Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1927, Image 4

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVULLE. CA.. DECEMBER 12. 1017 UNION RECORDER F«|*r»l EataUwbad Sovlbtra iKorAr Eitk lilt R B. MOORE—EDITOR "subscription RATES | OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY | THURSDAY. DEC. 22. 1927 THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS STILLS DESTROYED BY SKOAL -o«*ow to condoct OFFICER TERRY THIS WEEK Special Officer J. T. Terry with , I Officer* Tom Drake, and J. P. Smith the attaint of the L,, de , ^iJ | n , h e extern part of ’'’T'"' ,'.1 ' ,h " county thill week and captured " " three larire stills and arrested Dan Steven*, who was found operating one of the stills. The arrest of S even* made the third within the (By REV. GEO. B. THOMPSON) What Christmi .Santa Clau* question. The season ha* been com mercialized to such an ex ent that profit* and the tuason go hand in To som ■ parent* large «xpen<i.lure ver-satisfic-d child , selfish pleasure part fry Is of bn SERVICES IN DUBLIN Rev. T. J. Morrow, priest of the Catholic Church, will conduct serv ices in Dublin before coming here Christmas day to hold the 11 o’clock service for this parish. Father Morrow is in the 71st year of hiw life and despite hi* ago is very active in the work of hi* church, serving two parishes. He will con duct u lat:* sendee in Dublin Christ mas cv e and another senicc early Chri.tmas morning before coining back to Milledgeville. MIDWAY METHODIST CHURCH j fiances war. wall j„ h, . P-furs.sod rW w:4r d -“ T h e regular monthly meeting of __ ~ the Board of Steward, of the Mid-I 13 TO COSI-ONE MEETING way Methodic church was held Tuis- THI * WEEK day night. The Board was organized —— Ofi«»: el * Cti0n ° f ,h ' f ' , " 0W "" 1 i Rev - H. Hr-dlng. Seor.ury of ! l ^e Kiwanis Club, hau announced f 0 j. Secre- lowing a meeting of the Board of ucruy aunes. Directors of the Kiwanu Club, that n, . . ’ meeting scheduled for next Fri. Ilans for the new year Wire made day night will b= called off and thv intic ; the usual meeting oa the following The Friday night will be held. STEWARDS ORGANIZE Chairman—J. C. Johnson ury—Mr*. P. J. Youngblood; Treas- and a belter and method of work w I ready pen irill giv. u prepared t J accordin ve have u!- that v leaning of I Colleg ile. Christ-. ev. nin forget the poor during .he l of u , ing, of eased expense*!, of C. the hero of the oc- ’ m« ■ause of the trouble, i fir thoughts in the I ,, r forgel time large aud i the oi a human j j},,, „ n at|i motner. \%e do this, not that we j ever g-jver 1 might play into the hamb; of tke Sceptic, but that we might acquaint] . R . hanud oursclv.s with the most significant I .. hen he fact , n the advent-story. One the fact* Jesus s.ressed was the re- l lation betwen himself and the Father, noting “He that hath seen me, hath seen ion of the Father.” ”1 and the Father are wpecial Chrirtmas program as given the Georgia state for Women last Sunday ring under the direction of Miss fee Lenore Tucker and the Y. W. A. attract'd a big audience and t with unanminus approval. \ thousand girls took pan in the •gram ar.J the great chorour sing- m* carol* thrilled the Supt. P. N. Bivins announces that he has received money to pay teach ers iheir salaries He has asked President J. R Norment to call a meeting of the Board of Educati for Friday, Dec. 23. Any teacher who makes his report before that date will receive his salary. Christmas (Smtiitgs The Added Touch of an / •?. ASiPDinner TJ th:. of th pr sent. • of the be? | by buyit HATCHER'S The regular monthly morning wor- i ship will be held. The pastor will .pr.ach on “What Does Christmas | Mean to You.” The Sunday School Christmas tree j will be held at the church Monday night. A well planned Christmas pageant will be given and the pub lic is cordially invited. the aid ctly enforced. -hi od-m he ery God of very God.” The early fathers of .ht- church were not split ting theological ham; they were not of discu-ring empty subjects, when they Fought to eXabliah .he meaning oi ■ I the real nature uf Jesus. Their in- 1 The Baldwin County hxocutiv | t.rpretation of th e Biblical story of j Committee in calling a primary to Jesus was that he was God manifest-1 nominate County officers, at an ‘d in .he flesh. The advent of Jesus eraly date, ha* followed the example bus brought God to earth; If you want to have a picas:*: and enjoyable Christmas forget and contribute to the happine: FCR RENT—At once. Throo room* hail and bath, 301 N. Wayne St. Apply to J. Finney, or L. A. Goo Pi. Nothir To Make the Merriest Christmas Ever DC AC DEEMONTE MMETTWOTaS \n~ iLhj DELUX 2 NO. 2 CANS 29c 1/C SWiFIS JEWELARD ,ro T,V$1.24 RICE WHOLE CRAIN FOR 25c 25c FANCY 244. 2-22-27 pho; ught finish .and black— HATCHER’S i Baldwin will liven up. ; FOR SALE—The Automobile giv away at Chandler'* Variety Stoi can be leen at Wayne Hotel. of : The man whose heart does not grow mellow during the Christmas season, and is not willing to forgive and forget the difference between himself and his fellow men, has a heart that cannot be effected by the highest and noblest sentiments of life. Beggar* should be kept off the streets a traveling beggar is a nuis ance, and the great majority of them arc not worthy of being given assist ance. M'lledgeville should have an organized chari* y to which all of them could be referred so thnt if any of them are worthy they can he given aid. HOW TO SPEND CHRISTMAS It is a good time to straighten out the kink* that have tangled your life during the year. That harsh word you *poke which went like a kuift to the soul—you have never sought par don for it .aw certainly you i xuect to do sometime. When will you find a better time to make it rign f ? And is there any coldness between you aind any one else? Melt it before ’the glowing Christmas firn and never iet it freeze again. Pence in the heart, peace in the nonw, peace i»ith every!) Se:.» on earth! Are there some things that be better left untouched and un mentioned? Th n let bygones be by gone*. Bury differences under the Christmas snow and let them -leep quietly beneath the mantle of white. The gr.nl apostle sayr something about forgetting th* 1 thing.-) which ere behind. So let u* forget what we ought to forg< ll.nrbu Kludges is of life becki So break which you these week? the groove, a day in lighter word with the nt to look upward The re: Play laps he i brought Him to mortal man; has given a real meaning to the words, “the word was made flesh and dwrelt among us.’ Have you ever given this interpretation to the advent-story— that Jesus, by his coming, has brought the Father to earth? Before the advent of Jesu» there was the smoking sacrifice, the priest hood, the obliations, the types and shadows. But holy men have writ ten for our profit that Jesus is the “Lamb of God;” he is “our passover.” ”th e blood of Jesus Christ clcanseth from all sin.” From the lips of Jesus there fell an invitation, “Come unto all ye thut labor and are heuvy laden; and I will give thee rest.” If thut invita.ion is uppermost in the mind, and if we will accept what the Scriptures jay about the mission of Jesus, we will see a religious signific- ence in the advent-story. Do we and our children get .he religious eaning to the coming of Jesus? Another signiiicent fuct with firencc to the coming of Jesus in the glorifying of the commonplace. To whom did the angels make known the coming of the Savior? Not to religious leaders, nor to kings, even philosophers. The metasge came to unknown shepherd*, who. all probability, had never made single contribution to the life of their day, other thun common toil. Yet God chose them ns the audience to listen to the music which came from the throne of God, music which was of such a nature that huntun lips were not permitted to give it ex pression. A stable was the first home the One who was born to be a King, One who left his home in glory and came to earth thut He might set captives free. The animal- dweller}, of the -table were witnesses to the event which marked the com ing of the “King of glory,” the event which war. to change the current of the world’s history. A feed trough shared with the arms of an unknown j 1 Jewish mother the honor of shielding j | the body of that infant who was.th. ‘Son of Righteousness,” “Emman- 1 | uel,” “Mighty God." The contrasts | ‘which the advent-story bring to our j attention are such that the mind can 1 hardly comprehend them. Perhaps Advance Notice women of mmm Half-Price Sale of WOMENS FINE FOOTWEAR Begins Tues. Dec. 27 th We are taking this means to advise von in advance. The shoes on sale are ail from our regular stock, but as the sizes in the lots are more or less incomplete, we are taking this means of clearing them out. 5LBS. WHOLE GRAIN FOR PINE APPLE* 2 ,™ ,E ““ BKAZILNUIS LB. Me MIXED NUTS LB - 23c WALNUTS LB i 9t COC.ANUTS EACH io c LAYER RAISINS LB 12* STUFFED DATES LB. PKGE 29c 8-O’CLOCK COf FEE ^ 33c EMJOtotu bi int bouu HOUSEKEEPING INSTITUTE! nPANrCC OKANUES. FLORIDA SEAL $jV7S vIuuKiEm SwMto All Sira 39c to 5#c Doi. Bm J CANDY 1 Swtrti AH Sim 39c to 59c Dpi. B«i ALL REGULAR 5c CANDY NOW 3 FOR PAIL CADY 10c ASSORTED MIXED CHOCOLATE DROPS 17c 15c LB. BELL’S Ml lUKKtT l 1-ZUZ.rKG - 1A POULTRY SEASONING FANCY LETTUCEHEAD FAIYCELERT STALK L . O II 10c 19c R - 24 LB. <M OP BAG POSITIVELY NO SHOES ON SALE UNTIL TUES. DEC. 27TH. This advance notice it being published only to enable on.- friend, of Milledgenlle to prepnre tbetnielves to share in hte unusual and timely vaio. to be offered when tbe sale opens Tuesday. Dec. 27th. IONA ^“$1,05 A&P GRAPE JUICE PINT 19c QUART 35c ELGIN CREAMERY BUTTER LB 53c FANCY CRANBERRIES QUART 30c N. Y. STATE CREAM CHEESE LB. ... 34c cAGicoiv^fiod^ *THe Store Where Quality Counts* Just Received a Car Load Young Mulds :anes& Robinson tnls explain this: •Adv hyn and page: Ch Luke that : :radii' the dew-drops with the bea.'-ts of Matthew trklo like the dining, sUirs that shone on the wise men and ] Maker and Mo w hich phonograph to us .he angel j all.” voice* heard by th'* *heprurd* in the Ther fields of Bcthlehe m. They ar. Christman classics High; C. M in Watchman-Examiner. Dr. E. A. Tigner is talking up a grea. celebration and a big time generally when the paving in the business street* of the city is finish ed. The college girls and boy» u r« home spending the holidays. Union Recorder wishes for thei merry Christman. only of the thoughts which the udvent-tftory gist. They are suficient to set the mind to thinking along lines some of us may have ignored, forgotten, or never knew before. Let us think about these things. And while we aru- thinking let us star: the minds of our childr. n that they might get away from the commercial Christmas, hack to the message the angel: brought ;o earth. “hor unto you it bom this day ir the city of David a Savior. Which i* Christ the Lord.” Last Minute Shoppers Will find many ideal Gifts for both Men and Women at— BOONE’S PHARMACY SEND HER WHITMANS CANDY Nothing finer—nothing more Appre ciated—Many Verities of Packages. We wish for all our friends a— MERRY CHRISTMAS BOONE’S PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Night 117 PHONES Day 396