Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 15, 1927, Image 3

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UNION RECORDER. MIULEOGEVILLE. GA.. DECEMBER l». It*? J 1 frank cmne says oooea** a r* w " 1 flee* hono' country. and glory upon General Grant, the puke of Wellington and Napoleon as patriots I ecauae they led armed forces of their respective countries. The exploits of Colonel Lindbergh, together with that of Chamberlin and L.vine, have glorified the Unit ed Sta’f?. But this glory was not offset ty any rancor incured by other countries France and Germany were ; ust a «, rithu«iastic in ucclaiming the exploit* of our fliers as we were. This i? l * ,e kind of patriotism and patriotic action, for it is one which exalts one’s native country and at the time does not awaken animosity in other peoples. Undfu' .edly Thomas Edison has p!«.rifi-<! his own country quite as much a.- General Grant. On a vote taken ' France recently the most popui.>i Frenchman way found to be not Napoleon, but Louis Pasteur. So Darwin and Jenner huve done more to exalt the prestige of Eng land than Drake -*nd Wellington. Koch and Goethe have spread the fame of Germany far more than Von Moltke and Ludenburg, and Marconi and Bellanca have made Italy famous .and are entitled to the gratitude of their country quite as much as Garibaldi. Tolstoy has done more to spread the renown of Russia than all her This throw* a welcome light upon true patriotism which is found in that harmless rivalry of achievement by the members of the various national groups. There is no bad blood in this com petition. There is nothing gained for one country which is not equally valuable for the whole world. We are learning that to be a good national is to be -a good world citizen, and the applause of mankind is quite us valuable as the upplause of one's fellow citizens. In order to elevate our country and to magnify it, it is no longer neces- .*ury to go out and kill somebody to unnex some other territory; it is bet ter to do something that shall excite both the emulation and the applause of the whole world. AN APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE OF M1LLEDCEV1LLE TO RUY CHRISTMAS SEALS The good work accomplished by this Anti Tuberculosis activities in lessening ho danger of tuberculosis, I am yur is too well known to all for me to relate here—This dread descale is a constant source of con cern and its prevalence in our com munity i. far greater than we think. All the funds from the sale of Christma- seals go towards elimi nating tuberculosis. It has grown customary to offer these seals to all Chrirtmns’packages and on letters—None is complete without them. Show your thought of the unfortunate by buying Christ mas seals. For the convinience of the public I have placid these selas at all Drug stores und have asked young ladies to assist me in selling these on the streets. 1 hope for your genenous responce. D. AI. ROGERS, Red Cross Chairman. The regular melting of the stock holders of the First National Bank will be held at the office of said bank on January 10, at three o’clock P. M. Directors are to be elected and other business that may prop erly come before meeting attended to. Please be present or duly rep resented by proxy. Do not moke your proxy to an officer of this bank. JON W. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. 12-11-27 4t. MASONIC NOTICE Regular meeting of Benevolent Lodge No. 3, F. A A. M. Tuesday night, December 20, 1927, at 8 P. M. This is the night for the election of officers for the coming year, and other very important business will be transacted that night j. t. McMullen, sec. F. H. HARGROVE, W. M. The Board of Stewards, at a meet ing held Sunday immedaitely after services, confirmed the appointment of the following Committees, sub mitted for ratification by an officer of board: Commit!**. 1927-1928 Finance—0. M. Conn, Chairman; E. E. Bell, Dr. Richard Sinion, D. W. Brown, J. E. Kidd, Dr. L. P. Longino, B. Moore, S. D. Stembndge, H. S. Wotten. Music—Dr. E. A. Tigner, Chair man;" J. F. Bell, Jr., E. R. Hinei I>r. W. M. Scott, W. W. Stembridge, Dr. Y. H. Yarbrough. Building and Grounds—Russell Bone, Chairman; Dr. E. W. Allen, J. F .Bell, Sr., J .L. Harper, George Hollinshead, W. A. Massey, W. H Montgomery. “Sunday School—M. S. Bell, Chair man; A. I. Butts, W. T. Wynn. Christian Literature—Dixon Wil liam?, H. G. Banks, J. C. Grant. Charity—E. C. Kidd, Chairman; R. S. Alford, H. G. Bunks, C. M. Davit., D. F. Montgomery. Sujh rannuate Funds—J. E. Kidd, Chairman; Russell Bone, C. M. Davis* Mrs. W. F. Little, Homer Shy. Strai.gers—R. B. Moore, Chair man: A. I. Butts, R. H. Wotten. Ushers—E. E. Bell, Chairman; D. W. Brown, C. M. Davis. S. D. Stem- bridge. H. S. Wotten, R. H. Wotten. The Chairman of the Board ig an ex-officer member of all the Com mittiea BAKERY PRESIDENT VISITS CITY LAST MONDAY Mr. W. H. Benson, president of the Benson Bakery of this city, who makes his home in Athens, spent Monday in the city. Mr. Benson has been confined to his bed for the past six months and hi* visit was the first since he re covered from his long illness. He has many friends here who were glad to sec him and gave him a cor dial welcome. Mr. Benson is a pro gressive, live buMncss man and his bakery here has become a prominent industry in this city. Commit your agoat i your doctor or lawyer. DREWS A SON. True patriotism consists in making our country stronger and better and not necessarily belittling another country. Don’t forget a Christmas Seal your package, it helps some poor fortunate. For aple at all Drug Stores and by Solicitors. The New FORD HAS MET WITH THE GREATEST OVATION IN AU TOMOBILE HISTORY. IT FULFILLS ALL THAT MR. FORD SAID IT WOULD BE, AND HAS GONE FAR BEYOND EXPECTATIONS. ASK THE MAN WHO SAW IT THE FACTORY IS WORKING DAY AND NIGHT TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND. Place Your Order Now! WE FILL THEM AS RECEIVED! McKinnon Motor Co. Ford Dealer MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. FARMERS CLUB MET SATURDAY The Baldwin County Farmers Club met at the Chamber of Commerce i Saturday, with Mr. J. I.. Sib ley as host. There were several special guest* present, among them being Col. Erwin Sibley, as representative of the Kiwani* Club; Mr. R. H. Woot- ten, of the Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Davis, of the State Vetenary Department; Geo H. Tunnell and Mr. Dixon Williams and J. O. Wall of Eaton ton. Several talks were made, and club business transacted, prior to partak ing of a splendid turkey dinner with accessories, served by Mr. Sibley. Mr. j Sibley proved himself a most genial I host. The January meeting of the dak will be held with Mr. Chas R. Tor* FOR SALE—Oo* log wag**, bargain. Apply to E. D. Few LOST—A pair 'of boro rinm Spectacles. Fiodor pbooo 4S-L OMEGA 4 FLOUR T HE DAY ot all days arrives — a day for the renewal of old family ties. It is a family festival. Now, of all times, the dinner must be perfect in every detail. biscuits, rolls, cake*, muffins —dona to a "queen’s taste" — with Omega flour— beautify the table and an- hanca the enjoyment of the meal. Use Omega this Christinas for all your bakings — for Omega is the at’ purpose flour. And Omega will not fail you — there an no baking . failures with this wonder ful floor. H. C. COLE MILLING CO. f« Will * knlnt »«•»» in. c.t« mau mmus utMtiadtbe howo- wii* wuhtk* Roar jm La* most tsrtitsisv mull Sines 1839dbob— defended ufeu Cell's Rmw for htrtMNMfaft zooboni si Cltlitmz mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxirxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIVE A GIFT From Boone’s The most beautiful and attractive assort ment to select from. Here you will find just the thing for every member of the family. Gifts that will express real thought, and gifts that will be appreciated more and more bv the receiver and stand as a long reminder of the giver. Come to our store now before the most attractive have been taken. FOR THE LADIES’—Beautiful Toilet Sets, Toilet Water, Per fumes, and Powders, Manicure Sets, Stationery, Fountain Pens and Pencils all in beautiful Christmas Boxes. FOR THE MEN—Cigars, Stationery, Bill Folds, Cigarette Cases and many other ideal gifts. There is nothing that brings more happiness and joy than a box of WHITMAN’S FINE CANDIES A full supply of the many different packages. It is easy to shop at Boone’s. You can fill your shopping list easily from our big variety and they are so attractively displayed that you can make your shopping a real pleasure. TTTTTTTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXIlXXmmXXXl