Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 09, 1928, Image 4

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RECORDER. MILLEDCEVILLE, CA-, FEBRUARY ». 1W» UNION RECORDER F ^„.l Union EouMUM >«• Southern RKorder Eitfc. MilUdgs- Published Weekly on Thursday •t MiUedgeville, Ga. R. B. MOORE—EDITOR OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY THURSDAY. FEB. 9. 1928 , (Continued from front paga.) the G. S. S. for a number of yu TO TH EVOTERS OF BALDWIN JUDGE W. H. DAVIS DIED LAST COUNTY [ am a candidate for re-election the office of County School J Superintendent subject to the Demo- and later made her home with Mrs. ; cratic Primiry on Feb. 15. J. \\\ Mobley until the latters death. During my tenure of office I haw She resides at present at the home 'tried to build a Rchool system that ..f Mr. and Mrs. Heindle Mobley, would be worthy of your support. Many people are emphatic in their With your help we have made belief that Mi.*# Cook will continue to . many changes in our schools during b' among the leaders. : the last sev:n years. Some of them are an follows: Mrs. J. F. Hall I 1. Consolidation of schools. Mm J. F. Hall is one of the most | 2. Dcvclopement of a strong popular Indies in the south western | county-i d::. tigners enthusiasm i In an article entitled, "Milledge- j vQle-Baldwin County—Are we proud j of them?*’, in last week’s Union Re- ( corder. Dr. E. A. Tigncr, Mill edge ville’s >f the county whire she r< sides with her husband on Rural Route 3, Gordon. Many well wishing friends an* confident that she will be among the leaders at the finish. Mr. John Ivey -and Mr. Minter, of that section, told the writer that she was certain ly qualified for “campaigning” nlong -ith the best in the county. Mr T. B. Dei ells hn The Hunt member from Gordon is distinguished | t. r. Dennard where she resides briefly, but con- her husband who is the Stand ard Oil Co., representative for most of Wilkinson county. Mrs. Dennard was a Fountain before her marriage and has family connections with ' ninny of the counties leading citizens. >sc student of hi>! shc waH a resid nt of Millcdgeville •re of information, J f or f un „. time and friends both here e fathers built the in Gordon predict a successful vincingly. the wonderful possibilities here ami the ground work thut has been laid by our forefathers upon which we can and ire building u f the school or s nior-junior high All white children are the high schools. A. All building pain in good repair—well hi and ventilated. 5. Adoption of a course of study. 6. Organization am of teachers. 7. Increased attend: 8. Transportation of pupils p. A minimum stondari qualifications for teachi and ale of salaries fni other city her effoi 1ft. A good system of financing. We pay teachers promptly. 1 am making this race on my rec ord and am asking your endorse ment at th polls next Wednesday. I regret that my duties of offic** just at this season of the year will not permit me to see each of you b fore the election. So, I am tak ing this method to let you know that I will appreciate your support and in fluence. Respectfully submitted, P. N. BIVINS. Adv. SATURDAY Member Board of Director* of G. S. C. W. Buried in Waynesboro Monday Judge W. H Davis died at his home in Waynesboro Saturday, Feb-; 4th, after a long illness. Mr. Davis was a member of the Board of Directors of the G. S. C W. for a long number of years, and was a frequent visitor to this city, lie was a close friend of Dr. M. M. Parks late President, and co-operat- d with him in his progressive pro gram to build the college to the high est standard. The funeral services were held in lYaynesboro Monday afternoon and he following persons from the col- ege attended: Mr. Miller S. Bell, Secretary-Treas- irer of the Board of Directors; Dr. S. A. Tigner, Member of the Board; Dr. J. L. Beeson. Acting President; Dean E. H. Scott; D-nn George H. Webber; Mr. L. S. Fowler, Bursar; Professor W. T. Wynn, Head of the Department of English; Miss Wynellc I, President of the Senior Class; ^len Jenkins, Prerident of the Junior Class; Miss Catherine Allen, ,f the Sophomore Class. Floral oferings were sent by the ird of Directors and by the ulty of the College. Georgia and p-'S.sibly the entire; south cen boast of. He issues the. Mi*. Maybcllr Bridwell clarion * 11 for every citizen to co-J Toomsboro business and civic life operate and make this town and | j„ represented in the person of county go forward as she has never Misw Maybille Bridwell, who besides gone before, for in such <■..-operation j ot j, r activities, hus the agency for is th< power that underlies all civic} the* Chevrolet cars in that section, progress and development. | she it> well acquainted with the sort The entire gi*t and key not of, D f xvork necessary in the Treasure the article is t«» devis.* plans for i Trove Hunt and her many friends the celebration of the completion of j w i, 0 persuaded her to join are cer- To The General Public -and Patron; the paving of tne streets of our city, j tain that her personality backed up J of The Mill'dgevillo Railway Co:- These stmts, who bear the names of I j,y real endeavor will produce fine | The schedules on the Millcdgeville illuKriou- men whose nnmes have \ r .suits. I Railway between Milledgcville and been written through the pages of ‘ history as great, planned und laid Mia* Alma Garrard out by our forefatht rs, have been I The very first member to join the given additional beauty and charm Treasure Hunt was Miss Alma Gar- with the new paving and it does. ra id, daughter of W. II. Garrard, who seem that no greater opportunity has r r jj C8 al Devereux. She has been ever presented its; If for Milledge- i n work of this kind before and rea- ville to really celebrate. ] Uze :t that hard consistent effort is the paving a theme necessary for the best results. Miss Garrard has the active support of communities including Linton • “boosting” for her big suc- the State Sanitarium reduced from ten round trips to six per day, be ginning Wednrwlay, Feb. 15th, by order of the Georgia Public Service Commission. GEO. H. TUNNELL, Gen. Mgr. Avd. for r.o end of gaiety and i A spring carnival equal to that of Mardi Gras or the Riose Festival w-ould nat he over doing the occasion. Dr. Tigner has lifted the lid and issu ed the call. It should be planned, talked about, and carried into comple- Out of such an occasion can cer tainly grow the greatest spirit of en thusiasm, cooperation, and determi nation. We are building a city hero, What will you do to tell the world about it? RAPIDLY CHANGING Farming methods are rapidly changing from the mule and small plow to tractors .and modem equip ment as diversified farming replaces the old one crop system. Last Thursday the demonstration of the Karmall tractor by Mr. O .M. Ennis convincingly proved the use- fullni-ss and practicability of the tractor ir-fbod of farming. Modem farming demand:: efficiency and speed that the old methods are un able to give, so the agricultural inter est in :hl# and neighboring counties have entered into a new era and the change will come rapidly. Th* demonstration Thursday w convincing proof as to the usefullne of this machine. Its labor savii ability a, w’.i us speed and low cost of upk *ep make it an ideal addition for any farm. Gardi Mrs. O. L. Tanner Mrs. O. L. Tanner has been a resi dent of Millrdgeville /or many years and has countlctt* friends both in the city and the surrounding coun try-side. Her husband has been in ill health for several years, being confined to his bed constantly. Mrs. Tanner has a host of worthy friends •ho will be determined to make very possible effort to bring her to ie front before the prizes arc warded on March 24th. Ev, old Miss Arnold makes her home with her aged mother about two miles south of Devereux where the family residence has heen located for many generations. Mis# Arnold was a school teacher for a number of years and is enedared in the hearts of hundreds who have known her all her life. Her late father was Mr. M. Arnold and the Union R corder has been going to the old home every week for over fifty years. Mi. irl Lir old Watkins is always pleased to r you. Two pounds of satisfactioi CHANDLER BROS. RESOL UTIONS OF SYMPATHY | Whereas God in His infinite wis-J dom has .-»*. n fit to take froin our. midst Mr. Benj. Bass, a most beloved and useful citizen; Resolved: that we i of the Methodist Sunday School deep-1 ly sympathize with Mrs. Bass and family in this bereavement, and fully appreciate their faithfulness to the 'Sunday School and the work of the church. Resolved; that a copy of thi# be Miss Pearl Lingold is the daughtt of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lingold who reside on Rural Route One of Millcdgeville. Miss Pearl is one of the most popular young ladies in h r community and has been most successful as president of the Ep- worth League of the Oak Grove Methodist church. Her many friends lives wish her tbs bent in sure Hunt work and will do 10.000 Young laland Csbbs ml. coming. Alslo Onion Sets ai Seed of all kinds at CHANDLER BROS. The Chevrolet touring of Mr. W. C. Fields, Tobacco exprrt, was stolen Monday evening from in front of the Baldwin Hotel, and was found Tues day evening in woods near Scotts- When found the abandoned car had been stripped of its tires. Emerging from the first big I. A. A. game of the season in l.dgeville, with a victory over Monroe Aggie* Coach Slap Rentz and his cadet engers have taken new lease on life and arc primed for the wi ek end games with the Clem- son Freshmen Thursday .and Locust grove Friday. Coach Rentz has had a disastrous beginning this season and it Wen difficult to get his team at form. Last we: k the line up changed nnd n new system of play 'farted which has brought the te to a higher degree of efficiency. The gam s Thursday and Friday nre scheduled for 8:15 in the Col lege Gym. her I to the family. MRS. MATTIE A. PIVINS MRS. RICHARD BINION MRS. EUGENE STEMBRIDGE Committee. CARD OF APPRECIATION Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bloodworth c tend their sincere thanks to all th< friends and neighbors, who show them aid and sympathy during the illness, ard death of their baby. They will always rtfaember the kindness extended them. Oar Royal Scarlet Coffee mlwi • dallciou » driak—Also otkar lin Rayal ScaHot goads of tmmrm liS y**'* liaaaff* CHANDLER BROS. HOWARD HALL Howard Hall ir. the newest in* niber the Hunt having joined just yes- tiny. He will probably give a id account of himself in this work. 1 his friends will be watching the standing next w ek with the hope of finding him in a leading position. • with Buck P-ll. 10.000 Young Island Cabbagt Plants coming. Alslo Onion Sets ant Garden Seed of all kinds at CHANDLER BROS. STRAYED—From my place obi black skoal with foar wkite feat, ..and white face. Weight from 75 to 100 lbs. Return to J. T. English, .Route 6, and get reward. MILLEDCEVILLE, Ga.. Feb. 1. A. Rogers, widely known Bald- n countian who is -a candidate for k collector subject to the Feb ruary primary, is silent on the ac tion of the county Democratic ex ecutive committee last week that had been interpreted by his friends re as detrimental to his interests. In a statment issued from his home Hardwick today, Mr. Rogers declared that he has “no criticism nor comment to make” on the action of ommittee, and that any state- made by friends purporting to speak for him was without authority. The entry list for candidates had closed over two weeks ago, with only Mr. Roger# and the incumbent, Benjamin Bass, qualified to run for tax collector. Mr. Bass died sud denly last Saturday morning and at noon the committee met atjd declar ed the list open until February 4 for further entries. Immediately after this meeting friends of Mr. Rogers termed the unfair to him and intimat ed that the matter would be carried before the state committee of necces- sury for satisfactory adjustment. Re ports to this effect were sent to the of the state, but this was with out the knowledge or consent of Mr. Rogers, h c says in his statement. of mules, GREATER VALUES! “=i Foods of National Reputation and loo) fane, 10M it price* (kit repreient genniaely good values! Every where womea are shoppiag with the entire coafldeoce that every item A&P offert is absolutely of the finest quality aad guar anteed! We have wonderful special* for the week-end, on items not listed in this ad. Visit us Friday afternoon end Saturday so that you may take advantage of our super-values. M. Ena HIGHEST QUALITY PECAN TREES—STUART SCHLEY Fire lo Sis r.cl 60c. Sm. 70c. Eiakl lo too foci SOc. Soli.- faction G» -antesd. Millcdgeville SW1F1S JEWEL LAKD ‘"Tk $1.24 TOILET PAPE urgent Sc cirri cc SWEET MIXED rlLMJjJ quart jar 29c Sff POTATOES 12c LETTUCE FANCY HEAD 10c CABBAGE FANCY LB 4c FAT CV MACKERL URGE SIZE EACH 15c - FI.OUK - A&P $1,25 IONA mc $1.05 PEANUT GUTTER bulk per pound 17c WASHING POWDER < 15c LYE HOMINY gESSTT 27c TC » NECTAR ORANGE PEK0 1-4 LB. PKGE 1 C ~ 1 CA SERVE HOT 0CCASI0NALY ORANGE PERK0 1JL BLEND IS SO REFRESHING VCTrillTD A&p RICH TOMATO RLlUlUr 14 0Z. BOTTLE 19c 80U0CK COFFEE » 35c ENDORSED BY THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INSTITUTE N. Y. STATE FULL CREAM | ELGIN CREAMERY CHEESE “• 34c' 1 BUTTER “ 53c of administration, upon the estate of Robert L. Renfroe, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of the said Robert L. Ren- froc, deceased, that said application will be heard before me at the regu lar March Tearm, 1028 of the court of Ordinary of Baldwin County, Witness my hand and Official Signa ture, This the 6th day of February 1928. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary B. C. Ga. Nursery C< i-26-28 5t. LAST CALL—Set Ask for catalogue, J. 2-2-28 4t. CITATION Mrs. T. J. Wall, formerly Mrs. W. 11. L. onard, guardian of Alvin H. Leonard and Emory S. Leonard has applied to roe for a discharge from I her guardianship of Alvin II. Leon- ard nnd Emory S. Leonard, thiy is, there is therefore to notify all per- I orna- j ro ns concerned to file their objec ts lost. ; t’ons, if any they have, on or before Wight, the first Monday in March, 1928 ! next, else she will be discharged from her guardianship as applied | for CARD OF THANKS with heartfelt npprecnitioj that wo thank the hundreds of friend: to were so kind and thoughtful I t}, ring our recent her. nvement. The | floral tributes and many expressions | tit pathy will always he re- J ni red by CITATION GEORGIA. Baldwin County. I Wher.as, J. T. Bloodworth, Execu-j tor of the last *will of Miss D. E. • Bloodworth, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ndminis- GEORGIA Baldwin County, tvred ssid ..tatc: This i, therefore j By virtue of an ordtr of the court to cite all persons concern:d. kindred of Ordinary of Baldwin County, and creditor* to show cause, if any granted upon the application of L. ADVERTISEMENT FOR ADMIN ISTRATORS SALE estate of L. F. Palmers deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, there will be sold be fore the court house door, at public outcry to the highest bidder, in the City of Millcdgeville, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the Tuesday in March, as the property of the said deciased, the following de scribed lands, to wit: all that tract of land situated lying and being in the 115th District G. M. of said State and county, containing one hundred acres more or less, and be ing bounded as follows: On the North by the public road known as the Dixie Highway, on the East, by lands of J. W. Torrance, on the South by 1 .ids of the estate of Mrs. L. F. Palmer, deceased. On the West by lands of C. W. Ennis, said tract of land being better known as the Joj Whitten tract. L. F. PALMER, JR. Administrator. WANTED—Small efficiency apart ment—Bath, Bedroom, Kitchenette, furnished. For occupancy January 28th, 1928. Answer by latter care of this paper. Mr. Rainer. 1-29-28 2t. ell you ho- all that was done. Jngs be upon each of you. MRS. LILLIAN P. BASS NEWELL BASS cannot find i March 1028, re appreciate j This Feb. God’s richest y can, why Executor should discharged from his administ n. and receive L. tters of Dis- first Monday WANTED—A foi aid-rnse for whit F. Palmer, Jr., administrator of Mrs. Susie Palmer dt ceased. Late of said ounty to sell the lands of the said Mrs. Susie Palmer deceasid. for the purpose of paying debts and distribu tion, there will b c sold before the court house door at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in the City of Mil- ORDINARY’S CITATION 'l.dgeville, Ga., between the legal GEORGIA, Baldwin County; ' hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in To All Whom It May Concern, March, 1028, as the property of said C. I. Blizzard having in due form descased. the flowing described applied to me for p.rmanent letter lands to wit: One hundred acres more or less, situate lying and b ing in the 115th District G. M. and bound ed as follows, on the North by land# of the estate of L. F. Pal mer, Sr., deceased, on the East by lands of J. W. Torrance, on the South by lands of Jess Simimrson, on the West by lands of W. P. Ennis. L. F. PALMER, JR. Administrator. FOR SALE—oua registered male pit bull terrier pup, 6 months sli Phono S4S. SPECIAL. As Long as It Lasts 3 PKG. KOTEX For 98c. FRALEY’S PHARMACY LAND SALE GEORGIA Baldwin County, By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of Baldwin County, granted upon the application of L. F. Palmer, Jr., as administrator of tbs MARK EVERY GRAVE Why pa) exborbitut prices for your monumental work to agents and other* wken yon can buy direct from the mum- facturers and quarries in the famous Elberton blue and Wint- boro granite. If interested fill ont coupon which will place yon under no obligations and bring yon facts. W. L CHANDLER Greeasboro, Georgia. tear Sir:- I am interested in Monuments Slab 1 wish to invest $ Name Addram-