Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 29, 1928, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEV1LLE. CA., MARCH 2t, ll|| INFORMATION WANTED ed term of hte late Benj. Bas®. - ject to the election as called by ■ incident tj;at happened j Ordinary for April 11th. he spring of 1818, dur- I will appreciate your support a fluencc. Sincerely, L. D. SMITH. INHERITED KNOWLODGE. DRIFTING FROM RELIGION. THE UNEMPLOYMENT CRISIS. CALIFORNIA'S GOOD ROADS. Mr. T. Frederick Davis, 802 Lyr Building, Jacksonville, Fla., who setting up data for a historical count of in Florida ir.g Gen Andr* w Jackson's campaign j against the Indians. Duncan McKimmon, was c.ptured by the Indians and was about to be sacrificed, when an Indian girl by 1 e nam? of Milly Francis interceded ’ d saved him. McKrimraon was a Georgia Militia-[ from Milledgeville, and Mr.. ANNOUNCEMENT I of Wesley Moran, decesased, which I wish to announce as a candidate purchased by W. W. Moran, the for Tax Collector to fill the un-expir- cantor of this instrument, and be- NOTICE ELECTION STATE OF GEORGIA. Baldwin County. Order calling election for Tax Col- Men. are interested in animal genealogies. Ants, wasps and other insects have developed marvelous in herited knowledge, which we foolish ly call "instinct,” because they were millions of years before men came. Science shows that men will con tinue on earth, barring catastrophe, at least 1U0.000.000 years more. Some day babies will be born in heriting accumulated knowledge and they read this notice they ready t« attack new problems. That quested to write Mr. Dnvi •ould he glad to receiv information from any relative of Mc Kimmon or citizen of MilledgevilU- who might know of or have any rec ord of the incident, or whether they know anyone that does. As far as the Union Recorder known there are none of the descend ants of McKrimmon living in or around Milledgeville, or is there any one who knows any thing of the incident. If however, there should be and There being a vacancy in the office of Tax Collector of said State and County, caused by the death of B- njamin Bass, the Tax Collector of said State and County, and the un expired term of Benjamin Bass be ing more than six months: It iff ordered that an election be j held in said county for the purpose j' f electing n successor to the said | Benjamin Bass to hold office for the • unexpired term of the said Benj. . Bass, deceased, ind n--1 * s Ordered that said election be hisr* 6 ^ in ^ic voting precinct ing the same place whereon the said W. W. Moran resided. Said sale will be made for the pur pose of raising fund* to pay the fol lowing debts which the deed above mentioned was given to necure, to gether with the cost of this proceed- 1 the ings. to-wit: One note dated April < was granted. 3rd, due January 2, 1913, for $2,-1 Pa* - - 3. Petitioner says that there 401.IK. signed by W. W. Moran, and* have been no amendments to said payaLle to Exchange Bank of Mil- charter. .o the Court the folowing facts Par. 1. That your petitioner was duly incorporated for a period of twenty years under a charter grant ed by this Couri o nthe 20th day of July, 1908. Par. 2. That said charter was duly accepted and petitioner has operating its business under me since the date said charter will be t race worth while. address in above wen Read Pabre’s account of surgical received b; operations performed by mud wasps t Cline, that never saw father or mother, took — Jacksonville. The facts j MUI ' obtained from a letter 19 28, ■ Postmaster Hugh T. *’3' m »unty on the 11 day of April, which day is hereby appointed aw the time for holding said bori The Rev. Dr. Straton, in California to dtbate on evolution, sayw our people, youth espccialy, are drifting from religion and all respect for the laws of God or man. Our nation and race are threatened. He is sure of it. Some centuries ago earnest, well-meaning priests of Greece and Rome were saying the same thing. And when Christianity came along those ancients were sure tl FOR SALE:—15 Rhode I.I.nd Red e KK . for $1.00 if called for. Also Brahmas, and Rock*. Mrs. J. R. Goddard. 3-8-28 4t. ledgeville, Georgia, and to pay inter est on said note at eight per per annum from February 7, 1924; also to pay the undersigned $86.31, with interest on said sum at seven per cent per annum from February 7, 1924, the jam? bring the amount of taxes paid by the undersigned foi State and County taxes for the yeai 1921, which tax was a lien upon the property above d:scribed; also to pay the undersigned $114.14, with inter est on said sum at seven per cent, per annum from June 15, 1926, the same being the amount of tnne.v paid by the undersigned for State and County taxes for the year ,924, which tax was a lien upon the prop erty above described. The total amount due on the above d:sc ibed note, together with taxes paid by the undersigned, being $1,989.58. The undersigned will ex c - a deed to the purchaser, a.- au.:. ed | in said security deid. j This 6th day of March, 1928. aid j EXCHANGE BANK OF M1LLEDGE- It is Further Ordered that a of this election be published ii Union Recorder, the public gazt-1 said county, and at the court 1 of said county and at three or of the most public places of j county, twenty days previous to the j VILLE, GEORGIA. id day of election. Grantee. Witness my official signature this HINES & CARPENTER, ould built up automobile ownershir >s» California has done, there woulc ie sixty million instead of twenty our million automobiles* running in Other States might ing to the do| They iccording t for a mi i job. think that Oliver Wt* Supreme Court that the Cor.sl i stitution, i- »e He continues syi Big business says you must expo im-mploymcnt crises. They will ai k’ay.s recur. They said that onci bout financial panics, but the Fed- ral Reserve System ended them. Big business opposed th< h univrsally pra Big business is old and ag w ideas reluctantly. enty-eight years n forking, obeying not the destiny monument would The marvelous thing is that un employment is not worse. In the automobile industry today thirty- three men do ay much as 100 could do in 1914, thank to improved ma chinery and methods. Next yenr California will spend seventy-eight million dollars on good roads, and California has more good rouds than many other State already. In consequence, California leads in automobile ownership, which means family comfort. ward Justice Holmew if he could tell what the des iny of man really IS, how we got. here, whence Wc came, e | whither Wc go from here, what hap- I pens after we go. But about such questions a learned Supreme Court Justice knows at lit tle as an Eskimo watching for seals ! the i Sciei • hole. id rcligic and i If o her States, with good roads, Religion gives pc remain separate. Science gradually reveals to men that which they can explain and understand. Religion, which changes as men's civilization changes, represents the effort to know and understand that which men can never know or understand. Reli gion, destined to remain a matter of faith, never to be proved, is at least as important as science. Science gives knowledge, safety and wealth. • ecu* line..., >**•** i i V ' C * /J Z thl Buick Style Show Showinq America's Smartest ^Motor Car Creations R 7Wm>—S| vie Week » .evil., loves llie new a « plans t» buy a nr most liikurious upliolsU And all are months ahead of the i iw, dashing lines, low without uin in or road-clcaraner. to attend this most beautiful da>—and the irk body. nifirent Stvle Show! r ear creations of the durable, defirnflubl*) .ml ribratiunles* of cars as well. Coma any day or evening during the nest seven days. A cordial welcome awaits j ua. OpenlnqTodaif RALPH SIMMERSON MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA. 15th day of March, 1928. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin Co. Ga. Attorney’s for Exchange Bank. LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County: Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt, executed by Mary E. Reevs to Exchange Bank of Milledgeville Geor gia, on the 16th day of July, 1927, the undersigned will sell, at public out-cry, before the Court Hous.- door in said County, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the 3rd day of April. 1928. the following described parcel of land, to-wit: All that lot or parcel of land situ ate. lying and being in the City of Milledgeville, said State nnd County, containing one-fourth <l-4> of an ncre, more or less, bounded as fol lows: On the North by lands of R. I.. Wall; on the East by Wayne Street: on the South by lands of Olivia Jordan: and on the West by lands of Rachel King. Said lot or parcel of land is the same land conveyed by Eugene Brant- ly to Geraldine Bell, by deed dated March 21st, 1924, recorded in the of fice of the Clerk of said County in Book of Deeds No. 8. page 436 and by Geraldine Bell conveyed to Mary Eliza Reeves, the Grantor herein, by Deed dated June 28th, 1927. Re ference is made to said Deeds in aid of the description hen in given. Said sale will be made for the purpose of raising funds to pay the following described note, which the deed above mentioned was given to secure, together with the cost of this preceding, to-wit: One note dated July 16th, 1927, due October 22nd, 1927, for $160.00, signed by Mary E. R: eves, and payable to Exchange Bank of Milledgeville, Georgia its order, tnd to pay accrued interest on said note. There iy now due on said note the sum of $160.00 princi pal, besides interest thereon from February 19th, 1928 at eight per cent per annum. The undersigned will execute deed to the purchaser as authorized in said security deed. This 6th day of March, 1928. EXCHANGE BANK OF M1LLEDGE- \ II.E, GEORGIA. Grantee. HINES & CARPENTER. Attorneys* for Exchange Bank. FORECLOSURE The Milledgeville Banking Co. Vs. George T. Builely To the defendant, George T. Bailey: Petition to foreclose mortgage on realty, rule nisi, etc. Baldwin Superior Court, January Ten 1928 LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County Under and by virtue of of sale, contained in a deed t a debt, i xecuted by W. W. Moran to Exchange Bank of Milledgeville, Georgia, on the 3rd day of April, 1912, the und.rsigned will sell, at public out-cry, before the Court House door in the County of Baldwin, said State, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the 3rd day of April, 1928, the following described land, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate and being in the 105th Dis trict, G. M., said State and Coun- ! ty. and bounded as follows: On the j North by lands of Mrs. Annie Moran; j South by lands of Leonard Butts, | and Estate of Mrs. Margaret Croley; i on the East bl lands of J. W. Champ- Ii°n nnd J- W. Vinson; and on the West by lands of Mrs. Annie Moran. Said tract or parcel of land said to The plaintiff. The Milledgeville Bat.king Company, having filed its petition, to foreclose a mortgage or. realty on certain lands in Baldwin County, Georgia, against George T Bailey, in this Court, returnable to this Term of the Court, and it being made to appear that George T. Bailey is not a resident of said county of Baldwin, and also that he does not reside within the State, and an order having been made for service of the rule nisi in said case, on him, the said George T. Bailey, by publication this, therefore is to notify you, George T. Bailey, to be and appear at the nixt term of the Superior Court of Baldwin county, Georgia to be held on the 2nd, Monday in July, 1928, then nnd there to answer said complaint and in default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable James B. Park. Judge of said court, this 16 J. C. COOPER, Clerk Superior Court Baldwin County, Georgia. APPLICATION FOR YEARS SUPPORT GEORGIA Baldwin County. To Whom It May Concern. Mra Ada Cash, the vidou of J. A. Cash, late of said County, deceased, has applied to me for a year's support out of the estate of J. A. Cash, and the appraisers .appointed to set apart said years support out of the estate of J. A. Cash have made their return ns required by low, all persons con cerned are cited to show cause if any they have, before me at the April Term 1928, of the court of Par. 4. Petitioner desires a re newal of it shbid charter for a period of twenty years from the date of its expiration, to-wit: From July 20th, 1928. Par. 5. Petitioner further says that it desires that the name of the corporation be changed from “OCONEE BRICK & TILE COM PANY” to “OCONEE CLAY PRO DUCTS OMPANY" and that said corporation be granted the further right to either lease or mortgage, or to lease and mortgage, its property, real and personal, and its franchises, nnd to execute conveyances appropri ate to such purpones. Par. 6. Petitioner shows that this application for renewal of its charter, l Milledgevile, Superior Court of ComZT by certify thet the fore f „i„„ true and corect copy 0 f the * ** * tion of Oconee Brick 4 Til.' 1 ^"*' pany for renewal of it, chan,, ' amendments thereto, »■, th, . ' ,r ‘* in*. 0 «f This 27th day of December, u,- FRANK BONE Secretary of Oconee Brick 4 Til. pears of file in this office. This 15th day of March, 192a J. C. COOPER, Clerk Superior Conn. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA, Baldwin County To the Superior Court of mid Cou „ The petition of Russell Bone ||„ Henrietta C. Bone, and L. S. Fowl,, of said State and County respectful!, 1 the amendments thereto, herein prayed, has been duly authorized by proper corporate action, as appears from a certified atstrac from the Minutes of a special meeting of its stockholders, said abstract being here to attached, marked “Exhibit A”, and by thiy reference, made a part of this petition. Wherefore petitioner prays: First: That the charter of the said Par. 1. That they des,re f 0 , themselves, their associatc-u and « Ut cossors, to bo incorporated and marb a body politic under the name and style of Universal Tile Corporator Of America for aperiod of twentr years. Par. 2. The principal office ,< sair Corporation shall be in the City the State and County aforesaid, but petitioners de. sire the right to establish branch offices and places of business within this State, or els: where. Par. 3. The object of said corpo- ration is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholders. Par. 4. The business to be carried on by said corpora ion is to manu- facture, sell, and deal in brick, tile, pipe, pottery, enrthernware, terra- corporation be renewed for a period cfttta * c,a Y product* and wares, ar.d of twenty years from July 20th, |° . carry on an >’ trade or busmen 1928, and that said corporation have inc ' donta l thereto or in connection all the rights, powers, privileges and ‘^erewltl*; to apply for obtain, regi- immunities by virtue of said renewal. ter ; P urch ase, or otherwise ac- as are conferred upon original charter, togethe right to renew said ehar.i expiration of the renewal for, and that in addition t< rights, powers, ar.d privilege! rl upon said corporation b rith the fter the quire any concessions, rights, options, pntents, privileges, patent rights and privileges, inventions, improvement! ard processes, copyrights, trademark!, and trade names, or any right, or*ioa or contract in relation thereto and :n perform, carry out nnd fulfill the oricinnl charter, that it have the richt ttrms ani1 «™ditlon» thereof, ami » property, real develop, maintain, lease, sell pose of, and otherwise deal with • part veyances appropriate to execute cr to such purpo: Second: That the name of the corporation be changed from “OCONEE BRICK & TILE COM PANY" to "OCONEE CLAY PRO DUCTS COMPANY.” HINES & CARPENTER Attorneys for Petitioner. ABSTRACT FROM MINUTES of the ; and personal, and its franchises, and pame; to acquire all ■ of the business, assets and liabilhiw of any person, firm, association or corporation in connection therewith: nnd to take, acquire, purchase, hold, own, rent, lease, sell, exchange, mort gage or otherwise incumber, improve, develop and otherwise deal in and dispose of any nnd all property, ml and personal, of every description incidental to or capable of being used in connection with the aforesaid business or any of them. . ~ Par. 6. The capital stock of said a s P t * ru metving of the stock- corporation shnll be Fifteen Thous- holders of Oconee Brick & Tile Com- and (15,000.00) Dollars, with the panv. held m accordance with the law privilege „f increasing the we t ami the by-laws of the corporation at the sum nf Thirtv Thousand ($50, the principal office of the corpora- 0 00.) Dollars bv a majority vote of e Jf,, 1 . P '“ nt N ’° *' ln thc Ci ‘y (he stockholders, said stock to be of Milledgeville Georgia, at nine divided into shares of One Hundred o clock A, M„ on the 27th day of ($100.00) Dolalrs each. Ten per cent December. 1927, the following pre- „f the „ f the capital to le amble and resolution was unanimous- employed by them has been actual!) ly adopted, all the stockholders of p a j d said corporation voting in person or Par. (5. Petitioners desire FF™** ‘ right to have subscriptions to thc U herons, the original charter of capital stock of soid corporation paid Oconee Brick 4 Tile Company will in money or in property to be takes expire, by lim.tation, on July 20th, at a fair valuation. Un ^ I ** ar ' 7 * Petitioners farther desire whercas, th eCompany desires a ; the right to issue common and pr» renewal of ,ts charter for a period of fered stock in such proportion i twenty years from the 20th day of; stockholders may determine. U _J’ ant * _ I rights of the holders of the preferred orea®, the Company desires an <£ock to be set forth and determined amendment to the charter changing | by the by-laws adopted by the cor- the name of the corporation from, poration. However, the holders of “Oconee Brick & Tile Company" to; said preferred stock shall not be Oconee Clay Products Company" titled to participate in the marngo- and a further amendments to its said Ordinary of said county why said ap-»charter to authorize the corporation plication for year’s support should I *° cither lease or mortgage, or to not he granted. ! lease and mortgage, its property, real This the 5th, day of March 1928. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary, B. C. Ga. ORDINARY'S CITATION FOR PER. MANENT LETTER^ OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA Balwin Cunty, Court of Ordinary March Term 1928. To \\ hom It May Concern; R- H. McCnmb of said Statne, hav ing, in propir form applied for per manent letter* of administration on the estate of Mrs. Annie V. McComb late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Annie V. McComb, deceased, to be and ap pear at the court of Ordinary of said county, at the April term, 1928, and show cause if any they have or can, why permanent letters of admin istration should not be granted to said R. H. McComb on said estate, witness my official signature this the 4th day of March, 1928. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary, B. C. Ga. APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF CHARTER cut,*. _ -nto tain* th.t part o f th, .rtata Tiil'^C.' “ CtatTn, and personal, an dits franchises, nnd to execute conveyances appropriate to such purposes: t is therefore resolved that applica tion be made to the Superior Court of Baldwin County, Georgia, for renewal of said Charter for a period of twenty-years from July 20th, 1928 nnd that said application request amendmnets to the charter of thc corporation changing its name from “Oconee Brick & Tile Company" to “Oconee Clay Products Company," and authorizing the corporation to cither lease or mortgage, or to lease nnd mortgage, its property, real and personal, and its franchises and to execute conveyances appropriate to such purposes. It is further resolved that «« President of this Company be, and he is hereby, fully authorized and powered to take such steps as ...-, be necessary to secure the renewal and amendment of the charter in ae- cordanc with this resolution. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the pre- •rable and resolution adopted by the •tockholders of Oconee Brick A Tile Company at the above stated meet- Company and of the stockholders meeting of said Company. Exhibit A. ment of said corporation oi said stock in any stockholders meet ing. Par. the Petitioner* right to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have a common seal, to make all necessarv by-laws an drogulations aiid to do al! other things that may be necessan for the successful carrying business. Par. 9. Petitioners further desir* for said corporation the right of re newal, and that it have all such othfl rights, powers, privileges and i® 1 inunites as are incident to like c° f ' porations, or permissable under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore petitioners pray to incorporated under the name ® nli style aforesaid, with the power* privileges and immunities herein forth, and as arc now, or may hef^ after be, allowed a corporation ** similar character, under the law* ®‘ Georgia. HINES A CARPENTEl Attorneys for Petition GEORGIA, Baldwin County: I, J. C. Cooper, Clerk of *** Superior Court of said County, to* 1 ** by certify that the foregoing * * true and corect copy of the *??!**’ tion for charter of Univesal * Corporation of America as th* •PPear of file in this offic?- This 15th day of March. 19 2 * J. C .COOPER* Cleric Superior Cosrt