Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 22, 1928, Image 12

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T UNION RECORDER, MILLLPGEVIU.E. GA., MARCH Rt, IRM * LEE’S Pre-Easter Sale A Colorful Array of Beautiful New Things For KINKLE SPREADS KNIT TEDDIES Spring and Easter. The time is short and our 81x90 in a good quality. Fait 48c valoe good quality. Pre- Easter Special 39c stock is so wonderfully appealing, we are offer- colors Pre-Easter Special ine thrifty shoppers another wonderful buying $1.00 opportunity as Lee can only give. BUY NOW! Sport Satins h Ike pastel shades. Fine for sKps aad K|t|«, a 98c valae. Special 79c 9-4 BROWN SHEETING Heavy qaality, 48c valae. Special 39c Read Every word of this ad and then come buy. 40 IN CREPE-DE-CHINE Heavy weight. fast colors ia the pastel shades, $1.50 valae. Special $1.29 UDIES’ NIGHT GOWNS Hand aade Japanese (owns. Specially priced at 89c CELENESE SILKS KRINKLE SPREADS Everfasi prated LINENS ffi rn«E VOILS IMPORTED CHIFFON Ideal far sips, it doesa’t crawl. Pre-Easter Special Raae, Urn aad gold ia a hitter qaality, fail colon Colon abtohrtriy gaaraatecd. $1.25 nine. Special la aB the popriar Kght shades, fait calm. Special priced Voiles, a al the Kght Andes 4k vatu $1.25 $1.48 98c 89c 39c Dress Goods Chamag materials that wiB sake the prettiest of frocks far sprag and saaaer wear. Materials fa every type dress in a ran|e of colors and detips that wfll fa ash inaaorahle sag gestioas fa saaitly adividnal aodels. Now is the tiae to plan yea wardrobe. MARILLYN CREPES—k a heantdri assertaeat of colors, heavy weifht. fnaranteed waskable, $3.50 vaW. Special $2.95 EPES—la the seat $1.98 NEW FIGURED CREPES—la the seasons best shades. Fast colors SILK RADIUM—Larfe aaatawnt of colors in the G|ller 98c ENGLISH PRINTS 29c W1NS0RPR1NTS Many pattens, OC. gmraateed fast Call ENGLISH BROADCLOTH garanteed fast. Special priced 25c FIGURED BATISTE Special priced . -“29c SOLID TOILS Lj r*s,t£\£25c THE NEW MODES FOR SPRING Celerfnl springtime fashions are here—new and alhirinf fash- ieas a dresses, sails and coats. A varied ud coJarfsi collection, with every new style tendency. There ere aodels far every womu from the jay Bttle flapper t# the mart matron and the prices are so wonderfuBy sppeakaf. Aid in variety of aaterials, colon, ud styles—ia qaality, workaaaihip aad psice this ceflectiu is incomparable. ONE RACK OF CREPE-DE-CHINE—Prated crepes and prated pongees. Specially priced $4.95 A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF GEORGETTES—Flat aad prated crepes. Special $9.95 ONE RACK OF THE SPRINGS MOST WONDERFUL MODELS IN GEORGETTES—Flat ud printed crepes, seae sntsaMei $14.95 Hosiery AD the new ski let in sheer at Irma and heavy weight hose Chiffon aad clear sdk. Seae have fancy heck, wUe ethers depend on their lovely textare aad colaring far their kitty. JAY-DE-KAY—la >8 the new spring shades ud fahaas. The best veJoe at $1.79 u the Basket Special $1.50 ARROW-HEAD—Al silk hose, psatsx keek Special 98c CHILDRENS’ SILK SOX—la the Eght ihadac. Special 48c SEE OUR PRICES ON A FEW SPRING COATS Newest Spring Footwear This store is ready to serve yea seeds ia the newest spring footwear. Once again we demonstrate our leadership ia «p-to-the se oment styles sad dowa-to-the-rock-hottoa values. ONE TABLE PATENTS—Setias and kids in spike, aiKtary and low keels. Specialy priced $1.98 ONE TABLE PATENTS—Tan aad satins ia straps ud oxfords, spike and military heels. Special $2.98 PATENTS STRAPS AND PUMPS—la spike and military lueb, aaseu newest lasts $4.95 and up SEE OUR GREAT SCOTT SHOES AND SUPPERS FOR THE CHILDREN WORK SHIRTS DENIM OVERALLS EJSSSa made. Special V 1 ’ CUIDTC White Eagfah Brnaddetk Shirts. *1 AO JlUIUd Specially priced $1.40 DRESS SHIRTS WHh r patterns, fast caters. Special ,98c lOttAATMCNT