Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 15, 1927, Image 10

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGI.VILLE. GA.. DECEMBER U. I»»7 FARM AID TO BE FIGHTING ISSUE " " ’ „ , _ termined during the fight which now Written Specially for Lnton Recorder B> DOBERT FULLER Dn ot j, er ,t«nd« th.> farm croup, primmer and aorer than ever. Thr.iujin Aul | *castrr Seme? Thus every indication points to Earn, rcl-.f is opccnd to b the ^ ^ ql ^«i. >n being one of fiirfcm, t.--.:.- "f thi- s-sion of ton- ^ s . vt .. Iit , h Conp-eM- SnPl x h - CENTRAL PRESIDENT SENDS GREETINGS established in this section and to the progress made by existing factories, he declares that this territory is steadily advancing toward that bal anced development of agriculture and industry which is the surest founda tion for permanent prosperity. Sounding a note of optimism for the new year. President Pelley states that 11»28 *‘dai*-ns with fundamental conditions ewsciuially sound. “Ex- pn-'. ing the bglit-f that the new year will be “one of substantial progress A year’s subscription to the Recorder would make a mor propriate Christmas present. The County Commissioners believe that Baldwin county should be pro gressive. And they ,aie right. A few counties in Georgia have al ready had primaries and nominated their ofifeers to be elected next November. this he says tid-: i hh d have -erved notice tl of the farm group wi •ad with the vetoid m changed. ng the recommendati* i relief problem in 1 ederal m Board to ad- j fund to help co- rrative organizations. lamenting on the message. Sen- r AicNary, chairman of the .Hgri- lural committee, says it throws no ;:«»ht on the situation ami offers .mpathy for the suppoi vetoed farm bill. He also point that President Coolidge’s atti .. toward farm relief has no “The Cordial Christmas holida ings to th.- friends and p» the Central of Georgia are extend ed by President John J. Pelley in a statement published today. On be half of the railroad's management he expresses appreciation f«r the patronage and good will of the traveling and shipping public, as well as for the loyal co-operation of the road’s employes during the year. Railroad traffic declined consider ably during 11*27, but in spite of that era ***' carr ’*‘ rs have maintained adequate : and dependable service., according ° to Mr. Pelley. Through retrench ment measures expenses have been reduced, permitting the same high standard of service to be maintained r MeVurv savs President wi«h°ut any udvan-e in the cost to ‘ ‘ J J i t the public. “The tendency of rates ••advocates the principles of 1 «• p.n.... i i b u; is* still downward’ says Mr. Pelley, x. i,;., f ^ -7" — St .nee, or aeainst any plan . price-fixing. ' r ‘ ‘ ’ . >n!y o.ur,c left now Kama «•■«"» over tba ««».< ....-r n <-m th. vetoed bill with ! neM * Activity <iunn„ >92 ill contribute | •• bringing this about, and it is witn | th pledge to continue and if possible t<> improve this railroad’s service that the employes and the management of the Central of Georgia Railway ex tend holiday greetings to the com pany’s friends and patrons.” In passing resolutions instructing | he State Democratic Executive Com mittee relative to a candidate for j president, the North Georgia Con- ! feraice .flung itaelf right into politics. Chrismast is almost here. Do your shopping now. The girls and boys, who are at tending college here, will leave for their homes next Wednesday to spend the holidays. The Union Recorder wishes them a happy Christ- A friend, who lives in another city, possed through Millcdgeville the other day. In conversation with thu writer, he remarked “you have got u good town.” This is the impression :hat every one who comes this way, recives. It is a right impression too. Buy a Christmas Seal and aid in lighting this dread disease tubercu losis. n.e store, of Milledgeviilr , re with article, f„ r Cl,risen,... chasers. 1 ' SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 uad 100—Druggists., ifRcture of UoouicrtlcRcldcster of StUcrllcactt of busi- the President’s recommendation as f a t- un possible and make the equali zation fee Article 10 of the covenant. The message has not changed con ditions and has not modified the atti tude of the farm group who wiidi to go ahead with the vetoed measur.. And there seems to be a good chance of parsing it over the veto.” Representative Haugen, <>f Iowa, co-author of the McNary-Haugen bill, takes much the same attitude, ns do other leaders of the farm group, who are planning to go on with the fight. Bu* leaders of the farm group, will not haw smooth sailing by any means, for President Coolidge’s stand r>n the farm question was warmly praised by the leaders of the group that has opposed the McNary-Haugen bill and similar proposals. So the farm relief question, which from almost.every point Of attack is a problem of business as much as of agriculture, appears to be coming back to Congress with a louder bel low, more fury and more force than On one Mide stand those who feel that the farmer must continue, in the main, to work out his own salvation with some help from the outside, the exact amount of such help to be de- pared with 1U2G, attributing it in part to the natural reaction follow ing a period of unusual development and expansion. Calling attention to many new industries recently SPORTING GOODS MOST COMPLETE STORE in the South FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL BASEBALL TENNIS. GOLF. FISHING Tackle CAMPING ' OUTFITS Southern Sports Supply Co. Wholesale aad Retail 514 Broadway, MACON. GA. PHONE 1197 GAT* CITY COACHES MILLEDGEVILLE—ATLANTA Lt. Milledgevilt 7:31 E. T. Arm, AtUmU 11 C. T. Lt. Miledierile 2:30 L T. Arrive AtluU C. T. L e AtlaaU 7:3* C. T. Arr. MDedprik 1:0© E. T. Leave Atkata 3:3# C. T. Air. MifcdpviBe 8:40 E. T. $4.00 Oae Way: *7:0* Rami Trip Far RuervatiMi Call PWaes: 30* or 392 C. F. STONE, Manager. MOTHER:- Fletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe cially prepared fo*- Infants in To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. and Children all .CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE STEMBRIDGE & COMPANY PHONE 352-J [xxxxxxxixxxxxixxxxxxxxxx! Visu Oi' r Sim— 7... hr - ;. . S:.: jn_Ea starts morning A Gift of Health! Whm you :ivc an electric refrigerator to your family you give them a gift of health . . . for it will preserve their foods safe's*, surely and economically. Dainty ice cubes from the same pure and salads ... a worthwhile saving -- • you own an electric refrigerator! Frigidaire or General Electric Refrigerators Only $ Down A WESTINGHOUSE or Hotpoint Electric Range in the kitchen on Christinas morning—the gift of wise and thoughtful people to each other, or to their home. Such is the beginning of an easier, happier, more carefree life. The kitchen will be cleaner, cooler. Foods will be better cooked, more appetizing, more nutritious. - Every one—the people who eat the food and the people who cook it—will benefit from this most practical gift. Any Westinghouse or H itpoint Range during our Christmas Sale . . . only $4.75 dawn; IS months to pay! A Free Gift To Range Purchasers! With the purchase of each electric range we will give a beautiful 5 5-piece breakfast set of china. Handsome enough, distinctive enough, to grace the finest table in the land. Sec the ranges . . • see the premium. You’ll want both! There’s "Something Electrical” for Everyone! A host of appropriate electrical servants are at our store, awaiting your selection. Everything from toy electric ranges and airplanes to refrigerators rrj washing machines. A gift for Mother ... or Grandmother! 10 Electric Irons $3.75 Percolators $6.75 Toasters $3.75 • Electric Cookers $10 Waffle Irons $7.75 Electric Hot-Plates $3.75 24 Months to Pay Ve heartily'endorse the General Elec tric and Frigidaire. Each has been built by manufacturers of enviable reputation. You have their guaran tees. You have our guarantee! Sec the models on display. Lamps : Electrical Toys : Heaters : Cleaners All May be Purchased on Easy Terms! Especially liberal terms apply on all of our appliances during this noiiday sale. Only a small amount down is necessary . . . the balance in easy monthly payments. Come in right away. We’ll wrap you;- electrical gifts for Christmas-Eve delivery! Geobjc-ia POWER COMPANY This Company Will riot Wrong Anyonm Inikntionally If By Ckancm It Commit a Wrong It Will Right It Voluntarily