Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 02, 1928, Image 7

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THE SOONER YOU START THE SOONER YOU EARN Treasure Trove Credits Every member turning in ten (10) subicrip- tions within one week after entering the Hunt will each receive a ipecial bonus of extra CREDITS ////. Hi-' .’5?^PER !C PREPARED 1 "• .0 SPE : ID P. LARGE AMOUNT OF • v^oney ;:cpresented in valuable) \ PRIZES AND IN CASH COMMISSIONS,) ij TO OUR FRIENDS AND READERS , AND' WE EXPECT TO BE AMPLY REPAID I,Ml V GREATER CIRCULATION COVERAGE OVER) • this territory which coverage is pi EJG . .Ti •. ."POM THE STANDPOINT OF ‘ .r.-ic : r . FACT THAT HOME PEOPLE WHO will Si ' J CVTro TUT TCCCr,- —. . .....^y p"" I ELO J :d advertising . CELir.VE that we CAN WELL A ord to do this in view of the ' fact THAT HOME PEOPLE WHO WILL ENTER THE TREASURE TROVE HUNT i THESE FRIZES KNOW THC/A 0\"N FIE IPLE THE.-P-/ pesjional/ , • v. ■iicvG rnitwj nil.j vv 11: or And TERRITORY, AND Tl > I.V, BETTER Than DOES A PP £ Solicitor. » belie 'PL/’-lOF going after) — toUSImESS POT only MORE £"F:c ;:.t, sot .—nAP/MOAE LOYAL TO Home Ir:cf’ESTS A'.'D " pw'li /LEST FLAN TO Aecc-'p; :« - •: OV/WEEKS Tir.T WHICH UNDER ofv- - F ■AKF. MANY MONTHS To Do. ;o, (fH 3 hi Costs Nothing to Join! Costs Nothing to Participate! Everybody Wins! Award THIS CAR With pi | Extra Tire to HuntM Al Member having ■ M v v • Most Credits at close of Campaign FIFTH PRIZE How to Join.! How to Win! worth while. YOU c «-d by the Union Rec by • ••62” Chry.lcr 1 ***** everyone hag longed for the opportunity to ad- t with ell the thrills that go to make such an adventure a share in this great Treasura Trove Hunt just announc ed have a share in the <3.000.00 worth of prises headed Just such a prise awaits YOUR success in this Treasure ily come by grasping this splendid opportunity, jnce you join and joining is easy and dosen’t cost one II in the Passport coupon on the page below, and then Union Recorder. That is 10,000 credits foi •s that you AS SOON AS POSSIBLE y credits allowed win the CHRYSLER CONSOLE ORTHOPHONIC Given to member having fifth highest number of credits at close. DISPLAYED BY BALDWIN FURNITURE CD. THE PRIZES ARE FREE! It d. ■y of the awards ami every active i :ent cash commission if they do no ured that the prize will tqual in val ow" TODAY. d CREDITS ALONE determine t ire earned by joing the Hunt, cli| w and rent wal prepaid subsc i mber is assured of i win a prize. If they ue 10 percent of the r ike up the difference. How the Prizes Will be Awarded. SIXTH PRIZE SOLID GOLD WRIST WATCH to member having sixth highest number dit* at close. DISPLAYED BY *VilIiams & Ritchie SEVENTH PRIZE $22.50 Portable COLUMBIA GBAPHQPHONE INCLUDING 6 RECORDS Given to member having 7th bigheil cre dits at dose. displayed by BALDWIN FURNITURE CO. indium that will decide the winners o m wiir be decided by competent Judge March 24. 1928. er of credits during th c Treasure Trovi ■62” Chrysler S dan. rove Credits are the onl Treat Hunt and this de declared closed,.Saturd.,. ... obtaining the highest numbn 1 rded the Grand Capital Awar. r standing second highest will receive a $300 D.,,„ B . - standing third high st will receive a $215 Living room suite standing, fourth highest will receive a $150 Diamond ring, r standing fifth highest will m. ive a $95 Victrola. r standing sixth highest will receive a $35 Wrist watch. ■ standing s venth highest will receive a $22.50 Graphaphone. red will equal 10 porci iber and if be fails t ( with the published »rize he will be given Schedule of Credits and Subscription Price riod 3 1' Yet $ 1.50 .. 3.00 4.50 . 6.00 7.50 15.00 Credits 4,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 Mar. 24 Credits *1,000 4,000 10,000 20,000 70,000 170,000 The above schedule will be in efftet during the hunt. A special bonus of 100,- 000 extra credits will be given for every “club" of $15.00 turned in. These clubs can be mad:' up of subscriptions of a/iy length and need not be turned in at one lime. Any member turning in a grand club ($75.00) during any week of the hunt w:!| receive an added bo huh of 500,000 extra credits. These two bonus offers will remain in effect during the entire hunt and will he considered part of the regular rhedule. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE! Mar. 10 J Mar. 17 Crvdits Credits 3,000 2.000 6,000 15,000 30,000 80,000 180,000 8,000 20,000 40,000 90,000 190,000 1 jj| PER CENT U cash cmmm OFFICE HOURS 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Evenings by Appointment It ca is estimated that $800.00 in h will be used in paying a 10 per cent except Wednesday’s and Sat- 'a h commsision to all active non-prize urdays when the office will "Inners who make weekly reports to Jb close. be open until 9:00 P. M. Call On ov iunt Manager ORDER Milledgevilie, Ga. SEND THIS MAP With Your Owi SUBSCRIPTION And get started toward the ownership of a CHRYSLER Without oae cent of cost ■ow or later OPPORTUNITY COUPON Good for lOaooolREASURt L Irove credits SUBSCRIBER 7 THIS MAP PROPERLY Filled in accompanied by THE PASSPORT BLANK WILL START YOU WITH 110,000 i EXTRA CREDITS BESIDES/ /THE REGULAR CREDITS A-«» > LLOWEDAS PER SCHEDULE ) }’ ONLY FOUR Of THESE ( MAPS will BE CREDITED Its ahy one member mPTOTJii Ht/AiSO T1f£ASVmt