Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 26, 1928, Image 5

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i UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, GA., JANUARY 2*. KU is Week gy Arthur Brisbane ' Professor Ross, of Wisconsin Uni versity, is worried about over-popu lation on the earth. Let married peo- * n pie have four children to a family, I lot the children marry and do like- ^OR RENT—Fmn wise, and population doubles e’ very • ^ B0, T. Burke, twenty years. At that rate, this country, in forty years, could have W* 4(10,000,000 people, more than China, and in one hundred years, our population would be 3,840,000,000, w more than twice the earth’s prenent w population. A doctor of Manhattan, Kan., be lieves he has found a cure for pyor- II rhea. Mr. Gundlach of Chicago II thinks he also knows a cure. U A real cure of that curse would be Q worth fifty millions to its discoverer. M and would be cheap at twice that. | II thinking for yourself, age being pushed back, extra weight tires heart. RAT PROOF building. An expedition of the California Academy of Sciences returns from the mysterious Galapagos Islands bringing giant lizards, only sur vivor: of the Mesozoic age, and, more interesting to tho youth of America, "flightless” cormorants, huge birds that have lost their pow- tr to fly because they have not flown for so long. What applies to flying for your self applies to thinking for yourself. It s easy to lose that faculty. Dar win visited those iriands more than seventy-five years ago, and would have liked to explore the inaccesible n: .untian tops that no one thus far B. C. Forbes says that great banking houses, notably Morgan & Co., biggest of the aggressively enter prising firms, admit to partnership men about forty years old. Davison, Lamount, Morrow and other import ant Morgan parteners were taken in at about forty, the age supposed to combine sound judgement with power to carry a heavy load. In other days forty began the “greybeard” age. Great careers, Alexander and Napoleon, the two most spectacular, were over at that age. Age is pushed farther and farther back, and the J. P. Morgan of 200 years hence may be selecting i<*venty-five-ycar-old partners for their "combination of mental and physical strength..” Senator Capper, of Kansas, seeks reduction in railroad freights on grain. Not all farmers realize that Uncle Sam’s money has been spent to make it impossible for farmers in Rome parts of the United States to compete with Canadian farmers. N'orthwest Canadian wheat reaches our East Coast and Europe, through tho Panama Canal, at low freight rates. Thsi country built the canal, taxing its citizens, and lets the whole world use the Canal at tha asm*- rate as Americans pay. ’f you are too fat, you treat your heart unjustly. So says Dr. Jnmes McLrster. The heart works harder to carry extra weight, but that is only part of it. Fifty to one hun dred useless pounds of weight repre sent endless billions of living cells that dpinand nourishment, heat, water, and their added share of the energy that causes metabolism, or change of tissue. Extra weight tires the body, brain and heart, constituting a “loafer flaM,” or idle rich class in the sys tem that shortens life, diminishes comfort and usefulness. In that, a human body is like a government. , homa $13,110, Snedecor Memorial BETTER AUTOMOBILES $10,500, South Carolina $375,000, West Virginia $126,905, Tennessee $185,095 Texas $464,660, Virginia $699,380. In addition to the amount for benevolences, the 3,591 churches of the denomination will seek at the tome time to raise the necessary | funds for their current expenses. It 1 is expected that the total amount to j be secured in the annual “every mem- ' ber canvass” will approximate $16,- 000,000. The slogan for the Idle rich that consume and contri bute nothing, except silly opinions, harmful to the entire body poli tic and a way should be found to make them work. Mr. Remus, who interrupted a bootlegging career to kill his wife, and was congratulated, rather strangely, by some of the jury that acquitted him, is to have “a period of rest under scrutiny." That’s to how his mind is and decide about let- tins him loose to resume business, j vass will be “Evei^ Chur'cb' enlirted His wife is having a lonuer “period ( and every member canvassed ’’ of rest" under the ground. j. . The Presbyterian Church in the I United States has a total member- Lo, Anpeleo sets a pood example I ship accordms to the lost report of to other cities, orderinp rat-proof j 439,621. This church stands stc- fentures in all new buildinpi. J., oml in the list uf all protestant would be an excellent idea, and cco-1 denominations in the United States nomical in the lone run, to mate old nnd Canada in her per capita giving buildings also raPproof, the city pay- to bmcvolences, according to the last ing the cost report of the United Stewardship Modern destructive gases might be used for rat, mouse and insect ex termination, including the destruc tion of the dangerous flea-carrying ground squirrel** and gophers. PECANS. FRUIT TREES, ORNA- MENTALS. S*t aow and Me* • J. B. Wight, Cairo, Ga. 1-5-28 41. AUTO SMOKING BARRED Smoking in a moving auto mobile is forbidden in Peru. If the occupants must puff the car must stop. Violations of the law result •bed room*. Mra SPORTING GOODS MOST COMPLETE STORE in the South FOOTBALL BASKETBALL BASEBALL TENNIS. GOLF. FISHING Tackle CAMPING OUTFITS Southern Sports Supply Co. Wholcub and Retail 514 Broadway, MACON, CA. PHONE 1197 Wait a minute! I can’t work without my Waterman’s. How anyone can refrain from using n Wa term mi’s Idea! Fountain Pen is something that those who have used Waterman's cannot understand. Waterman’s Spoon-feed feeds and its lip-guard guards. May wc tell you about that no-time limit guarantee nnd take your measure to-day for a 100 per cent fit? Jewelers WILLIAMS It JUTCHIE MiRedfevile, Ga. The Presbyterian Church in tho II United States will attempt on March II 11, 1928, to raise a total of $4,459,- II 475. This announcement come9 froth H the office of Dr. J. B. Ficklen, secre- SS tary of stewardship for the Georgia 2 synod of the Presbyterian Church in ft the United States, who sugests that 18 it will interest our many Presby- a terian readers in Milledgeville and Baldwin county. The above total is needed for dis tribution to the work this church is doing through foreign missions in Africa, Brazil, China, Japan, Korea and Mexico, and in the home mission field among the people of twelve Q nationalities; in training into service M and training young people in schools II and colleges; in Sunday School exten- H the Assembly’s Training School Q nt Richmond, Vn., and a multitude of benevolent enterprises within sy- I ds and presbyteries. I Georgia’s portion of the total ask- I cd by the church for benevolences is | $363,400. Other synod’s quotas are I follows: Alabama $201,050, Ap palachia $225,000, ‘Arkansas $130,- 2 000, Florida $134,110, Kentucky |1 $175,000, Louisiana $161,505, Mis- 2 souri $167,000, Mississippi $200,- 5 000, North Carolina $827,758, Okla- 2 speaksfor Buick Quality and Buicks price spells Value Smart, low-swung bodies by Fisher — Buick’s famous valve- ’'-herd six-cylinder engine — and Ruick’s Lovcjoy hydraulic shock absorbers—endow Buick with the rich quality-appc.nl of the mo^t expensive cars. And Buick volume— double that of any other builder of fine automobiles—enables Buick to offer you Buick quality at surprisingly low prices. Three popular Buick models, a Sport Road ster, a Sedan, and a Coupe are priced as low as $1195, and all can be purchased on the liberal G. M. A. C. plan. See other cars—then see Buick* Let the comparison determine your choice. SEDANS $1193 to $1993 COUPES $1193 to $183# SPORT MODELS $1193 to $1323 RALPH SIMMERSON MILLUMSVIU*. ■■OMIIA. BELL’S First Showing of NEW SPRING DRESSES m NEW SPRING COATS New lines, sew materials and new styles for dress, Street and sport wear. Ensemble cestames of waei Jersey and Kasha cloth are very smart for early Spring. OES©S=E=S i tot—tfti A 50 Brand New DRESSES Just received by eipreis, for Street wear, for Dress occasion and for Sport wear, in Crepes, Crepe Ro- maine. Kasha and combi nation Wo and Crepe. The models ire new and the styles are different. The prices are lower. $16.75 and $19.75 ^-i/ Kayser's Slipper heel hose, all pare Silk from top, Chiffon and service weight $1.50 ALL THE NEW COLORS Al Silk Chiffon stockiafs $1.95 LAMES FINE SHOES 50 NEW COATS Mostly plain dors—Many Sport Coats in the lot. $10.75 to $26.75 Patents, Velvets i strap and pomps. $8.50 and $9.85 Ladies’ black patent nnd brown patents, in pomps and straps, both high and low heels $6.50 IF YOU WANT THE BEST SHOP AT — E. E. BELL’S 8 I o li o n