Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 08, 1928, Image 5

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V UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEV1LLE, C»„ MARCH «, 1S2# 'jedges josh ,ivh could bo »een. m despair with thoughts „ many dollars, found a laundry where ,• teeth in collars. Of Th« maN- -Is the London fog avfully heavy?” |fr: “Terrible.” [low do the vehicles Ret r “Well, the first one utinel which all the follow- pa*- through.” a certain zoologi- on holiday. He re- ■„m his assistant: e is sick. He ap- r a companion. We d'm't know what to do pending your •aniens [tdering ‘Whither away, stranger? What ildst?” cherriocd St. Peter, as the ,cd over the pearly Rates. Go-h, let me in,” muttered the soul of convict No. 991) d, “I just had the shcok »f my life.” The best vegetable soup iw usually made with vegetables. It is still posible to secure whiskey n the United States. Michelangelo was not the inven tor of golf knickers. If a piece of burning wood three inches long be dropped into a fifty [Hiund box of dynamite, there w ill be It i wo hundred and twenty miles Indiana to a point two ii twenty miles away from himself with i afety ARTISTS’ MODEL INHERITS HALF A MILLION WONT QUIT WORK Philadelphia, Pa.—Peggy Burns, pretty artists’ model, gets a real birth day surpiise, as she reaches age of 21. Visiting her home in Washington, Pa., she learned that her grand father. Michael J. Burns, who diod 7 years ago had willed to her over SS500.000. She said her new found wealth would not turn her head u.id that she would continue to work. BLIND FOR 30 YEARS. WOMAN. 70, REGAINS SIGHT Cartersvillc, Ind.—After 30 years of blindness, Mrs. Carie Sillery, sev enty years old, sees again. Awak ening from a nap, Mrs. Sillery, who lives on a farm, suddenly began to depict various objects in the room. The enuse has baffled physicians. “TALKING DOG" PRONOUNCES WORDS QUITE PLAINLY Bostton, Mass.—Mrs. Mabel A. Robinson of Bangor. Maine, startled expert** at the Boston Dog Show when she exhibited a real talking dog. While most talking dogs speak noth ing more than a series of noises, “Princess Jacqueline,” Mrs. Robin son’s prize bull, can pronounce words quite plainly. DEMAND GENUINE CHEVROLET L. N. JORDAN their hair in the middle. George Washington did not enlist in the last war. A clergyman gave out the hymn, “I Love to Steal Awhile Away,” and the deacon, who lead the sing ing began: “I love to steal—" but found he had pitched the note too high. Again he began. “I love to steal,” but this time it was too low. Once more he tried: “1 love to steal—” and again got the pitch wrong. After the third failure the min ister said: “Observing our brother’s propensities, let us pray.” Imps FARM ANIMALS ASSIST | IN RADIO PROGRAM g Stillwater, Okla.—In his radio talk j S to farmers. Carl P. Thompson of the o Annual Husbandry Dept, at the Ok-1 9 lahoma A and M College enlist .< help of his oarnyard friends. As Thompson speaks over the Radio, he frequently use** pigs, cal ves and lamb.* in the college radio program. Tucson, Arizonn—Mrs. Eva Dugan who at fifty, is awaiting execution for the murder of A. J. (Mnthi-, rancher. She is the first woman to face the gallows in Arizona. The New Store n estimated that 9,721 e lost every year, ing from the Rock of ' drown if he is unable d youth (thro\ Jfood hour:wife it is self to his knees): Light of my lift Light of my existence! Light of- >ken i The lady: "Aw, douse the glim- • mer kid, and while you’re down there part | will you buckle my galoshi s. FORECLOSURE The Millodgeville Banking Co. Vs. George T. Bnilely To the defendant, George T. Bailiy: Petition to foreclose mortgage on realty, rule nisi, etc. Baldwin Superior Court, January Term, 1928. The plaintiff, The Millodgeville Banking Company, having filed its petition, to foreclose a mortgage on realty on certain lands in Baldwin J County, Georgia, against George T. 1 Bailey, in this Court, returnable to this Term of the Court, nnd it being made to appear that George T. Bailey is not a resident of said county of Baldwin, and also that he docs not reside within the State, and an order having been made for service of the rule nisi in said caws, on him. the said George T. Bailey, by publication this, therefore is to notify you, George T. Bailey, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Baldwin county, Georgia tc be held on the 2nd, Monday in July 1928, then and there to answer sail complaint and in default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable Jnmes B Park, Judge of said court, this U J. C. COOPER. Clerk Superior Court ' Baldwin County, Georgia. 1 Our (tore lus been remodeled tad New Coeds an arriving every day. If it is something far ■ nan or bey we have it, Rat the highest price, bat quality always. DODGE DELUXE SEDAN FOR SALE Honest to goodnei* people, I have X never offered * betf r buy in ten V years than this Sedan, if you want to •!■ ride one the other fellows deprccia- ?. Hen this is you chance. Rid while g you pay plan. O L. N. JORDAN - John Holloway Clothing for Men and Boys y L’S MORE THAN 50 NEW Spring Dresses Festering all tbe new colon. Please do aot miss tbe nines. See for ourself, something yon knee never seen before. Values unequalled for style and quality, regardless of where yon go. $26.75 AND $39.75 MORE THAN FIFTY Brand New Coats Just received, for Spring. They come in Kasha doth, Tweeds end Charmeen— Some are fur-trimmed, in all the fashion favored materials and colors. Your choice ol these attractively priced coats mostly itraightnes, revealing all the newness for the coming season. New Dresses * $16.75 - $26.75 o T FOR SPECIAL SALE : The styles are something different. The colors are mostly bright Plain colors and printed Silks, Georg ettes and Crepes, made by the leading manufactur ers in New York City—Co-Ed and Silver Fox. Special Sale price $10.75 and $16.75 SPECIAL SALE LADIES’ HOSE SATURDAY THE LAST DAY FOR ONE WEEK ONLY * These Special « Onyx Pointex Prices NEW PRINTED WASH FABRICS O A woman never ceuiden her Summer wardrobe H ct ™P | ete with oot plenty of waih froclu. The 11 trac-i” 8 * 41111 ^“ ign ' “* ■***> “* rtrf ,l * XOl 21c to 41c If you Want the Best Shop at E . E . BELL’S SALE MEN’S FINE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Ii Mesldy white, and without coBara, the eelebrat- II od Commodore, made te >eB far |2 H Oar 5 Special Sale price « IMft