Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 26, 1928, Image 6

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IP II MlEUR Sledge Bo S3ou ' Hh'S treasure trove hunt For /the VALUABLE AND COSTlYGIFTS !o /purely A BUSINESS PROPOSITION,ASt outlined herevath it is oofi Pledge j, / TO YOU THAT THERE IS NO CATCH ' THE PLAN, i SE MUST INCREASE CUR LIST Of SUB- f ScRlBCRS AND WE EXPECT TO PAY MOST j /LIBERALLY To ACCOMPLISH THIS END. !E5 He TREASURE TROVE CONTENDERS I WHO ENTER THIS Uf'fauE HUNT WILL| /Gradually LEARN THAT FOR « FEW I WEEKS PURSUIT AND EFFORT OF AN ! EASY NATURE .THERE IS NOTHING /ELSE THAT COMES'EVEN CLOSE TO I Equalling the returns they may i REALISE on THEIR SPARE TIME EFFORT- ^ A ND But PEW CONCERNS OTHER THAN \f\ NEWSPAPER , WHICH MUST HAVE '.CIRCULATION COVERAGE , COULD N^AFFORO To OFFER SUCH ENORMOUS EwAROS FOR SERVICES RENDERED SOVER A PERIOD OF ONLY A FEW .WEEKS . IINION-BECORI ^^■TRFASDni S'! THIS GREAT STARTS NOW AND CLOSES Mar. 24, 1928 JJIN TODAY! HOMT DELsY! IN PRIZES AND CASH . $3,000 • F TW ’ f N -VL-'L' - jrf«a ' .'T H I' Cp: ■ f 77/e Rules and Regulations 9--Any whH# person of good character residing i thU city or surrounding territory, la eligible to ei ter anJ compete for • prixe. Nomination* may 1 mad# at any time during the election. I—No employe or near relative of any employe in thia newspaper ta eligible to enter thla distribution. We resewre the right to reject any nomination. »—The winners of the prize* will be doc.dcd b- the.r accredited credits, aaid credit* being reprefc ed by Ihe ballots iaaued on aubacriptiona »nd by coupon* clipped from the papers. 4—Candidates are not confined to their own par ticular town or community in which to aecure credit* and subscriptions, but may tako orders anywhere in this aection. or for that matter anywhere In the United States. 6—Cash must accompany all ordera where credits are desired. There will be no exception to thia rule. Candidates will be allowed to collect aubacriptiona •nd renewal, a. wall a* entirely new aubacriptiona and credits will be Issued on both alike. 13— In ease of typographical or other error It ta un derstood that neither the publishers nor the cam paign manager shall be held responsible, except for the necessary correction upon Ihe tame. 14— Every candidate ia an authorised agon, of * * newspaper, and as each may colleet subscrip tion payment* from preaent as well as from *new subscribers. 4— Credits are free. !t coata the aubscriber nothing extra to rota for their favorite. Subecriber* should rrli for them when paying their aubacriptiona. 7—Credits cannot be purchased. Evary cent ac cepted through the election department must repre- aubacript ions. g Credit* are not tranaferable. Candidate* can not withdraw In favor of another candidate. Should a candidate withdraw from the race his or her rredtis will be cancelled. Neither will it be per- miasable for candidates to give or transfer subscrip tions to another candidate. Credits on auch trans ferred aubacriptiona will be subject to disqualification at the di; 1 ration of the management. 9 Any collusion on the part of candidates to nul lify competition or any other combination arrange ,,,,-nt of effort *0 the detriment of candidate* of thia - .pan- w’11 not be tolerated. Any candidate or did«’ e* entering into or taking part in such an agi ecinent, arrangement, or effort will forfeit all - -ala to a prtta or commiaaion. ID—Any ballot iaaued on subscription* may be held in reserve and cast at the dtarretlon of the candi date. The printed coupon* appearing from week to week in thi* newspaper must be cast befora the ex piration date appearing theieon. 15— A subscriber once turned in by a candidate and extended at any time during tha campaign beyond the time it wus originally turned in for. will have the same vote value as though the full subscription had been turned in originally. 16— It is distinctly understood and aer«-ed that can didate* will be responsible for all money* col’eete.: and that *hey will remit such amount- in full at frequent Interval* or on demand to tha campaign depart inent. 17— There will be teverai big prizes awardel besides a '.0 per cent cash commiaaion to all ACTIVE non prize winnera. but it ia distinctly understood that in the event ANY candidate become* INACTIVE, fail ing to make a weekly cash report, he or ahe will .at the discretion of the management, become disqual lfied, and thereby forfeit all right to a prize or commissi jn. 18— To inaure absolute fairness and tm"artiality in the awarding of the prizes the rnmnaign will h» brought to a close under the "sealed ballot box" ay* tern. During the entire last week or the race, a bal lot box -locked and sealed—will repose in li e vaults of a local bank where candidate, und their friend? will deposit their final cash collections and reserve Tote*. When the race has been declared closed u committee of local men. who will set ns ‘.he mUri* ‘udgea in awarding one, n.<: c.^n the campaign manager, - p>-s?!tny know the number of votes held by any candidate un til !» '•• r the judge* have made the final count, which prectadra any poiaibtlity of favoritism and autre* fairnras to the minutest JOIN NOW ’ SECOND PRIZE $300.00 Diamond Ring This is a beautiful blue white stone in a unusually desiiable setting and worth a special visit to view at the store named beiow. *1 his ring will be given to the Hunt member having second highest num ber of credits at the close. DISPLAYED BY Willioms&: Ritchie Grand Ca