING Sparks- -Circus Is a Georgia Institu tion That Has Gained a National Reputation For CLEANLINESS AND HONESTY And Is a Credit to the State of Georgia - NO GAMBLING NO SHORT CHANGING COOCH DANCES Endorsed by the PRESS AND PUBLIC As the Largest and BEST CIRCUS IN THE WORLD Declaring that there will be no change in the policy of the Central jof Georgia Railway, President J. J. IPelley ii. a statement issued today discusses the principles that have characterized that policy in the past and which will be followed in the future. Mr. Pc’!cy ctat:r that the -ailroad realises that it is judged by the quality of service it performs, and that the Central will continue to en deavor to furnish safe, adequate, de pendable and courteous transporta tion service. He says further that the railroad recognizes another ob ligation in addition to that of serv ice to the public, and that is to co operate in every possible way In the progress and development of the sec tion it serves. Discussing the manner in which his company has for years been taking the public into their confidence thru the use of paid advertisements in the newspapers, the Central's presi dent says that this railroad wHl con tinue this policy of frankness in dealing with the public. He states that the management Has nothing to conceal from patrons of the road, that it recognizes that the railroad is performing a necessary public ser vice and that its patrons therefore ■ Pope, all menage riders with repu tations from N'ew York and Boston j horse shows. In the wild beast de partment Sparks "Circus Beautiful” offers Steve Batty, “The Man of Iron” and his forest-bred fighting Hons; Franz Woske's Bengal tigers, featuring “Prince,” famous Prince ton University tiger mascot; Madam Harriette's Indian leopards including “Blackie,” the only black leopard i captivity, and Franz’s trained polar bears. Other animal displays include llamas, zebras, Spurks group of per forming seals, the Bibb County pigs, and Sparks’ Circus elephant herds exhibited by Frances Widener and Babe Pope, dainty yet nervy, hand ling these massive beasts as they would a kitten. Prices children under 10 ye 35c, adults 75c. Coming to Miliedgeviile on Tues day, October 10. Seats cai cured Circus Day at Culver A Kidd Drug Co., same price as at show grounds. LEAKY ROOF REPAIRS FREE In furtherance of an advertising campaign this concern is offering to give free of charge enough of a new material for re-covering 500 Sq. Ft. of old roof. This material will pos itively stop all leaks in any kind of an old roof and may be put on very easily by anyone. We want this ma terial on one building i n eajj locality which is the purpose of this offer. We also want salesmen in each coun ty. For complete particulars write Central Oil Co., Dept. A-23, Louis ville, Ky. All kinds of feed for your cattle, hogs and poultry at Chandler Bros. THE TORRANCE FAMILY The Torrance family has long been noted as among Baldwin county's best farmers, who have followed the policy of raising their foodstuffs and making cotton their surplus crop. They have always stood for any thing that would advance the agri cultural interest of the county and have always blazed the way. At the county fair held the past week four brothers had exhibits which were most creditable, and showed what the lands of Baldwin county could be made to produce. They were W. A., J. R., T. A., C. R. and W. A. Torrance. There was al so an exhibit by C. R. Torrance A Son of oae of them. They are not only successful farmers, but sub stantial citizens. FOR SALE—2 mules, 2 horse- wagon, farm implements. All in good condition. R. W. Smith, R. F. D. 6. have every right to know what the railroad is doing to insure its per forming this service in a satisfactory manner. Mr. Pelley closes his statement with the pledge that the Central of Georgia will try to merit a contin uance of the public’s good will and patronage by continuing its policy of service, co-operation and frankness. GEORGIA STATE EXPOSITION Macon' Georgia October 14tli to 23rd Inclusive, 1926 THOUSANDS 0 FDOLLARS OFFERED IN PREMIUMS Big Agricultural Displays from all sections of Georgia. Wonder ful Poultry Show, Unusual Live Stock Exhibits, Farm Machine ry. Georgia Boys' and Girls' Clubs, Woman’s Domestic Work, Flower Show, Art Display, etc. GEORGIA VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS DISPLAYS—GEORGIA BOY SCOUT EXHIBITS—U. S. GVERNMENT EXHIBITS Great Midway of Amusements and Wonderful Free Acta Enter tainment Program Day and Ni^it—Polack’s World at Home Shows—Famous Whippet Dog Races—Georgia Fidders Con vention—Something doing every Day—Oh Boy! What a Fair! It will be moonlight nights in Georgia! All roads lead to Ma con and reduced fares on railroads. Don't Miss This Big Fair IN THE HEART OF GEORGIA GEORGIA STATE EXPOSITION E. G. Jacobs, Pres. E. Ross Jordan, Sec.-Mgr. ' -JiTTlI NOT FOR A DAY NOR A WEEK— n ECENTLY we .have become a citizen of this community. It is our desire to be a good citizen. We intend to retain and dcaerve yo«r friendship through service. The new management of your public utility sen ices recognizes that cordial relations in the innumerable, intimate, almost constant contacts between a public utility and those it serves can not exist except in an atmosphere of frankness and mutual understanding. aerve. The Public has a right to know. 1 ■