Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1927, Image 9

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., DECEMBER D, 1MT AROUND THE CORNER Around the corner I have a friend In this irreat city that has no end; Yet days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it a year i>> gone, And I never see my old friend’s face; Fer life is a swift and terrible race, with an ** * inoWB * ,ilte hin* just as well , As in the days when I rang his bell > occame . . .... . _... ... _ I We have but a short time here at best and why not keep fresh the I many hours of friendship that we I have from time enjoyed with those from whom we have drifted apart. Yuletime is a good time lo call on ! '.hat old frieml around the comer . and wish him the greetings of the season.—From "The Office Cat.” • younger then; »w we are busy, tired men— *ith playing a foolish gam. vi.h making a name. 1 will call or Jim. Wife- "That’s the kind of hus band t<* have! Did you hear Mr. Dike tell his wife to go and look at gome v.enty-dollar hats?” Spoun'—“My dear, have I ever deprived you of the privilege of looking at twenty ollar hats?" "The will “Why are your socks on wrong side out. Bob?” "My feet were hot and I turned the boss on them.” Shuffle ’Em Up "That sailor’s a card." "Ych, that comes from his asso ciation with decks.” Yap Frist Act "What must a man be to be buried with military honors?” “Dead.” Obliging Utile Lady She—“Will you please call me a He—“Alright, you’re a taxi.” Specialised Specialist Dr. Arrowsmith: Think your son will soon forget what he learned at college? Mr. Rabbitt: I hope so. He can’t eiakc a living drinking. COAL! COAL! COAL! Best Blue Gem. $9.00 per ton. Harlem, good enough for anybody $8.50 per ton. 2 by five egg, a good lump, good Coal, 58.00 per ton. Call Phone 239 J. H. ENNIS Frnit and Nut Cake, all kinds . Layer Cakes. Phone 126-J. SSslailisM that I’m thinking of —and tomorrow und tin- corner—yet miles away ?re'a a telegram, sir.” “Jim died today!” And that's what we get—and desa-rve in the end— Around the corner, a vanishedfriend. CHARLES HANSON TOWNE. Let’s go around the corner .and look up that >>ld friend of ours before • late and renow that old old friendship. It will do us both good to see each other again and bring hack to memory the pleasant hours spent in each other company. SPORTING GOODS MOST COMPLETE STORE in the South FOOTBALL BASKETBALL BASEBALL TENNIS. GOLF. FISHING Tackle CAMPING OUTFITS Southern Sports Supply Co. Wkol.*.l. ..4 Retail 514 Bra.dway, MACON. GA. PHONE 1197 CHRISTMAS DREAMS Of the Christ child asleep in the manger Dreams the girl on her Grand-dad's knee, And the vision is fairer and stranger Than her picture book ever can be. Grand-dad nods, and his dreams go n-straying Back through years that have rolled away. Boyhood games once again he is playing— Christmas drams—it is childhood' Santas Football Headquarters Here die old grid* assemble and vividly bring to life his toric games of the past . . . College colors flutter every where . . . And after the game the tumultuous parade of the victorious students swells past the doors. No wonder the Henry Crady is the center of At lanta's football world— The athletic fields are Henry The"® ecccssiMe, the leadii theatres, -tores and shops arc conveniently dose by ... . And after so strenuous a day you will welcome the deliejput meals of the famous main (lin ing room and the restful quiet and modern conven- that will await you your room. me and enjoy the ad- Hotel Hotel BRICK That Clink Like Steel Are Made by the “McMILLAN” Process BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. We Make Quick Shipment, in Any Quantity. RICH GLO FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK Milledgeville Brick W orkjCo MILLEDCEVILLE, GA. Established 1843 by J. W. McMillan. K. G. McMillan, President Belle McMillan, Vice-President GAP OH COACHES MILLEDGEVILLE—ATLANTA Lt. MSe4fevlt 7:30 E. T. Arrive AtluU lt:M C. Lv. NMprle 2:31 E. T. Arrive AtluU S:M C. Leeve AtluU 7:31 C. T. Art. MilleAfev9e 1: SO E. Lave Atlanta 3:39 C. T. Arr. MitleAferile 8:41 E. $4.00 One Way; $7:00 Rond Trip For Reservation* Call Phones: 356 or 392 G F. STONE, Manager. ."sit Our Store ... The Brightest Spot in Town! Year after year . . . she’ll still be thanking you for the "Things Electrical” you give her NOW! on Electric Ranges and Refrigerators During our Christmas sale you need pay only $4.75 down on any Hoi point or Wcsdnghousc Electric Range—and rake 18 months to pay the balance. And-a 35-piece bteak- las: set—Free! Any domestic irrdd Frigidaire or General ElcctnV flcmoenuor you may have for ju$. ;.lt; down-bal ance in 24 monthly payments. W ISE is the husband who gives careful thought in the selection of a Christmas gift for Wife. For wives have a subtle sort of way of showing their appreciation. Sometimes their joy is spontaneous ... sometimes they are so overcome in receiving a gift that their ap preciation is shown Christmas after Christmas! Give "Something Electrical” this Chris:-' mas. Just see how much an icctric appliance will be appreciated! At our store you’ll find a host- of electrical servants who are ready to help make your home brighter and happier... ready to allevi ate laborious household tasks. Come by. See them. Have them demonstrated. LIBERAL TERMS Any appliance in which you may be inter ested may be purchased on our usual liber terms. Only a small amount down, the ba! lance over a period of months. COMEaNY E6K MOTHER;- Fletch Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Say John, can you loan me $50.00? My auto note is past due and I about to lose my car. Why worry? Sjc he UNITED CREDIT CORPORATION. I was in the same fix and they re-financed my notes, making the payments smaller so 1 could meet them. IT CEftTAINLY IS A RELIEF! Why worry every month about making those large monthly payments on your car when you an so easily arrange with us to pay hlaf the amount you are now arrange'with us to pay half the amount you are now paying, giving you an opportunity to use the other If you are buying a new car on credit, we have a plan whereby we can decrease your monthly pay ments to any amount that would suit you. OUR RE FINANCE PLAN has helped thousands to place them selves in a position whereby they could pay their monthly notes without any trouble. THIS IS OUR PLAN: We pay the parties holding the notes on your car the full amount of the money that you are due them, and make a new note for like amounts, arranging the payments as small as you wish. If the value of your car permits, we will loan you an additional amount above what you owe, as we loan up to $300 on any make of automobile, at a> lawful fate of interest.