Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 19, 1928, Image 8

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m UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE, CA-, JANUARY l», 1111 BUSINESS AND PROSPERITY. ON TAKING ADVICE. MEMORIAL TO COLUMBUS. EDUCATION CAN END CRIME. Secretary Hoover summarize* the last year as regards wages and em ployment thus: ‘•There was little unemployment except during a moderate recession near the end of the year rnd the rate of real wage* remained higher than anywhere else in th • world, or than in any other time in th. wrold’i history. The high prospect of the The Department of Commerce says that in 250 principal cities cf he United States every human be ing pays an average of $4.01* a year for police protection. Add the cost of court*, prisons, district attorneys, etc., you find that crime costs many hundreds of million a year. Add the "get-rich-quick crimes" and it runs Unfortunately, what Lloyd George say- ..f war is true also of crime only education can end it. And this earth is many centuries from being reaEv educated. The London Gazette published inadvertently an admiralty nouncement of extra pay for offic ers IN CHARGE OF AIRCRAFT CARRIED B1 SUBMARINES. That Britain has submarines equipped with folding aircraft, ready, if necessary, to carry de struction to the enemy’s harbor?. About your* Health rhinsa You Should Know That . lo: [ interests this ( did < i up- predicts jro. of work 1 old bugaboo The ranks of millio: cans are thinner, onl ' 1H26 against 30.518 in i ultra rich, however, a l Two hundred and twent 1V2Z. The '1 000,000 or •<tay the ' Quite a I . . J S5.000.000 i L not ci> Th Government r.ung people may defini.ion of trt Frank S. Hoag of the Pueblo *e in thut which with a man wh be interested • love printed on the front >tar Journal. John D. Rockefelli years old. immediately chang "stance" at golf, when tohl by a professional that he stood :un cK.se to the ball. That change lengthened his drive by twenty yards. Mr. Rockefeller has said that his success in the bcginn : ng Was due to patience and economy. It may have been due also to his ability to listen to others and take advice. That is a thing that many young men who would like to be Rockefellers have not learned to do. Mother earth, whose age is now Christopher Columbus’ memory - i« r- ckoned at 3,000,000 years, has a to be honored by building a magnifi- long life ahead of her—possibly a cent lighthouse costing $4,000,000. ' billion years more—in the opinion of What is left of Columbus’ body will • I)r. Thomas Crowder Chamberlin, lie under the lighthou tion given by the Gov.-: Domingo. • Columbus would he one feature of his me ly, lights shooting up guide fliers, were expected. serva- j professor of emeritus of geology at ment of San > the University of Chicago. j Dr. Chamberlin, an 84-year-old puzzled by dean of scientists, was awarded the lorial, name- Penrose medal for distinguished hon- [o the air to j or the Geological Society of America • would think angels , can bestow. Architects are invit- j His theory i to the origin of the The lat*. Gavin McNah, an ex tremely .able lawyer of San Fran- ciHco. leaves $40,000 to two Client* to make up for McNabV bad advice about investments. It is fortunate for the heirs cf certain gentlemen in and out of Wall Street that such requests are not customary or compulsory. If Wall Street gentlemen had to make good losses caused by bail advice on invest ments there would not be much left for legal heirs. imal theory, in brief is this: A wand ering star got too near the sun sor 3,000.000 years ago and exerted tidal influence that caused the si to shoot off a series of four bolts. The first series became the planets Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus The second, shot in an opposite direc tion, formed earth. Mars. Venus nnc Mercury These planets were whirled around the tain in their present orbits by the rival attractions of the and the wandering star.—Home Journal. by John Joseph Gtines, M. D. "INTESTINAL FLU" As if the hydra-headed monster. Tuenza, were not terrible enough its easily-recognizable form, hu manity must, it seems, be harassed by that obscure, baffling, demon for which medical science ha? offered no landier name than “intestinal flu." A very distressing weakness is haracteristic of Spanish Influenza, t is distinctly a respiratory disease, a used by germ.? which take lodging n the breathing passages, hence we find .sneezing, coughing, and general ibility, along with exceptionally high temperature in most cases; rare ly have I seen cases with low temp- uture; and. the disease is not dif- L-ult to diagr.ose at the first call. Bu* this "intestinal’’ thing is a dif- rent proposition. The victim always a run-down condition, begins with chilly, creepy feeling of conr.idera- e intensity, which lasts for a day more, before being compelled to seek his bed: no matter whav the treatment the bewildered physician applies, the temperature will mount to 104 or 105, about the third day: there is no cough, or other symptom referable to the lung or breathing- passages. No point of infection can be made out by physical methods. A temperature of 105 is a phenomenon that I had much rather not see; my hair is too grey for my age anyway Still, the patient manages—by sheet will-power I think—to -ret well. And. I don’t know how ik icc^mplishes My motive in this article is, to warn my readers at this season, to take the best possible care of them selves it being the only way I can suggest, of avoiding attacks Don’t overload the stomach; keep the di gestive tract eliminating freely; drink plenty of water: cat good nourishing food, but not to excess Keep the surface of the body com fortable. Avoid crowds. Alkaline mineral waters are very useful. Do not worry. Do not exhaust the body. Immunizing vaccines are worth while too, I am sure; your physician is your friend. A Flour That Makes Baking Come Out Just Right! : be prevented, bu C. H. ANDREWS A SON C. H. ANDREWS A SON rTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTITTIIIt SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE STEMBRIDCE& COMPANY PHONE 352-J IZIHXZXlZZXZZXXl J OMEGA FLOUR [Plata an* Sell aiaing] For Nearly a Hundred Yean a Strictly Quality Flour! Sold by most all the grocers in and around Milledgeville. < "Z/ day’s motors demand Safe oil... CLEAN gasoline! Buick Beauty ♦ • • Buick Luxury • * Buick Performance fir only $H9!> You can buy a Buick closed car at prices as low as £1195, f. o. b. factory. You can buy it on the liberal G. M. A. C. plan—with a moderate down-payment which may be taken care of by your present car in trade. These prices mean maximum value, and in Buick you get real beauty—real comfort—real per formance. You get the unrivaled value result ing from Buick’s unrivaled production in the quality held. Come in—see Buick—compare it with other cars of similar price—then let the facts decide you to buy Buick. SEDANS $1195 to $1995 ' COUPES $1195 to $1830 SPORT MODELS $ 1195 to $1525 All prion /. o. b. Flint. Mick., loinmnl Mi lo h« oddud. TWG.M.A. C. jSnnwcin* »4an. the .nost dnirubb, u n—iluMn. N EVER before has your choice of fuel and lubricating oil been so important. More explosions per mile, more wear on moving parts, in modem high speed motors, put new demands on oil and gasoline. But here is an oil that protects your motor effectively—a gasoline that keeps your motor much cleaner. Fill up today at the first^ Pan-Am pump you see. You can be sure of honest service from any Pan-Am dealer. And you know that the prod ucts he sells are produced and dis tributed by one reliable organization. BUICK SAFE oil Pan-Am motor oil was developed to give modern motors the extra protection they need because of higher speeds, increased engine heat. It is refined from paraffin base crudes that produce a tougher oil. That is why Pan-Am holds its body under punishment that soon breaks down less hardy oils. It keeps the hottest friction spots in any motor safe from destructive wear. CLEAN gasoline This gasoline is clean! Next time you see a Pan-Am pump, look at the gasoline in the visible bowl. Note its crystal-clear color ... the absence of any dirt or foreign matter. That means a molar clean as a whistle, for tip-top performance! It means less carbon trouble and knocking—a wealth of extra power—and milny economy inch as you hare never known before. RALPH S1MMERSON Petroleum Corporation i