Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 26, 1928, Image 12

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., JANUARY, 26, 1626 JED6ES J !L About your Health things You Should Know “Close your eyes so that the al cohol won't get in them." “Have no fear. “I’ll open only my mouth." “I have not the pleasure of know ing your wife.” “Then how do you know it’s a pleasure.?” “Lawyer: “Courage, my friend. You’re going on a long journey. What are your last wishes?” Condemned: “Get me a return ticket” • •*' mm Lawyer for auto accident victim: “Gmtlcmen of the jury, the driver of the car stated he was going only six miles an hour. Think of the long agony of my poor client, th> as the car drove so nlowly ov< “Wi Me this ul.i maid and 1 One of the most common affec tions of the throat. It May be acute or chronic. The latter form is rare. I'm triad to say, because it strikes terror to me—the thought of tuber culosis of the larynx. My purpose in this sketch is to deal with the acute form only. This varies from slight hoarse- *s with no ofound illnc ad dm «, With Ice Diph- for.j aiduble of throat ailments of child-1 ood. An old author once said that ! roup in attended by loud, rasping •.uedi. seldom a cough in diohtheria. hat was when diagnosis depended. ntirely on physical signs. The first symptom of laryngitis in Mr. J. A. Sams, of the N. C. A St. L. Railroad, was the first taxpayer in Georgia in 1928 to file his retui.i and to pay his tax. Mr. Sams is al ways one of the first to do thia He to make his return and pay his tax, payers whose duty it is to make their j returns before Murch the 15th, 1928. Mr. Sams could have waited until the last few days before March the loth, or in fact until March 15th, to make his return and ypay his tax, 1-ut he has, as usual, shown his wis- , dom by being among the first. This j . ffice was able to give him attention and service that it will not be able to give those who come at the l**- s t m’.n- ute. It is not necessary that taxpayers should make payments in person, but can Hcnd returns by mail accompuin- ed by checks or money orders. Re mittances should be firmly attached to returns and the retumB signed and sworn to. However, deputy col lectors aie at the service of taxpay ers who wish to come to thi3 office f-.r information and assistance in ormection with the filing of returns, '■i:t if taxpayers wait until the last \-w days b fore Mai*ch the loth *s cannot give each W. A. Walker A Co., have jail re- ceived a new lot of Barnaeville Bu||i«, and Chattanooga Rauell A Molia Wagons, also a lot of boggy and wagon harness, collars breech, ins, bridles, backhands and all kind harness and are selling them cheap. So call on hem and buy wbat you need at bargain prices. deputy irh t The blanks When she aid, "Stop, mister,” He grabbed her and kimed her, > Now his friends call him the lemon | pqueer.er. “Did you see that conductor look nt you ns if you hid not paid your “Yes, and did you see me look at him as if I hud?” that the difl in the “box i the signal for ii et the physician at once! Mouth-breathers are by far th lost lik; ly to be attacked. To tak. oung children suddenly out of the 18th, 1928. If you have •ceived a blank write to the Col- of Internal Revenue, Atlanta, for one. Failure to receive .vay < empl uffle: woolen brenth- “Wher.- did the car hit him?” ask ed the coroner. “At the junction of the dorsal and cervical vertebrae,” replied the* medical witness. The foreman of the jury rose from his scat. “Man and boy I’ve lived in these parts for fifty years," he protested ponderously, “an' I never hccred o' the place.” On the window of a London res taurant an Aberdonian read, “No Gratuities." So he entered. But going to wash his# hands, he read the words, “Tip the basin." He stepped hack “Aye,” he grunted, “I thought there wns a catch in H.” "Why d’you think it’ll he difficult to keep your engagement to Muriel “WeJI, I've had to tell Muriel, haven't I?" “So you have n daughter, Olsen?” “Yes, a little prodigy.” “In what way?” “She iw ten years old and doesn't play the piano?” Dennis: “What was old Judson when h^is dead." Dan"No man is worth much worth when h f . died?" Dennis: "I know, hut what did he ,p placed lightly o' passages, is to invite trouble; the nge from warm to cold should be dual. Teach children to breathe through the nostrils, if suddenly ex- i to cold; they will never forget And, be sure there are no adenoids there to obstruct. Prevention is golden here. Keep the child's bowels freely open. Re quire plenty of drinking r water, and good, plain, nutritious food. Air the one from filing a return by •eh the loth. r you are uncertain as to whether hould file a r. turn, file one nny- ■—it will do no harm, and may ■ you a good deal of trouble. bedrooms well during the duy. I would not house children too closely —cultivate tolerance for pure, out door air, but wrap the body warm; especially, keep feet and legs warm and dry. Until the doctor comes, treat the victim with sweating and inhalations of turpentine vapor, cn- calyptus oil, or from alaking lime. PAWNBROKERS SALE Bv(«hu in Unredeemed Pledget PISTOLS TOOLS SHOT CUNS OVERCOATS CLOTHING JEWELRY WATCHES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Headquarters of WINCHESTER shells and cartidges 516 Broadway s I : MACON. GA. KAPLAN’S PAWNSHOP WE LEND MONEY ON ANYTHING OF VALUE The Employer: “What kept you fr« work yesterday, acute indigesti Typist: “No. A cute engineer, this time.” The boy stood on the burning deck His’father (ailed; he did not go Because he loved to neck her so. A woman is marrying a man she knocked down with her car. Pe destrians run dreadful ritdes if they It cost* you quite a—sum—sum It ninkes you deaf and—dum—dum So ’tis best to lay off this—rum— SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and 1NSIST1 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART~| Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy • Haver” boxes of 12 tnbleta Also bottles "of 24 and 100— Druggist*. IUye- Manufacture of Monoaortleact«lc«trr of Sallcjttoa. l-’ “STILL ON THE JOB” We are still and yet w e are noisy. We do shoe repairing every where, and with every body. Now you have read this ad. Now why can’t we do business with you? “SUDDEN SERVICE” Phone 373 Blain Shoe Plant and Pressing Club WE HELP YOU LISTEN IN i SEE OUR * Amplex Six Tube Tuned Radio Frequency Sett. Complete t Speaker, Batteries, Aerial and Tubes ready to tune in ia. These f wonderful prices. J With Horn Speaker $65.00 With Rola Coae Speaker $85.00 CALL BY FOR A DEMONSTRATION \ Hi W. HATCHER HARDWARE CO. ••-glJMMMM FELT STUPID, DULL Mississippi Lady Says She Took | Bkck-Braught for These Symptoms and Wa* “Greatly Relieved.’* Stsrkviile, Miss.—“I hove been a user of Black-Draught for about twenty years,” says Sirs. C. E. Bun- tir > .. of It F. D. 5, this city. “I used Black-Draught first for constipation,” continues Mrs. Bun- tin. "I would feel dull, stupid, and have severe headaches, even fever ish. I had an uneasy, tight feeling in my stomach. “I read quite a bit about Black- Draught I began using it and Boon my bowels acted regularly and I was greatly relieved. I used it every once in a while for about eighteen years. “About two years ago I found I was having indigestion, a tight ■mothering in my chest then severe pain, especially aft' r eating sweets. I commenced taking just a pinch of Black-Draught after meals and by doing this I could eat about any thing. “I gave Black-Draught to my chil dren for colds and headaches. I can C6 Thedibrd , s Black-Draught ia rec ommended by thousands of others for the relief of indigestion, bilious ness and simple ailments doe to constipation. Safe, easy to take. Costs only 1 cent a dose. SC-171 T; la.’5 real joy in using this better flour— OMEGA FLOUR [Plain and Self Rising} —for 88 years the name of the finest flour made ! Sold by most all the grocers in and around Milledgeville. Winter's Colds and Chiils Throw Heavy Burdens on the Kidneys. C OL put extra burdens on our kidney*. When the kidneys slow up. impurities remain in the blood and are apt 10 make one tired and achy with headache*, dizziness and often nagging backache. A common warning is Kan ty or burning secret icna. Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, increase the secretion of the kidneys and uid in the elimination of waste impurities. Are endorsed by users everywhere. Ask your neighborI DOAN’S p, & s iren Cry for Qsionu MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe» arms and Children all ages. cially prepared for Infants To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. ♦ YOUR future START BY SAVING A CERTAIN | AMOUNT TO-DAY, TOMORROW f AND THE NEXT DAY AND THE J FUTURE WILL FIND YOU WELL f PREPARED. SYSTEMATIC SAV ING HAS PAVED THE WAY FOR f MANY A SUCCESSFUL MAN. ^ $1.00 WILL OPEN AN ACCOUNT 1 EXCHANGE BANK 4 per cent and Safety Ezxzxxxxxx:;:xxxxxxxxzxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: P. COAL COAL COAL m Phone Us Your Order ,—-Prompt Delivery h Southern Star Lump Coal jj $9.00 Per Ton Southern Star Egg Coal $8.50 Per Ton A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT Atlantic Ice & Coal Co. PHONE 485 : xxzxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxz'