Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1927, Image 6

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UNION RECORDER MILLEDCEV1LLE, CA, DBCtN Take a Cruise Through Gift Isle Happv, bustling crowd# thong the * rcttB and store* What is this strange phenomena that has changed tired, crons faces into bright eager nnPfc! What makes the children even more starry-eyed thun usual? Wha indeed? Don’t you know? i Christmas time .gain—and Claus—that same jolly old >f our childhood days—is wait ing at the threshold of “Wonderland” to w. Iconic all his old friends. No wonder .he children are happy! And the spirit is contagious. It would be imposible for ary one to remain cross and irritabl in this veritable fairy-land of lovely Christmas things. Every store is stocked to capacity with suitable gifts for all. Some are novel and unusual—some ar • practical and use ful—still others are frivolously gay and extravagant—but altogether charming. All the old relit n display too. ami this is • when you will find, with a . Store* f ive seen films ali through ope and most of the Europeans are fond of Amer- film.s for the simplest reason in the world. They arc better than the European and cheaper. Again.-* these two arguments it is useless to object. \ American films are steadily spread ing the d mocratic ideas of freedom and equaliy all over the world. Old notions of vested privilege, old in stitutions founded upon tradition mart give way. Along with the film come other things that arc uni venal and inter national, that know no nations and do not understand the language of “patriotism”— art, literature and commerce. In thr matter of art it maker no difference where one comes from nor who was one's fath er.. It is the same way with merce, if it is profitable to trade with the people of a country, and no idea* of nationality can prevent that occurrence. In proportion as theme universal ideas, commerce, the movies, art. Let's T difficulty will be in elitr.ina- rather than in selection, for will find one gift lovelier than For .he little youngsters—to whom Christmas Day rightfully belong*— there arc hundreds of ingenious toys One that seems to particularly .ap peal to the youthful visitors is a high’.y-color. d mechanical clown that performs acrobatic stunts. Inciden tally, if one is to judge from the number of grownups crowding around it, this mechanical clown is Lqually appealing to them. It sells for .hree dollar* Less expensive toys include bright marbles, kites, tops, boats, roller skates, scooters, and sleds, for the boys, and for the girl.', there are all sorts of dolls, books, dishes, furniture, etc. A charming gift that any woman would love is, on the surface, a cigarette lighter—but when the top is lifted, there is a removable lip stick. o bit of dainty rouge, powder. and a mirror. The case may be had in sterling silver, white gold, gold or silver plated, and the various repti lian skins. For I ho Wife An umbrella that the wife, sweet heart, sister or girl friend will be triad to receive is of the sho-t, stub-1 by variety with a beautifully carved j clog hmd for a handle! Other pro | ty umbrellas have more dignified handles for those of a more #?rious turn of mind. For htose who like book*, you will find a wide range of titles and authors, including all the newest fiction, old masters, and old favor ites. Nothing makes a more pleas ing gift. A gift that any mun will appre ciate—first, because it i* useful as well as ornamental —and ‘■‘•condly —because h e has always wanted to own one—is a dressing gown. Mil- ledgeville stores ha\c a large selec tion—i n „ variety tf rn.iterials and ■ and styles—in gay or subdued col- i orings, and hubby will not need to j pn tend to receive it with great re ar | jo>fing—his appreciation will be real ri jar.d hi:, Christmas happiness will be co For the smoker, there are innu- it nurnhle novel conceptions to warm >1- hi.-i heart. And you will find hi- favorite brand—all ready for wrap , ping—in a gay Christmas box. About your Health Thin* Yon SkmU Know fcM«* I* ban Im»w, rad ' ■—d il ,Wa. I. ..N |( rad m, . *■ C. M. ANDREWS * SON. grow and spread, to that degree must provincialism and nationalism give way and a suitable basis be formed upon which to erect the structure of universal peace. To Women's Hearts Then, for th e more intimate fem inine gift, you will find a host »f lovely lingerie to delight the heart of both the donor and the recipient. For nothing is so universally ac ceptable to women! Many of the stores have arranged their wares—on tables according to price, no if you have decided to spend, say two dollars for a gift—all you need do is locate the table carry ing that priced merchandise. There you will find displayed the best that can be had for the money. It is a great aid—and a great time- saver—for busy shoppers. FOR RENT—After January 1st. one furnished bed-room, with er with out breakfast. Call 2M-J. Mr*. A. L. Ellis*.. 12-22-27 A Christmas Seal on your pack age wlil help convey good cheer to the unfortunate. For sale at all Drug Stores and by Solicitors. FOR SALE—One leg wagon, at bargain. Apply to E. D. Prosser. Lifo Espectancy There is no doubt that the great advances made in medicine and surg ery have added to the span of hu man life, in their ministry agaimt many serious conditions. Our great life insurance companies have*be come more confident in the selection of their risks, as the years ha\e been added to the great average of “expectancy.” But there is a cloud on the hori zon of today. I .nn sure that death:: of individuals between fifty and sixty-five are taking on a very alarm ing increase—so much so, as .o lead me to b.licvo that this is getting to he the most critical period for men who should be at thrir very best. I: i*> not Providence that removes men at such an age; my opinion is becom ing more confirmed inch year, that men are unconsciously doing them selves to death! The newspapers say “heart di sease” of course! the heart usually cea»is to beat when we die; the ques tion is, what made the heart quit working at such an unseemly hour? It is time for investigation, when so-called heart diseases are sweep ing valuable men away before their time. To say that a man died of “dropsy” today, would be to betray the most dense ignorance; “heart disease” is almost as stupid. In over thirty-five years of active practice, I have perhaps found less than a hundred—certainly not many more- -that died of organic heart disease! Diseased kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach, blood, and nerves, undermine the heart until it can per form no more, and there arc other conditions, each remote from the heart, that do the same thing. My opinion is, if men would cease over-eating, they would reduce “hc.art diseases” by half; overwork and excesses kill—and at a time of life when mature judgment in men is most needed. Think about it. THE BEST CHRISTMAS LOAF ccbci fro* Bcor’i bakery. Of count it', joit u good ut otker time at at Chrntau time, bnt it teem, to taiie even better oa the grcai holiday. Serve it on yonr table, aad de light your guests! Senscn's Bakery SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy Also t r Bay** Miaubctv* <rf Uoaoscrtleaeidestcr of f R. H. Wootten’s Here you will find the most attractive Gifts for the whole family selectf&fcfc, trom the leading’ markets of the world. Every gift expresses a sentiment and can ies with it real personality. They have been selected with the greatest cal .®- Our long years experience in choosing Christmas goods assuring you of finding here a gift for every purpose and one that will please the most fasti- VISIT OUR TOY LAND u will find the rwl Saele-CIge. Hcod,onrt«ra. Bcnntifnl Doll, with flawing hnir and doting «,ea with wide range of price, from cheaper one. to The Urgent .tael he.aea end track, car .how. her*. TVio i. . big he.., toy thel will Uat year. 24 I .dm. leo, °»r itoA ef game. i. „ —It frrdw etc. Them nr. .11 1 The, a— rad i.trr.tU—. i —' Erector sots aid Humpty-Dumpty Circus This class of toy is educ*ti~r os well u a wend rful play toy. Novelty toy.—This lino is oil now and •rcccdiagly attractive. Fir* Works—Christmas Bolls and Doc*. GifU fu rtb* iittlo kiddies Bella, Homs. Heitor*, toys In rabbit* ole., and ■may atW woo da rful toys im this Do- Urn. BOOKS PICTURES The boat in gifts children books ar# more Embracing the bettor a* well ns the cheap grade*— PEN AND PENCIL SETS Our lino are vary attractive aad cheap. No FOUNTAIN PENS AND DESK SETS Chriatmen cnA Sank, Togo ud Wrap- charge to put picture* in them. Our fram- Mis— iag department will run through Christmas. GIFTS OF ALL CHARACTER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Oor ,ilt ha. Mrrhiw .tebrace gift, fee all ago*— Q-iO pea. om! attract in. and .oUrfd. Rr—• N-eekUe ollrooi ■ large earing, el Moke lira gift, fee Chrintrau. Mtoic 1. the gifts. hera. ,rad.c„ • ddighlfel .fftot. E—er EUctraitor. fra_ ,1M to SIR chad ahrald pie, raw ■ ■ ,m ,| ■ SMOKING STANDS Cttltora, VUlira, Uheletae. Beejra. Mradto BroatUel Bra ed —h h.th.1. rad aprad I 1 1 1 i J *e 4m, ho**. ftupa.